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What do you call a person who won't wear a mask and wont get a Covid shot.

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1 hour ago, WestCanMan said:

What do you call a person who has made declarative statements about covid every day for the past two years and still only has a rudimentary understanding of all the main talking points? 

There was just an article out that said the pandemic responses have not been governed by the science for quite a while now.  Lockdowns, restrictions, passports, etc - those decisions are now being governed by the polls. Politicians are doing what YOU want them to do.

All the ones here who keep crowing about how 70% or 80% of Canadians WANT restrictions and lockdowns and segregation - they are the ones keeping this going now.  And not a bloody one of them look at the science - they only read what the fear-mongering CTV and CBC and Global tell them.

It's getting pathetic.

And frustrating.

And dangerous.

Edited by Goddess
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10 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

1.  You don't believe in Climate Science, so why would you believe in medical science ?

1) I don't believe "your" climate science and I don't listen to people who fly to Europe in private jets and then bitch about my 7l/100km car. 

2) I'm not arguing the "science" of the mRNA shots at all. I didn't even listen to Joe Rogan's podcast when he talked to the mRNA vaccine pioneer's criticism of the shots. I don't need to.

Stats are the final arbiter of the 'vaccine' efficacy debate, period, and the stats are in. Vaccinated people die, a lot. A lot of young people get myocarditis from the vaccines. I know 2 people who got myocarditis and another that was temporarily paralyzed (J&J). The J&J was pimped as being safe too, remember. 


2. You implied that they make no difference and I pointed that out.  If you said "Wearing a seat belt doesn't protect you 100% from car accident fatalities" what point would you be trying to make ?

That's a lie. I stated exactly how much help the mRNA shot was against the various strains that we've seen so far and in not one instance did I say that they made "no difference". 

If you feel like you have to lie to make a point then maybe don't try to make that point. Say something else.

There's a wide open lane for you to make a reasonable case for vaccinating children and you dodge it like it's an anaconda hanging from a tree. Why MH? You believe in it really strongly, so make the case for vaccinating children then instead of just lying about what I said.


3. So ?  Why bring it up if vaccines improve your protection - which they do ?

Because it's a double-edged sword.

You like to act like all the vaxes do is provide somewhere between a bit and a lot of protection, and you absolutely ignore the side-effects, which is a form of lying.

The young people who are still on heart medication, and whose lives have been limited severely, don't have the luxury of ignoring the side effects, do they? 


4. You are telling half truths and selling snake oil...

Bullshit, you're lying again.

The mRNA shots absolutely do have serious side-effects and it's not a secret. 

Also, people absolutely do die after being fully vaxed, and there are over 1,000 of them in Canada now. https://www.statista.com/statistics/1257040/number-covid-deaths-canada-by-vaccination-status/ It's actually over 1,500 now, and that number was only about 980 on Dec 20th. Fully-protected people are dying a lot now. 


5.  Snake oil
6.  Snake oil

You lied.

You lied again.


Your mistrust of medicine will not end well for you.  

Your insistence on burying your head in the sand won't end well for you. 

Maybe, if, as a people, we weren't satisfied with a pseudo-vax that has deadly side-effects, there would be more pressure on vax companies to make a safe vaccine that actually worked.

We showed a dangerous willingness to accept a pseudo-vax with a waiver and maybe we just set a deadly precedent that will fuck us all in the future.

Just imagine when, just as MH wants it to be, literally everyone rushes out and signs a waiver to take a rushed vaccine, and it's actually got very serious long-term effects. 

Is it really good to put all of our eggs in one basket MH? 

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7 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

If information makes you afraid then the problem may be you, not the source.

The information is that the IFR of covid is very slightly higher than the seasonal flu.

The information is that for someone in my age group, my chances of dying from covid is less than a half percent.

Believe me, it's not me running scared of stats like that and begging the government for more restrictions and lockdowns over what is basically a flu.

It's you. 

And your fear-mongering MSM that has convinced you we're all going to die any second now - no science and no thought given to the real stats.

Stop. The. Hysteria.

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12 minutes ago, Goddess said:

1. The information is that the IFR of covid is very slightly higher than the seasonal flu.

2. It's you. 

1. Why you continue to focus on IFR and mortality is highly suspicious to me.

2. Telling me how I feel about something makes no sense.  I didn't SAY you were afraid, I said "if".  

Are you ok with ME telling YOU what is going on in your brain ?

I don't feel afraid, please don't tell me what I am thinking thanks.

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16 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

1. Why you continue to focus on IFR and mortality is highly suspicious to me.

Why?  This is the most important information when it comes to infectious disease.  How many people does it infect and How many people does it kill.  That's epidemiology 101.

In 2 years, 5.5 million people (proven to be an inflated number, but I'll be generous and go with it) died out of 7.8 billion people.  That is less than ONE bad flu season, let alone TWO.

That is 0.07% of the world's population.

The response - lockdowns, business/school closures, masks, forced vaccinations that go against the basic human right of bodily autonomy, everything - is utterly insane.  The only way any of this makes sense to me is if *someone or some people* wanted to use governmental overreach and fearmongering (ie: bombarding the public with massive "case counts" via a faulty PCR test, and inflating death counts) to "excite" the public (Fauci's words) so that they begged for a vaccine and turned on anyone who dared to point out the inconsistencies.....so that billionaires could make more money.

You have been duped.

You have been lied to.

It's a tough awakening, but lots of people ARE waking up.  Just not you.

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7 hours ago, Goddess said:

IFR for seasonal flu is 0.1%

IFR for covid is 0.15%

Where were these "community values" before covid?  There were not restrictions, no lockdowns, no business/school closures, no forced flu shots, no segregating society, no masks, etc for the seasonal flu.

We are doing all this for 0.05% increase in IFR.

This makes sense to you?

Was this just a brain fart or did you believe it actually. Do you think your brain fart will stack up to this fact


flue deaths.png

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3 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

Only the very stupidest people among us believe what you're saying, so, are you a liar or an idiot? 

FYI only 27 people under 20 years old died of covid since the very beginning, back in Jan of 2020. That's 27 out of about 10,000,000 (over two years, so only 14 per year). https://www.statista.com/statistics/1228632/number-covid-deaths-canada-by-age/ FYI 5 out of every 100,000 Canadians die in car accidents every year. That's 500 people per 10M people PER YEAR (10M is the approximate number of kids in Canada). 80 x as many as covid. 

Do you think that people should stop allowing kids to go in cars?

Do you really want to give all 10M kids the experimental vaccine, even while knowing that the vaccines cause myocarditis? Do you know how dangerous myocarditis is? Do you know that in about 20% of cases it isn't successfully treated? 

Life is about risk management. Rolling the dice on a 27/10,000,000 chance isn't ideal, but neither is rolling the dice on myocarditis and all of the other long-term side effects that we don't even know about yet

If you want to take the experimental jab to reduce your chance of dying from 14 out of 10,000,000 to 5[?] out of 10,000,000 go for it.  

OK Dr Q anon

Edited by jbander1A
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6 hours ago, Goddess said:

IFR = Infection Fatality Rate.

The percentage of people who die after infection.

The IFR for covid is 0.05% higher than the seasonal flu and the same people are more at risk - the elderly, the obese and those with serious comorbidities.

These are the risks for each age group:  

0-19 - 0.0027%

20-29 - 0.014%

30-39 - 0.031%

40-49 - 0.082%

50-59 - 0.27%

60-69 - 0.59%

70+ - 2.4%

The fear mongering  and hysteria hyped by government and media has got to stop.


flue deaths.png

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1 hour ago, WestCanMan said:

1) I don't believe "your" climate science and I don't listen to people who fly to Europe in private jets and then bitch about my 7l/100km car. 

2) I'm not arguing the "science" of the mRNA shots at all. I didn't even listen to Joe Rogan's podcast when he talked to the mRNA vaccine pioneer's criticism of the shots. I don't need to.

Stats are the final arbiter of the 'vaccine' efficacy debate, period, and the stats are in. Vaccinated people die, a lot. A lot of young people get myocarditis from the vaccines. I know 2 people who got myocarditis and another that was temporarily paralyzed (J&J). The J&J was pimped as being safe too, remember. 

That's a lie. I stated exactly how much help the mRNA shot was against the various strains that we've seen so far and in not one instance did I say that they made "no difference". 

If you feel like you have to lie to make a point then maybe don't try to make that point. Say something else.

There's a wide open lane for you to make a reasonable case for vaccinating children and you dodge it like it's an anaconda hanging from a tree. Why MH? You believe in it really strongly, so make the case for vaccinating children then instead of just lying about what I said.

Because it's a double-edged sword.

You like to act like all the vaxes do is provide somewhere between a bit and a lot of protection, and you absolutely ignore the side-effects, which is a form of lying.

The young people who are still on heart medication, and whose lives have been limited severely, don't have the luxury of ignoring the side effects, do they? 

Bullshit, you're lying again.

The mRNA shots absolutely do have serious side-effects and it's not a secret. 

Also, people absolutely do die after being fully vaxed, and there are over 1,000 of them in Canada now. https://www.statista.com/statistics/1257040/number-covid-deaths-canada-by-vaccination-status/ It's actually over 1,500 now, and that number was only about 980 on Dec 20th. Fully-protected people are dying a lot now. 

You lied.

You lied again.

Your insistence on burying your head in the sand won't end well for you. 

Maybe, if, as a people, we weren't satisfied with a pseudo-vax that has deadly side-effects, there would be more pressure on vax companies to make a safe vaccine that actually worked.

We showed a dangerous willingness to accept a pseudo-vax with a waiver and maybe we just set a deadly precedent that will fuck us all in the future.

Just imagine when, just as MH wants it to be, literally everyone rushes out and signs a waiver to take a rushed vaccine, and it's actually got very serious long-term effects. 

Is it really good to put all of our eggs in one basket MH? 

As soon as you got the title of DR Q anon no one will ever ever read you again, and no hot rod I didn't read one word of you q anon response. I don't have time for complete total stupidity.

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6 hours ago, Goddess said:

5.5 million out of 7.8 billion.  In 2 years.  And we know those "covid" deaths have been inflated in every country due to the way they count covid deaths.

And before you accuse me of not caring that 5 million people died, I do care.

I also care about the billions of people who are experiencing the collateral damage of our over-the-top response to something that is marginally more deadly than the seasonal flu.

The seasonal flu kills between 300,000 and 600,000 per year - the top end if it is an especially bad flu season.

Total bullshit , You have no clue how they count Covid deaths , who in the hell are you trying to kid

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54 minutes ago, jbander1A said:

As soon as you got the title of DR Q anon no one will ever ever read you again,


I sense that you're a mod on some goofball site somewhere that you have the power to control the dialogue. Too bad kid, on this site you're just a noob who gets dummied a lot. 


I don't have time for complete total stupidity.

Yeah, I agree, your schedule for reading/writing stupidity is full.

Keep guessing why everyone who's smarter than you isn't vaxing their kids. 

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