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Joe "Trojan Horse" Biden

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I think that everyone in NA would admit, at least to themselves, that Joe Biden is not fit to be president. He is already on shaky ground mentally and he doesn't even have the weight of the world on his shoulders yet. I couldn't imagine him lasting 6 months on the job.

We all know that his VP, should he win, is certain to become the POTUS at some point. Here's a question though, for people who really understand all the intricacies of American politics: If Joe wins, and his VP resigns, what is the protocol for the appointment of the next VP? 

Does the POTUS just get to unilaterally select the new VP, from the entire population? Does it automatically go to his Party's highest ranking member of the Senate, or the House? Is the POTUS limited to selecting an incumbent Senator, Congressman, or Governor? 

What I'm driving at, is this scenario:

The American voters select the POTUS/VPOTUS combo of Biden/Warren to win the election. BOOOooooo. A month later there is an outbreak of ebola within the Cherokee tribe and Warren finds out that she is suddenly their new hereditary chief so she resigns as VP, the POTUS picks his own choice for a new VP unilaterally, and chooses someone who isn't currently an elected official, like Hillary Clinton. Two months later Biden is forced to resign because he starts drooling more often, or he commits suicide with a bow and arrow to the back of his head.

Could an unelected civilian could become VP? I don't know the drill. How does the VP spot work?

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4 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

I think that everyone in NA would admit, at least to themselves, that Joe Biden is not fit to be president.

This was the goofiest string of suppositions and imaginary dangers I've ever read.

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From Wiki:


Section 2 of the Twenty-fifth Amendment, ratified in 1967, created a mechanism for intra-term vice presidential succession, establishing that vice presidential vacancies will be filled by the president and confirmed by both houses of Congress. 

The link to the 25th Amendment doesn't specify whether or not the POTUS's choice for VP has to come from the pool of elected federal officials. 

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The scary thing is the right VP could get Joe Biden elected on the supposition in the OP.

I think Michelle Obama has claimed she's not interested but politicians lie. So imagine Michelle Obama entering the campaign as VP. I can see a 'vote Joe to get your first black female POTUS' campaign going.

I chose Michelle Obama over somebody like say, Stacy Abrahams because MO could actually influence the election.

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3 minutes ago, Infidel Dog said:

The scary thing is the right VP could get Joe Biden elected on the supposition in the OP.

I think Michelle Obama has claimed she's not interested but politicians lie. So imagine Michelle Obama entering the campaign as VP. I can see a 'vote Joe to get your first black female POTUS' campaign going.

I chose Michelle Obama over somebody like say, Stacy Abrahams because MO could actually influence the election.

I can see that.  I doubt it would happen, but I'd certainly rather have JB followed by MO than another four years of DT.

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As I think I recall MO said something like she'd never want to be near the white house or even that close to politics again. Something like that, anyway.

You know the other one that could work though? And she'd be interested if the Dem power people ever got smart.

Tulsi Gabbard could get popular in a hurry with Dems, Independents and some republicans if the media and the Democrat elite (but I repeat myself) ever did start to support her. She could be the Democrats' secret weapon.

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43 minutes ago, bcsapper said:

I can see that.  I doubt it would happen, but I'd certainly rather have JB followed by MO than another four years of DT.

To answer Wes. If the President dies in office the Vice President takes over and if the Vice President were not available to take over it would then be the Speaker of the House according to the Presidential Succession Act. However the 25th amendment makes no mention of who HAS to then become Vice President which means the next Vice President could be anyone the President wants.

Two times the Vice President was replaced in recent times . When Spiro Agnew was asked to leave due to corruption, Nixon appointed the House Republican Leader, Gerald Ford. When Ford then became President if you guys remember, he appointed Nelson Rockefeller the retired Governor of New York state.

So now consider this is if you are a conspiracy nut. Ford and Rockefeller are accused of being in on and covering up the JFK assassination and being members of the secret society that meets at the Bhomenian Grove and engages in Luciferian practices. Then again so was Reagan, both Bushes and Clinton and Nixon and supposedly Bush. In fact the only President not linked to the going ons  at the Luciferian retreats at the Bohemian Lodge so far is James Earl Carter Jr., a peanut farmer and Nuclear Engineer from Georgia who none the less in addition to all other Presidents to date, was and remains a Mason.

Next, if Michelle Obama ran as VP yes she could then become unelected President if Joe Biden died and could pick anyone. The law does not prohibit her then from appointing Barak Hussein Obama from becoming Vice President but the Constitution prohibits him from becoming President but does it? The Constitution prohibits Barak Hussein Obama from running again for the Presidency its not crystal clear on whether he could  get back in via the Vice Presidency seat.

There you go get all paranoid about that!

Now may I remind you I said Michelle Obama would show up again before this is over. I see some of you are drinking my koolaid. Now wait, before you say the wife of a former President running for office is crazy have a  laugh. Well ask Mrs. Bill Clinton and Mrs. George Wallace.

Hey now where do you guys come up with such imaginations. Now me I have an excuse, I am a nut case. Crazy. Insane. Certifiable fig newton. 

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1 hour ago, Rue said:

Hey now where do you guys come up with such imaginations. Now me I have an excuse, I am a nut case. Crazy. Insane. Certifiable fig newton. 

Stage 1) I think there's a 40% chance that Biden could win the election and a 0% chance that he lasts 4 years. It's not much imagination at all to get to that point.

Stage 2) The fact that the Dems are still acting like "Joe's the guy" when he's clearly losing his marbles just makes me think that they have a backup plan in place. 

Stage 3) When the "power behind the throne" suddenly sees a lane opening up to get literally whomever they want in the WH, you start to think about the list of people who they might like as POTUS that the American voters would never choose.

The fact that, in the whole history of the United States the VP spot only opened up twice, and one of the 2 people who shot into that spot was a Rockefeller, just makes me even more convinced that this is more than just a remote possibility.

I think that there's a very real possibility that the powers that be in the Dem party view Joe Biden as a guy who could win the election and then they can easily make the public believe that Joe needs to be removed from office. All they need is a VP who's willing to take one for the team and they get whoever they want in the WH. The Dems just need control of the Senate, they already have Congress and they can accept the VP nomination of whomever "Joe selects". Joe will select who they tell him to select. 

I think that Dem power brokers think of Joe as a Trojan Horse. 

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..and I am saying nothing would surprise me but we could say the same thing about virtually every President after JFK. Why stop only at Biden..

As for Canada our leaders used to be hockey players never politicins. Now they are no longer because their having emotions and fighting was considered politically unacceptable and they were forced to turn into blobs of plain  low fat yogurt. 


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9 hours ago, Argus said:

This was the goofiest string of suppositions and imaginary dangers I've ever read.

you support the Dems' Deceit Doctrine, so you call it "imaginary" when you are faced with real life proofs that Joe Biden's senility hath rendered him unfit:



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15 hours ago, Infidel Dog said:

Tulsi Gabbard could get popular in a hurry with Dems, Independents and some republicans if the media and the Democrat elite (but I repeat myself) ever did start to support her. She could be the Democrats' secret weapon.

Yes, I agree and have mentioned this before. She is the only one with real potential to defeat Donald Trump. She has the right mix of message, looks (hubba hubba...) toughness (military) and also has a vagina, another very prominent and important offering in these modern progressive times. With the right platform and backing, she would win.

However, that doesn't look to be the case for her. There is something wrong. For one, Hillary does not like her, and that has something to do with it. She's been called a Russian asset, although I'm sure she has in fact a very fine asset.

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13 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

Stage 2) The fact that the Dems are still acting like "Joe's the guy" when he's clearly losing his marbles just makes me think that they have a backup plan in place. 


I think that Dem power brokers think of Joe as a Trojan Horse. 

Interesting theory but I think you give them far too much credit. Judging by their actions in the past few years, they haven't done much that was actually very smart. More like a parade of gaffs and at this point they look more like a crew of SNL comedians, putting on an improvised show. Too bad it's not funny anymore. (as an aside, SNL was way better when it had Canadians on it...).

If they do it they are gambling the whole dog and pony show (to paraphrase Biden) that the people will not see Biden is becoming a zombie right before our eyes. They'll need to dope him up heavily so he doesn't fall asleep in a debate, let alone ramble. He is not going to do well. As long as Trump does not have a similar issue (which could well be happening, he is almost 80 himself) he should be able to grind Joe Biden into powder.

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There is a lot of conspiracy theory in these posts. The problem with CT is there has never been a successful conspiracy in US history, with the possible exception of the rebellion of the 13 colonies. I remember G. Gordon Liddy ranting at his co-conspirators taking a plea bargain to avoid 40 years in the nick. He wasn't going to talk, nosiree. That lasted until the cell door slammed shut and suddenly he was spilling his guts. Biden is far better suited to be POTUS than Trump. He has experience and integrty. There is no secret society running things from behind the scenes. If there were, they would be bragging about it in every bar from Albany to Zurich and their emails would be published on wikileaks and the Washington Post. Rockerfeller was a pretty good VP and would have been a good POTUS. The proceedure to replace a VP mid-term is the same as nominating a member of Cabinet. Nixon nominated Ford and Ford was confirmed just like any other member of cabinet. I am feeling vindicated since my own desire to se the Monarchy in Canada restored to real power doesn't seem so far out there compared to this stuff.

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3 hours ago, Queenmandy85 said:

There is a lot of conspiracy theory in these posts. The problem with CT is there has never been a successful conspiracy in US history, with the possible exception of the rebellion of the 13 colonies. I remember G. Gordon Liddy ranting at his co-conspirators taking a plea bargain to avoid 40 years in the nick. He wasn't going to talk, nosiree. That lasted until the cell door slammed shut and suddenly he was spilling his guts. Biden is far better suited to be POTUS than Trump. He has experience and integrty. There is no secret society running things from behind the scenes. If there were, they would be bragging about it in every bar from Albany to Zurich and their emails would be published on wikileaks and the Washington Post. Rockerfeller was a pretty good VP and would have been a good POTUS. The proceedure to replace a VP mid-term is the same as nominating a member of Cabinet. Nixon nominated Ford and Ford was confirmed just like any other member of cabinet. I am feeling vindicated since my own desire to se the Monarchy in Canada restored to real power doesn't seem so far out there compared to this stuff.


A few rhetorical scenarios for you to ponder, no need to to reply either ---it's me solely rhetorically speaking here:

Do you think it is fair to utilize any reputable, vetted source or doctrine to qualify some ordeal, as a CT?  We saw recent veracity in modern history which clearly contained sketchy, bizarre intra-evils that daily sabotaged folks like JFK MLKJr RFK MalcolmX Michael Jackson Rod Blagoyovich etc, on the very day they passed away ---minus Blagoyovich. So that makes it easy to comprehend how humans usually have misnamed some realities and factualities, when interjecting CT. FOR ME, the chain of events behind JFK re the Cuban missile crisis and how the 2000 Presidential election was decided, are among my fav Top 3 CT for modern history.

I believe it is also noteworthy, for each of us to define our own value system and our own potentially-unBecoming expectations, when it's regarding integrity. For example, Donald Trump never wrote a Federal Crime Bill that was later deemed, unconstitutional, because it unfairly perfected New Jim Crow/locked away an entire generation of inner-city Black males. But, Joe Biden did exactly do that. Yes indeed. President Trump also never did unethical things such as put himself in charge of Ukraine foreign policy, then disobey USA 15-yr policy of anti poli-corporate corruption initiatives ---by sending one of his offsprings to Ukraine to be corrupt with a notoriously corrupt corporation. Including get a Ukraine Prosecutor fired from his job, yes, same atty who just so happened to question the WH about Trump unethically having his kid getting paid millions in Ukraine. However, Joe Biden did exactly do those things. So again, if that is what defines integrity, then it should be fairly admitted by those who are okay with those deeds.

I also think it would've been a true, delight, if you had expounded on the reasoning and rationale you used to determine that a secret society controlling some globe or some continent or some community or some social circle ---would want to brag to the world about it? All humans are, prideful, and unwilling to admit that they wake each day begging to be controlled by a secret society ruling their community. It would seem that such a secret society would be committing, suicide, by bragging about its own controlling evils to its unknowing victims, eh?

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First rule of CT is that somebody involved in a conspiracy will be incapable of keeping their mouth shut. David Brooks has covered VP Biden for many years and he believes he is a man of integrity. 

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27 minutes ago, Hal 9000 said:

The scenario seems far fetched, but there is no doubt that should Biden win the election, he wont make a single decision.  My guess is that Pelosi would be the defacto president - maybe the actual president if the cards fall right.



Pelosi? Lol. Any President orc elected leader is a bobble head doll.

Who actually controls them  you and I will never know.

I wou also suggest its more probable that the last thing a truly powerful person would want is  a public profile or be noticed and so  instead create bobble head dolls to distract from detecting their  true intent.


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20 hours ago, Infidel Dog said:

Tulsi Gabbard could get popular in a hurry with Dems, Independents and some republicans if the media and the Democrat elite (but I repeat myself) ever did start to support her. She could be the Democrats' secret weapon.

She and Trump could have a fight about which one loves Russia more.

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40 minutes ago, Queenmandy85 said:

When these idiots get pissed, they love to brag. The kind of people who would engage in this are drunken idiots (the Venlo incident 1940).

I apologize sir but due to your continual loss of, self-control, and your affinity for juvenile delinquent posts (by @Argus & @Rue ) you are ineligible for my replies to the Harlequinades you publish at me specifically.

Nonetheless, it does not change how you can redefine, integrity, if you're going to disrespect the word by uplifting Biden with it.  

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4 hours ago, OftenWrong said:

Interesting theory but I think you give them far too much credit. Judging by their actions in the past few years, they haven't done much that was actually very smart. More like a parade of gaffs and at this point they look more like a crew of SNL comedians, putting on an improvised show. Too bad it's not funny anymore. (as an aside, SNL was way better when it had Canadians on it...).

If they do it they are gambling the whole dog and pony show (to paraphrase Biden) that the people will not see Biden is becoming a zombie right before our eyes. They'll need to dope him up heavily so he doesn't fall asleep in a debate, let alone ramble. He is not going to do well. As long as Trump does not have a similar issue (which could well be happening, he is almost 80 himself) he should be able to grind Joe Biden into powder.

What if there's someone brilliant pulling the strings? The Dems have big money. They basically got Trump elected by getting CNN to give him all the oxygen in the room back in 2016. 

What if they were smart enough to put a guy in the WH, knowing that they could unify their idiotic base against him 100%, to the point where they could nominate a rattle snake to run against him and still get 30% of the popular vote?

Now they put a guy in there who's just barely holding it together in 2020, and who is surely going to be gone by mid-2021 at the latest. If Biden doesn't lose his marbles, they probably have some serious dirt on the hair-sniffing, kid-kissing freak to get him impeached. That just leaves the VP in the way of them putting whomever they want in the WH, if they can just get control of the Senate in 2020. 

IMO the US is just one VP away from getting an unelected American into the WH. 

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19 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

What if there's someone brilliant pulling the strings? The Dems have big money. They basically got Trump elected by getting CNN to give him all the oxygen in the room back in 2016. 

What if they were smart enough to put a guy in the WH, knowing that they could unify their idiotic base against him 100%, to the point where they could nominate a rattle snake to run against him and still get 30% of the popular vote?

Now they put a guy in there who's just barely holding it together in 2020, and who is surely going to be gone by mid-2021 at the latest. If Biden doesn't lose his marbles, they probably have some serious dirt on the hair-sniffing, kid-kissing freak to get him impeached. That just leaves the VP in the way of them putting whomever they want in the WH, if they can just get control of the Senate in 2020. 

IMO the US is just one VP away from getting an unelected American into the WH. 

Another masterpiece!

I'm getting jealous of your precision lol

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