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Is Jagmeet Singh Committing Hate Speech? Is the NDP a Hate Group?

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MP Jagmeet Singh is accusing the truckers and their supporters of being racists and Islamaphobic. This is consistent with the anti-White rhetoric that comes from the NDP leader. This is arguably hate speech under 319 of the Criminal Code.

On January 9, 2022,  with no evidence to support the claim that the trucker convoy and their supporters are racists and anti-Islam, he posted the following:

"Today we commemorate 5 years since a terrorist attacked and murdered Muslims in a Quebec City Mosque. We said never again. And, today Conservative MPs have endorsed a convoy led by those that claim the superiority of the white bloodline and equate Islam to a disease."
MP Singh conflates a tragic shooting with a workers' right movement.  Curiously,  the NDP were once, ostensibly
, the party of the worker/laborer. The leader is now villainizing the workers who unite to protest restrictions on their ability to earn. It is clear that the purpose of the above tweet is to generate hate against white people and any white people associated with the convoy. In adding the Quebec shooting to the message,  the intent is to conjure feelings of fear and resentment. This is dangerous language from the Burnaby South representative.
It seems to me that the above tweet is designed to breach the peace and to incite an aggressive response against those in the convoy. The message is seemingly advising people that the convoy includes violent, hateful and racist people looking to harm others which would reasonably be construed as an encouragement to breach the peace and disrupt the truckers ' protest. 
This is the motis operandi  of Jagmeet who previously spread anti - White fear mongering. His plan is to use white guilt to gain support with white supporters and to bring non-whites to his side by making them believe whites are hateful and dangerous and all non-whites are in danger. His business model is to sell fear: "If you want to be safe, only the orange can save you! Look how dangerous and hateful the whites are!"
Sound exaggerated? Juxtapose the legitimacy of the suggestion that Singh and the NDP want Canadian people to fear and hate whites with his claim that “Radicalized white supremacists, neo-Nazis, the alt-right have resulted in the deaths of people...”
The man with a law degree added: “Mothers talk to me of the fear they have for their kids going out into the community, worried about the violence they might face.” 
The above, which can be dismissed as bald assertions,  clearly lack evidence as no murders in recent Canadian history can be linked to any " white supremacist " organization. This is pure propoganda and part of Singh's plan to divide Canada for political gain and make people hate and fear white people. 
This October 5, 2020 tweet by Singh is clearly is an attempt to galvanize people to resist/hate/fear white people:
"White Supremacy & Neo-Nazism pose a threat to our national security They export hatred & target Indigenous, Black, Jewish, Muslim, Sikh & many other racialized groups across Canada I stand with anti-hate & civil liberties groups calling on PM Trudeau to take immediate action..."
Again,  the attempt to breed hate is real but the facts are false. Let's look at Singh's claims.
One,  Alexandre Bissonnette, was not charged with terrorism or convicted of a terrorist act. Bissonnette was never linked to any white supremacist organization and was on an anti depressant which suggests that this horrific tragedy was likely linked to mental health issues more than white supremacist organizations. However,  this does not match the narrative that Singh wants to sell in order to divide the country. 
Singh also references the Toronto stabbing of a Muslim to spread his smearing of whites. Guilherme “William” Von Neutegem was charged with the murder of a Muslim man. To date, the case is ongoing and he has not been convicted of a terrorist act or any hate crime.  In addition,  no link to any white supremacist organization has been proven in court. The same details apply to the London car attack on a Muslim family- no convictions, no link to any organization. However, this does not stop MP Singh from claiming that these two examples are " proof " that hateful whites are a threat to non-whites and are looking to call visible minorities!
By the way, Singh openly discussing the cases and portraying the accuseds as guilty and a part of a " violent, white nationalist " movement is a violation of the accuseds' Charter right to the fundamental principles of justice, such as a fair trail and innocent until proven guilty. But, when you are spreading hate and mistruths, who cares about the Charter?
The only time Singh appears interested in a crime is when the accused is white. Look at his benign response to the Danforth shooting of white teenagers by a Muslim, the killing of Marissa Shen by a Syrian refugee, the killing of Hang-Kam “Annie” Chiu by Saad Akhtar who told police his motivation was to commit a terrorist attack in the name of terror group the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant. When there is a conviction for a hate crime, like Akhtar, Singh is quiet because a Muslim committing a hate crime doesn't align with the business model of selling hate against whites. And when a Muslim, Umar Zameer, is charged with killing a white police officer,  not much sympathy or support is expressed by the NDP leader.
Don't your breath waiting for Singh to remember the anniversary of any crimes by non whites. Won't happen. 
Air India Flight 182 is the worst terrorist attack in Canadian history.  Jagmeet and his party won't commemorate the event or remind anyone because the perpetrators were not white.  Who were they? Don't ask Jagmeet.  He is quiet on the topic...
   Of course there will be media outlets and the woke mob looking to find racism everywhere.  Global news, and I'm sure cbc and ctv will follow,  have an absurd article attempting to link " nazis " to the convoy.  However,  even global news admits the following:
"A group affiliated with the convoy, Canada Unity, has produced a “memorandum of understanding” that it plans to present to Gov. Gen. Mary Simon and the Senate, and which it believes would force the government to rescind COVID-19 public health measures, or force the government to resign en masse."
The people Singh and his elk attempt to link to nazi boogeyman are associated with the go fund me account,  allegedly.  No evidence has been presented to show there is any political ideology associated with the convoy.  What if someone really was a Nazi and they organized a go find me for a cancer patient would cancer be racist?
The desperate attempts of the NDP , Singh, Trudeau,  the left and the media are embarrassing. 
No one can name a crime linked to any white nationalist group in Canada and there are no Nazis in Canada of any statistical value.  Ask Reese Fallon and Hang-Kam Annie Chiu how worried they are about the white supremacist organizations in Canada.
You can read how the leftist global news covered the hate crime, murder by Saad Akhtar. Their coverage focused on the murderer's mother and her opinion as to how innocent her son was. Hardly objective journalism as it didn't fit their anti white agenda:
There are anti Asian and anti semetic and anti LGTBQ attacks but they are downplayed by Singh and others when the accused are not white. There are anti Islam attacks and ideas but the NDP are quiet on those unless the situation can be used to spread hate against whites.
The NDP, and their leader's, goal is to create division and hate and who cares about the Charter,  the facts, and proportionally? At what point do we hold them accountable? Can they continue to spread misinformation and engender hate against whites in perpetuity? The NDP obviously has a mandate to make people anti white. 
Singh was instrumental in having the proud boys named as " domestic terrorists " because of his claim that white nationalists are a threat to the nation. They are now on par with ISIS and AL Qaeda. Sure,  that makes sense. 
Other than the minor,  non violent, incident in Halifax that involved an Indigenous member of the Proud Boys,  what did they do wrong exactly? Not sure but were definitely never proven to have commited violence in Canada. But don't question Singh, if you do, it proves you're a "white supremacist". 
Take a look at the Criminal Code and ask yourself is Singh's anti-White rhetoric is a potential crime.

Public incitement of hatred

  • 319 (1) Every one who, by communicating statements in any public place, incites hatred against any identifiable group where such incitement is likely to lead to a breach of the peace is guilty of

    • (a) an indictable offence and is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years; or

    • (b) an offence punishable on summary conviction.

  • Marginal note:Wilful promotion of hatred

    (2) Every one who, by communicating statements, other than in private conversation, wilfully promotes hatred against any identifiable group is guilty of

    • (a) an indictable offence and is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years; or

    • (b) an offence punishable on summary conviction.

In my opinion, Jagmeet Singh is clearly using misinformation to make people believe that white people are racists and hateful and that whites are organized in dangerous groups looking to enact violence based on their hateful ideals. None of which is true. The intended message of Singh is to feel negatively against whites. This is a crime as per my interpretation of the above section. What do you think?

Edited by OntarioRacism2021
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  • OntarioRacism2021 changed the title to Is Jagmeet Singh Committing Hate Speech? Is the NDP a Hate Group?
29 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

The organizers of the GoFundMe and the event have been tied to xenophobic statements and intolerance so there is evidence, sorry.


Evidence? What was said, when, what was the context, and said by whom? How is the " Evidence " linked to " leaders" of the rally? Support your statement with facts and quotes and sources please.  You're welcome for informing you of how idea Exchange work. Not just saying "Evidence "...

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18 minutes ago, OntarioRacism2021 said:

Evidence? What was said, when, what was the context, and said by whom? How is the " Evidence " linked to " leaders" of the rally? Support your statement with facts and quotes and sources please. 

Here you go.


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17 minutes ago, OntarioRacism2021 said:

No reasonable person would believe that the purpose of this rally is to promote white supremacists and anyone suggesting otherwise is patently absurd. 

No but all of the White Supremacy organizations appear to be in support/attending .... 

I don't believe in throwing out a movement because the organizers have legal but extreme views... but it IS reasonable for people to come to those conclusions.  It happens on the right all the time, too, used to discredit BLM for example because the founders are/were hard left.


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9 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

No but all of the White Supremacy organizations appear to be in support/attending .... 


Many faiths, races and people have attended. First nations drumming groups have been important parts of main events

Pat King is a Metis drummer. Don't get all the "white nationalist" slander being tossed out by the press. Hopefully they are sued. 

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Just now, West said:

 Pat King is a Metis drummer. Don't get all the "white nationalist" slander being tossed out by the press.  

Read it, then.  The claims are of facts.  If these are straight lies, lawsuits are warranted.

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1 minute ago, Michael Hardner said:

Read it, then.  The claims are of facts.  If these are straight lies, lawsuits are warranted.

You need to observe the press approach. They are basically given protection to lie and slander especially if the figure is public. 

Then they issue retraction on page 50. 

How corporate media works. They have an agenda which is basically to prop up the powerful even at the expense of truth

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1 minute ago, West said:

You need to observe the press approach. They are basically given protection to lie and slander especially if the figure is public. 

Horseshit. At least they issue retractions... Unlike the liars on this very board who post things that are false, unproven and will never be retracted. Our institutions have served us until now, they're not going to be replaced by randos on YouTube

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18 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

Horseshit. At least they issue retractions... Unlike the liars on this very board who post things that are false, unproven and will never be retracted. Our institutions have served us until now, they're not going to be replaced by randos on YouTube

Their lies like the president being a Russian agent were allowed to fester for four years. More truth in tabloids these days

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1 hour ago, Michael Hardner said:

The organizers of the GoFundMe and the event have been tied to xenophobic statements and intolerance so there is evidence, sorry.

Surely you realize that your post is nothing more than the unsubstantiated opinion of a random internet poster, right?

Those are some extremely serious and well-supported accusations of bigotry against a leader of a Canadian political party and you wanna come back with "I think his bigotry was ok"?

You realize that's not a contribution to the thread in any way, shape or form, right? 

It's the equivalent of someone posting "Me think Twudo bad." Grab a glove and get in the game MH. 

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If CNN gave an infinite number of monkeys an infinite number of typewriters, leftists would believe everything they typed.

If you missed something on the Cultist Narrative Network, don't worry, the dolt horde here will make sure everyone hears it. 

Kamala didn't get where she is because of her achievements or anything that came out of her mouth. 

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39 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

No but all of the White Supremacy organizations appear to be in support/attending .... 

" all of the white supremacy organizations " hhahaha what? What groups? How do you know they are there? I'm not going to engage with you anymore as you have no facts and rely on bald unfounded assertions   

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43 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

A go fund me guy might have said that the liberal party has islamists in it. That's not actually untrue, there's one Omar Alghabra there who is credibly accused of being a terrorist supporter:



His critics say he’s made several statements over the years that cause concern, such as condemning CanWest newspapers for labelling Hamas and Hezbollah terrorist organizations. In a 2006 interview with B’nai Brith’s Jewish Tribune newspaper, he declined to condemn suicide bombers; he said he didn’t believe Hamas was dedicated to Israel’s destruction; and he claimed UN Resolution 242 required Israeli withdrawal from all captured territories, which the clause itself leaves indeterminate, and that he’d criticized Toronto’s police chief for taking part in a charity walk for Israel. He also said he mourned the death of Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat. And when Ontario declined to permit the use of sharia law in Ontario, Alghabra said he was disappointed.

Let's be honest, someone with Alghabra's hideous political views has no place in Canada's government, let alone a cabinet position. That's just as bad as a having a KKK member serving in the Liberal party. 


But I'll go ya one better. Here's Jagmeet Singh with some bigots/terrorists, acting like it's the most normal thing in the world. Is Jagmeet Singh really in a position to be calling the integrity of other Canadians into question? The answer is no. It's a joke that our newspapers give him credibility as a humanitarian. Terrorism is no more acceptable than racism. 


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If CNN gave an infinite number of monkeys an infinite number of typewriters, leftists would believe everything they typed.

If you missed something on the Cultist Narrative Network, don't worry, the dolt horde here will make sure everyone hears it. 

Kamala didn't get where she is because of her achievements or anything that came out of her mouth. 

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3 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

A go fund me guy might have said that the liberal party has islamists in it. That's not actually untrue, there's one Omar Alghabra there who is credibly accused of being a terrorist supporter:


Let's be honest, someone with Alghabra's hideous political views has no place in Canada's government, let alone a cabinet position. That's just as bad as a having a KKK member serving in the Liberal party. 


But I'll go ya one better. Here's Jagmeet Singh with some bigots/terrorists, acting like it's the most normal thing in the world. Is Jagmeet Singh really in a position to be calling the integrity of other Canadians into question? The answer is no. It's a joke that our newspapers give him credibility as a humanitarian. Terrorism is no more acceptable than racism. 


You beat me to it. I was just looking at when Singh was sympathizing with terrorists. 

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16 minutes ago, EastCanada90 said:

Ndp need to drop jameet but they won't do it  charlie angus should of been the ndp leader.  i am sure there is people in  the protests who are racist and stuff but i don't believe its a majority of the truckers mostly small groups that attached on to it.

They made a mistake in punting Tom Mulcaire and going full on fringe with the wokester movement 

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59 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

Did they find a link between the drivers and the convoy organizers to the two people mentioned? If so, i didn't see it. What was the role? What is the link between their ideologies and the rally? Seems like none. The Charter allows for freedom of thought. 

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5 minutes ago, OntarioRacism2021 said:

Did they find a link between the drivers and the convoy organizers to the two people mentioned? If so, i didn't see it. What was the role? What is the link between their ideologies and the rally? Seems like none. The Charter allows for freedom of thought. 

The convoy was grassroots. Very few knew who Pat King or Tamara Liche were even 5 days ago. They just knew they were tired of living under the boots of health officials. 

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23 minutes ago, OntarioRacism2021 said:

" all of the white supremacy organizations " hhahaha what? What groups? How do you know they are there? I'm not going to engage with you anymore as you have no facts and rely on bald unfounded assertions   

I already posted some evidence in here and you didn't acknowledge.

So I am going to assume you are on here to win arguments and not discuss things. 

If you don't want to acknowledge that it's reasonable to suspect a movement whose leaders have such links then why should I keep producing evidence for you?

Your mind is made up.

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