Shady Posted June 27, 2020 Report Posted June 27, 2020 1 hour ago, eyeball said: Where is the right-wing Deepstate media-mob thingy and why doesn't it ever assert itself the same way? Nobody knows what you’re talking about. But nice whataboutism Quote
eyeball Posted June 27, 2020 Report Posted June 27, 2020 25 minutes ago, Shady said: Nobody knows what you’re talking about. Sure they do. But nice whataboutism Where? Show me. Quote A government without public oversight is like a nuclear plant without lead shielding.
WestCanMan Posted June 27, 2020 Report Posted June 27, 2020 13 hours ago, Independent1986 said: Websites like Rebel Media & Breitbart are using a microscope and focusing only on issues that plays well with the far right narrative. It uses a microscope to amplify issues x 100 in the minority/immigrant community. It is no different than what CNN & MSNBC are doing on the other side putting a microscope on the white middle american. Both sides take away the rational thinking of the human being by repetition. If you study cults you will realize one of the first things that they do is repeat, repeat, repeat a message until eventually you become that message. People always need to find a side, always need to believe in something, reminds me of an old Testament story, when Moses goes up to the mountain and the people, the sheep were becoming scared and they built a golden calf. That golden calf provided temporary relief but it was not sustainable in the long run as the truth is not in one thing, the truth is in many things from my point of view. For sure they have a right-bias, but to say 'far right' isn't really a criticism, it's a joke. There's a lane for a member of the media to look into Trudeau's failures that's so wide open that a 747 could take off or land in it from any direction, and that's not "far right", that's "The Main Reason Why There's Freedom of the Press". CTV, CBC and Global never noticed how stupid it was for Trudeau to call blocking travel from China racist instead of actually doing something. They never noticed how stupid it was for him to tell Canadians not to wear masks. They've never questioned why our death toll was top 11 in the world when we had the 39th-highest population and the 187th-highest population density. Japan is 37th in covid deaths. We should be where they are. If Shinzo Abe had implemented Trudeau's plan of "open travel from China and no one wear masks" there would be millions of dead Japanese. 8,500 Canadians died of covid, none of them got a proper funeral, our media didn't hold his feet to the fire for a second. They gave more coverage to the fact that "TRUMP CAN'T POSSIBLY BE QUESTIONING THE ADVICE OF THE WHO!!!!!!!!!! WHY IS HE DE-FUNDING THEM FOR NO REASON? HE'S DIABOLICAL!!!!" than they did to Trudeau's pathetic response. Trump was actually right. The WHO gave the absolute worst advice possible. They do need to pay a price and they do need to be investigated. Our media looked like a total joke. Every leader if the world with half a brain either partly or completely disregarded the advice of the WHO. Only 1 world leader on the whole planet was dumb enough to just follow Tedros like a puppy dog, and then he he hid from covid in his basement for two months while he ran our country like a dictator from there. The mainstream media here said nothing. Rebel News questioned that behaviour, and Rebel News reporters still get frog-marched out of any scenario where Liberals politicians are talking to the public. Our god-damned media acts like rioting, looting, arson and murder are ok, and breaking covid protocols are ok in the name of 'protest', but god forbid Rebel News records the divine words of our dear leader or ********shudder********* asks him their cruel, racist questions. Only the media members who bellied up to the $1.4B trough can do that. You obviously have no clue about how important the media is to a healthy functioning democracy. Our MSM here puts Pravda, TASS, NoKo News and Xinhua to shame. Xinhua actually completely roasted our government and it's MSM flunkies when Trudeau said that "the government here doesn't interfere in the legal processes" - Xinjua said "What about SNC?" lol. WE, OUR COUNTRY, GOT COMPLETELY ROASTED BY A COMMUNIST NEWS AGENCY FOR BEING A FUCKING BANANA REPUBLIC. Crickets. Do I need to start watching Xinhua now to find out what's going on in my own country? Quote If CNN gave an infinite number of monkeys an infinite number of typewriters, leftists would believe everything they typed. If you missed something on the Cultist Narrative Network, don't worry, the dolt horde here will make sure everyone hears it. "If it didn't come from CNN, it's heresy!" - leftist "intellectuals"
WestCanMan Posted June 27, 2020 Report Posted June 27, 2020 13 hours ago, eyeball said: That's right you're only going to back-peddle. No one back-pedals when they talk with you eyeball. They try to educate you, correct you, maybe pat you on the head sometimes, but the day that you're right and I'm wrong, pigs will fly. Quote If CNN gave an infinite number of monkeys an infinite number of typewriters, leftists would believe everything they typed. If you missed something on the Cultist Narrative Network, don't worry, the dolt horde here will make sure everyone hears it. "If it didn't come from CNN, it's heresy!" - leftist "intellectuals"
eyeball Posted June 27, 2020 Report Posted June 27, 2020 15 hours ago, WestCanMan said: I think that's not a first approximation at all. I think that's a really misleading approximation. Key words being you think CTV is being misleading. This is backpeddling from your 1st strong position where you said you know CTV is being misleading. For that you need actual evidence. For your 2nd backpedaled weak position you merely need your opinion. Accusations based on opinions instead of evidence is just libel. When you tell other people to produce evidence of their accusations while not holding yourself to the same standard you are...well, why don't you tell us what you think that approximates. Quote A government without public oversight is like a nuclear plant without lead shielding.
eyeball Posted June 27, 2020 Report Posted June 27, 2020 6 minutes ago, WestCanMan said: No one back-pedals when they talk with you eyeball. You do. Quote A government without public oversight is like a nuclear plant without lead shielding.
WestCanMan Posted June 27, 2020 Report Posted June 27, 2020 6 minutes ago, eyeball said: Key words being you think CTV is being misleading. This is backpeddling from your 1st strong position where you said you know CTV is being misleading. For that you need actual evidence. For your 2nd backpedaled weak position you merely need your opinion. Accusations based on opinions instead of evidence is just libel. When you tell other people to produce evidence of their accusations while not holding yourself to the same standard you are...well, why don't you tell us what you think that approximates. CTV actually is being misleading, 100%. CTV's intention when they write things like that is to be inflammatory. They're not dumb enough to be that wrong once, let alone consistently. Fact of the matter is that I don't accept CTV's dishonesty, but for you that level of dishonesty is normal, by your own admission. Have at it. Quote If CNN gave an infinite number of monkeys an infinite number of typewriters, leftists would believe everything they typed. If you missed something on the Cultist Narrative Network, don't worry, the dolt horde here will make sure everyone hears it. "If it didn't come from CNN, it's heresy!" - leftist "intellectuals"
Shady Posted June 27, 2020 Report Posted June 27, 2020 57 minutes ago, eyeball said: Sure they do. Where? Show me. Somebody brings up the mainstream media so you have to bring up the deep state media, whatever the hell that is. Quote
Independent1986 Posted June 27, 2020 Report Posted June 27, 2020 39 minutes ago, WestCanMan said: You obviously have no clue about how important the media is to a healthy functioning democracy. Our MSM here puts Pravda, TASS, NoKo News and Xinhua to shame. Yes, I know, don't confuse me with some individuals that always say is about the investors and corporations. As far as I am concerned the media should have a moral duty to society and to benefit the individual. The media follows the same pattern as the universities, in their pursuit for some good causes they allowed mediocrity to creep in, if the brain does not have the capacity to learn let's say physics or maybe you are not good hands on in the trades ... What do you do ? You go to university on your parents money taking statues down in the name of diversity after which you get a job as a journalist. 1 Quote
WestCanMan Posted June 27, 2020 Report Posted June 27, 2020 10 minutes ago, Shady said: Left wing lunacy on FULL display Damn, you can't win an argument against that guy. He looks like he's straight out of the bible. Not page 347 either. No later than P 4. Quote If CNN gave an infinite number of monkeys an infinite number of typewriters, leftists would believe everything they typed. If you missed something on the Cultist Narrative Network, don't worry, the dolt horde here will make sure everyone hears it. "If it didn't come from CNN, it's heresy!" - leftist "intellectuals"
Guest Posted June 27, 2020 Report Posted June 27, 2020 13 minutes ago, Shady said: Left wing lunacy on FULL display I think that's fairly representative of what is happening everywhere. Even if one's argument is sound, when one is so close to losing control at the thought of anyone expressing disagreement, it can't take a lot before violence ensues. I think the only thing that saved that guy from assault was his skin colour. Maybe his age. I think she would have loved to be able to flatten him. Quote
Independent1986 Posted June 27, 2020 Report Posted June 27, 2020 5 minutes ago, bcsapper said: I think she would have loved to be able to flatten him. These are the kind of fanatics that Trotsky brainwashed to send them to churches, synagogues and places of worship to tell them: Priest, Rabbi time to close down, we are living in a new enlightenment world. 2 Quote
Argus Posted June 27, 2020 Author Report Posted June 27, 2020 4 hours ago, eyeball said: Where is the right-wing Deepstate media-mob thingy and why doesn't it ever assert itself the same way? First, I never suggested there was a 'deepstate', ie, a conspiracy of the Left. I specifically said there was not one. Second, the media is made up of individual people. I haven't seen a study but I'm willing to bet that those who go to journalism school tend to be people from fairly comfortable families, because poorer people prefer courses more likely to get them a job, and the job landscape for journalism grads has been poor for decades. So they tend to be of a similar comfortable, liberal background, and those values and views are reinforced by journalism schools which are largely pretty Left of centre. Then you have the issue of people hiring others whose views they agree with. And of peer influence once hired. For all these reasons the employees of the mainstream media are almost universally liberal. I think anyone working at CBC or CTV would actually get into a lot of trouble if it was found they had, for example, socially conservative views. Quote "A liberal is someone who claims to be open to all points of view — and then is surprised and offended to find there are other points of view.” William F Buckley
eyeball Posted June 27, 2020 Report Posted June 27, 2020 33 minutes ago, WestCanMan said: CTV actually is being misleading, 100%. Substantiate this statement with evidence as opposed to opinion. Fact of the matter is that I don't accept CTV's dishonesty, but for you that level of dishonesty is normal, by your own admission. Have at it. This is your most consistent lie and one that you mostly tell yourself. I've told you several times now that I always employ a bullshit filter when I listen to media. I never take anything any media tells me at face value. The thing you can't get your head around is the idea that most people actually can think for themselves. You often say things like everyone or anyone can see something that's caught your attention %100 but you obviously don't believe it as evidenced by your assertion the public are mostly sheep. You really don't get how impossible it is to take you seriously when you demand evidence for accusations other people make while refusing to hold yourself to the same standards? It's phenomenal. You would make a wonderful case study into the psychology of utterly devout partisanship. That said, if I knew due to incontrovertible evidence, like an email trail or recording pointing to executive level directives to use careful neglect and willful intent to deliberately mislead the public when reporting the news I'd be happy to sign a petition demanding CTV's licence to broadcast be revoked. Quote A government without public oversight is like a nuclear plant without lead shielding.
WestCanMan Posted June 27, 2020 Report Posted June 27, 2020 14 minutes ago, eyeball said: Substantiate this statement with evidence as opposed to opinion Prove that the moon is really up in the sky. Quote This is your most consistent lie and one that you mostly tell yourself. I've told you several times now that I always employ a bullshit filter when I listen to media. I never take anything any media tells me at face value. The thing you can't get your head around is the idea that most people actually can think for themselves. You often say things like everyone or anyone can see something that's caught your attention %100 but you obviously don't believe it as evidenced by your assertion the public are mostly sheep. You really don't get how impossible it is to take you seriously when you demand evidence for accusations other people make while refusing to hold yourself to the same standards? It's phenomenal. You would make a wonderful case study into the psychology of utterly devout partisanship. That said, if I knew due to incontrovertible evidence, like an email trail or recording pointing to executive level directives to use careful neglect and willful intent to deliberately mislead the public when reporting the news I'd be happy to sign a petition demanding CTV's licence to broadcast be revoked. CTV was blatantly dishonest, you refuse to acknowledge it, so you wrote 3 paragraphs instead of just admitting that you're wrong again, as usual. Quote That said, if I knew due to incontrovertible evidence, like an email trail or recording pointing to executive level directives to use careful neglect and willful intent to deliberately mislead the public when reporting the news I'd be happy to sign a petition demanding CTV's licence to broadcast be revoked. In addition to all their usual blatant lying, CNN was successfully sued for using their international broadcasts to commit libel against a high school kid, characterizing his actions as racist. That's as low as it gets, and yet they still get to call themselves "News". Media dishonesty isn't a dirty little secret, it's just a well-established fact, and CTV isn't going to lose their broadcast license just for intentionally mischaracterizing some stories. All you can do is turn the channel. Quote If CNN gave an infinite number of monkeys an infinite number of typewriters, leftists would believe everything they typed. If you missed something on the Cultist Narrative Network, don't worry, the dolt horde here will make sure everyone hears it. "If it didn't come from CNN, it's heresy!" - leftist "intellectuals"
eyeball Posted June 27, 2020 Report Posted June 27, 2020 32 minutes ago, Argus said: 1.First, I never suggested there was a 'deepstate', ie, a conspiracy of the Left. I specifically said there was not one. 1. Are you simply being deliberately misleading because you have an agenda? When you say things like narrative driven or that the major media have agendas and their coverage and the slant they put on that coverage reflects what they want us to think it sure sounds a lot like a full blown political conspiracy. Quote 2. Second, the media is made up of individual people. You clearly don't believe this as evidenced by your references to agendas and they. These are your words media is; just one more group of people narrow-focusing on specific kinds of stories to try and persuade us to their way of thinking. This is a deliberate conspiracy you're describing is it not? Quote 3. I haven't seen a study but I'm willing to bet that those who go to journalism school tend to be people from fairly comfortable families, because poorer people prefer courses more likely to get them a job, and the job landscape for journalism grads has been poor for decades. So they tend to be of a similar comfortable, liberal background, and those values and views are reinforced by journalism schools which are largely pretty Left of centre. 3. Media like the CTV are large corporations with hundreds if not thousands of people in their employ and you're seemingly convinced everyone of them is a dyed in the wool liberal with a shared agenda. Perhaps what you're trying to do is explain away the simple fact the vast majority of our society has a liberal bias. Your high regard for the hard work ethic of poor people who just want to get ahead is a little hard to believe given the effort you usually put into describing them as slackers who gravitate towards voting for free stuff. Quote 4. Then you have the issue of people hiring others whose views they agree with. And of peer influence once hired. For all these reasons the employees of the mainstream media are almost universally liberal. I think anyone working at CBC or CTV would actually get into a lot of trouble if it was found they had, for example, socially conservative views. If by trouble you mean people being fired or not hired that would be highly illegal. Do you have any real evidence of this or are you simply being deliberately misleading because you have an agenda? Quote A government without public oversight is like a nuclear plant without lead shielding.
eyeball Posted June 27, 2020 Report Posted June 27, 2020 32 minutes ago, WestCanMan said: CTV was blatantly dishonest, you refuse to acknowledge it, so you wrote 3 paragraphs instead of just admitting that you're wrong again, as usual. No I was describing why I think you're a loon. You refuse to provide anything but opinion to underscore what you claim is 100% fact while demanding everyone provide evidence to prove what they say is 100% fact. You're a loon if you think that flies. Quote In addition to all their usual blatant lying, CNN was successfully sued for using their international broadcasts to commit libel against a high school kid, characterizing his actions as racist. That's as low as it gets, and yet they still get to call themselves "News". I thought it was the Washington Post that was sued. This is how you people betray your real inner state of mind towards the issue of media bias - there is no difference between CTV CBC CNN WaPo et al...they're all one and the same mob. Quote Media dishonesty isn't a dirty little secret, it's just a well-established fact, and CTV isn't going to lose their broadcast license just for intentionally mischaracterizing some stories. All you can do is turn the channel. No, bias in the media is well established. Intentionally lying as a public broadcaster is an entirely different matter and if this deliberateness is not a condition that leads to suspension of a licence to broadcast it should be. I'm on your side when it comes to being truthful to the public. In this day and age misinformation is like a dangerous ingredient. Products that contain dangerous ingredients are supposed to be labelled as being dangerous or you lose your licence/permit/approval whatever to produce it. Quote A government without public oversight is like a nuclear plant without lead shielding.
Zeitgeist Posted June 27, 2020 Report Posted June 27, 2020 2 hours ago, bcsapper said: I think that's fairly representative of what is happening everywhere. Even if one's argument is sound, when one is so close to losing control at the thought of anyone expressing disagreement, it can't take a lot before violence ensues. I think the only thing that saved that guy from assault was his skin colour. Maybe his age. I think she would have loved to be able to flatten him. I’ve seen too many of these younger supposed activists shouting at older, much wiser activists. Honestly this is what happens when young people don’t learn basic etiquette. Free range parenting seems to have reeked havoc across all races. Quote
eyeball Posted June 27, 2020 Report Posted June 27, 2020 (edited) 3 hours ago, Shady said: Somebody brings up the mainstream media so you have to bring up the deep state media, whatever the hell that is. The Deepstate is a very silly and obviously embarrassing notion that right-wing conservatives have been unsuccessfully trying to divorce themselves of ever since Trump and his retarded fan-club treated it seriously. The ongoing obsession with media bias in virtually every issue that inflames conservatives however betrays the fact that right-wing paranoia is still just as ubiquitous and universal amongst you people as it always was. You just can't help yourselves. Edited June 27, 2020 by eyeball Quote A government without public oversight is like a nuclear plant without lead shielding.
Argus Posted June 27, 2020 Author Report Posted June 27, 2020 44 minutes ago, eyeball said: 1. Are you simply being deliberately misleading because you have an agenda? When you say things like narrative driven or that the major media have agendas and their coverage and the slant they put on that coverage reflects what they want us to think it sure sounds a lot like a full blown political conspiracy. You think it's a conspiracy to suggest like-minded people from similar backgrounds will have similar cultural values? 44 minutes ago, eyeball said: 3. Media like the CTV are large corporations with hundreds if not thousands of people in their employ I doubt CTV has more than several dozen journalists. And those making editorial decisions will largely be former journalists. The rest of the employees have little or nothing to do with deciding what to cover and how to cover it. 44 minutes ago, eyeball said: and you're seemingly convinced everyone of them is a dyed in the wool liberal with a shared agenda. Perhaps what you're trying to do is explain away the simple fact the vast majority of our society has a liberal bias. The problem with that thought is the polls don't agree with the universality of the mainstream media's support for issues like abortion, immigration, gay rights, affirmative action etc. Significant numbers, usually between 30%-60% disagree. But they and their views are not represented at all in the mainstream media except to be occasionally castigated or mocked. 44 minutes ago, eyeball said: Your high regard for the hard work ethic of poor people who just want to get ahead is a little hard to believe given the effort you usually put into describing them as slackers who gravitate towards voting for free stuff. This seems to be coming from a different topic. But in this one what I said was if you're poor and going to university you are less likely to choose a course which is going to offer a more difficult path to economic success than if you come from a comfortable family, aren't worried about paying off loans (because you don't have any) and know mom and dad will take care of you as long as necessary. 44 minutes ago, eyeball said: If by trouble you mean people being fired or not hired that would be highly illegal. Do you have any real evidence of this or are you simply being deliberately misleading because you have an agenda? Everyone has an agenda. Everyone has bias. The problem is when those agendas become an accepted and required orthodoxy in how you think, especially in public agencies. Can you offer up any reason other than bias for the lack of conservatives in media? Quote "A liberal is someone who claims to be open to all points of view — and then is surprised and offended to find there are other points of view.” William F Buckley
WestCanMan Posted June 27, 2020 Report Posted June 27, 2020 8 minutes ago, eyeball said: No I was describing why I think you're a loon. You refuse to provide anything but opinion to underscore what you claim is 100% fact while demanding everyone provide evidence to prove what they say is 100% fact. You're a loon if you think that flies. I provided video evidence, one would think that video of CTV saying something that is proven to be untrue with incontrovertible video evidence would suffice. Quote I thought it was the Washington Post that was sued. WashPo was sued. There was a 3rd, iirc it was NBC. CNN already settled for an undisclosed amount. Quote This is how you people betray your real inner state of mind towards the issue of media bias - there is no difference between CTV CBC CNN WaPo et al...they're all one and the same mob. FYI, there is not much actual difference between CTV CBC CNN WaPo et al...they're basically all one and the same mob. You weren't far from the truth there. You can add sites like PolitiFake and Snakes to that list too if you want to increase the accuracy of your comment. To be perfectly clear, I wouldn't say that their newscasts are carbon copies, and they may vary from time to time in terms of coverage or how they present certain things, but the misleading narrative of the Dems will be given to the major US networks and it will filter through our brain dead MSM without much in the way of alterations. CNN also got busted when Donna Brazile was caught giving debate questions to Hillary Clinton before the first debate with Trump. I admitted that she kicked his ass on stage that night, but after she was busted for cheating her other debates didn't go well for her. Full disclosure - Fox gets talking points from the GOP too. They just aren't in the awkward position of having to lie all the time right now. Maybe things will change if the Dems are ever on an honest winning streak. I can't speak to Fox News' accuracy before the Michal Brown shooting because I had never seen a minute of Fox News prior to that. Quote No, bias in the media is well established. Intentionally lying as a public broadcaster is an entirely different matter and if this deliberateness is not a condition that leads to suspension of a licence to broadcast it should be. I'm on your side when it comes to being truthful to the public. Well, they're lying. Van jones was caught on video admitting that Russian collusion was "a big nothingburger" over a year before CNN had to stop pretending that it was legit, and that there was never any evidence at all that Trump had colluded with Russia. They were all lying, 24/7, and they weren't subtle about it. They even said a lot of lies that were known to be lies at the exact moment they said them, like: "Manafort is in jail for Russian collusion". Nope, he's in jail for tax fraud from 20 years before the election. The FBI already had him on that a decade earlier and they had decided not to prosecute. Then [it was widely reported that] after they indicted him for that they offered him a reduced sentence to testify against Trump. $64K question: Did the FBI already know that Trump wasn't guilty when they pressed Manafort for that confession? Definitely worth knowing. I probably should have said "Then [it was widely reported that] after they indicted him for that....." because I don't know if the FBI actually did offer him a reduced sentence. Maybe they never did offer a reduced sentence and CNN just made that part up for effect. Quote In this day and age misinformation is like.... Totally normal. It's the unvarnished, unfiltered, unabridged, un-skewed truth that's nearly impossible to find. Quote If CNN gave an infinite number of monkeys an infinite number of typewriters, leftists would believe everything they typed. If you missed something on the Cultist Narrative Network, don't worry, the dolt horde here will make sure everyone hears it. "If it didn't come from CNN, it's heresy!" - leftist "intellectuals"
WestCanMan Posted June 27, 2020 Report Posted June 27, 2020 (edited) 3 hours ago, Independent1986 said: These are the kind of fanatics that Trotsky brainwashed to send them to churches, synagogues and places of worship to tell them: Priest, Rabbi time to close down, we are living in a new enlightenment world. That was some next-level fanaticism right there. That bitch was just crazy. I heard some right-wing fear mongers saying things like: "First they topple monuments, [places like Russia, China, Cuba and Venezuela were mentioned] then they start killing people" and I thought that was just silly. After seeing that woman's complete lack of ability to reason, I can actually see the potential/desire for serious violence. When cars get surrounded by people like her at protests I don't blame those drivers for gunning it. I'd run ten loonies like her over in a heartbeat if I had my kid in the car. I might even try to sue them for the damage done to my car. I know that in this country that it's more likely that I'd go to jail but I don't care. In my younger years I was silly enough to sign on the dotted line that I'd protect this country with my life. I'd go to jail for my kid and I'd do it happily. Edited June 27, 2020 by WestCanMan Quote If CNN gave an infinite number of monkeys an infinite number of typewriters, leftists would believe everything they typed. If you missed something on the Cultist Narrative Network, don't worry, the dolt horde here will make sure everyone hears it. "If it didn't come from CNN, it's heresy!" - leftist "intellectuals"
WestCanMan Posted June 27, 2020 Report Posted June 27, 2020 50 minutes ago, eyeball said: I thought it was the Washington Post that was sued. How is it even possible that in the age of information a major event like "The world's most widely broadcast News Network had to settle a lawsuit against a High School kid for defamation of character" can be mainly kept hidden from the public's view? It's really astonishing and alarming that it's not the biggest story of 2019. Quote If CNN gave an infinite number of monkeys an infinite number of typewriters, leftists would believe everything they typed. If you missed something on the Cultist Narrative Network, don't worry, the dolt horde here will make sure everyone hears it. "If it didn't come from CNN, it's heresy!" - leftist "intellectuals"
Independent1986 Posted June 27, 2020 Report Posted June 27, 2020 (edited) 23 minutes ago, WestCanMan said: After seeing that woman's complete lack of ability to reason, I can actually see the potential/desire for serious violence. We have to analyze how come this individual reached this certain point of anger and unwilling to reason. It goes back to the responsibility of the media , the horrible video of the criminal cop was playing non stop at every TV station. I walked into a pizza shop to get some wings, there it was and everyone watching, the subway messages and videos, there it was. Repetition, Repetition, Repetition. Combine that with unemployment and the lock down, it is a recipe of disaster. It all goes back to simple economics. It is a huge demand to find racists however the supply it is not coming through as expected. So, some in the media took it upon themselves to create an artificial supply. I don't know if it is planned or not, I highly doubt it but while we are looking at police reform, rightfully so, we should look at the media reform. Because if we keep waiting on that evidence like some member suggested we might be so divided there is no turning back. I personally think they are laughing in Moscow and Beijing to what is happening in the West. Edited June 27, 2020 by Independent1986 1 Quote
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