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85.7% of Covid Deaths in Canada Were Among the Multi-Vaxed from Aug to Sept of 2022. Jabbing 85% of the Population Didn't Reduce Deaths

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4 minutes ago, Goddess said:

I glanced at this and don't see a date on this article, but I see the research ends sometime in 2022.

I posted much more recent studies on myocarditis after covid vax in the Trickle thread.

This article is extremely out-dated.

Sort of what happens when you just do a quick google, instead of actual research. 🙄

You should really check who funds the studies, too:



PH reports being a member of an expert group, Future Rheumatology Advisory Board (2016 and 2017), funded by Pfizer;


research projects funded by Novo Nordisk


clinical trials funded by Novo Nordisk, GSK, AstraZeneca


a research project funded by Sanofi-Aventis


RL has received a lecture fee from Pfizer


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7 minutes ago, Goddess said:

I glanced at this and don't see a date on this article, but I see the research ends sometime in 2022.

I posted much more recent studies on myocarditis after covid vax in the Trickle thread.

This article is extremely out-dated.

Sort of what happens when you just do a quick google, instead of actual research. 🙄

@eyeball knows better.  He participated in discussions where TWO studies, one posted  by me and one posted by a brain dead tard who THOUGHT it refuted mine but it actually fully supported it when he actually read it,  said that the risk from covid was slightly lower than the vaccine EXCEPT for males under the age of 40.  Then it was higher.

And for the rest - it assumed that they wouldnt' get covid anyway. And many vaxxed people did.

And to top it off it does very from vaccine to vaccine.

So when he posts old resaerch with faulty conclusions he knows exactly what he's doing. The dishonestly is insane. The aboslute desperate need to believe he wasn't wrong at the time is overwhelming his ability to be logical and dispassionate about it now.

Edited by CdnFox
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1 minute ago, eyeball said:

You dead horse floggers are still stuck in the past science has moved on to more important things.

Yes, that was my point - there is much newer research on this.

Seems it's you it's stuck in the past.

Why are you against doing studies on these jabs?

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13 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

Ahhh - so you have no rebuttal

I'm still waiting for your rebuttal to this.

46 minutes ago, eyeball said:

I knew you'd resort to this, especially after you countered it with a study that was done in the US and Europe.  You knew that but you're such a shameless hypocritical troll you simply don't care.


10 minutes ago, Goddess said:

Yes, that was my point - there is much newer research on this.

Looks like a pile of dead horses to me.

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14 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

EXCEPT for males under the age of 40. 

Yes, which is why so many countries have stopped giving them to teens and young adults.

But eyeball seems unable to assimilate new info or connect new info to old info.

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1 hour ago, eyeball said:

I knew you'd resort to this,

The truth you mean?  Yeah - i'm kind of predictable that way :)

And the international study i posted was AFTER you claimed you were talking about 'Da world!"  Posted stats on Canada earlier.

 Me -  Makes a true statement.

Eyeball -  "I KNEW you'd resort to truth and facts - what a troll!"


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39 minutes ago, eyeball said:

I'm still waiting for your rebuttal to this.

LOL - well i've posted that - yes your anger over the fact i mentioned truthful things is quite hilarious ;)

So you still can't refute anything i said i take it.

Your own posts show you were wrong. You're THAT much of an 1diot :)   You and moonbox should start a club for people who go out of their way to accidentally prove me right :)

29 minutes ago, Goddess said:

I'm sure.

When you're a pile of dung, everything looks like a horse.

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DNA damages occur within our body, especially during cell division - which happens in us all the time. As we get older, or as we get exposed to stresses (like consuming lots of processed foods), DNA damage is increased in our body.

Thankfully, most of us have working P53 genes that activates whenever it detects any DNA damages. P53 basically tells the cells to STOP dividing, repairs the DNA damages and then green lights the cells to start dividing again! When P53 detects that DNA damages are too much, it instructs the cells to go kill themselves instead of replicating further. It’s like a very cool repair engineer in our body, keeping DNA damages at bay before they develop into cancer.

Dr. Wafik El-Deiry (Brown  University) is considered on of the most prominent leading figureheads in P53 gene research. His work in P53 gene research goes all the way back to 1992. Dr. El-Deiry found out how the P53 protein, which helps prevent tumors, attaches to our DNA. This important finding, shared in the journal Nature Genetics in 1992, has helped us understand which genes are directly influenced by P53 to stop cancer growth. He discovered a gene named P21, which P53 affects. P21 acts like a brake in our cells, slowing down their division, especially when they're under stress.

What did Dr. El-Deiry discover? Essentially, he uncovered that the spike protein blocks the P53 gene's function. 😟

Does this imply that everyone will develop cancer? Not necessarily. However, without the protective action of the P53 gene, the likelihood of cancer rises significantly, especially in those with more DNA damage. We know now that the spike protein continues to be produced non-stop, so....that's not good.

SARS-CoV-2 spike S2 subunit inhibits p53 activation of p21(WAF1), TRAIL Death Receptor DR5 and MDM2 proteins in cancer cells | bioRxiv

Increases in cancer following covid vaccination has already been confirmed by the japanese:

20240408-14533-1avkjxd.pdf (cureus.com)

And Dr. Maarten Fornerod, a respected Dutch cancer researcher and molecular biologist concurs.

Dr. M.W.M. (Maarten) Fornerod - Principal Investigator - Erasmus MC



Dr. Fornerod candidly shared his apprehensions: "...And there are a lot of them, which are becoming more and more. They also appear in the literature that there are cancers that accelerate after the messenger RNA booster. So, I think it's quite clear that it occurs..."

Dr. Fornerod's observation, "…you see the increased cancer mortality in Japan…" and "…there are still many indications that specifically these mRNA vaccines could be carcinogenic…," indeed, highlights critical concerns.



Dr Maarten Fornerod's stance on the experimental gene therapy is clear and unequivocal: "...Well, first of all, stop the vaccinations. Because they are not very safe, not very effective. Certainly not now..." This call to action, stemming from an expert deeply entrenched in the study of cancer, merits serious consideration and further investigation.



(Further investigation, which eyeball is against.)


Explained further in Dr. Rose's substack, here:

(Although I warn you - she's a super smarty-pants and it takes effort to comprehend her.)

(17) S2 of SARS-2 spike buggers up p53 - by Jessica Rose (substack.com)

Edited by Goddess
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4 minutes ago, Goddess said:

Further investigation, which eyeball is against.

Not at all. In fact vaccine manufacturers want to know about adverse effects so they can develop better ones.

I'm curious, were you an anti-vaxxer before COVID by any chance?

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1 minute ago, eyeball said:

In fact vaccine manufacturers want to know about adverse effects so they can develop better ones.


No. No, they don't.

1 minute ago, eyeball said:

I'm curious, were you an anti-vaxxer before COVID by any chance?

You've asked me this a few times before.


I'm more of an "anti-being-forced-to-take-an-experimental-injection-without-any-long term-studies-especially-when-my-risk-is-below- 0.02%" type of person.

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3 hours ago, CdnFox said:


followed by


You didn't post the evidence.  Eyeball posted a news article referencing the study.  Your powers of batshit fantasy don't magically alter the conclusions of the study just because you provided a direct link to it.  🤣

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2 hours ago, Goddess said:

were you an anti-vaxxer before COVID by any chance?


I'm more of an "anti-being-forced-to-take-an-experimental-injection-without-any-long term-studies-especially-when-my-risk-is-below- 0.02%" type of person.

Well quite understandable but you have to admit it doesn't roll off the tongue the same way :) 

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30 minutes ago, Moonbox said:

You didn't post the evidence.  Eyeball posted a news article referencing the study.


And i posted graphs and charts and links to studies and data AS WELL as a link to the study HE referenced but didn't link to.

Oh look at that. You lied again.  Yawn.  What a sorry little person you are,

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19 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

And i posted graphs and charts and links to studies and data AS WELL as a link to the study HE referenced but didn't link to.

You posted charts and graphs after the fact and the only way you managed to convince even yourself they supported your argument was wetting yourself and puking out yet another longwinded, bewildered essay relying on a mountain of self-affirming assumptions.  🤡

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4 hours ago, CdnFox said:

Wrong.  It turns out it has more to do with population density (as well as maybe don't send the sick people BACK to the nursing homes)



There's plenty of other research.


There is a long list of countries with higher population densities and much lower mortality than the USA.   Population density no doubt plays a role in infections spreading, but that's not why the USA (the world's richest and most medically advanced country) had such spectacularly bad COVID outcomes.  Ever heard of...Japan?    

Aww muffin.  Looks like you pissed yourself again.  :)

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56 minutes ago, Moonbox said:

You posted charts and graphs after the fact

ROFLMAO - after WHAT fact?  They're literally in response to his post - did you think i should post facts and graphs BEFORE he raises the question ?!??!  

Holy shit kid -  normally it's him that has the brain melt, but you're in full meltdown mode :) 

40 minutes ago, Moonbox said:

There is a long list of countries with higher population densities and much lower mortality than the USA. 

Ok - name them.

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8 hours ago, Goddess said:

They are completely different.

Covid symptoms/ailments: coughing, fever, body aches, sniffles..... flu-like symptoms.

Vax adverse events symptoms/ailments: stroke, brain aneurysm, blood clots, heart attacks, paralysis, blindness, mass skin rashes, anaphylaxis, coma, death.

Indeed, and it takes us back to some vaccine day one questions I think.

The questions I had were high school level biology but the answers certainly required medical expertise and I have absolutely none. But, the only thing easier than asking those questions was ridiculing them, look no further than right here to see why 30% of Canadians balked at the vaccine. 

Take the off label use of Ivermectin for example, a cheap, readily available and innocuous drug. If you understand how it works (in basic terms) then you would likely accept the idea that it needed to be prescribed early; at the very first sign of symptoms. You would also expect it not to be effective with high viral loading if prescribed too late in the process. But come on now... screaming Trumper, "tin foil hatter” and chicken dancing in a t-shirt that asks “are you a horse?” didn’t address the issue at all. The noise meant that none of those high school questions had a hope of being answered. 

Then, consider toxicity of the spike protein and add LNPs to the equation and the next question (I think) becomes one of distribution. Is it a surprise that in the presence of LNPs that the protein migrated from the injection site, lodged in organs or was found in breast milk? I don’t think it is but do you remember the bevy of assurances that it wouldn’t happen? The condescending fact checks that were always prefixed with “there is no evidence to suggest.” 

The rough translation being... Slap, no further discussion required, shut up Trumper. 

Now I’m curious if the presence of lipids will allow penetration of the BBB? We’ll find out soon enough I guess but why would we assume that it wouldn’t? Don’t lipids facilitate that sort of thing?

As to observed effects (vaccine harm), inflammation as a direct result of systemic distribution was another day one question. Again, those particular questions came easy but the answers required medical expertise and discussion in the absence of ridicule.

As I recall the inflammation/immune system concern revolved around repeated viral exposures in the wild (during a pandemic no less) setting of full blown immune responses in individuals already susceptible to inflammation and inflammatory type diseases. I think the main concern being repeated immune responses occurring in the presence of a mutated viruses that the body responded to but couldn't actually fight due to the mutation itself? In other words your body recognizes a car for what it is (a car) and it responds accordingly but it simply doesn’t have a key. You are left with an ineffective immune response and all the inflammation that accompanies it in a protracted wash and repeat cycle.

Take that a step further and consider the wisdom of mass vaccination during an ongoing pandemic. Then consider the logic behind asserting that it was unvaccinated individuals driving virus mutations. Well, I don't know, but It doesn’t jive with my recollection of high school biology.

The long and short of it for me was that I never heard the answers to basic questions and wasn't smart enough to figure them out for myself.  It seemed like all I ever heard was ridicule from people who couldn’t even spell BBB. That would be the very same people who now say "move along son", you lack the self awareness to understand that we don’t care anymore. 

Another of those initial lipid vs BBB penetration questions was about possible future prion diseases and brain interactions (with the protein), I don’t know the answer to that either. But what if it becomes a real thing, what if the unvaccinated actually do move on and stop caring? What if some unforeseen future condition requires unvaccinated blood for transfusion?

No one knows how that will play out yet but at a minimum, I'd think y'all might want to consider the possible benefits of being polite in the interim. One things for damn sure, somebody has this wrong and there are only two sides. 



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6 hours ago, eyeball said:

I'm curious, were you an anti-vaxxer before COVID by any chance?

Knowing how successful, safe and reliable traditional vaccines have actually been over the past 100+ years, how many people they've saved, how intelligent Goddess is, and how seriously she takes medical technology, what do you think are the chances that she doesn't know much about vaccines, or believe in them? 

I think we both know that insinuating that Goddess was an anti-vaxer was just a snotty cheapshot, right?


FYI there are three different types of 'anti-vaxers' now:

1. Traditional anti-vaxers, who don't believe in any vaccines at all. They keep their children unvaxed, leaving them unnecessarily vulnerable to pathogens still floating around the earth that can kill them. 

It's because of these guys that the term was invented, and it's because of these guys that the term is well-established as a pejorative. 

2. People who are skeptical of or outright refuse to take the covid jab are now incorrectly lumped with traditional anti-vaxxers by covid vax-fascists in an attempt to discredit and deride them. The vast majority of covid jab skeptics are not anti-vaxers in the traditional sense, but they know enough about the risk factors of covid and the risk factors of taking an experimental mRNA jab to make an informed decision for themselves, and they have decided that they don't need the jab.  

The fact of the matter is that science, logic, statistics and reason have always been on the side of the 'anti-pseudovaxers'. 

3. People who had always believed in traditional vaccines prior to 2021 but lost faith in medical professionals as a result of the covid jab fiasco, which has sadly translated into a mistrust of all vaccines. 

99.99% chance that Goddess is not an anti-vaxer, just a covid jab skeptic of the highest order. 


I'm not in group 3 because I think that vaccinating children against the obvious menaces is  crucial, but I'll admit that I don't fully trust doctors anymore when they administer regular vaccines: once trust is gone it's just gone for good, and these guys sold out, period.

If these snake-oil pimps say that they are injecting you with a vaccine for meningitis or something, how do you know? It all just looks like water. It could be water, it could be a meningitis vaccine, it could be something else entirely. 


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Posted (edited)
7 hours ago, Goddess said:

What did Dr. El-Deiry discover? Essentially, he uncovered that the spike protein blocks the P53 gene's function. 😟

Does this imply that everyone will develop cancer? Not necessarily. However, without the protective action of the P53 gene, the likelihood of cancer rises significantly, especially in those with more DNA damage. We know now that the spike protein continues to be produced non-stop, so....that's not good.

SARS-CoV-2 spike S2 subunit inhibits p53 activation of p21(WAF1), TRAIL Death Receptor DR5 and MDM2 proteins in cancer cells | bioRxiv

Increases in cancer following covid vaccination has already been confirmed by the japanese:

20240408-14533-1avkjxd.pdf (cureus.com)

And Dr. Maarten Fornerod, a respected Dutch cancer researcher and molecular biologist concurs.

Dr. M.W.M. (Maarten) Fornerod - Principal Investigator - Erasmus MC

But surely our mainstream media would be all over this story...

Honestly, I'm not gonna act surprised if there are even more serious adverse effects of the jab, but I never wanted it to happen. 

If this gets bad, I want to see actual people's heads rolling on the floor. I'll need to see Fauci on the electric chair. I'll flip the switch myself. 

Edited by WestCanMan
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4 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

I think we both know that insinuating that Goddess was an anti-vaxer was just a snotty cheapshot, right?

Agreed, it's a bit like calling multi tour veterans (who've had every vaccine known to man) anti vaxxers.  A pretty lame accusation that reflects poorly on the accuser and makes me wonder if there are mirrors in the land of CHUDs (a pejorative term I heard here for the first time).  

A better question would be: "after all of the vaccinations you've had, why did you balk at having this one?" 

It seems to me that discussing all this with the "move along and get over it" crowd is a waste of time, I'm rooting for you though because from day one, they've been overtly hostile, rude and condescending. There's virtually no chance of them admitting they were wrong about anything after the fact and even less chance of them learning anything from the mistakes made  and damage done.

It's a bit like talking to the hand of a teenage girl who's "like soooooo over it like."    



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12 minutes ago, Venandi said:

Agreed, it's a bit like calling multi tour veterans (who've had every vaccine known to man) anti vaxxers.  A pretty lame accusation that reflects poorly on the accuser and makes me wonder if there are mirrors in the land of CHUDs (a pejorative term I heard here for the first time).  

A better question would be: "after all of the vaccinations you've had, why did you balk at having this one?" 

It is in the nature of the left these days in general (and here specifically) that they go to gross exaggerations to try to shame people and to attempt to force the person to defend themselves rather than make an argument. 

Think parents have rights? well then you're a complete transphobe and gay-hater. Reluctant to take mNRA medicine? Why you must be a bigot and misogynist and a waste of space. (and that's our prime minister talking).

So of course if you have concerns about this particular vaccine,  you must hate all vaccines.  In fact, you probably LIKE the idea of seeing children die of polio.  You probably hate old people and want to see them perish from covid in a horrible death. When you got chicken pox as a kid you probably ran around licking people who looked frail.  etc etc.

As you say - the correct question if you're genuinely honest about it is 'why does this medical treatment concern you where others have not?" etc.  But - that's not their point. Their point is you're a bad person for disliking this so we'll dehumanize you a bit, and that way we don't have to care about your opinion any more.


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