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85.7% of Covid Deaths in Canada Were Among the Multi-Vaxed from Aug to Sept of 2022. Jabbing 85% of the Population Didn't Reduce Deaths

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11 hours ago, CdnFox said:


Six studies reported an incidence greater than 15 cases per 100,000 persons (or doses) in males aged 12–24 after dose 2 of an mRNA‐based vaccine.

The covid death rate for unvacinated males in that age range is a tiny fraction of that,

The jab had a higher fatality rate among males 12-24 than covid, but "It was worth it to reduce the death rate of the elderly with co-morbidities by a negligible amount!"

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27 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

Case in point: Trudeau managed to skate on the WE scandal just by saying "I shoulda recused myself from the obvious decision to choose WE [to rake in a billion dollars and divert large sums of it down to my mom]". He basically just threw some BS into a sentenced that was framed like a half-hearted/fake apology and CBC and CTV declared him fully repented: "Hallelujah, brothers and sisters! Behold the glory of our Golden Child, who is free from sin, and humble in the face of shameful accusations!"

This is a problem.  The last line of defense against corruption and evil gov'ts in a democracy are the people. And too many have given that job up in favour of tribalism and echo chambers.

This was a point i've made to another poster here many times and again yesterday i believe - if we the voter are not willing to punish parties when they are caught being corrupt and we reward them with a new gov't at election time then we are basically guaranteeing that things will get worse and worse.

I don't care if it's justin trudeau or brian mulroney or chretien or whomever - if we see genuine corruption (not just a few scketchy decisions or broken promises but real corruption like the aga khan or SNC or WE) then no matter what party you prefer you should move to eliminate that corrupt party from power.  Vote against them, don't vote at all, speak out - whatever.  Help someone else win,

If every political party knew Canadians would tend to do that - they would be a LOT less likely to do anything corrupt knowing they were gone if they do.

Until that happens all the 'transparency' in the world won't help.

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1 hour ago, CdnFox said:

I think both nancy and the gov't have the same problem in that respect.

I could understand the argument "Well, we made the best choices with the information we had at the time and even tho later evidence shows we made some bad decisions given the circumstances at that moment we believe we did the right thing".    I would disagree with it but at least it would be logically defensible as a rational position

But instead we get denial and "why are you still talking", etc etc. And that seriously concerns me

I kind of disagree with this, as the gov't has been found to have deliberately funded fake studies in order to impose restrictions.

Remember the infamous Canadian-gov't-funded study that said the unvaxxed were more likely to be the cause of car accidents? 🤪


When Pseudoscience, Politics & Fraud Converge

What lengths will ideologically or financially-driven researchers and politicians go to impose their will upon others?

Throughout the pandemic we've witnessed a slide from objective clinical research to easily manipulated "real-world" studies to purely fictional simulations completely detached from reality. "Consensus" (aka groupthink) quickly replaced scientific scrutiny and civil discourse plummeted. It became difficult to discern scientific recommendations from political talking points.

On April 25, 2022 a very dangerous line was crossed. Leaders in the Canadian research and medical community rubber-stamped a clearly fraudulent study. Its overarching purpose: to use "science" to justify discrimination, sow hatred and reinterpret the notion of inalienable rights.

Within hours of the study's official publication, dozens of articles in top national papers flooded Canada warning of the dire risk of merely hanging out with unvaccinated people — selfish souls who refused to accept the new genetic COVID-19 vaccines. The "unvaccinated" were compared to carriers of syphilis, intoxicated drivers and reckless individuals who had no regard for others.

Can't get an operation? Blame the unvaccinated! The "science" says so.

But did it? This book examines:

  • The man, the politics and the intent behind the faux study.
  • How researchers concocted results to overwrite reality & scapegoat the unvaccinated.
  • The Establishment's willingness to go along with the fraud.
  • How political ideology fed into the analysis.
  • How the research is being used to swindle Canadians out of their Charter rights & freedoms.

An Investigative Look Into Fisman's Precedent-Setting Hate Science

“FISMAN’S FRAUD is both a disturbing and an exhilarating read. The book exposes what is effectively a crime scene with various agents complicit in producing fraudulent science that was used by media and the Prime Minister to fuel hatred and societal division. Watteel reveals in precise detail how every system of oversight and accountability, from the University of Toronto to the Ontario Provincial Police failed in their duty to act with integrity. The exhilarating aspect is that the book shines a bright light on those responsible. Watteel names names and calls them out for what they are - morally bankrupt. Fisman’s Fraud gives hope that by exposing the fraud justice may prevail and civility restored to this Nation.” — Ted Kuntz, President Vaccine Choice Canada

“FISMAN’S FRAUD is a must read that slices through the layers of lost integrity, accountability and responsibility to reveal the greatest deception of our time. Easy to read but hard to swallow, the facts speak volumes in implicating those in power who intentionally failed to keep the ship off the rocks. Although the content is specific to Ontario, the implications were deadly, far-reaching and the situation warrants further investigation. Those responsible are currently still at the helm and the ship is in dangerous waters.” — Vincent A Gircys, Veteran Police Constable, Ontario Provincial Police - Forensic Collision Reconstructionist

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5 hours ago, Venandi said:

should move on because the Governor has moved on suggests that the governor needs to be fired.

My point is not that you should move on. This is a matter of what is. The weather should be nicer.. 85 and sunny but it is not. Your approval is not necessary nor of any impact in the greater picture. Largely society is moving on. You are free to keep whining and complaining. The issue is that you do not have the self awareness to know that you have no audience and therefore your words have no impact. 

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21 minutes ago, impartialobserver said:

You are free to keep whining and complaining. The issue is that you do not have the self awareness to know that you have no audience and therefore your words have no impact. 

I'll just clip that into a file labeled "Eating their words" and see what the future holds after that summer sun illuminates it with more intensity.

You may yet see Nancy basking nude under your 85 degree sun and find your own shouts of approval a testament to "lack of awareness" when all is revealed.   


Edited by Venandi
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Just now, Venandi said:

I'll just clip that into a file labeled "Eating their words" and see what the future holds after that summer sun illuminates it with more intensity.

You may yet see Nancy basking nude under your 85 degree sun and find your own shouts of approval a testament to "lack of awareness."    


I have no idea who you are referring to when you say, "nancy". Besides.. illness and disease statistics decline in the summer. I do not personally care if the topic dies or not. I just find it interesting that you keep harping on about it when it is clear that you have no audience. Its like disco. Some groups still play it but they have virtually no audience. 

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1 hour ago, CdnFox said:

I don't care if it's justin trudeau or brian mulroney or chretien or whomever - if we see genuine corruption (not just a few scketchy decisions or broken promises but real corruption like the aga khan or SNC or WE) then no matter what party you prefer you should move to eliminate that corrupt party from power.  Vote against them, don't vote at all, speak out - whatever.  Help someone else win,

Sure, and if they do you call them liars that support corruption anyway because you're a batshit crazy troll.

Genuine corruption is a genuine crime - I'm not aware of any legal requirement for Crown prosecutors to seek a mandate from voters to do their jobs, are you?

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Just now, eyeball said:

Sure, and if they do you call them liars that support corruption anyway because you're a batshit crazy troll.

No - i call the people who continue to support him and pretend he's never been found to be in violation of the law liars that support corruption.

That's you sparky.  Remember when you tried again to deny he'd ever been found guilty of violations? That was 5 minutes ago on the other thread. Despite the fact we disucssed this many times before and i've provided the proof.

YOU are exactly the kind of person we need less of in this country  - we need people who will hold gov't to account. The conservatives destroyed the PC party when it became corrupt - you just keep voting trudeau in.

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10 minutes ago, impartialobserver said:

I have no idea who you are referring to when you say, "nancy". Besides.. illness and disease statistics decline in the summer. I do not personally care if the topic dies or not. I just find it interesting that you keep harping on about it when it is clear that you have no audience. Its like disco. Some groups still play it but they have virtually no audience. 

Yeah - just like those pesky women who wanted the vote back in the day. Or gays who wanted their rights.

They'd have been so much better off if they'd just shut up - obviously nobody was interested in listening,

Sometimes you have to keep going till you make someone listen.

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20 minutes ago, impartialobserver said:

I have no idea who you are referring to when you say, "nancy". Besides.. illness and disease statistics decline in the summer. I do not personally care if the topic dies or not. I just find it interesting that you keep harping on about it when it is clear that you have no audience. Its like disco. Some groups still play it but they have virtually no audience. 

If the 3 amigos were grapes and you squeezed them, all that would come out is wine anyway :)

They have no other life so...

Yeah and "nacny"???

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Just now, ExFlyer said:

If the 3 amigos were grapes and you squeezed them, all that would come out is wine anyway :)

They have no other life so...

Yeah and "nacny"???

if i am being honest.. I am just as bored as them if I am posting on this site. Just this morning, I had someone request that we stop using the covid era as a base number in my calculations. For example comparing initial claims for march 2024 to march 2020 and so on. Their view was that we had beat that dead horse for 48 months and now time to move on. 

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20 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

i call the people who continue to support him and pretend he's never been found to be in violation of the law liars that support corruption.

You only say this because you're a troll. You don't care about what's at issue here at all.

Edited by eyeball
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53 minutes ago, impartialobserver said:

My point is not that you should move on. This is a matter of what is. The weather should be nicer.. 85 and sunny but it is not. Your approval is not necessary nor of any impact in the greater picture. Largely society is moving on. You are free to keep whining and complaining. The issue is that you do not have the self awareness to know that you have no audience and therefore your words have no impact. 

Your point is that the majority of people are doing the wrong things again

Your point is that we should go along with the people who are doing the wrong things again.

Your point is that we should join the sheeple

Fill your boots. Keep lying. Keep slithering. Keep dodging.

I have a brain, a conscience, and a spine. I can't do what you guys do without becoming something I detest. 

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21 minutes ago, impartialobserver said:

if i am being honest.. I am just as bored as them if I am posting on this site. Just this morning, I had someone request that we stop using the covid era as a base number in my calculations. For example comparing initial claims for march 2024 to march 2020 and so on. Their view was that we had beat that dead horse for 48 months and now time to move on. 

I am bored too but, I am retired so I have all the time in the world to screw them around LOL

I am too old to watch late night TV and Saturday Nite Live so I have to get my chuckles reading the 3 (maybe 4 or 5) amigos whine about covid.

I too am tired of the vitriol, insults and name calling by a couple of them specifically so I blocked them, I can read them when someone quotes them and see they are still fools and losers LOL

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23 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

Your point is that we should go along with the people who are doing the wrong things again.

As you always do.. you make assumptions. But there is this thing called reading comprehension. I never state what you or anyone should do. My comments are about what is.. repeat what is. "What is" does not contain the word "should". I know that you must have dyslexia and therefore you impose that word in there. Just interesting how you know that no one is listening and yet you keep carrying on. Seems like if you want your words to have a tangible impact.. you would move on to more relevant and current topics. 

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46 minutes ago, eyeball said:

You only say this because you're a troll. You don't care about what's at issue here at all.

I say it because it's true, and telling the truth is how i show i care.  You're just a tribal loser who can't cope with the truth and lashes out when it doesn't agree with his echo chamber.

Edited by CdnFox
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2 minutes ago, impartialobserver said:

As you always do.. you make assumptions. But there is this thing called reading comprehension


Buddy.  If that many people are somehow "Miscomprehending' what you're saying - then the problem isn't the people. It's you.  Maybe you should more clearly state your position. It seems very much like you're saying a thing, and when people mention it you claim you meant something entirely other.

This may be less about comprehension skills and more about communication.

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6 minutes ago, impartialobserver said:

As you always do.. you make assumptions. But there is this thing called reading comprehension. I never state what you or anyone should do. My comments are about what is.. repeat what is. "What is" does not contain the word "should". I know that you must have dyslexia and therefore you impose that word in there. Just interesting how you know that no one is listening and yet you keep carrying on. Seems like if you want your words to have a tangible impact.. you would move on to more relevant and current topics. 


You're saying "what everyone else is doing" and saying that we should do it too. 

You're saying that we should be sheeple, like you. 

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6 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:


You're saying "what everyone else is doing" and saying that we should do it too. 

You're saying that we should be sheeple, like you. 

I am not sheeple... I never cared all that much about the topic besides some minor workplace implications. Well.. keep on talking to yourself. It has to be rewarding and satisfying to have conversations with yourself. I guess one can admire your dedication even if it results in absolutely nothing. I am not wired that way. Hours and hours to no benefit is wasteful in my world. 

Edited by impartialobserver
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3 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

I love it.

A PhD-level statistician is saying the exact same things I've said here for years now about the false comments and fabricated stats coming from our gov'ts and places like Statista:

  • Dr. Regina N. Watteel holds a PhD in Statistics from the University of Western Ontario, an MSc in Statistics from McMaster University (Mac), and a BSc in Mathematics and Physics, also from Mac. 

Dr Regina Watteel - the concerned Canadian citizen with the PhD in statistics who says that we were lied to about most things related to covid and the jabs - is what we should be talking about here now. 

The ad-hominem chatter posted by people like @ExFlyer, @eyeball and @impartialobserver , along with the snippy, immaterial back-and-forth with them, just drives the meaningful posts in this thread back into obscurity and it is making this thread into a sandbox instead of a factual discussion.

It's time to admit that these guys will just never acknowledge any wrongdoing and just ignore them.

They're like the people who turned a blind eye to gay-bashing, hate crimes and the occasional murder of gays for decades.  "Other people are ignoring it, so we should too."

Bottom line: healthy people were killed by the jab, decent Canadians were fired or discriminated against for no good reason, and some folks are always going to be 100% ok with all of the lies that led to that. Let's just agree to disagree with them and move on ignoring them.

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2 hours ago, ExFlyer said:

I am bored too but, I am retired so I have all the time in the world to screw them around LOL

I am too old to watch late night TV and Saturday Nite Live so I have to get my chuckles reading the 3 (maybe 4 or 5) amigos whine about covid.

I too am tired of the vitriol, insults and name calling by a couple of them specifically so I blocked them, I can read them when someone quotes them and see they are still fools and losers LOL

one of the main lessons that I have learned in nearly 47 years on this earth is that Americans and their close counterparts have a passion for complaining. The American pastime used to be baseball. That has been replaced by whining, complaining, and bit_hing. No matter the time.. we find a way to keep the whambulance running. 

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5 minutes ago, impartialobserver said:

one of the main lessons that I have learned in nearly 47 years on this earth is that Americans and their close counterparts have a passion for complaining. The American pastime used to be baseball. That has been replaced by whining, complaining, and bit_hing. No matter the time.. we find a way to keep the whambulance running. 

So true. we have professional whiners here on thios forum. 3 oin [articular.

To call me (and you and eyeball) " The ad-hominem chatter " is a joke. Clearly they do not even know the definition of " ad-hominem " because that perfectly describes them LOL

Ad-hominem: "type of argument or attack that appeals to prejudice or feelings or irrelevantly impugns another person's character instead of addressing the facts ", which is exactly what they do when they deflect, disregard, insult and name calling anyone disagreeing with them LOL.

Anyway, let them whine...they gain absolutely zero. They have already lost all credibility so they cn keep looking up from the bottom of the barrel :)

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2 minutes ago, ExFlyer said:

So true. we have professional whiners here on thios forum. 3 oin [articular.

To call me (and you and eyeball) " The ad-hominem chatter " is a joke. Clearly they do not even know the definition of " ad-hominem " because that perfectly describes them LOL

Ad-hominem: "type of argument or attack that appeals to prejudice or feelings or irrelevantly impugns another person's character instead of addressing the facts ", which is exactly what they do when they deflect, disregard, insult and name calling anyone disagreeing with them LOL.

Anyway, let them whine...they gain absolutely zero. They have already lost all credibility so they cn keep looking up from the bottom of the barrel :)

They mostly come here to scratch an itch that they can't out in the open. If they were so impassioned, uncivil, and prejudicial as they are here.. they would lose their jobs, relationships would erode, and such. I am the same guy on here as I am in real life. 

That being said... on here or another forum, they can whine and complain ceaselessly. In real life, most folks like to complain as well but not quite to the degree of some on here. 

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