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Why is the thinking of the right wing on the covid virus so lame.

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On 1/14/2022 at 1:34 PM, taxme said:

The premier of Alberta Jason Kenny just admitted that they have overstated Omnicron hospitalizations by 60%.

Every province, every country has been doing this from the beginning.  Case counts, hospitalizations, ICU counts and deaths have all been overstated.

The problem is that the decisions to do lockdowns and other restrictions have been and continue to be, based on these exaggerations and lies.

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On 1/15/2022 at 4:08 PM, Goddess said:

Every province, every country has been doing this from the beginning.  Case counts, hospitalizations, ICU counts and deaths have all been overstated.

The problem is that the decisions to do lockdowns and other restrictions have been and continue to be, based on these exaggerations and lies.

The problem that we still have to face today is why have the peasants out there not seen this yet? Why are they still living in a constant state of fear and panic over an omnicon nothing virus burger? We were told that this omnicon virus was a mild virus and nothing that we should all get upset and concerned about.

But I knew from the very beginning of omnicon that this omnicon virus was another opportunity for our dear fascist lying political leaders and the lying fascist media whom would try to make this omnicon mountain out of a tiny omnicon mole hill. Those two mentioned above have succeeded very well in trying to get the many silly peasants out there, once again, into a state of fear and panic and has them now running to get their 1st booster shot with another booster to come along later. 

This has all just been one big pile of lies and wild exaggerations that should never have happened in the first place. But never leave it to our dear leaders to try and take advantage of another so called created virus nothing crises to try and keep their power and control over we the peasants. 

When will they the peasants ever learn that dear dear fascist leaders do not really like nor care about their peasants  health, safety and well being? It's all about money and power and nothing more. Gawd, these buffoon peasants make me want to ? all the time. ? 


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On 12/26/2021 at 9:07 AM, jbander1A said:

Because they are bonded together with their hatred , ugliness and stupidity. You know how stupid they are with their reasons to be anti's, That this has anything at all to do with their rights. There is hundreds of examples where mandates rules and law are already existing in the exact same manner , that they don't have any qualms about. Its every where in every civilized society. They are brain dead stupid.



their hatred , ugliness and stupidity.

How ironic.


You know how stupid they are with their reasons to be anti's,

Why don't you tell us why we're 'antis'? Let's see if you actually have a clue what you're taking about. 


There is hundreds of examples where mandates rules and law are already existing in the exact same manner , that they don't have any qualms about.

It makes sense to mandate things that work, especially when they're necessary, but not one person has made the case for vaccinating children, or explained away all of the serious side effects that they are risking. 

Go ahead and make the case then, Mr Science, or stop with the childish name-calling. 


They are brain dead stupid.

Your post is rife with serious & unsubstantiated accusations (slander) and completely devoid of any actual information whatsoever.

Again, make the case for vaccinating 5-19 yr olds, or even 20-39 yr olds, or you're just going to be considered to be the exact person that you're describing here. 

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46 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:


How ironic.

Why don't you tell us why we're 'antis'? Let's see if you actually have a clue what you're taking about. 

It makes sense to mandate things that work, especially when they're necessary, but not one person has made the case for vaccinating children, or explained away all of the serious side effects that they are risking. 

Go ahead and make the case then, Mr Science, or stop with the childish name-calling. 

Your post is rife with serious & unsubstantiated accusations (slander) and completely devoid of any actual information whatsoever.

Again, make the case for vaccinating 5-19 yr olds, or even 20-39 yr olds, or you're just going to be considered to be the exact person that you're describing here. 

Its easier then that, all the massive number of people in the hospital and dying now are all the dumb lames that won't get a little shot. That's a plus of course as far as the gene pool is concerned. But how stupid are you that you will sacrifice your children and threaten the health of your neighbors for the stupid idea that it has something to do with your rights. What a bunch of dim light bulbs.

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1 hour ago, taxme said:

The problem that we still have to face today is why have the peasants out there not seen this yet? Why are they still living in a constant state of fear and panic over an omnicon nothing virus burger? We were told that this omnicon virus was a mild virus and nothing that we should all get upset and concerned about.

But I knew from the very beginning of omnicon that this omnicon virus was another opportunity for our dear fascist lying political leaders and the lying fascist media whom would try to make this omnicon mountain out of a tiny omnicon mole hill. Those two mentioned above have succeeded very well in trying to get the many silly peasants out there, once again, into a state of fear and panic and has them now running to get their 1st booster shot with another booster to come along later. 

This has all just been one big pile of lies and wild exaggerations that should never have happened in the first place. But never leave it to our dear leaders to try and take advantage of another so called created virus nothing crises to try and keep their power and control over we the peasants. 

When will they the peasants ever learn that dear dear fascist leaders do not really like nor care about their peasants  health, safety and well being? It's all about money and power and nothing more. Gawd, these buffoon peasants make me want to ? all the time. ? 


What a clown, no one said anything of the sort ,it is way more infectious then the last two variants and carry's massive after effects but it isn't as hard on your lungs , NO one said it was no big deal you clown,. you

Q anoners are a joke. a total complete joke. There is not one thing that comes out of your mouths that is true. ever.  How can one political party be this stupid.

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21 hours ago, jbander1A said:

What a clown, no one said anything of the sort ,it is way more infectious then the last two variants and carry's massive after effects but it isn't as hard on your lungs , NO one said it was no big deal you clown,. you

Q anoners are a joke. a total complete joke. There is not one thing that comes out of your mouths that is true. ever.  How can one political party be this stupid.

You know as much as I do about this Omni"con" virus. Are you some kind of an expert on viruses? Who says that this Omnicon virus is way more infectious? Your fascist lying politicians and the lying media and those so called lying health officials, and of course, YOU? This Omnicon nonsense should have never gone as far as it has gone already. But thanks to those bozos mentioned above, I knew that they would try to make this Omnicon virus mole hill into a Omnicon mountain. 

Sadly, fools like you continue to eat up the covid chit that they keep feeding you every day. This covid virus nonsense will never end until fools like you stop listening to those bozos mentioned above. It's all about pushing vaccines and making plenty of money doing so. The covid virus has been a nothing burger for two years now but yet your dear fascist political leaders have been able to keep this scamdemic alive and well thanks to people like you. 

Two years of this covid nonsense is a little too much for me. I do not believe in this covid lie and hoax any longer. I have lost so much freedom and rights since all of this bull chit started and I want those rights and freedoms back now. From the news that I have been hearing this covid virus will always be here and around forever. Are they kidding me? 

So, are we still going to continue on with all of this medical tyranny madness forever or are we going to finally say enough already and let's all get back to the good old normal days and take our chances with this so called covid virus. The vaccines and masks are not stopping covid so what the hell is wrong with the stupid peasants out there? It's wacky-wacky time. Hello? ? 

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8 minutes ago, H B Lowrey said:

Spouting stuff sans any support at all is rubbish.  Can you build that argument with any citation or stats at all?

Natural News... a granola anti-pharma site.... hates vaccines...

Trump's pro vaccine statements.

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1 minute ago, Michael Hardner said:

This is your "lots of left wing folks"?  Ok, thanks.  As for Don's utterances, he's said all manner of bullshit per anything to do with COVID.

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Just now, H B Lowrey said:

This is your "lots of left wing folks"?  Ok, thanks.  As for Don's utterances, he's said all manner of bullshit per anything to do with COVID.

Well lots of left wing folks read it.  I was supposing that you didn't think any left wing folks were anti-vaccine.  I think more right-wing people are against the shot but this says 29% of Dems are against it


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Just now, Michael Hardner said:

Well lots of left wing folks read it.  I was supposing that you didn't think any left wing folks were anti-vaccine.  I think more right-wing people are against the shot but this says 29% of Dems are against it


Perhaps you shouldn't suppose, it's a shaky practice.  

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On 1/18/2022 at 1:41 PM, jbander1A said:

Its easier then that, all the massive number of people in the hospital and dying now are all the dumb lames that won't get a little shot. That's a plus of course as far as the gene pool is concerned. But how stupid are you that you will sacrifice your children and threaten the health of your neighbors for the stupid idea that it has something to do with your rights. What a bunch of dim light bulbs.


1) There are almost 1,100 covid deaths among the "fully protected". https://www.statista.com/statistics/1257040/number-covid-deaths-canada-by-vaccination-status/

2) Omicron got here from "fully protected" people coming back from South Africa, so the vaccines are not stopping the spread of covid.

3) Seeing as the vaccines aren't stopping the spread, and they're not stopping people from dying, it's just 100% a personal choice

4) Covid isn't killing kids, and I don't personally know of anyone that died from covid, but I do know 3 young people who had extremely serious side effects from vaxxing. None of them were at risk from covid. Do the math, if you can. 

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4 hours ago, WestCanMan said:


1) There are almost 1,100 covid deaths among the "fully protected". https://www.statista.com/statistics/1257040/number-covid-deaths-canada-by-vaccination-status/

2) Omicron got here from "fully protected" people coming back from South Africa, so the vaccines are not stopping the spread of covid.

3) Seeing as the vaccines aren't stopping the spread, and they're not stopping people from dying, it's just 100% a personal choice

4) Covid isn't killing kids, and I don't personally know of anyone that died from covid, but I do know 3 young people who had extremely serious side effects from vaxxing. None of them were at risk from covid. Do the math, if you can. 

You're guilty of spreading falsehoods and misinformation. And your occasional anecdote ain't research.

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On 12/27/2021 at 12:55 PM, taxme said:

The left are bonded together like glue. The left seem to have only hatred, ignorance, intolerance and stupidity roaming around in their pea brain size heads. When Trump fast tracked a vaccine for covid, the stupid leftists said that they would never take Trump's vaccine. After Joe BiDumb got elected the left had no problem taking Trumps' vaccine.

The left are always anti something when it comes to anything that has to do with conservatism. A conservative will say that it is nice to see the sun out today. The liberal will reply with, no the sun is not out today, it's cloudy just to be able to appear stupid and of course anti conservative. 

There are many words that are missing from a leftist liberals vocabulary and those words are common sense and logic, and they never seem to show any signs of having all that much intelligence at all. They live mostly on emotion and silly talk. 

You certainly do appear to be a leftist liberal alright. A sad state of affairs for you to be living in. You need to stop watching CNN or the CBC for health reasons. In case that you did not know? Liberalism is now classified as a disease. ?

I can't tell you partisanshitheads apart, and you both obviously need each other.

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4 hours ago, WestCanMan said:


1) There are almost 1,100 covid deaths among the "fully protected". https://www.statista.com/statistics/1257040/number-covid-deaths-canada-by-vaccination-status/

2) Omicron got here from "fully protected" people coming back from South Africa, so the vaccines are not stopping the spread of covid.

3) Seeing as the vaccines aren't stopping the spread, and they're not stopping people from dying, it's just 100% a personal choice

4) Covid isn't killing kids, and I don't personally know of anyone that died from covid, but I do know 3 young people who had extremely serious side effects from vaxxing. None of them were at risk from covid. Do the math, if you can. 

1100 people ,I bet there is a lot more then that, and it is a total nothing. You have no clue at all what you are even saying. I'll explain with pictures if needed , When you get the vaccine at it's best it was 93% efficient, that means 7% had no antibody's so they could get Covid just like a person who didn't get the shot. after 6 months it is about 60 % efficient That means a whole lot of people who got the shot or shots can still get covid, Am I going to fast for you if so just let me know and I will start drawing pictures for you. . There is hardly anyone at all that is having a problem with the vaccine only in the mind of the stupid. I even know what you are going to say , so I'll tell you before hand you don't have a clue on this either. . By the way these type of efficiency rates are fabulous as Far as a vaccine is concerned. You are a little cartoon character that thinks they have a clue on covid , buddy not even close.

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There is nothing more brain dead then the right and their thinking about covid. They know absolutely nothing about it and everything the do say about it is bullshit , their words are totally worthless other then they feed each other to not get the vaccine which for the sake of this country's gene pool is a great thing they are doing,. The only ones dying are the idiots. The only ones in the hospital are the idiots. Every one of these right wingers that dies because of their stupidity increases the national IQ average.

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On 1/18/2022 at 1:41 PM, jbander1A said:

Its easier then that, all the massive number of people in the hospital and dying now are all the dumb lames that won't get a little shot.

Statistically most of the deaths are from those with prexisting conditions and above 60s, realistically the majority of the population is not at high risk.




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10 minutes ago, Winston said:

Statistically most of the deaths are from those with prexisting conditions and above 60s, realistically the majority of the population is not at high risk.




I don't think there's much debate around the fact that we've written off the susceptible, is there?

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6 minutes ago, H B Lowrey said:

I don't think there's much debate around the fact that we've written off the susceptible, is there?

Medically we have not written off the susceptible, but societally we always have, just look at the jobs people with disabilities can attain.

If we want to protect the susceptible we should invest in treatments and biomedical technology. 

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14 minutes ago, Winston said:

Medically we have not written off the susceptible, but societally we always have, just look at the jobs people with disabilities can attain.

If we want to protect the susceptible we should invest in treatments and biomedical technology. 

That might be beneficial to those who still listen to science and medical advice, sure.  But no, we have written off COVID deaths and we'll continue to, for fweedumb.

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4 minutes ago, H B Lowrey said:

That might be beneficial to those who still listen to science and medical advice, sure.  But no, we have written off COVID deaths and we'll continue to, for fweedumb.

I do not think we have written off Covid deaths, people are still quite upset with the medical community and leadership for failing to proactively manage the difficult situation. 

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