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Anarchy in Seattle

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18 hours ago, Infidel Dog said:

Jesse Lee Peterson 

Also - I became curious about the influencers you noted.  The black lady preacher is described as just that, so no way to google THAT influencer :lol:  Maybe when she gets some more influence, her fans will mention her by name on these boards.  

So I picked the first guy in your list He is against woman having the right to vote  and is on record as thanking God for slavery.

I am very disappointed in you for this, as I feel like this has been a total waste of my time.  Are you posting what you seriously believe or just trolling ?

You believe that black people thanking God for slavery are going to lead a groundswell to the Republican party ?  Really ?

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47 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

You believe that black people thanking God for slavery are going to lead a groundswell to the Republican party ?  Really ?

What is your problem man.  Lol and please feel free to use the words oy gevalt. 

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On 6/15/2020 at 5:10 PM, Argus said:

Those are not even APCs, much less tanks. APCs have treads. These are armored cars, or armored reconnaissance vehicles. And they have no weapons.

What is a water cannon? Do you understand the high frequency weapon they use that come from these armoured vehicles?  It's bad enough you try claim a tank has to have threads now you want to pretend their crowd deterrent weapons are not weapons.


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17 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

1. Wow.  Now THOSE ladies sound like influencers.  What kind of Communist ?

2. Are you saying that his killing wasn't remarkable otherwise ?
3. You keep talking about groundswells but you haven't given a cite.  Just posting the videos and telling us how influential they are with the 'black community'
4. Cite, cite cite
5. Dude, I cited TWO polls.
6. So more than twice the 8% that Trump got in 2016 ?   

1. https://www.aim.org/special-report/reds-exploiting-blacks-the-roots-of-black-lives-matter/

2. Trayvon Martin, you mean? No, nothing remarkable there. He was of African American heritage and as such, of use to the Prog to Commie race-baiters. Otherwise nobody would ever have heard of him.

3. I "keep talking about groundswells?"  Buddy, the term was used in one post. But yes CL Bryant, Candace Owens, Jessie lee Owens, Kanye West their fans and followers represent as much a groundswell as what the communists were able to create in their formative years of race-baiting following the Trayvon Martin incident. And the progressive race-baiting movement had the mainstream media helping them out. It may take race realists longer. 

4. You'd like me to cite for a prediction? Cite what? The fact that I'm predicting it? You've already quoted it. How else can I help you?

5. Yes, you cited 2 polls showing the commonly accepted fact Dems currently own the black vote. Nobody ever contended that wasn't the case currently. So, I don't know...congratulations, I guess. You proved a known fact. Would you like a banana or something?

6. Yes Trump needs 20% of the black vote increasing from the 8% he already has. and it's becoming more possible every day.




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2 hours ago, Rue said:

What is your problem man.  Lol and please feel free to use the words oy gevalt. 

I'm not Jewish enough to use Yiddish, meaning 'not at all'.  Feel free to be my proxy though.  

I'm waiting for that groundswell and saddened that politics has now become people quoting back their street-pamphlet-level ridiculousness...

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From the Washington Examiner link above:


President Trump earned a 19% job approval rating from black voters in the latest Fox News poll as the Trump reelection campaign works to double the 8% support he received from this cohort four years ago.

Yes, a groundswell of black support flipping over to Republican.

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3 minutes ago, Infidel Dog said:

1. https://www.aim.org/special-report/reds-exploiting-blacks-the-roots-of-black-lives-matter/

2. Trayvon Martin, you mean? No, nothing remarkable there. He was of African American heritage and as such, of use to the Prog to Commie race-baiters. Otherwise nobody would ever have heard of him.

3. I "keep talking about groundswells?"  Buddy, the term was used in one post. But yes CL Bryant, Candace Owens, Jessie lee Owens, Kanye West their fans and followers represent as much a groundswell as what the communists were able to create in their formative years of race-baiting following the Trayvon Martin incident.  

4. You'd like me to cite for a prediction. Cite what? The fact that I'm predicting it? You've already quoted it. How else can I help you?

5. Nobody ever contended that wasn't the case currently. So, I don't know...congratulations, I guess. You proved a known fact. Would you like a banana or something?

6. Yes Trump needs to flip 20% of the black vote from the 8% he already has. and it's becoming more possible every day.




1. I googled the 3 people singled out in the article.  2 have openly endorsed Democratic party candidates in recent election so you are at least 2/3 wrong about them being Communists.
2. Ok well the public thought otherwise.
3. You are picking off strange extremist viewpoints in the black community that don't seem to have any influence.  You can stop using 'Communists' now - see #2.
4. Not a prediction, this: "The beginning of the black anti Democrat groundswell on the other hand was already much bigger than that when this BLM,/Antifa push towards the November election began with the Floyd case."  You said WAS.  Show me any evidence of a groundswell that excededs... anything.
5. You said THIS "Go ahead though, don't believe your lying eyes."  So what was I supposed to be seeing  Let me guess: A GROUNDSWELL OF BLACKS RAGING TO SUPPORT THE BLACK GUY WHO THANKS GOD FOR SLAVERY ?!? :lol:
6. It's NOT becoming more possible every day, it's going the opposite way.  Well the polls you picked are outliers and don't even agree with each other.  The article supporting one of them actually says "
Another Rasmussen poll found that one out of four black voters agreed with Joe Biden’s statement that a black voter who votes for Trump isn’t really black."

I'm so disappointed.  It's on you now to admit there is no groundswell, although you may be hoping for one.  

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39 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

1. I googled the 3 people singled out in the article.  2 have openly endorsed Democratic party candidates in recent election so you are at least 2/3 wrong about them being Communists.
2. Ok well the public thought otherwise.
3. You are picking off strange extremist viewpoints in the black community that don't seem to have any influence.  You can stop using 'Communists' now - see #2.
4. Not a prediction, this: "The beginning of the black anti Democrat groundswell on the other hand was already much bigger than that when this BLM,/Antifa push towards the November election began with the Floyd case."  You said WAS.  Show me any evidence of a groundswell that excededs... anything.
5. You said THIS "Go ahead though, don't believe your lying eyes."  So what was I supposed to be seeing  Let me guess: A GROUNDSWELL OF BLACKS RAGING TO SUPPORT THE BLACK GUY WHO THANKS GOD FOR SLAVERY ?!? :lol:
6. It's NOT becoming more possible every day, it's going the opposite way.  Well the polls you picked are outliers and don't even agree with each other.  The article supporting one of them actually says "
Another Rasmussen poll found that one out of four black voters agreed with Joe Biden’s statement that a black voter who votes for Trump isn’t really black."

I'm so disappointed.  It's on you now to admit there is no groundswell, although you may be hoping for one.  

1. Yes. Communists have been known to endorse the Democratic party. So I'm not sure what your point is.

2. Yes. Originally Trayvon Martin was pushed in the media as a fresh faced kid out for iced tea and skittles but a court case proved that a lie and a jury saw through it. What you're calling "the public" and what you believe they believe, I'm not sure of.

3. Groundswells begin with what many consider "strange extremist viewpoints," then the overton window shifts and it's mainstream. Currently the lie of "systemic racism" is shifting to mainstream support or so it might seem to many. Others talk about the silent majority.

4. I gave you examples of influencers, multiple anecdotal video evidence and articles showing Trump's black support increasing. Let's be honest it doesn't matter how much support I show you, you'll reject it. The Progressive agenda doesn't allow you to believe you're lying eyes.

5. I showed blacks arguing with Antifa and BLM on the streets, complaints about losses to their black community, observances of lies and hypocrisies like "why don't black lives matter in communities where blacks are killing other blacks" and so on. These are the kinds of things that show blacks are beginning to challenge the groupthink inculcated into their community by the Progressives since LBJ. Did you know that one time upon explaining his flip to accept the republican civil rights suggestions LBJ boasted "We'll have these n***ers voting Democrat for a hundred years" ?

6. I think the last presidential election showed how "superior" the sorts of polls you support are. They aren't. But polls in general would all depend on things like how the question is worded, who's being targeted, who's responding and how, specifically. Like that. But everybody has polls.

I'm seeing more and more blacks starting to question the regressive left's groupthink. You're not. We'll both see in November, I guess. As I said previously though...get ready to scream at the sky again.

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2 hours ago, Infidel Dog said:

1. Yes. Communists have been known to endorse the Democratic party. So I'm not sure what your point is.
2. Let's be honest it doesn't matter how much support I show you, you'll reject it. The Progressive agenda doesn't allow you to believe you're lying eyes.
3. I showed blacks arguing with Antifa and BLM on the streets, complaints about losses to their black community, observances of lies and hypocrisies like "why don't black lives matter in communities where blacks are killing other blacks" and so on.
4. These are the kinds of things that show blacks are beginning to challenge the groupthink inculcated into their community by the Progressives since LBJ. Did you know that one time upon explaining his flip to accept the republican civil rights suggestions LBJ boasted "We'll have these n***ers voting Democrat for a hundred years" ?
5. I think the last presidential election showed how "superior" the sorts of polls you support are. They aren't. But polls in general would all depend on things like how the question is worded, who's being targeted, who's responding and how, specifically. Like that. But everybody has polls
6. I'm seeing more and more blacks starting to question the regressive left's groupthink.  

1. So I got you to NAME them.  I looked them up and they support Democrats.  You say "it doesn't matter - they are Communists".  Do you have any evidence of that at all ?  I am really tired of asking for you to back up your assertions.
2. No, I will accept evidence.  You are wrong on that, and labelling me doesn't help.  I identify as conservative, sorry.
3. No, it's anecdotal as you admit.  You are showing a handful of examples.
4. LBJ was a racist, and I know this rom reading many books about him.
5. Right.  But they do matter and you have provided two outliers.
6. Oh, FFS.  You don't "see" any blacks... don't give me that.

Anyway, I will be ignoring you from now on.  You are getting high on your own supply, which is only interesting when I am very very bored.

Calling Democrats "Communists", supporting wild-eyed black idiots who love slavery, claiming black people will flock to Trump.  It is very crazy and retarded thinking IMO.  You should trumble on to where the other tumbleweeds agree on crazy sources like BlazeTV and comfort each other with your beguiling stories of the 20% black vote that Trump is getting :D

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21 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

The Dems are trying to push a narrative that Trump is divisive, so they're really working these police shootings for all they're worth.

They're pumping up BLM and Antifa like those a-holes are curing cancer by killing cops and lighting businesses & affordable housing sites down. 

We'll see if their hatred of police and their love of division pays off for them come election time. 

Even those so called BLM(burn/loot/mayhem)mobs have even destroyed black owned businesses. Go figure, eh? This has nothing to do with BLM racism anymore. There is a communist revolution going on now in America and in the making. The lying democrats along with the lying leftist liberal media are all behind and are encouraging this communist revolution. 

Why is it all of a sudden such a terrible thing for Trump to be doing, says the commie democrats and the lying commie media, who have said that what Trump is doing by having a rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma is going to help spread and make this China virus worse than what it is already. Those two traitors to America mentioned above hate America, and also hate Trump, and they want to try and make Trump look real real bad before the upcoming 2020 election. They have been trying for three years and have failed, the democratic commie idiots. 

But why are the lying democrats and the lying media all of a sudden so very quiet about all of those BLM demonstrations that have been going on for weeks now where we see thousands of BLM demonstrators not social distancing or wearing their clown masks in Seattle or else where in America? Why are those BLM demonstrators not being questioned or condemned also by the democrats and the fake media about their lack of care and concern being shown about their possible spreading of the China virus by their getting together in the thousands? Such media hypocrisy indeed. 

So, it would appear as though, if Trump has a rally, Trump will spread the virus around even more, and would be a very dangerous and careless thing for Trump to be doing. But when the BLM demonstrators get together by the thousands well all is okay. No problem of spreading the virus around. The BLM people will not being spreading the China virus around. After all, the virus is able to pick and choose who it will attack and make sick. Obviously, the BLM demonstrations will somehow be avoided by the virus and from getting the dreaded virus. But the Trump supporters better watch out. The dreaded virus is coming for you. You are all going to die. LOL. Such hypocrisy indeed. 

The anarchy that is going on in Seattle is nothing more than communist anarchy. There have been reports of rapes and robberies and fires and even murder going on in that newly created communist Antifa country in America. When the hell are people going to start to wake the hell up, and see all of this virus and BLM nonsense for what it really is? It is all just a bunch of globalist global tyranny bull shit to cause chaos and anarchy like we see today happening in Seattle. The people needs to stop playing this lying virus game, and begin to start to go out there and do the things that we once were all able to do without any interference from be our dear comrade leaders, their lying media, and their so called lying health officials who have wrecked and ruined more lives than the virus ever could. It's time to call these liars out and then tell them to go to hell. We are not going to listen to your lies anymore. We are going to take back our freedoms now. Works well or me. :D


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Speaking of Marxist flavored, Democrat supporters like BLM creator Alicia Garza though, here's a guy who walked around CHAZ today (although I hear they want to call it CHOP now) talking to citizens of CHAZ/CHOP - the more radical wanting to tear down Western society. You know...like a neo-Marxist:


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18 hours ago, Infidel Dog said:

Here's another one:


These imbeciles are simply looking for a minute and thirty seconds of fame. Look ma, I participated in the protest, to make the world a better place for us all!

Todays media gives them the opportunity for a platform, with their little speeches on cell-phone videos.

Pay no attention to the man in the corner...

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The braintrust behind Occupy were neo-Marxists too. That's the real similarity.

There are differences though. As far as I know Seattle is the only city dumb enough to allow Commies to set up a country in the middle of their city. And the people of Seattle are as much to blame for that as anybody. Your vote matters.

These bogus riot-protesty thingies seem to be more a reaction to elections than what their claiming as cause. As that becomes so evident even the lying media can't hide it things will change.

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Apparently, I may have spoken too soon in suggesting Seattle was the only city dumb enough to allow this.

I forgot about Portland.

Portland protesters barricade streets and declare new ‘autonomous zone’ outside mayor’s residence


Anarchists, protesters and activists have taken to the streets of Portland once again, this time establishing an “autonomous zone” outside the mayor’s home, after their demands were not met at a city hall meeting.

Portland City Council voted to cut $15 million from the Portland Police Bureau budget, eliminating some 107 full-time positions, though mostly via vacancies and retirements, according to local media reports. 

However, the protesters – who’d gathered in their thousands across the city for the 20th consecutive night in solidarity with Black Lives Matter, calling for racial justice and police reform – were not appeased by the budget cuts. In response, they established at least one new self-rule area in the city – the Glisan Autonomous Zone, outside Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler’s home.


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Hang on...I'm behind the times again. Portland Autonomous Zone...gone...poof.


Police removed barricades and tents as they reclaimed several blocks that protesters made into a temporary "autonomous zone" in Portland, Oregon, outside Mayor Ted Wheeler's apartment.

'Playtime over': Portland police dismantle autonomous zone outside mayor's residence

That's almost too bad. I was looking forward to putting an S at the beginning somehow so I could call it SPAZ.

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This keeps getting more interesting as I go through my news scroll.

Turns out Mayors get a lot more twitchy when it's their houses that start getting attacked and vandalized. Just ask the Mayors of Seattle and Portland.

Washington state mayor now calls BLM protests ‘domestic terrorism’ after her home vandalized

Who saw that coming?

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It used to be people predicted the world would end. Now they only say Seattle. What happened to the second sun, the huge meteor, the earthquake, the volcano...all the predictions of the end? 

Seattle. Bah. How limited in thought. 

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Here's a new one confirming the founders of BLM were Marxists. I post it for the deniers who refuse to acknowledge it.

BLM co-founder confirms what anyone who’s read their work knows: they’re proudly marxists.

Not sure if the link to the Twitter video will transfer but co-founder of BLM, Patrisse Cullors, says "Myself and Alicia are trained organisers. We are trained Marxists."

I don't know how much clearer a denier of facts will want it than than that. The idea they can't be commies because they support the Democrats is, of course, ridiculous. All kinds of communists, socialists and their organizations support the Democratic party.


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  • 2 weeks later...

SEATTLE — Seattle police cleared protesters from the six-block CHOP zone after Mayor Jenny Durkan issued a 48-hour executive order to vacate the area early Wednesday.

Police are holding a perimeter in the area while city workers clean up the streets and offer services.

The order declares gathering in and around the Seattle Police Department’s East Precinct and Cal Anderson Park as “unlawful assembly” requiring immediate action from Seattle police and other city agencies.

The move comes after weeks of violence in the area, where emergency response times in the area more than tripled, according to police.

Dozens of officers arrived around 5 a.m. and announced that people had 5 minutes to clear the area.

Officers enforcing today's order are wearing a higher-level of protective gear. Police are utilizing this equipment because individuals associated w/the CHOP are known to be armed and dangerous/may be associated with shootings, homicides, robberies, assaults &other violent crimes

— Seattle Police Dept. (@SeattlePD) July 1, 2020

The borders of the CHOP area are lined with police, and protesters who refused to leave were arrested. Investigators say 31 people were taken into custody, including a 29-year-old man who had a large pipe and kitchen knife,


The mob made the mistake of marching on their Marxist-friendly mayor's house so that was the end of that nonsense. That's the trick to getting the Marxists under control, I think. Entice BLM and Antifa to march on Democrat safe-zones.

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On 6/17/2020 at 7:23 AM, Rue said:

What is a water cannon? Do you understand the high frequency weapon they use that come from these armoured vehicles?  It's bad enough you try claim a tank has to have threads now you want to pretend their crowd deterrent weapons are not weapons.

What if those 'water weapons' are used to save $1B in property damage in just one city? 

What if they save hundreds of cops from being assaulted and some from being killed? What if they save civilian lives and prevent dozens of serious assaults?

All that at what cost Rue? Some rioters get knocked over, and some get booboos?

I really don't give a crap. 

People do get a chance to peaceful protests. Or they get water canons. They get to choose.

There's nothing that happened in recent months to justify all the killing, violent assaults and massive property damage of the last month. Nothing. Consensus against Chauvin is unanimous. Consensus against the cops who kneeled on Tony Timpa should have been unanimous too, but no one gave a shit. If there were no riots for Timpa there definitely shouldn't have been riots for George Floyd.

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