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Great news coming out from Texas and Mississippi about Covid.

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5 minutes ago, Aristides said:

It originated in China but serology studies have shown that the great majority of North American cases arrived via travellers to and from Europe, not China.


Covid had to get into the US through the back door because Trump shut down the mainline from China.

Thanks for the heads-up.

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33 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:


Covid had to get into the US through the back door because Trump shut down the mainline from China.

Thanks for the heads-up.

Whatever. The great majority of BC's cases came from Eastern Canada/Europe and Washington State. He didn't shut down that mainline from China.

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1 hour ago, Aristides said:

It originated in China but serology studies have shown that the great majority of North American cases arrived via travellers to and from Europe, not China.

And if China hadn't lied and WHO hadn't perpetuated that lie Europe could have protected itself.

And now Biden is going "Kissy, Kissy, let's make up" with both of them - China and WHO.

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On 3/4/2021 at 12:26 PM, Aristides said:

Texas has the second largest number of cases, the third largest number of deaths and the third lowest vaccination rate in the country. The place is run by morons.

You forgot to mention the fact it has the second largest population. Kind of key, don't you think?

New York, Illinois, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Arizona, New Jersey, Tennessee, Michigan, Indiana, Massachusetts, South Carolina, Alabama and Louisiana all have higher death rates per million than Texas.

And that's the stat that matters.


Edited by Infidel Dog
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14 minutes ago, Infidel Dog said:

You forgot to mention the fact it has the second largest population. Kind of key, don't you think?

New York, Illinois, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Arizona, New Jersey, Tennessee, Michigan, Indiana, Massachusetts, South Carolina, Alabama and Louisiana all have higher death rates per million than Texas.

And that's the stat that matters.


California has 33% more people but only 18% more deaths.

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5 hours ago, Infidel Dog said:

Yeah you don't want to continue making your argument rely on the mass of states. You're right it is better if you stick specifically to Texas versus California. Statistically.

It was a reply to someone else who brought up Texas and California.

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Yeah, I know, but it was also the one I was replying to.

Kind of an interesting phenomena but if you compare stats the whole West coast seems to have done better than many other areas of the country. I don't think a love of restrictions explains it because these other areas often share that affection.

Edited by Infidel Dog
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8 hours ago, BeaverFever said:


It's also correct to say that the virus's path directly from China to the US was blocked by some kind of a genius who was way ahead of the 'science' at the time (if you can call what comes out of the WHO 'science'). 

While the PM of Canada was calling common sense racist, the POTUS was taking prudent & decisive action to protect his country.

That's why Canada, with our tiny population, was in the top ten for covid deaths at the beginning of the outbreak.

Or maybe it's because of a plane full of sick armed forces personnel that came back home from the world military games in China and weren't quarantined, or tested: https://www.rebelnews.com/covid_coverup_trudeau_govt_helped_china_hide_origins_of_covid_19 

Weird that nothing is said about this. Either it was a huge lie and Rebel News should be obliterated (maybe they're QAnon North, eh?) or it's a story that deserved coverage. 

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On 3/6/2021 at 9:35 AM, BeaverFever said:


More fabricated numbers nonsense. There can be no doubt about it that the majority of the people in the Canada will believe anything told to them by their dear leaders and the media. They have not yet learned that their politicians and the media pretty much lie to them every day. But yet, they will still believe everything those two tell them to do.

An example here is that the majority of Canadians still believe and still go along with this Covid virus for over a year now and do believe that this China virus is still dangerous and all for real and that it will kill them if they do not listen and do as their dear leaders and the media tell them to do. Come on people, when are you going to smarten up and stop playing this scamdemic virus game? Haven't you lost a year of your life already with more new signs from your dear leaders that another year of your life is going to be stolen from you. Wake up will you. It's not about a virus anymore. Hello? 

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6 hours ago, taxme said:

More fabricated numbers nonsense. There can be no doubt about it that the majority of the people in the Canada will believe anything told to them by their dear leaders and the media. They have not yet learned that their politicians and the media pretty much lie to them every day. But yet, they will still believe everything those two tell them to do.

An example here is that the majority of Canadians still believe and still go along with this Covid virus for over a year now and do believe that this China virus is still dangerous and all for real and that it will kill them if they do not listen and do as their dear leaders and the media tell them to do. Come on people, when are you going to smarten up and stop playing this scamdemic virus game? Haven't you lost a year of your life already with more new signs from your dear leaders that another year of your life is going to be stolen from you. Wake up will you. It's not about a virus anymore. Hello? 

You just believe whatever and whoever tells you what you want to hear. Repeating shit you read on Facebook or Parler from a complete stranger or a friend-of-a-friend-of-a-friend who swears its 100% true is not a recipe for success.

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22 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

It's also correct to say that the virus's path directly from China to the US was blocked by some kind of a genius who was way ahead of the 'science' at the time (if you can call what comes out of the WHO 'science'). 

While the PM of Canada was calling common sense racist, the POTUS was taking prudent & decisive action to protect his country.

That's why Canada, with our tiny population, was in the top ten for covid deaths at the beginning of the outbreak.

Or maybe it's because of a plane full of sick armed forces personnel that came back home from the world military games in China and weren't quarantined, or tested: https://www.rebelnews.com/covid_coverup_trudeau_govt_helped_china_hide_origins_of_covid_19 

Weird that nothing is said about this. Either it was a huge lie and Rebel News should be obliterated (maybe they're QAnon North, eh?) or it's a story that deserved coverage. 

Bullshit,  Canada’s COVID source was also Europe and USA not China. 

And it’s funny you skip right past the fact that USA is #1 in COVID deaths a year into the pandemic and has been for almost the entire time.  But you trot out another dubious cherry-picked stat (of sorts)!in your jihad against Trudeau. 

Gosh. Rebel media reports more “news” and you scratch your head wondering why nobody else is reporting it.  Clearly the only answer is VAST WORLDWIDE CONSPIRACY!!!!  And probably has nothing to do with the fact that whenever Rebel’s founder has to pay YET ANOTHER libel lawsuit he tries to defend himself by saying he’s not a journalist and his statements aren’t meant to be taken as claims of fact. 

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15 hours ago, BeaverFever said:

Bullshit,  Canada’s COVID source was also Europe and USA not China. 

And it’s funny you skip right past the fact that USA is #1 in COVID deaths a year into the pandemic and has been for almost the entire time.  But you trot out another dubious cherry-picked stat (of sorts)!in your jihad against Trudeau. 

Gosh. Rebel media reports more “news” and you scratch your head wondering why nobody else is reporting it.  Clearly the only answer is VAST WORLDWIDE CONSPIRACY!!!!  And probably has nothing to do with the fact that whenever Rebel’s founder has to pay YET ANOTHER libel lawsuit he tries to defend himself by saying he’s not a journalist and his statements aren’t meant to be taken as claims of fact. 

The WHO told us 1) not to wear masks and 2) not to ban travel and 3) that H2H transmission wasn't happening, our government just believed them. Then we were told that the WHO was just going with the science of the day, but somehow Trump, Japan and Taiwan all knew better. Now those same people who told us all those idiotic lies are trying to say "The virus came from over there!" and you expect me to believe them? Go soak your head.

Stop acting like Rebel has any less credibility than CTV or the sources of the 'virus from Europe' story. 

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On 3/7/2021 at 4:51 PM, BeaverFever said:

You just believe whatever and whoever tells you what you want to hear. Repeating shit you read on Facebook or Parler from a complete stranger or a friend-of-a-friend-of-a-friend who swears its 100% true is not a recipe for success.

Many doctors and scientists have said that this China virus was nothing to worry about and no worse than any other virus that comes around every year. Indeed, you believe what you want to believe and so will I. I do not belong to globalist big tech social media giant leftist liberal Facebook or conservative Parler. But it is weird as to why Parler was suddenly shut down after the election. It was mostly being visited and used by conservatives. I guess that was the reason why. :o

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23 hours ago, BeaverFever said:

Bullshit,  Canada’s COVID source was also Europe and USA not China. 

And it’s funny you skip right past the fact that USA is #1 in COVID deaths a year into the pandemic and has been for almost the entire time.  But you trot out another dubious cherry-picked stat (of sorts)!in your jihad against Trudeau. 

Gosh. Rebel media reports more “news” and you scratch your head wondering why nobody else is reporting it.  Clearly the only answer is VAST WORLDWIDE CONSPIRACY!!!!  And probably has nothing to do with the fact that whenever Rebel’s founder has to pay YET ANOTHER libel lawsuit he tries to defend himself by saying he’s not a journalist and his statements aren’t meant to be taken as claims of fact. 

With all of the illegal so called refugees crossing into Canada illegally ever since this so called pandemic started maybe many of them brought Covid with them from their own third world home countries, eh? After all, Trudeau did tell the rest of the world to come on in just like dumb bell Bidumb is doing today. Opening the borders for the rest of the world to walk right on in. Knowing that sanitation is not something that most of these third world countries practice I can see them bringing with them and being responsible for this so called pandemic in north America. But to be politically correct we must not blame the third world for this pandemic. Only Europeans can be the bad guys here.

Actually, I do not believe that anyone really knows or can really say as to where this bloody China virus really came from if it is even a real virus at all. Everybody is just guessing for fun and something to say. They keep guessing just like they do with Covid. Let's pretend that this many people have Covid today. Let's keep the bull chit going. 

PS: Anyway, I heard that the people of Idaho had a face mask burning party the other day because their governor has dumped all Covid restrictions. I am very envious and jealous of those people from Idaho. I think that I will just have to have my own face mask burning party myself. Anybody want to join me for some fun? :D

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On 3/8/2021 at 8:33 AM, WestCanMan said:

The WHO told us 1) not to wear masks and 2) not to ban travel and 3) that H2H transmission wasn't happening, our government just believed them. Then we were told that the WHO was just going with the science of the day, but somehow Trump, Japan and Taiwan all knew better. Now those same people who told us all those idiotic lies are trying to say "The virus came from over there!" and you expect me to believe them? Go soak your head.

Stop acting like Rebel has any less credibility than CTV or the sources of the 'virus from Europe' story. 

Maybe beaverfever is suffering from beaverfever? Just wondering. Hey, we never know, eh? ;)

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On 3/8/2021 at 8:06 PM, taxme said:

Many doctors and scientists have said that this China virus was nothing to worry about and no worse than any other virus that comes around every year. Indeed, you believe what you want to believe and so will I. I do not belong to globalist big tech social media giant leftist liberal Facebook or conservative Parler. But it is weird as to why Parler was suddenly shut down after the election. It was mostly being visited and used by conservatives. I guess that was the reason why. :o

Most doctors dont say that and Parler was shut down before Biden took office because right wing Trump terrorists were using it to plan attacks including the attack on the Capitol and Parler refused to do anything about it. 

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On 3/8/2021 at 8:25 PM, taxme said:

With all of the illegal so called refugees crossing into Canada illegally ever since this so called pandemic started maybe many of them brought Covid with them from their own third world home countries, eh? After all, Trudeau did tell the rest of the world to come on in just like dumb bell Bidumb is doing today. Opening the borders for the rest of the world to walk right on in. Knowing that sanitation is not something that most of these third world countries practice I can see them bringing with them and being responsible for this so called pandemic in north America. But to be politically correct we must not blame the third world for this pandemic. Only Europeans can be the bad guys here.

Actually, I do not believe that anyone really knows or can really say as to where this bloody China virus really came from if it is even a real virus at all. Everybody is just guessing for fun and something to say. They keep guessing just like they do with Covid. Let's pretend that this many people have Covid today. Let's keep the bull chit going.

^ Holy shit I don’t often hear so many  stupid and uninformed things in one breath!  If only your parents hadn’t let watch so much wrestling as a kid and actually encouraged you to read a book once in a while 

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On 3/9/2021 at 1:51 PM, taxme said:

Maybe beaverfever is suffering from beaverfever? Just wondering. Hey, we never know, eh? ;)

Superspreader Trump sure as fuck didn’t know better he did more thank anyone to cast doubt on masks  or any Covid precautions!  His administration was a non-stop outbreak machine with 40+ infected staff right up to the end, because he was so hostile to even basic precautions and not wearing masks was a sign of loyalty among many trump supporters. 

The fact that Taxme and WC can’t even agree whether masks are helpful or a socialist conspiracy or whether Trump and Republicans supported masks or oppose them just goes to show how fucked up the righties are.  And it goes to show that for Trump supporters the truth doesn’t matter.
As a Trumptard, the  truth is whatever you want it to be right now, the next Trumptard might say something completely opposite and tomorrow it might be totally different for the both of you. Nothing matters except to keep outputting the noise and garbage

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57 minutes ago, BeaverFever said:

^ Holy shit I don’t often hear so many  stupid and uninformed things in one breath!  If only your parents hadn’t let watch so much wrestling as a kid and actually encouraged you to read a book once in a while 

Holy shit batman, you listen way too much to those Canadian fake politicians and the fake Canadian news media. You need to start to deprogram yourself from those two lying treasonous buffoons to Canada very soon or else you will be too far gone to be saved. You are well on your way to becoming lost in that leftist lieberal waste land. Not a very good and healthy place to be. Those two mentioned above will surely blow every brain cell that you have left in your head. Just some friendly advice from your friendly member neighbor. ? 

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1 hour ago, BeaverFever said:

Superspreader Trump sure as fuck didn’t know better he did more thank anyone to cast doubt on masks  or any Covid precautions!  His administration was a non-stop outbreak machine with 40+ infected staff right up to the end, because he was so hostile to even basic precautions and not wearing masks was a sign of loyalty among many trump supporters. 

The fact that Taxme and WC can’t even agree whether masks are helpful or a socialist conspiracy or whether Trump and Republicans supported masks or oppose them just goes to show how fucked up the righties are.  And it goes to show that for Trump supporters the truth doesn’t matter.
As a Trumptard, the  truth is whatever you want it to be right now, the next Trumptard might say something completely opposite and tomorrow it might be totally different for the both of you. Nothing matters except to keep outputting the noise and garbage

That is all you leftist lieberals do all the time is put out noise and garbage. Why should anyone believe you and what you have to say anyway? What do you really know about any virus and how they work other than what the MSM tells you. Have you done your own private research on viruses and what did you come up with? 

Apparently, you are not being made well aware by your fake Canadian politicians and your fake Canadian media that there are now hundreds of thousands of people all around the world that are fighting this Covid 1984 foolishness and want it ended now. There have been several demonstrations here in Canada and around the world by people that have said that they have had enough of this globalist Bill Gates bull shit. They are demanding their right and freedoms back now. 

While there are many people like you that want to keep this hoax virus alive and well and going and enjoy the loss of your many freedoms that you once had and appear to enjoy living under this communist like dictatorship here in Canada well go for it. But there are many others out there that do not want to live under this communist like dictatorship any longer that has been forced on them by their control freak politicians to have to live under today. Our dear comrade politicians have pretty much become traitors to freedom in Canada. They refuse to give us our freedoms and rights back. They have violated the Charter of Rights and Freedoms long ago. Our politicians and the media in Canada should never be listened to anymore. THEY LIE. 

Masks and social distancing sucks. If you want to wear a mask and social distance then do so. I could careless. But you have no right to force me or anyone else to have to wear a face diaper mask or social distance. I am happy to be called a Trumpster. That is a lot better than be known as and called a Marxist, comrade. ?

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