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Yes, Biden asked the Saudis to delay the oil cut until after the election.

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8 hours ago, robosmith said:

Sure. Had nothing to do with HELPING PEOPLE keep their jobs, right?

Cause you, like Trump, believe every pol is corrupt because you and he are corrupt.

Look at this response.  This is so obviously phoning it in.  Man, at least try to make your posts believable, what a schmuck.

Go back to the shallow end, small fry…

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13 hours ago, robosmith said:

Sure. Had nothing to do with HELPING PEOPLE keep their jobs, right?

Helping "people" lol.

The people whose jobs are being protected by Biden's Saudi collusion are called "incumbent Democrats". If Biden wanted to protect American jobs he wouldn't be killing their energy sector.

Apparently cheating in the primary process, cheating during presidential debates, colluding with foreign spies & Russian nationals and then jointly committing crimes with the FBI to start a 3-yr show trial against political opponents, and enacting several new types of legislation to make voter fraud easier wasn't enough for the Dems. They had to come up with something new.

Who saw that coming? 

This guy --> "me" ?

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34 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

Helping "people" lol.

The people whose jobs are being protected by Biden's Saudi collusion are called "incumbent Democrats". If Biden wanted to protect American jobs he wouldn't be killing their energy sector.

Apparently cheating in the primary process, cheating during presidential debates, colluding with foreign spies & Russian nationals and then jointly committing crimes with the FBI to start a 3-yr show trial against political opponents, and enacting several new types of legislation to make voter fraud easier wasn't enough for the Dems. They had to come up with something new.

Who saw that coming? 

This guy --> "me" ?

People who struggle to afford their daily commute are thanking Biden for his efforts to lower gas prices. 

Your cynicism notwithstanding.

I LIKE lower gas prices. YOU?

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1 hour ago, robosmith said:

People who struggle to afford their daily commute are thanking Biden for his efforts to lower gas prices. 

Your cynicism notwithstanding.

I LIKE lower gas prices. YOU?

FYI when people like Biden and Trudeau make war on domestic energy sources, including nuclear power, the cost is felt most by poor people. 

Trudeau can still afford to fly around in private jets and buy carbon offsets from his pals regardless, but the people who were dumb enough to vote for him can not afford his price hikes.

Biden wasn't protecting the poor people. If he wanted to protect them then he wouldn't have screwed them over in the first place. He was salvaging votes

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2 hours ago, robosmith said:

"Phoning it in" is all YOUR posts deserve. Anything else is a waste of my time.

Your phoned in post was in response to Shady, not me, funny guy.  You’ve never met shady before because he rarely posts.

Here, let me guide you over to the shallow end.  Better put some floaties on your arms just in case!

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55 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

FYI when people like Biden and Trudeau make war on domestic energy sources, including nuclear power, the cost is felt most by poor people. 

Trudeau can still afford to fly around in private jets and buy carbon offsets from his pals regardless, but the people who were dumb enough to vote for him can not afford his price hikes.

Biden wasn't protecting the poor people. If he wanted to protect them then he wouldn't have screwed them over in the first place. He was salvaging votes

Canceling a pipeline that won't be completed for years and ONLY helps the refiners in TX export petrol, does not affect the domestic supply of GASOLINE.

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2 hours ago, robosmith said:

Canceling a pipeline that won't be completed for years and ONLY helps the refiners in TX export petrol, does not affect the domestic supply of GASOLINE.

For years from 2021 onward. It's not like it is always going to be years away. Time marches on.

We're not just talking about pipelines though. NY State shut down a nuclear plant which forced their gas consumption to take up the slack. 

Leftists are just against the energy sector in general: coal, gas, N Gas, nuclear... It's destructive, but then so were the riots. Leftists don't create things, they destroy them. 

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3 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

For years from 2021 onward. It's not like it is always going to be years away. Time marches on.

We're not just talking about pipelines though. NY State shut down a nuclear plant which forced their gas consumption to take up the slack. 

Leftists are just against the energy sector in general: coal, gas, N Gas, nuclear... It's destructive, but then so were the riots. Leftists don't create things, they destroy them. 

Of course there is a reason you've (again) posted no evidence for ^this.

And since you've been disputing evidence of Trump's lies, here is a judge verifying ANOTHER Trump lie, under oath.

Judge: Trump signed court document that knowingly included false voter fraud stats


Former President Donald Trump signed legal documents describing evidence of election fraud that he knew were false, a federal judge indicated Wednesday.


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1 hour ago, robosmith said:

Of course there is a reason you've (again) posted no evidence for ^this.

You don't think that leftists are at war with coal, oil and for some weird reason, nuclear?

You're entitled to your opinion if you want to believe that. I don't even care. 


And since you've been disputing evidence of Trump's lies,

There's another thread for your Trump fantasies, and I didn't "dispute evidence", I proved it was false. There's a huge difference. 

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45 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

You don't think that leftists are at war with coal, oil and for some weird reason, nuclear?

You're entitled to your opinion if you want to believe that. I don't even care. 

There's another thread for your Trump fantasies, and I didn't "dispute evidence", I proved it was false. There's a huge difference. 

You disputed the evidence. No PROOF it was FALSE.

You do understand how difficult it is to PROVE a negative, don't you?

Instead you just pretend SOME minor evidence is definitive, even when there is much OTHER evidence which PROVES the positive. Including REPORTS from people WHO WERE THERE.

YOUR mere BELIEF they are lying is NOT evidence.

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11 hours ago, robosmith said:

You disputed the evidence. No PROOF it was FALSE.

You do understand how difficult it is to PROVE a negative, don't you?

Instead you just pretend SOME minor evidence is definitive, even when there is much OTHER evidence which PROVES the positive. Including REPORTS from people WHO WERE THERE.

YOUR mere BELIEF they are lying is NOT evidence.

They did lie, and I proved it.

It's an absolute farce to say that "Trump lied' about "no rain during his inauguration speech". He stood outside for 17 minutes and his hair was bone dry. Of course he wasn't lying.

WashPo lied when they made that bogus claim.

Trump didn't "lie" about crowd size. He was just wrong, and on a completely immaterial matter. The crowd size data wasn't available yet, and they did an estimate based on transit ridership that day. It was wrong, big deal.

An example of lying on that story is the photos that the MSM used showing Obama's crowd at max capacity and Trump's crowd hours earlier. 

FYI calling someone a liar is no small thing. You have to be correct. WashPo knew better in both instances, that's the worst form of lying there is. I'm not entertaining anything else that WashPo ever says, they're just known to be pathetic liars and the two Trump stories are the tip of the iceberg.

FYI WashPo is not a "news source" at all. They are liars, spin doctors and propagandists. 

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8 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

They did lie, and I proved it.

It's an absolute farce to say that "Trump lied' about "no rain during his inauguration speech". He stood outside for 17 minutes and his hair was bone dry. Of course he wasn't lying.

Nope. His hair LOOKED DRY on VIDEO.  It's ONLY your ASSUMPTION that means it didn't rain, contradicted by greater evidence that it DID RAIN.

Rain drops on the chairs which would have been wiped before anyone sat down, IF they were there.

Many in the the audience wearing ponchos or scrambling to put them on and holding umbrellas 

And TIME corroborated what Wapo said. Your belief that Trump didn't lie only proves you're part of HIS CULT.

Trump is a conman, and you've been thoroughly conned.


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13 hours ago, Colin Norris said:

No different to Trump asking Ukraine for dirt on Biden. 

He was impeached for that. 

That's a lie.

Trump asked for information about crowdstrike, which only had implications for the Russian collusion show trial. 

Zelenski brought up the issue about Biden later, and Trump did not ask for "dirt". He asked for information about the illegal interference in the Burisma investigation which Biden bragged about. 

At no point did Trump make the delivery of Javelins contingent upon Ukraine's aid in investigating Biden's Ukraine quid pro quo. 

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1 hour ago, robosmith said:

Nope. His hair LOOKED DRY on VIDEO.  It's ONLY your ASSUMPTION that means it didn't rain, contradicted by greater evidence that it DID RAIN.

Rain drops on the chairs which would have been wiped before anyone sat down, IF they were there.

Many in the the audience wearing ponchos or scrambling to put them on and holding umbrellas 

And TIME corroborated what Wapo said. Your belief that Trump didn't lie only proves you're part of HIS CULT.

Trump is a conman, and you've been thoroughly conned.

1) His hair was dry, we both know what wet hair looks like.

2) There is no "greater evidence that it did rain", because it did not rain at all. 

3) It's possible that a few tiny droplets landed during the course of 17 minutes, but it absolutely did not "rain". When Trump said it didn't rain it was neither a lie nor an exaggeration. WashPo assertion that Trump lied is the only lie in the story. 

4) Hi-Def video from ABC, which I showed you, provided ample proof that it did not rain during his speech. 

The fact remains that WashPo lied, and they were already a fully discredited source long before that happened. 

You can continue to get info from them and disseminate it, it's a free country, just don't expect to have any credibility when you cite them as a source. It's no different than citing Breitbart. 

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1 hour ago, WestCanMan said:

That's a lie.

Trump asked for information about crowdstrike, which only had implications for the Russian collusion show trial. 

Zelenski brought up the issue about Biden later, and Trump did not ask for "dirt". He asked for information about the illegal interference in the Burisma investigation which Biden bragged about. 

At no point did Trump make the delivery of Javelins contingent upon Ukraine's aid in investigating Biden's Ukraine quid pro quo. 

Trump demanded the ANNOUNCEMENT of a Biden investigation by Ukraine in an ATTEMPT to TAR JOE FOR HIS CAMPAIGN. The QPQ was Trump would release Congressional REQUIRED AID IN RETURN.

Of course he could not get his own DoJ to do that, because that would REQUIRE EVIDENCE which DID NOT EXIST.

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1 hour ago, WestCanMan said:

1) His hair was dry, we both know what wet hair looks like.

Not when Trump used waterproof hair spray.

1 hour ago, WestCanMan said:

2) There is no "greater evidence that it did rain", because it did not rain at all. 

There were RAINDROPS on the seats SHOWN in the VIDEO YOU POSTED.

And audience members SCRAMPBLING to put on the PONCHOS.

1 hour ago, WestCanMan said:

3) It's possible that a few tiny droplets landed during the course of 17 minutes, but it absolutely did not "rain". When Trump said it didn't rain it was neither a lie nor an exaggeration. WashPo assertion that Trump lied is the only lie in the story. 

Time an Wapo were there, they reported that it rained. People in the audience were HOLDING UMBRELLAS.

1 hour ago, WestCanMan said:

4) Hi-Def video from ABC, which I showed you, provided ample proof that it did not rain during his speech.

Nope. You're JUST ASSUMING it would be visible on Trump's hair and ignoring all the other evidence it rained.

1 hour ago, WestCanMan said:


The fact remains that WashPo lied, and they were already a fully discredited source long before that happened. 

You can continue to get info from them and disseminate it, it's a free country, just don't expect to have any credibility when you cite them as a source. It's no different than citing Breitbart. 

No matter what you believe about Wapo, TIME CORROBORATED THEM and they both have FAR MORE credibility than YOUR ASSUMPTIONS.

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On 10/18/2022 at 7:37 PM, WestCanMan said:

Dude, headlines are trying to switch the narrative from "What did Biden do and what did he offer in exchange?" to "Bad Saudis, no need for an investigation". 

I can't believe you fell for that. 

Oh, I AGREE that Biden is going to make the Saudis pay for that little stunt. The way he is going to do it is make his  party look so bad that the Republicans will sweep into office, impeach him, and restart domestic energy production. Then America will start to compete with those towel heads.

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1 minute ago, reason10 said:

Oh, I AGREE that Biden is going to make the Saudis pay for that little stunt. The way he is going to do it is make his  party look so bad that the Republicans will sweep into office, impeach him, and restart domestic energy production. Then America will start to compete with those towel heads.

"restart domestic energy production"? IT NEVER STOPPED. LMAO


Where did you hear that? Fox News? No wonder you don't know what's going on.


  • U.S. crude oil production in our forecast averages 11.7 million b/d in 2022 and 12.4 million b/d in 2023, which would surpass the record high set in 2019.


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2 hours ago, robosmith said:

Trump demanded the ANNOUNCEMENT of a Biden investigation by Ukraine in an ATTEMPT to TAR JOE FOR HIS CAMPAIGN. The QPQ was Trump would release Congressional REQUIRED AID IN RETURN.

Of course he could not get his own DoJ to do that, because that would REQUIRE EVIDENCE which DID NOT EXIST.

You're utterly shameless. It's disgusting the things that you'll say, even knowing that you'll be completely busted for peddling absolute bullshit. 

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8 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

You're utterly shameless. It's disgusting the things that you'll say, even knowing that you'll be completely busted for peddling absolute bullshit. 

Just because you BELIEVE SOMETHING ELSE, does not make the TRUTH BULLSHIT.

You repeatedly demonstrate how easily you are CONNED BY TRUMP and HIS LIES.

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