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Liberals ban plastics - for some dumbass reason.


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On 10/8/2020 at 10:09 PM, cougar said:

You can continue to throw your plastic garbage through the window of your pickup to help the environment.

Those Liberals are real dumbasses as you say.

I will vote for them though, as might those other 46 forum members who read your vastly superior post but chose not to respond.

Voting liberal is such a stunned and silly azz thing to want to be doing. How stupid can anyone be to want to vote for that commie destroyer of Canada? I wish that BC could become the 51st state of the union. But for that to happen I would first  have to knock off 90% of the leftist liberal/socialist/communists and environmentalist wackos that keep wrecking this beautiful province.

This country is pretty much full of no minds and followers who have no clue nor really are paying any attention to what that commie buffoon and his old commie man have done to this once great nation. Go ahead and vote for the buffoon. Trudeau loves and has all of your interest in mind. He enjoys taking your money. As I have said once before? It's not the Convid 19 virus that I should be worried about. I am more concerned about the constant spreading of stupidity that our dear comrade leaders who keep feeding the no mind followers of this country. They eat up there stupidity pie like candy.

I will be voting for the PPC party. Canada's last hope for sanity and common sense. All the rest are all enemies of we the people. Even the liberal conservative party is the enemy of we the people. Pretty sad, eh? :(

PS: Trying to ban politics is like trying to ban corruption in Ottawa. It cannot be done. Just more bull chit ahead for Canadians to have to put up with. It just never ends here in Canukistan. :unsure:


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On 10/20/2020 at 1:41 PM, taxme said:

All the rest are all enemies of we the people. Even the liberal conservative party is the enemy of we the people. Pretty sad, eh? :(

Actually you are the worst enemy of yourself without knowing it.  

But you must know more about horses looking at the large pile of horseshit you produced.

I cast my liberal vote.  Looks like the NDP are likely to win.

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On 10/25/2020 at 1:27 AM, cougar said:

Actually you are the worst enemy of yourself without knowing it.  

But you must know more about horses looking at the large pile of horseshit you produced.

I cast my liberal vote.  Looks like the NDP are likely to win.

In what way am I supposed to be the worse enemy for myself without knowing it? Please explain. Don't run and hide now!

I probably know just as much about horses as you probably know about politics which is nothing . In both cases we are losers. At least with playing the horses I have a chance to win a race. In politics I know that I will never win a political race. You voted liberal and you lost. Loser. 

I voted for the liberals also because they were going to get rid of ICBC and abolish the PST for a year. Not good enough for the socialists and communists that live here in BC. They only want more government, more taxes, and less freedom, and so they will get what they voted for. Welcome to socialist/communist BC. 

PS: Why would you be against economic growth anyway? I am curious as to why you would say that and still vote for liberals. You are a bit strange. Just saying!  ;)


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13 hours ago, taxme said:

You voted liberal and you lost. Loser.


:D  Well, I did not expect to win.  I have been voting NDP in the past and also considered the Green's but I know well enough that all of them will play me for a fool.  Having the party I voted for win the election is just another loss for me, but hopefully a smaller one.

Conservatives are transparent - oil&gas, mines, jobs, growing the economy and ripping the world apart.  I do not want that. 

I want the forest to be there tomorrow.  I want to be able to get to my river and fish it again tomorrow.  I want my peace and quiet as I have said it many times.  Creating jobs and importing monkeys from overseas to take these jobs makes my life worse by the minute!  Greens are pro-immigration; there goes all "green" they had.  NDP continue with the LNG and the Site C; both of which are ecological disasters of gigantic proportions.  Liberals bought a pipeline and work on their pipeline continues, but it is far from where I live.  When the spill happens, which it will, Vancouver will be a second Bombay or Shanghai and hopefully the bigger monkeys, who run the small monkeys get some sense by then.

I do not run from questions, I am not Argus.

You believe the Liberals are a commie destroyer of Canada (yet you voted for them?).  I think that shutting down the economy can help Canada recover.   "Building the country"   is actually destroying the country.  If I am correct, you want to see growth happen, which is something working against you; hence being your own worst enemy.

I will let my stamp theme submission to Canada Post speak for itself.

Highways-01 SMALL.jpg

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9 hours ago, cougar said:

Building the country"   is actually destroying the country

I agree.  "Growth" cannot continue indefinitely; we need different metrics to assess economic performance.  In my ideal world, a good standard of living for everybody - no extremes of either rich or poor - and essentially flat "growth" should be the goal.

I know, its a ridiculous dream.  :)

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13 hours ago, cougar said:

:D  Well, I did not expect to win.  I have been voting NDP in the past and also considered the Green's but I know well enough that all of them will play me for a fool.  Having the party I voted for win the election is just another loss for me, but hopefully a smaller one.

Conservatives are transparent - oil&gas, mines, jobs, growing the economy and ripping the world apart.  I do not want that. 

I want the forest to be there tomorrow.  I want to be able to get to my river and fish it again tomorrow.  I want my peace and quiet as I have said it many times.  Creating jobs and importing monkeys from overseas to take these jobs makes my life worse by the minute!  Greens are pro-immigration; there goes all "green" they had.  NDP continue with the LNG and the Site C; both of which are ecological disasters of gigantic proportions.  Liberals bought a pipeline and work on their pipeline continues, but it is far from where I live.  When the spill happens, which it will, Vancouver will be a second Bombay or Shanghai and hopefully the bigger monkeys, who run the small monkeys get some sense by then.

I do not run from questions, I am not Argus.

You believe the Liberals are a commie destroyer of Canada (yet you voted for them?).  I think that shutting down the economy can help Canada recover.   "Building the country"   is actually destroying the country.  If I am correct, you want to see growth happen, which is something working against you; hence being your own worst enemy.

I will let my stamp theme submission to Canada Post speak for itself.

Highways-01 SMALL.jpg

The forests will always be there. Here in BC there are hundreds of millions of acres of trees and miles of rivers all over the province of BC. The likely hood of them all being cut down and used for homes and fire places is silly. And with deindustrialization  going on in Canada today by the socialists and communists running this country your precious rivers and forests will be around for a very long time. You like to make yourself appear to be pro animal but when it comes to fish you have no problem fishing and hooking one in the mouth and trying to bring it ashore while it is fighting for it's life. All lives matter, even fishes. Do you have a problem with people who hunt bears? 

You should worry more about massive immigration into Canada every year by the hundreds of thousands if you are so concerned about your rivers and forests.  But that will be the day for you, eh?  Ha-ha!

I voted for the BC provincial liberals because they were going to get rid of ICBC and cut the PST for a year saving the citizen's of BC thousands of dollars every year. But as we can see now most of the fools in BC like more government and more taxes. I would never vote for the federal communist liberals. Their comrade leader Castro Trudeau is a puppet for China. 

I don't get your point?  People and animals are dying on Canadian highways by the thousands every year. Your stamp is ridiculous. You are just trying to make a mountain out of a mole hill. Emotional leftists are like that you know. ;)

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10 hours ago, dialamah said:

I agree.  "Growth" cannot continue indefinitely; we need different metrics to assess economic performance.  In my ideal world, a good standard of living for everybody - no extremes of either rich or poor - and essentially flat "growth" should be the goal.

I know, its a ridiculous dream.  :)

WOW, what would be the motivator for the people that own say google, Microsoft, ford, GM, we do live in a society that encourages living the dream, where making money is everything... your suggestion sounds a lot like Marxism in the real sense not what is available today, where everyone makes the same pay regardless of performance, work ethic. everyone lives in the same type of house, drives the same car, etc etc...   

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3 minutes ago, Army Guy said:

WOW, what would be the motivator for the people that own say google, Microsoft, ford, GM, we do live in a society that encourages living the dream, where making money is everything... your suggestion sounds a lot like Marxism in the real sense not what is available today, where everyone makes the same pay regardless of performance, work ethic. everyone lives in the same type of house, drives the same car, etc etc...   

I don't think eliminating extremes of poverty or wealth automatically means everybody makes exactly the same income.  Who really needs 100s of millions or billions of dollars to live comfortably or well?

Also, people who are very successful are usually doing what they enjoy, and that would be true regardless of the monetary reward.  

Unrestrained consumerism and economic "growth" will be deadly to everbody, eventually.  

Anyway, like I said, it's just a pipe dream.  The world shows no interest in exchanging short term gain for a truly sustainable future.

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8 hours ago, taxme said:

1. The forests will always be there. Here in BC there are hundreds of millions of acres of trees and miles of rivers all over the province of BC. The likely hood of them all being cut down and used for homes and fire places is silly. 

2. You like to make yourself appear to be pro animal but when it comes to fish

3. Do you have a problem with people who hunt bears? 

4. You should worry more about massive immigration into Canada every year

5. I voted for the BC provincial liberals because they were going to get rid of ICBC and cut the PST for a year

6. I don't get your point?  People and animals are dying on Canadian highways by the thousands every year. Your stamp is ridiculous. You are just trying to make a mountain out of a mole hill.

1. Actually making exactly the statement you make is the silliest thing ever.  There were millions of bison 300 years ago and millions of grizzlies all across North America and millions of tonnes of cod by Newfoundland and millions of tons of salmon and.......you can put any species on this list other than us.  Where are they now????????   You go on Google Earth satellite view and see what forests you find in BC.  90% are already gone and not coming back.  Reforestation is not an instant forest and no guarantee for a forest.

2.  Yes, I fish with minimal to non-existent impacts to fish populations and the environment.  You who buy farmed salmon have a terrible impact on wild fish stocks and the environment.

3.  Yes I have a huge problem with them!  Hunting a bear when there are tens of thousands around in a fair way (no help from electronic devices and no firearms) , to eat its meat will be perfectly fine with me.  Going aftre bears on trophy hunt where one takes a flight from New York to Alaska, jumps in a truck, then a dirt bike, using GPS, info from guides and ends up killing one of the last remaining wild animals is criminal, dishonest, depraved and shows the mentality of a self entitled idiot!

4. I do worry about immigration, as you must have noticed in my reference to monkeys, despite me being one of them.  However I am less of a monkey than the typical one, as I am the only child of my parents and I come from a country with a diminishing population.

5. You think the Liberals were going to be true to their promises?  Like the tanker moratorium on the West Coast and no pipelines, only to approve the KM project and buy into it?  Dreamer.

6.  Again you are wrong.  You forget the "Economic Growth".  You forget that on a road with 10 cars per hour you now have 50 cars and 10 trucks per hour.  You forget that the 2 lane highways get upgraded to 4 lane highways where the chance of an animal crossing unscaved become miniscule.  You forget these animals are swept under the rug to create way to Economic Growth.  I have researched it in detail in BC and have information and insight that very few of you have.

I hope you keep your mind open and once in awhile ask yourself the question "What if I am wrong and he is right?"

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1 hour ago, Army Guy said:

....... where making money is everything...

They must have started learning the hard way that making money is not everything.

For example a guy of unlimited means likes to fish a river for large fish, but all this money making and growth, left few fish in the river so it was closed to fishing.  His money could not buy him anything that year.  Next year he was hoping for better luck, but the returns were poor again; however to his dismay he could not even leave his country any more, because the changed climate and the global market economy helped a virus get out of control.  Money soon will be just a meaningless number in a bank account you can buy nothing with, or a pile of gold nobody wants as they have no food to eat.  Mark my word.

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14 hours ago, dialamah said:

I don't think eliminating extremes of poverty or wealth automatically means everybody makes exactly the same income.  Who really needs 100s of millions or billions of dollars to live comfortably or well?

Also, people who are very successful are usually doing what they enjoy, and that would be true regardless of the monetary reward.  

Unrestrained consumerism and economic "growth" will be deadly to everbody, eventually.  

Anyway, like I said, it's just a pipe dream.  The world shows no interest in exchanging short term gain for a truly sustainable future.

I don't think it is that easy as money redistribution, it would mean a major life style change for most classes of people, take the poor for instance, here in NB there are lots of people on welfare, and for most that is on it it is a choice, why work when the government will support me... the government offers them free education, on the job training opportunities, free day care, they choose not to. granted there are some that do need it, but for most it is a choice, 

Most of those people with billions have given away large chunks of their fortune, but if you are thinking they are ready to give up their way of living your crazy.... they worked hard for their money, to hard to be giving it all away...they to made a choice in life, and it was not to sit at home collecting welfare. 

Your right unrestrained consumerism is deadly for everyone, but who is willing to give up what they have now, it's in our nature to collect stuff, buy nice things, etc etc... it's like climate change nothing is going to change until the earth burst into flames....  

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13 hours ago, cougar said:

They must have started learning the hard way that making money is not everything.

For example a guy of unlimited means likes to fish a river for large fish, but all this money making and growth, left few fish in the river so it was closed to fishing.  His money could not buy him anything that year.  Next year he was hoping for better luck, but the returns were poor again; however to his dismay he could not even leave his country any more, because the changed climate and the global market economy helped a virus get out of control.  Money soon will be just a meaningless number in a bank account you can buy nothing with, or a pile of gold nobody wants as they have no food to eat.  Mark my word.

Your crazy, you think Bill Gates Oprah Winfrey are going to go broke, they'll be sitting back eating the last of your fish while you and me have turned to dust... money is power, and power is control of the masses.... hence why the world runs on money and wealth....

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7 minutes ago, Army Guy said:

Your crazy, you think Bill Gates Oprah Winfrey are going to go broke, they'll be sitting back eating the last of your fish while you and me have turned to dust... money is power, and power is control of the masses.... hence why the world runs on money and wealth....

Probably.  I believe there could be a better way, just have to eliminate barbarism and selfishness.  Not gonna be seeing that any time soon though.


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2 hours ago, Army Guy said:

Your crazy, you think Bill Gates Oprah Winfrey are going to go broke, they'll be sitting back eating the last of your fish while you and me have turned to dust...

You are wrong.   I live very close to nature , right beside those fish and animals.   All I need is to walk to the river and pull out my fish.

The billionaires can go to the bank and then to the empty grocery store , drive themselves home and die peacefully.

Nothing is under their control.  They only ride the tide and hope it goes on forever, but tough chance :-)


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On 10/28/2020 at 10:13 AM, dialamah said:

I agree.  "Growth" cannot continue indefinitely; we need different metrics to assess economic performance.  In my ideal world, a good standard of living for everybody - no extremes of either rich or poor - and essentially flat "growth" should be the goal.

I know, its a ridiculous dream.  :)

Says the lady who is a fanatical supporter of ever growing immigration... ?

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On 10/28/2020 at 10:14 PM, cougar said:

They must have started learning the hard way that making money is not everything.

I presume you're economically secure in your isolated location. Everything you write says you care nothing about anyone's misery, poverty or the health and well-being of the societies in which they live.  You certainly don't care if there aren't enough jobs and people live in poverty and suicide and crime shoots up. Your rant above is one of the most selfish screeds I've seen on this board. It comes from an entitled person without empathy for others and who cares about only themselves.

That's why you can't find any party that believes as you do. Because there are very few people with such patent lack of care about everything but themselves. Maybe go south and join the Trump fan club. He seems much like you. Or seek out some Luddites somewhere. I'm sure you'll get along fine.

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21 minutes ago, Argus said:

Says the lady who is a fanatical supporter of ever growing immigration... ?

I'm not really fanatical about anything.  

Immigration is kind of important to support economic growth, because without immigration our population would be in decline, and economies don't "grow" when the consumer and worker pools are getting smaller.

I know you'd prefer immigration from European countries over non-European countries, but the interest in relocating to Canada among Europeans is relatively small.  I doubt there'd be enough to "grow" or even sustain our population or our economy.

China might be able to supply enough people, but would you be any happier with a lot more Richmonds across Canada?  Somehow I doubt it.  Especially if you thought China required political fealty from Chinese-Canadians.


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6 minutes ago, dialamah said:

I'm not really fanatical about anything.  

Immigration is kind of important to support economic growth, because without immigration our population would be in decline, and economies don't "grow" when the consumer and worker pools are getting smaller.

I've posted the reports of demographics experts and economists who say 1. immigration is not going to do much of anything about our aging population and 2. if it helps our economy at all it's very little. And it may actually be damaging it.

No one can demonstrate how this country is better off with 37 million than it was with 27 million.


I know you'd prefer immigration from European countries over non-European countries, but the interest in relocating to Canada among Europeans is relatively small.  I doubt there'd be enough to "grow" or even sustain our population or our economy.

I'd prefer European immigration for 2 reasons; 1. They are a far better cultural match for us and so would integrate much easier and faster and 2. the government's own studies show they are far more economically successful here than people from anywhere else. As for how many would want to come. I don't think we need a lot of immigrants. I have no interest in growing the size of our population. I'd rather it go back to 25 million as it was when I was younger. There are plenty of people in Europe, in countries which have sky-high unemployment rates, who would like to move here. More than sufficient for the small numbers I would like.


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@Argus.  I could agree with you if the goal for less immigration was to reduce emissions and create a country that focused on economic moderation, equality and sustainability rather than unfettered growth, increasing poverty, decreasing middle class and a tiny group of ever richer individuals or corporations.  

But as long as we're immigrating people, I don't see any region being inherently better than another.  That's probably because I actually like being exposed to and learning about different cultures and lifestyles.

I've read a good bit of the stuff you've posted, and I can find plenty of studies, reports and opinions that say the opposite of what your sources claim.  Humans have moved between regions and countries since we learned to walk, changing elements and also accepting elements of their new country. 

History also tells us that the claims you make against certain immigrant groups have been made against virtually every immigrant group that's come to Canada,  except the British.  Irish, Italians, Polish, Catholics etc - all declaimed as too culturally different and barbaric to be welcome in Canada.  And, like today, any crime committed by individuals from these groups was used as "proof" that the entire group should not be allowed to immigrate to Canada.  You aren't saying anything new, just recycling the same stupid shit people have said throughout history to "other" people and allow discrimination, persecution and hate to flourish.


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1 hour ago, Argus said:

I presume you're economically secure in your isolated location.

No, I do not have a few million dollars sitting around to feel secure, if that is what you mean.

I have a job today; who knows about tomorrow. 

Nothing more to say to you , Argus; you are too vastly superior for me to comment on anything you post.

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3 hours ago, dialamah said:

But as long as we're immigrating people, I don't see any region being inherently better than another.  That's probably because I actually like being exposed to and learning about different cultures and lifestyles.

So you think the society built in say Pakistan is just as good as the society built in Spain? One is not inherently better than the other? Neither culture is better than the other? The people don't have a better culture and values in Spain than in Pakistan?

3 hours ago, dialamah said:

I've read a good bit of the stuff you've posted, and I can find plenty of studies, reports and opinions that say the opposite of what your sources claim.  Humans have moved between regions and countries since we learned to walk, changing elements and also accepting elements of their new country. 

Historically, there wasn't a whole helluva lot difference between one tribe and another, between a peasant who lived in France and one who lived in Ukraine or Russia or China or India, other than how they practiced their religion.

That is most definitely not the case today. The variance between the education/skills and culture/values of people who grow up in Pakistan or Afghanistan and those who grow up in Canada is now massive. And if the numbers are overwhelming they have little chance to assimilate.


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1 hour ago, Argus said:

So you think the society built in say Pakistan is just as good as the society built in Spain

This is too nuanced a conversation to have with you.

1 hour ago, Argus said:

there wasn't a whole helluva lot difference between one tribe and another,

The world hasn't been entirely habitated by "tribes" until a minute ago. There've been civilations, different societies and cultures, for about the last 3,000 years, and people moving between them.

1 hour ago, Argus said:

The variance between the education/skills and culture/values of people who grow up in Pakistan or Afghanistan and those who grow up in Canada is now massive.

I don't really want to get into another argument about this, we have different ideas and likely will never agree.  

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