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Prediction of Important events for 2023.

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So we are in the New Year of 2023. What do you think are the important events of this New Year affecting thr whole world?

1 - Iranian revolution against a murderous brutal Islamic regime will succeed.

The revolution started last September after years of repression, discriminations, corruption by the regime, oppression, poor economy due to mismanagement, widespread corruption, international sanctions, imprisonments, executions, chain murders, assassinations' and brutal dictatorship by a totally unpopular illegitimate regime., 

The world and in particular the Middle East would become a much safer place to live, less terrorism, hatred and wars and more political and economic stability and improved economy as a result of Iranian revolution for everyone on earth.

Islam will be a less dominant force in Middle East as a result which means more democracy and prosperity for the region, however, Afghanistan will sink deeper in religious fanatism.

Iranian revolution will be the biggest and most welcome event of the decade.

2 - War in Ukraine ends.

The Russian military will be bugged down in Ukraine suffering heavy casualty and Putin will be forced to negotiate a peace settlement with Ukraine and Russian military will star evacuating the occupied Ukrainian land completely. Europe will be much more stable both economically and politically.

3 - Slow world economy in the first half of 2023 with high inflation and increasing unemployment but rapidly recovering economy in the second half as a result of Iranian revolution, peace in Europe both resulting in political and economic stability in the world.

4 - The Covid pandemic will end. End of pandemic this year will further accelerate world economy next year.

Edited by CITIZEN_2015
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  • CITIZEN_2015 changed the title to Prediction of Important events for 2023.

I think there will be an effort to replace the Covid scamdemic with something else.

What they call "Climate Change" would be my first guess but no, that won't work. Much as they'd like to they won't be able to sneak up on people with that one. Too many are getting wise to the "sky is falling" Bullshit. 

So not "climate change" but something they can connect to it...yeah, maybe.

My best guess would be a food shortage.

They've been doing their best to manufacture one for a number of years. The attack on GMO foods, now nitrogen fertilizers. Cow farts were supposedly a thing. We laughed. Then you couldn't afford a steak. The weekend roast became a thing of the past. But it was OK you could still afford Pork then pork chops were priced out of reach except for special times. Now it's Chicken. Soon it will be eggs. And dairy. And not to worry vegans, you're next. They'll connect all of it to what they'll still call "climate change." 

Are food processing plants still mysteriously catching fire? For a while they were becoming like a trailer park in a tornado. They seemed to be getting hit first.

Bill Gates has been buying up ranch and farmland. I don't think he's working it though. He seems more interested in manufacturing something some of us are starting to call "Frankenfoods."

So yeah a food shortage. If not this year, the next one. And somehow they'll blame global warming and it will be necessary to put the average guy under greater restrictions so they can monitor his carbon footprint. Something like the vaccine passport or the Chinese Social Credit system but for climate criminals.

Because that's what they do. They create a problem then they present themselves as having the solution. And the solution bends you over a chair and reams you.

You will own nothing and you will eat bugs. That's my prediction.


Edited by Infidel Dog
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I just saw one this morning that's kind of connected to the coming food shortage prediction.

Big food is able to manipulate public perception of foods so that we're to see unhealthy foods as healthy.

It's Big corporate forcing sugared manufactured foods down the public gullet right now but when Frankenfoods catch on that's what the practice will target. In fact Big Food's refined foods and Frankenfoods will become the same thing.


Edited by Infidel Dog
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And apparently Food Processing plants weren't just being sabotaged and destroyed in 2022.

They still are under attack.

I'm telling ya...you'll own nothing and you'll eat bugs. 

I heard another one. Not sure if I trust it though. The claim is Karl Schwab of the WEF is telling his followers to push Pedophilia. Apparently it's good for society in the long run. Victims are less likely to have children according to the guy I don't necessarily trust who says that's according to Karl.

You see the population needs to be controlled. There are too many people. There won't be enough food.

Cause "climate change."

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1. China will experience a devastating internal economic depression primarily due to their Rona policy...but not exclusively. The population in China will sporadically hold mass protests.

2. Biden will be forced to tighten the southern border. This will apply serious pressure on the Mexican power base, including the cartels, and will erupt in a civil war of sorts. Anarchy will result.

3. Biden will be forced to ease up on his war on fossil fuels. This will be brought on by a persistent recession. 

4. Europe will distance itself from the Ukraine war. The EU will further crack and be openly snubbed by most Central European nations.

5. NATO will be further weakened by it refusal to engage in Ukraine. 

6. Trudeau will face a vote of non-confidence. I'm not sure how he'll fair. I hope he gets the boot.

7. Russia will consolidate its forces in the independent eastern regions. They will continue to bomb Kiev and other cities in western Ukraine until finally, near the end of the year as the temperatures turn again, the Ukrainian people will demand an end to the war.

And finally

8. I will quit smoking cigarettes and manage to shoot under 100 on the golf course every time during the Spring, Summer and early Fall.

Edited by Nationalist
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2 hours ago, Infidel Dog said:

And apparently Food Processing plants weren't just being sabotaged and destroyed in 2022.

They still are under attack.

I'm telling ya...you'll own nothing and you'll eat bugs. 

I heard another one. Not sure if I trust it though. The claim is Karl Schwab of the WEF is telling his followers to push Pedophilia. Apparently it's good for society in the long run. Victims are less likely to have children according to the guy I don't necessarily trust who says that's according to Karl.

You see the population needs to be controlled. There are too many people. There won't be enough food.

Cause "climate change."

Yes that reminds me.

Karl Schwab and the WEF, need to be eliminated...marginalized...be dispensed with...

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4 hours ago, Infidel Dog said:

And apparently Food Processing plants weren't just being sabotaged and destroyed in 2022.

They still are under attack.

I'm telling ya...you'll own nothing and you'll eat bugs. 

I heard another one. Not sure if I trust it though. The claim is Karl Schwab of the WEF is telling his followers to push Pedophilia. Apparently it's good for society in the long run. Victims are less likely to have children according to the guy I don't necessarily trust who says that's according to Karl.

You see the population needs to be controlled. There are too many people. There won't be enough food.

Cause "climate change."

So this is the new conspiracy? I think Contrarian hit the nail on the head.

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It's more facts that attract attention.

A lot of food processing plants burned down or blew up. No evidence of sabotage. I've seen estimates of 100 in 2022.

Seems like a lot. Most likely great reset talk of coming food shortages have people looking, so every time a food processing plant catches fire or explodes it gets called attention too by some websites.

It seemed to be calming down. Then this recent one resparks interest. Food processing plants have gone up in smoke in previous years. It's possible that this year was more a case of increased attention making the destruction seem unusual.

Interesting though. My mind is open to being proved wrong by 2023. If the destruction of food processing plants increases that would perk my interest up like little bunny ears.

Edited by Infidel Dog
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13 hours ago, Infidel Dog said:

I just saw one this morning that's kind of connected to the coming food shortage prediction.

Big food is able to manipulate public perception of foods so that we're to see unhealthy foods as healthy.

It's Big corporate forcing sugared manufactured foods down the public gullet right now but when Frankenfoods catch on that's what the practice will target. In fact Big Food's refined foods and Frankenfoods will become the same thing.


Its the “left” that’s been trying to warn people about “big food” for decades, much to the anger of conservatives who have only tried to shut them up Remember documentaries like “Super Size Me”, the culture wars over things like trans fats, hormones in milk?

I’m not sure I follow your narrative of GMO food is good but the Big Food companies that make them are bad also some other bad guys are burning of big food processing plants  It all just sounds like jibberish


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4 hours ago, Nationalist said:

1. China will experience a devastating internal economic depression primarily due to their Rona policy...but not exclusively. The population in China will sporadically hold mass protests.

2. Biden will be forced to tighten the southern border. This will apply serious pressure on the Mexican power base, including the cartels, and will erupt in a civil war of sorts. Anarchy will result.

3. Biden will be forced to ease up on his war on fossil fuels. This will be brought on by a persistent recession. 

4. Europe will distance itself from the Ukraine war. The EU will further crack and be openly snubbed by most Central European nations.

5. NATO will be further weakened by it refusal to engage in Ukraine. 

6. Trudeau will face a vote of non-confidence. I'm not sure how he'll fair. I hope he gets the boot.

7. Russia will consolidate its forces in the independent eastern regions. They will continue to bomb Kiev and other cities in western Ukraine until finally, near the end of the year as the temperatures turn again, the Ukrainian people will demand an end to the war.

And finally

8. I will quit smoking cigarettes and manage to shoot under 100 on the golf course every time during the Spring, Summer and early Fall.

Sounds like a lot of wishful thinking! ?


So you’re now accepting that the mythical brutal Ukrainian winter that you’re been hoping would turn the tide in Russia’s favour is officially postponed for another year? And that Russia has no hope of actually winning the war or gaining the upper hand without such a thing?  Spoiler alert: Ukraine and the civilized world have a whole year to prepare for best winter while Russias failing economy and its poorly equipped  conscripts would be the ones suffering the most during a brutal winter

PS. There are no “independent Eastern Regions”.  They’ve been fully (and illegally) annexed by Russia, who now considers them part of Russian sovereign territory. They are not independent by anyone’s definition including Russia’s. 

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6 hours ago, BeaverFever said:

Its the “left” that’s been trying to warn people about “big food” for decades, much to the anger of conservatives who have only tried to shut them up Remember documentaries like “Super Size Me”, the culture wars over things like trans fats, hormones in milk?

I’m not sure I follow your narrative of GMO food is good but the Big Food companies that make them are bad also some other bad guys are burning of big food processing plants  It all just sounds like jibberish


Usually when I see the GMO good or bad debate pop up they start with Golden Rice. As I recall the claim is something like it's saved millions of lives or will. Vitamin A deficiency in poor countries or something like that.

Doesn't really matter.

My prediction of "you will own nothing and you will eat bugs," relies more on what global reset types have actually said regarding their plans and what they've done.

The rest are all interesting little sidebars and memes. Doesn't really matter if they're true or not. They pique interest. Then you start looking. Then you're surprised to learn what they're actually telling you about what they have planned.

Also if I'm honest my time frame of 2023 for my prediction is a hasty one. It's doubtful it can happen that fast. You'll see more interesting developments pop up regarding the possibility though.

Edited by Infidel Dog
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6 hours ago, BeaverFever said:

Sounds like a lot of wishful thinking! ?


So you’re now accepting that the mythical brutal Ukrainian winter that you’re been hoping would turn the tide in Russia’s favour is officially postponed for another year? And that Russia has no hope of actually winning the war or gaining the upper hand without such a thing?  Spoiler alert: Ukraine and the civilized world have a whole year to prepare for best winter while Russias failing economy and its poorly equipped  conscripts would be the ones suffering the most during a brutal winter

PS. There are no “independent Eastern Regions”.  They’ve been fully (and illegally) annexed by Russia, who now considers them part of Russian sovereign territory. They are not independent by anyone’s definition including Russia’s. 

That's one of the major differences between you and I Beave. You've picked sides in the war. I will not pick between either bad choice. Thus I live with reality and you live with wishful thinking.

On the other hand, I'm sure you'd score better on an SJW rating system.

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5 hours ago, Nationalist said:

That's one of the major differences between you and I Beave. You've picked sides in the war. I will not pick between either bad choice. Thus I live with reality and you live with wishful thinking.

On the other hand, I'm sure you'd score better on an SJW rating system.

You have definitely picked sides, you just don't have the balls to stand by it.

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19 hours ago, Nationalist said:

That's one of the major differences between you and I Beave. You've picked sides in the war. I will not pick between either bad choice. Thus I live with reality and you live with wishful thinking.

Hilarious, Putin puppet.

You have picked Putins side and are dreaming that he gets the win….To be fair it’s not unrealistic that you expect that even after another YEAR Russia would still be losing. But your hope that the weather is going to eventually save the day and win this war for Putin  is not realistic. The Ukrainians and the rest of the world have a whole year to prepare for next winter, which for all we know will be as mild as this one. Even if not, weather would be harder on the invading Russians, as the Ukrainian troops have home field advantage. 

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4 hours ago, BeaverFever said:

Hilarious, Putin puppet.

You have picked Putins side and are dreaming that he gets the win….To be fair it’s not unrealistic that you expect that even after another YEAR Russia would still be losing. But your hope that the weather is going to eventually save the day and win this war for Putin  is not realistic. The Ukrainians and the rest of the world have a whole year to prepare for next winter, which for all we know will be as mild as this one. Even if not, weather would be harder on the invading Russians, as the Ukrainian troops have home field advantage. 


Swing...and a miss.

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In 2023, there could well be some leader/regime changes.  It’s quite possible that Putin’s time will end.  The Ukraine war can’t be seen as anything else but a failure, and the Russian people have to be getting sick of it.  There have been rumours of drastic measures by Putin, as he tries to keep his enemies at bay.  

Biden won’t last the year.  Will this classified document embarrassment be the albatross that brings him down?  No.  But this kind of careless behaviour is obviously a way of life for him.  It could lead to more serious allegations.  And I think his party and the media in general are tiring of his dementia.  

Xi Jinping.  This could be his year as well.  It sounds like the people won’t stop protesting and rioting despite the regime’s various crack downs.  What started the riots was an apartment building that caught fire, apparently.  It was under lock down, so all of its entrance doors had been welded shut, and many people died.

North Korea.  Little rocket man is running out of options.  If his sugar daddy goes(Xi Jinping), change come also come to that pathetic regime as well.

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