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85.7% of Covid Deaths in Canada Were Among the Multi-Vaxed from Aug to Sept of 2022. Jabbing 85% of the Population Didn't Reduce Deaths

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1 hour ago, eyeball said:

No, the corruption Trudeau was investigated for was always his fault but I don't recall any charges, trial, conviction or punishment.

What a load of crap.  You pulled that shit the last 2 times we've talked about this.  And you CONSTANTLY blame harper and you constantly still support justin AND the ndp propping justin up.

You don't care about accountability - justin was found guilty, you were told and provided proof of that, AND proof the RCMP said a crime had been committed for sure but they thought maybe justin could give himself permission to commit a crime.

And you STILL support him and lie - pretending that he did nothing wrong at all.   Crime!?!? Waaah?!?  What crime could you possibly mean? There's no crime!! Justin's great!!"  Pffft.

You're a dishonest lying sac of crap and you always have been and you always will be.  You're just bitter that your leaders of choice have been shown to be horrific criminals and incompetents and it'll proably be a generation or two before anyone's stupid enough to believe in woke nonsense again.


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17 hours ago, Goddess said:

It seems like the ‘traditional’ vaccines don’t induce clotting in quite the same way as the LNP-spike-based products. So is it the LNPs? Or is it the spike?

Good question, maybe it's the reaction (inflammatory response) in susceptible individuals caused by the SP itself after being conveyed by the LNP's. Perhaps it occurs after repeated exposures "in the wild," something akin to repeated injections of insect venom in a person susceptible to such things.

Anyway, as I mentioned before, my day one (grade 13 biology) question was always about LNPs acting as the conveyer of a SP that was already deemed to be toxic. The very presence of LNPs in that context would have been sufficient for an otherwise quiet student to raise his hand and pose a hypothetical during  classroom discussions on the circulatory system. 

I haven't followed the discussion here (if I can call it that) much so I'm not sure if you've looked into the SV40  promoter and its possible effect on tumour resistance... apparently it binds to the P53 gene which itself suppresses tumour development. I only became interested in this particular bunny hole recently, after hearing people talk about "turbo cancer" and having acquaintances with aggressive forms of cancer being "too late for treatment" at the first presentation of symptoms.

I haven't had time to look into it much yet (too busy with construction stuff) but it's the discrepancy between what Health Canada is saying about it publicly and their internal interest in the subject that intrigues me a bit.

Anyway, as a complete aside, when it comes to trolling on this particular thread I would simply take these folks at their word when they say things like:

We post only to wind them up and...it works so good and is so easy and so much fun. LOL

I have no answers myself (just questions) and as a result of that  I'm more interested in the views of people who are actively searching for the truth than the doctrinal position of those who say they've already found it. Throw ridicule and sarcasm into the mix and the datalink stream (with me) gets instantly severed. As far as I'm concerned they can revert to "return home" programming on their own with my compliments. There's a UAV/UAS (aviation) reference for those so inclined.


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1 hour ago, Venandi said:

Good question, .......y and their internal interest in the subject that intrigues me a bit.

Anyway, as a complete aside, when it comes to trolling on this particular thread I would simply take these folks at their word when they say things like:

We post only to wind them up and...it works so good and is so easy and so much fun. LOL

I have no answers myself (just questions) and as a result of that  I'm more interested in the views of people who are actively searching for the truth than the doctrinal position of those who say they've already found it. Throw ridicule and sarcasm into the mix and the datalink stream (with me) gets instantly severed. As far as I'm concerned they can revert to "return home" programming on their own with my compliments. There's a UAV/UAS (aviation) reference for those so inclined.


If you did follow this thread from the beginning, you would then realize there are 4 or 5 posters that make up 95% of the posts here. All stroking each other and if and when you question or offer a different opinion you get severely chastised, sworn at and called names. There are many posts where the poster is quoting themselves to continue on with the blather LOl

If you are aware, as you seem to be, medications, drugs and vaccinations affect people in many ways. Some detrimentally and some effectively. Every drug has a long list of side effects. Such is the case with covid vaccines. This is incomprehensible with the several folks here and is worth chastising to those that see this. To demean the worlds governments that did what they could with the latest technology to hamper a world wide epidemic is not only foolish, it is without full understanding of the situation.

So this thread is not "the search for the truth" but the search for like minded.

Therefore, to be the devils advocate, some of us keep on keeping on and challenge most of that they try to convey.

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15 hours ago, Goddess said:

Everything I've posted - I've given the name of the experts, their qualifications, the studies that validate their views and I try to put the findings into layman's language.

I expect the same from you.

Ya, my sister was told to not take any more either.

By her doctor.

A lot of doctors are telling people not to take the jabs any more for a lot of reasons, but Health Canada still acts like it's mother's milk. 

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2 hours ago, ExFlyer said:

If you did follow this thread from the beginning, you would then realize there are 4 or 5 posters that make up 95% of the posts here. All stroking each other and if and when you question or offer a different opinion you get severely chastised, sworn at and called names. There are many posts where the poster is quoting themselves to continue on with the blather LOl

We post Health Canada's own inconvenient facts and stats here, and people like you just deny everything and call everyone conspiracy theorists, etc. 

You and eyeball are still stuck at "Kids and young adults need a vax to protect them from covid, no one was forced to take the vax, the vaxes are safe and effective, you can't spread covid if you're vaxed, covid can't kill you if you're vaxed", etc, and the rest of us are trying to talk around you.

Honestly, can you explain where you stand on all of the above statements? Of course you can't, because that would be an admission that basically everything that you've ever said here has now been proven false. 

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13 hours ago, eyeball said:

Why on Earth would I ever choose to vote for someone like you?

Ahhh so now i'm justin trudeau in your mind :) 

Talk about the ultimate love-hate relationship, you must be VERY conflicted  :) 

Well they say those on the left are more likely to have mental illnesses, i suppose a little delusion was to be expected.

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1 hour ago, WestCanMan said:

We post Health Canada's own inconvenient facts and stats here, and people like you just deny everything and call everyone conspiracy theorists, etc. 

You and eyeball are still stuck at "Kids and young adults need a vax to protect them from covid, no one was forced to take the vax, the vaxes are safe and effective, you can't spread covid if you're vaxed, covid can't kill you if you're vaxed", etc, and the rest of us are trying to talk around you.

Honestly, can you explain where you stand on all of the above statements? Of course you can't, because that would be an admission that basically everything that you've ever said here has now been proven false. 

Yeah yeah yeah...read the post.

What is being said is No drug is 100% safe but, the benefits outweigh the risks.

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5 hours ago, Venandi said:

I haven't followed the discussion here (if I can call it that) much so I'm not sure if you've looked into the SV40  promoter and its possible effect on tumour resistance... apparently it binds to the P53 gene which itself suppresses tumour development.

I needed to take some time off from here and the presence of SV40 news came out during that time. I've looked into it extensively.

Even Health Canada confirmed its presence.

Simian virus 40 - is a known cancer promoter and didn't get into the jabs by accident.

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1 hour ago, eyeball said:

No you just seem a lot like him, a vacuous dilettante with nothing better to do.

Wow.  what a zinger. Speaking about vacuous.... 😒  well at least you're finally ready for grade 4

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From NY Times

COVID Vaccine Side Effects: 4 Takeaways From Our Investigation


All vaccines carry some risk of side effects. More than 270 million Americans received about 677 million doses of the COVID vaccines, and even rare side effects — occurring, say, in just 0.001% of patients — might mean thousands of recipients were affected.

Indeed, more than 13,000 have submitted claims to a government fund that compensates people for COVID vaccine injuries. So far, however, only a dozen people have been compensated, nearly all of them for a heart problem caused by the vaccines."

"Even the best vaccines and drugs have some side effects. That does not negate their benefits, nor does it suggest that people should stop taking them."

"Deaths from the vaccines are vanishingly rare, despite claims from some conspiracy theorists that vaccines have led to a spike in mortality rates."

"Closer scrutiny may reveal that many, perhaps most, of the other reported side effects are unrelated to immunization. Most of them are also associated with COVID and may be the result of undiagnosed infections. "


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But the heart damage will likely never go reported - they just die from it and there's no advanced symptom.

The report only seems to cover symptomatic damage for some reason.  Soo....  kinda sounds like you're just dumping fuel on the fire for conspiracy stuff.

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16 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

But the heart damage will likely never go reported - they just die from it and there's no advanced symptom.

The report only seems to cover symptomatic damage for some reason.  Soo....  kinda sounds like you're just dumping fuel on the fire for conspiracy stuff.

Yeah  LOL

Does not fit your narrative so....

Dude, It is from NY Times. I did not write it. Take it up and argue with them but, of course, you won't LOL The writer and researcher is Apoorva Mandavilli


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"Even the best vaccines,” the New York Times somberly informed its readers, “produce rare but serious side effects.” 

Now they tell us. 

Following the classic journalistic formula, the article began with a human interest anecdote, a vaccine-injured scientist, Michelle Zimmerman:

Within minutes of getting the Johnson & Johnson Covid-19 vaccine, Michelle Zimmerman felt pain racing from her left arm up to her ear and down to her fingertips. Within days, she was unbearably sensitive to light and struggled to remember simple facts.
She was 37, with a Ph.D. in neuroscience, and until then could ride her bicycle 20 miles, teach a dance class and give a lecture on artificial intelligence, all in the same day. Now, more than three years later, she lives with her parents. Eventually diagnosed with brain damage, she cannot work, drive or even stand for long periods of time.
“When I let myself think about the devastation of what this has done to my life, and how much I’ve lost, sometimes it feels even too hard to comprehend,” said Dr. Zimmerman, who believes her injury is due to a contaminated vaccine batch.


The Times rounded up a large group of pro-jab medical professionals, who are now vaccine injured, which the Times insisted it has been following for over a year now:

Similar sentiments were echoed in interviews, conducted over more than a year, with 30 people who said they had been harmed by Covid shots. They described a variety of symptoms following vaccination, some neurological, some autoimmune, some cardiovascular.
All said they had been turned away by physicians, told their symptoms were psychosomatic, or labeled anti-vaccine by family and friends — despite the fact that they supported vaccines.

One standout example is Dr. Gregory Poland, 68, the editor in chief of the journal Vaccine, who can’t shake a continuous loud whooshing sound in his ears from the moments after his first shot. He’s getting no help from the medical establishment. In despair that he might “never hear silence again,” Dr. Poland has “sought solace in meditation and his religious faith.”


Why have we never heard from Dr. Poland before? For Heaven’s sake, he runs the most prominent vaccine-related journal in the world.

If even Dr. Poland, surely one of the world’s chief vaccine advocates, feel stifled, dismissed, and suppressed, what hope can regular folks have to be heard? Even Dr. Poland stands alone on Gaslighting Island. As the Times accurately reported, the CDC admits only four serious “but rare” side effects, and two of those are related to the now-recalled Johnson & Johnson jab.

It wasn’t just Dr. Poland either.

Among others, the article also mentioned Dr. Ilka Warshawsky, a 58-year-old pathologist, who said she lost all hearing in her right ear after a Covid booster shot. It sounded worse than unilateral hearing loss. One of her therapists recently told her she might never be able to live independently again. But hearing loss is not any recognized side effect of Covid vaccination. Dr. Warshawsky remains ineligible for compensation under the CDC’s list of recognized injuries. Just like Dr. Poland.

But … what about the cumulative effect of all these ‘rare’ injuries? When you start to add up all these various rare adverse events, the overall picture starts to look a lot more concerning. If there are a wide range of potential side effects, each affecting a small slice of the population, the aggregate number of impacted individuals could be quite significant.

And not rare.

"Safe and effective, everybody!"

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4 minutes ago, Goddess said:

“When I let myself think about the devastation of what this has done to my life, and how much I’ve lost, sometimes it feels even too hard to comprehend,” said Dr. Zimmerman, who believes her injury is due to a contaminated vaccine batch.

Yes. Things would have been so much better for everyone if we'd only let COVID rip.

We could have saved dozens 

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There are already signs that the Overton window is shifting.

Yesterday (albeit on News Nation), in a followup to the Times’ story, former CNN Anchor Chris Cuomo revealed — I believe for the first time, and without details — that he was also injured by the covid vaccines.  “People like Shawn, and me, and millions of others who still have weird stuff with their bloodwork and their lives and their feelings, you know, physically, are not going away.”


It’s significant that Chris felt safe enough to publicly claim his own vaccine injury. Toward the end of the clip, Cuomo offered to help Shawn (mentioned in the Times’ article) get connected with Cuomo’s doctors, suggesting to viewers a much wider population of the injured and the existence of courageous independent doctors trying to help them:

“Let me tell you something. Shawn, I can’t help you. I’m no clinician. I’m just, I’m sick myself. But I’m working with people who are working on this. So I’ll make sure we’re in touch right after the show. I’ll help anyway I can. I’ll hook you up with my clinicians. I will never stop reporting on this. We need to have a 9/11 commission. It’s not over.”

I can’t help but wonder whether Cuomo’s hasty departure from CNN in December 2021 might have somehow been related to his vaccine injury.


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4 minutes ago, eyeball said:

Yes. Things would have been so much better for everyone if we'd only let COVID rip.

We could have saved dozens 

You're an id-ee-ot.

Why is there no in between with you?

We could have protected the vulnerable, let everyone else know it was over 99% survivable and allowed the "peeing my pants in terror" people like you make their own choice.

There would have been no economic devastation, no loss of education for children, no loss of career opportunities for young people,  no one would have had to lose their job, no societal hatred, no increases in domestic violence or suicides.

THEN we could've saved millions.

Fuque, you're stupid.

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1 hour ago, CdnFox said:

But the heart damage will likely never go reported - they just die from it and there's no advanced symptom.

During covid, 92% of deaths were in the hospital. 

Now, all the "died suddenlies" are dying at home. Or on sports fields.

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15 minutes ago, Goddess said:

Why is there no in between with you?

We could have protected the vulnerable, let everyone else know it was over 99% survivable and allowed the "peeing my pants in terror" people like you make their own choice.

In between when though? You guys were practically subscribing to hindsight while they were still using excavators to keep up with the dead.

It was obvious in March 2020 the US right wing was already off the tracks and willing to take everyone over the cliff with them.



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40 minutes ago, Goddess said:


Already posted and blows you out of the water LOL

You are a seriously naive person if you were not aware of the side effects of any drug or vaccine.

Making shit up to somehow justify your conspiracy theory is also very sad.

Wake up and smell reality.. LOL

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9 minutes ago, eyeball said:

In between when though? You guys were practically subscribing to hindsight while they were still using excavators to keep up with the dead.

It was obvious in March 2020 the US right wing was already off the tracks and willing to take everyone over the cliff with them.



Which experts? What are their names?

Which studies are they basing their views on?

The rest of your post is shite and you know it.

The excavator story has long been debunked.

The Great Barrington Declaration came out around that same time. 

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12 minutes ago, eyeball said:

In between when though? You guys were practically subscribing to hindsight while they were still using excavators to keep up with the dead.

It was obvious in March 2020 the US right wing was already off the tracks and willing to take everyone over the cliff with them.



Look, the few conspiracy theorists here have to repsond to their own posts LOL

They are so lost LOL

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1 minute ago, ExFlyer said:

You are a seriously naive person if you were not aware of the side effects of any drug or vaccine.

Ya, you've been spouting this as a talking point lately, but we already talked about this many times over the covid years.

In fact, IT WAS ME who brought it up, that vaccines have side effects and I used that point to argue why people should not be forced.

I should be able to reject any injection that has DEATH as a side effect.

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4 hours ago, ExFlyer said:

Yeah  LOL

Does not fit your narrative so....

Nooo - jeez could we have ONE conversation where i didn't have to explain things to you as if you were a child?

My only 'covid narrative' is that people should have been given choice and their choices respected, and i've demonstrated why long ago. This has nothing to do with that.

What i'm saying here is that the report clearly ignores well established data that IS extremely relevant, and by doing so all it's going to do is feed the belief that there are some who are attempting to obscure the truth.

A half truth is as much of a lie as a lie as the saying goes .

4 hours ago, ExFlyer said:

Dude, It is from NY Times.

Yes - a publication well known for being extremely bias which is why they probably thought it was worth covering

But again - not really relevant. They didn't commission the report as far as i can tell. Sure - this is an exercise in confirmation bias on their part but the report itself is the questionable bit of thinking


Because there will be all kinds of 1diots who, you know, will not be able to think about it rationally and will post it as 'not fitting someone's narrative' around the net :)

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8 hours ago, Goddess said:

I needed to take some time off from here and the presence of SV40 news came out during that time. I've looked into it extensively.

Even Health Canada confirmed its presence.

Simian virus 40 - is a known cancer promoter and didn't get into the jabs by accident.

The amount of contained SV40 (in the vaccine) and its binding effects on P53 seems to be in question now,  the video imbedded here is interesting. 

It's the downstream effects that are worthy of consideration IMO. At present, most of the  denial revolves around current (observable) harm, which is bad enough BTW, but it seems very few have their eye on the horizon. 

The fact that I know 3 people with biology degrees who now deeply regret having gotten vaccinated is a bit concerning as well... two were for job retention and one was for travel related purposes (caring for elderly parents). 

Who knows, I certainly don't... but it's noteworthy that the reason I balked at the vaccine was simply because of ill informed ridicule that was contained in the rhetoric of the day. Seeing the madness surrounding Ivermectin removed all doubt for me and it was also a (WTF) turning point for the people I mentioned above as well.

As an aside, I would consider the trolls here to be nothing more than "keyboard warrior static" that you have to talk around, otherwise you'll likely find yourself in need of more breaks.

By their own admission, they're doing it on purpose:

Ain't it fun to wind up canfux and westconman??? LOL

Both are obsessed conspiracy addicted fools. There are a few others too and pissing them off is more fun than....well...there ain't anything more fun than pissing them off






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