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"Did Jesus Even Exist ?" Youtube video and you can find another videos of him about Jesus or rather someting to go Jesus is a complet fiction.

I don't know if there is a Yeshua ben Yosef would have existed but this personage don't need a matérial basis to exist. Every element of his biography seems to be modelled on a text from the Old Testament. 


Probably.  Nice guy too, by all accounts.

His friends were given to hyperbole though.


There are other characters made in Abrahamic religion whose existence is contested like Adam, Eve, Abraham or Moses but the case of Jesus is more interesting because we don't really know even if the propaganda who wants to make us believe in his existence incites us to believe in his non-existence because we wonder why to make so much sophism with false proofs like the Shroud of Turin if there are serious proofs going in the sense of his existence. 

In the Christ myth theory there are things who seem to me to be wrong, like the story of Horus and Jesus. Another problem it is to assert a non-existence as if it could really be proved and the absence of proof is not a proof of its absence, just when we make people believe in an existence who would be proved by many elements of proof when in reality there is nothing or almost nothing, there is manipulation or deception. 





It is possible to do the same thing with Muhammad but the problem it is in the end of story, Momo is a pedophile guru, a war chief, a slave driver... a lot of negative things, magic tricks not very difficult to do who let I think in his existence.

The case of Jesus is :

- full of miracles 

- born from a virgin

- a guy who can die and come back to life

- it is himself god

It smells like a fake or a mythological story. Then if you look at the story of Krishna (existed before the story of Jesus) you see he is Vishnou avatar (it is god or a god), he born in a almost similar way, he is Messia awaited... full of similarities and this is put in the mythology story box.

Posted (edited)


"Birth of Krishna - Sri Krishna In English - Watch this most popular Animated/Cartoon Story"

In this video you can have an idea about Krishna and you can understand there are similar things but it is not same story and there is no "the history of direct inspiration" like Islam with Christianity or Christianity with Judaism (it is not same story but you can't say story of islam no report with story of Christianisme and Judaïsme).

Then, the manipulation of Abrahamic religion is about with the falsification of history and the stupidity of people to believe History can be an exact science who cannot be distorted for political and/or ideological reasons. When we talk about journalism we talk about current or near history and even if the current history is more relevant than the very distant history because we live in this current history, there are plenty of fake or false news. 


Edited by Jean-Kevin
end is useless
  • 8 months later...

Yes, Jesus could very well have existed, why not? The reality of this whole story is a completely different matter. Each of us perceives only that information that passes our own filter. And if someone's filter does a great job of describing miracles, well, I can only rejoice. I lack the good old childlike spontaneity that would allow me to believe in everything that the Old Testament offers. Honestly, I enjoy listening to the stories and sermons of firstchurchlove.com parishioners on this topic. More precisely, I like people who believe in it. I really love listening to people who are so passionate about something that they can charge others with this power. And I don’t have to share their opinion, it’s just nice to look at a person who talks about something that is not close to you, and at the same time, he can still be pleasant.

  • Like 1
Posted (edited)

If we are to give reality to Jesus, based on the bible, then a reader must give reality to the talking serpents and donkey.

Few Christians believe that B.S., so why a double standard for belief in Jesus?

As myth and allegory, the bible is fantastic.

As reality, the bible is garbage with good moral lessons as well as a really evil God.



Edited by French Patriot
  • Thanks 1


Permit me to let this pass. 

On 1/10/2022 at 4:26 AM, Zasered said:

Honestly, I enjoy listening to the stories and sermons of firstchurchlove.com parishioners on this topic. More precisely,

 I believe this is the cutest spam that I have ever encountered. 

We do not have time for a meeting of the flat earth society.

<< Où sont mes amis ? Ils sont ici, ils sont ici... >>

On 4/4/2021 at 4:02 PM, Jean-Kevin said:

"Did Jesus Even Exist ?" Youtube video and you can find another videos of him about Jesus or rather someting to go Jesus is a complet fiction.

I don't know if there is a Yeshua ben Yosef would have existed but this personage don't need a matérial basis to exist. Every element of his biography seems to be modelled on a text from the Old Testament. 

A youtube vid will settle this once and for all.  I don't "believe" it matters, having grown up in the christian faith.  Follow the example anyway.  Not the bible.  Not what someone else wrote about what he said.  Watch what he did and who he hung with.  If you don't get it, ya just don't get it and you're attempting to rationalize yourself into some other perceptual reality.  We just saw jackasses doing that last MLK day.

Moot distractive conversation.

Do we believe in Elvis?


Someone wrote about him.  He had a fan club.  There have been many.  



On 1/13/2022 at 10:00 AM, French Patriot said:

If we are to give reality to Jesus, based on the bible, then a reader must give reality to the talking serpents and donkey.

Few Christians believe that B.S., so why a double standard for belief in Jesus?

As myth and allegory, the bible is fantastic.

As reality, the bible is garbage with good moral lessons as well as a really evil God.



There it is, right there.


  • Like 1
On 1/7/2022 at 3:07 PM, blackbird said:

The answer is a resounding yes.  This website gives a quite good account of the evidence.

Did Jesus really exist? Is there any historical evidence of Jesus Christ? | GotQuestions.org

This website has the full movie "The Life of Jesus":


There is not one word in that which can be evidenced or supported. It was produced by religious movement for profit etc. Truth never sold a movie. 

It's absurd to think in the 21 century we are to believe a movie can vindicate something that supposed to have happened 2000 years ago. 

  • Like 2
1 hour ago, French Patriot said:

If Jesus were to be real, would his promised Armageddon, --- killing when he could just as easily cure the afflicted, --- make Jesus as evil as his genocidal Father?

I think moral people would say yes.



I totally believe you have a warped opinion of GOD.  GOD doesn't exist to serve YOU.  HE is the creator, and as such we should try to love and honor HIM.  Now I realize we are not perfect since Adam and Eve, but what gives you the right to judge GOD?  HE owes YOU nothing.  You exist at all because of HIM--- not the other way around. When GOD brings judgment it's usually for one of two reasons.  One, HE may be trying to get one's attention and sway one towards another direction.  The second reason GOD brings judgement is to protect everyone else and get the crud out of the way. Noah's Flood occurred to protect the decendants of Noah ----- everyone else was unsavable, and there would have been no means to save anyone. 

4 minutes ago, LittleNipper said:

I totally believe you have a warped opinion of GOD.  GOD doesn't exist to serve YOU.

Oh ye of little faith.

Did Jesus not say he came to serve ands not be served?

Yes he did. Read your bible for the first time.

What the hell do you think you have that a god would want?

6 minutes ago, LittleNipper said:

HE is the creator, and as such we should try to love and honor HIM. 

We were talking service. Pay attention.

7 minutes ago, LittleNipper said:

Now I realize we are not perfect since Adam and Eve, but what gives you the right to judge GOD?

Who judged you as unfit, and why did you believe that lie? 

Again you show lack of faith in thinking your creator screwed up.

Again, I have to teach you your bible, that says we are to judge all things and hold to the good. Google it.

Holding to a genocidal, homophobic and misogynous God and religions is not good.

Go Gnostic and save your soul.

Send Yahweh to the hell his ilk deserve.

13 minutes ago, LittleNipper said:

HE owes YOU nothing. 

What service did Jesus want to render?

He seemed to think he owed humanity something.

I think I do. 

Don't you?

When you do, you can say you have a Jesus consciousness, and try to take it to a Christ mind.

I like mine.

17 minutes ago, LittleNipper said:


I skipped over the rest of your stupid rant, but wondered why,--- again, --- you contradict the bible that sys that God saves us all, given that he wills that none be lost.

You make God a loser while the bible makes him a winner.

And you question my understanding.



Posted (edited)
9 minutes ago, French Patriot said:

Oh ye of little faith.

Did Jesus not say he came to serve ands not be served?

Yes he did. Read your bible for the first time.

What the hell do you think you have that a god would want?

We were talking service. Pay attention.

Who judged you as unfit, and why did you believe that lie? 

Again you show lack of faith in thinking your creator screwed up.

Again, I have to teach you your bible, that says we are to judge all things and hold to the good. Google it.

Holding to a genocidal, homophobic and misogynous God and religions is not good.

Go Gnostic and save your soul.

Send Yahweh to the hell his ilk deserve.

What service did Jesus want to render?

He seemed to think he owed humanity something.

I think I do. 

Don't you?

When you do, you can say you have a Jesus consciousness, and try to take it to a Christ mind.

I like mine.

I skipped over the rest of your stupid rant, but wondered why,--- again, --- you contradict the bible that sys that God saves us all, given that he wills that none be lost.

You make God a loser while the bible makes him a winner.

And you question my understanding.



JESUS came to be a SAVIOR for whosoever will.  Not everyone will.  Some are very much like yourself, and reject GOD's gift.  They will not/can not enter heaven on their own merit.  No one can.  And Yes, in that way Jesus did come as a servant in order to save that which was lost. It is not GOD's will that anyone will be lost; however, there are those that will be lost regardless ---- freewill and all that. 

Edited by LittleNipper
40 minutes ago, LittleNipper said:

JESUS came to be a SAVIOR for whosoever will.  Not everyone will.  Some are very much like yourself, and reject GOD's gift.  They will not/can not enter heaven on their own merit.  No one can.  And Yes, in that way Jesus did come as a servant in order to save that which was lost. It is not GOD's will that anyone will be lost; however, there are those that will be lost regardless ---- freewill and all that. 

Free will that your God says he controls, which negates free will.

Again you ignore what your oen bible teaches you.

Either read it, or go away.

Are non-believers doomed by Divine Design?

Scriptures say that God decides if a person will be a believer or non-believer. Those scriptures are shown in this link.


Those quotes seems to really screw up the free will notion that Christians say God gives us.

The free will that God offers is kind of a joke anyway given the number of people whose free will to live is ignored in the billions of adults, children and babies that God is shown to torture and murder in scriptures.

If the bible and Yahweh are to be believed, and as a non-believer, I, of course, cannot believe it, thanks to God, by God’s design and will against me, then why did God deny me belief or faith?

Even more important to believers, might be to answer the question of; did God make you a believer in things that you can only hope exists and can never confirm?

Are you happy with God ignoring or negating your free will to think as you please?

I have assumed that God’s work of creating both believers and non-believers is working. If that is so, and you believers must think it so, just as I as a non-believer cannot think it is working, --- and Jesus said that those with faith could do all he did and more, --- then there is not even one believer or person of faith that has ever existed.

Either the bible and Christianity is all a lie, or there must be some who can do what Jesus did.

What is your choice of those two options?

Is the bible and Christianity a lie, or is God just not creating any people with faith, --- which would make all Christians who say they have faith, --- liars.

I mean no insult here but someone is definitely lying, if we read what is written and look at reality and listen to Christians.

What do you think is the truth?

Is it just for God to create people doomed to hell even if they wanted to believe?



42 minutes ago, LittleNipper said:

JESUS came to be a SAVIOR for whosoever will. 

Jesus taught 

Ezekiel 18:20 The soul that sinneth, it shall die. The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son: the righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon him.

Deuteronomy 24:16 (ESV) "Fathers shall not be put to death because of their children, nor shall children be put to death because of their fathers. Each one shall be put to death for his own sin.

You would have Jesus break his own law.

What kind of Christian are you?



14 hours ago, H B Lowrey said:

A youtube vid will settle this once and for all.  I don't "believe" it matters, having grown up in the christian faith.  Follow the example anyway.  Not the bible.  Not what someone else wrote about what he said.  Watch what he did and who he hung with.  If you don't get it, ya just don't get it and you're attempting to rationalize yourself into some other perceptual reality.  We just saw jackasses doing that last MLK day.

Moot distractive conversation.

Do we believe in Elvis?


Someone wrote about him.  He had a fan club.  There have been many.  



The fact that Jesus lived is not even questioned by people who know anything about history.  The fact he existed is recorded by secular historians like Josephus who recorded it around that time 2000 years ago.  It's easy to Google this subject and learn more.  The Biblical accounts in the four gospels written by four different writers, some in different years, are absolutely credible.  The way the are written lends more credibility to their accounts.  We have lots of skeptics and naysayers who have not really studied this weighing in on it.  

36 minutes ago, blackbird said:

The fact that Jesus lived is not even questioned by people who know anything about history.  The fact he existed is recorded by secular historians like Josephus who recorded it around that time 2000 years ago.  It's easy to Google this subject and learn more.  The Biblical accounts in the four gospels written by four different writers, some in different years, are absolutely credible.  The way the are written lends more credibility to their accounts.  We have lots of skeptics and naysayers who have not really studied this weighing in on it.  

No one denied you have ancient hearsay to believe in.  And your bible.  But you believe, you don't know.

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