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Will Canadian Society be Transformed after Covid 19

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This is from the propaganda arm of the NDP, but I'm sure many liberals will feel the same.   Will, or should this result in a minimum income and if so how will it be paid for.  

I agree there needs to be an overhaul of LTC homes but should they all be nationalized, should private care homes be taken over by gov't, cos we all know how well gov't does in these things.

I do not see how this can happen in the near future as we will be in for higher taxes and yes, severe austerity from the gov't, but will Trudeau reign in the spending as he will have to?



Most Canadians agree the pandemic reveals ‘ugly truths’ about Canada and expect major social reforms focused on ‘health and well-being’

 The next federal election could shape up to be a battle over what the “new normal” in Canadian society should look like after COVID-19.

According to new polling from EKOS, a clear majority of Canadians agree that the pandemic has exposed “ugly truths” about how workers and the elderly have been treated in Canada under the old status quo.

Three-quarters (73%) of Canadians said they now expect a “broad transformation of our society” as a result of the pandemic, with a majority saying they expect to see major social reforms that prioritize “health and well-being.”

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Yes, Canada will be transformed - and it really wasn't that hard to do.  I'm sure the gov't was hoping for more deaths, but in Canada, it's really not hard to control the masses.  

The minimum wage will be moved to $15 (at least) and that will be a federal law.  Child tax credit and GST will not go back to the former amounts - meaning that a welfare queen with 3 kids will be living a better life than someone making $30 per hour.  My kids all made the exact same wage 2 months ago, now my one child who isn't working makes more money (a lot more) than her siblings who are working.  I also think that EI will be the same amount no matter how much you worked or how much you made - just like the CERB.  Nothing will go back, we are going full socialism.   

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16 hours ago, Hal 9000 said:

Nothing will go back, we are going full socialism.   

Your pyjamas and rice bowl are in the mail.  The cost (plus shipping) will be deducted from your CERB benefit. The State thanks you for your patience during this transition.

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19 minutes ago, Boges said:

A lot of the new normals we're experiencing should probably stay. 

A lot less commuting is required for society to function.

A lot more commerce can be done online

Commercial Real Estate is going to crater. 

Rural property is going to skyrocket...values such as distance, wilderness, isolation and acreage will be up there with waterfront.  Rural gentrification will soon be as controversial as it is in urban areas.  Suburbs will become zombie wastelands. 

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These new measures were NEVER going to go away.  What you will see , and it's already happening, banning vehicles in areas of cities.  Much more restricted movement within your own city. Vehicle traffic will be permanently banned in some parts of cities.  Complete surveillance via various methods.

The virus (in 2nd and 3rd waves) will be used to go even farther with restrictions on society.

31 minutes ago, Boges said:

A lot of the new normals we're experiencing should probably stay. 

A lot less commuting is required for society to function.

A lot more commerce can be done online

Commercial Real Estate is going to crater. 

The commercial real estate is going to get amalgamated into even fewer hands. The rich.

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3 minutes ago, eyeball said:

Rural property is going to skyrocket...values such as distance, wilderness, isolation and acreage will be up there with waterfront.  Rural gentrification will soon be as controversial as it is in urban areas.  Suburbs will become zombie wastelands. 

Rural areas will be shut down and those people will be moved to the city.

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6 minutes ago, eyeball said:

Rural property is going to skyrocket...values such as distance, wilderness, isolation and acreage will be up there with waterfront.  Rural gentrification will soon be as controversial as it is in urban areas.  Suburbs will become zombie wastelands. 

I think people like living in walkable cities where things are close by. 

The only reason suburbs exist is as an alternative to an urban environment that's seen as too expensive. 

What's our definition of rural? Housing that's 10 miles from any form of retail? Or a small town with a walkable downtown core. 

Suburbs have started growing up instead of outwards. To the point where infrastructure is an issue. 

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1 minute ago, eyeball said:

As in forced relocation? :lol:


Back in January, no one would have believed that we'd be in THIS predicament. Some of us saw this coming, hell I even warned people back in January, they said I was an idiot, and I told them this would affect all of us in a short time. And some of them are STILL in denial as to what is going on around them.


Edited by New World Disorder
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6 minutes ago, Boges said:

I think people like living in walkable cities where things are close by. 

I agree and downtown is were I'd rather be when I visit the city.


The only reason suburbs exist is as an alternative to an urban environment that's seen as too expensive.

That's not going to change much if walkable downtown areas retain their value.. 


What's our definition of rural? Housing that's 10 miles from any form of retail? Or a small town with a walkable downtown core. 

Cottage country or areas within a couple hours drive from a city.  Small towns adjacent to wilderness areas.


Suburbs have started growing up instead of outwards. To the point where infrastructure is an issue. 

I'm just glad I don't live in one.

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2 minutes ago, eyeball said:

I agree and downtown is were I'd rather be when I visit the city.

That's not going to change much if walkable downtown areas retain their value.. 

Cottage country or areas within a couple hours drive from a city.  Small towns adjacent to wilderness areas.

I'm just glad I don't live in one.

Some of the best quality of life in Canada come from living in suburbs. 

To each their own I guess. 

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3 minutes ago, New World Disorder said:


Back in January, no one would have believed that we'd be in THIS predicament. Some of us saw this coming, hell I even warned people back in January, they said I was an idiot, and I told them this would affect all of us in a short time. And some of them are STILL in denial as to what is going on around them.

Well sure anyone could see we were riding around on an overloaded swaybacked camel a straw away from collapse for years.  But...you do realize I'm only kidding when I say your pyjamas and rice bowl are in the mail right?

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People have been predicting global pandemics since 1918. 

I think most thought there'd be more people dying in the streets bleeding from their nose however. 

Humanity is very bad at planning for future threats, but very good at adapting to current ones. 

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Just now, Boges said:

Some of the best quality of life in Canada come from living in suburbs. 

To each their own I guess. 

I'm quite sure you're right but if the proximity to work in the cities and mobility were the main reason to expand suburbs what happens when much of that work just doesn't exist anymore?  Suburbs like so many others will have to reinvent themselves.

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1 minute ago, Boges said:

People have been predicting global pandemics since 1918. 

I think most thought there'd be more people dying in the streets bleeding from their nose however. 

Humanity is very bad at planning for future threats, but very good at adapting to current ones. 

I expected the Apocalypse to have more of a sudden bang to it. I don't think anyone imagined the slow motion collapse we seem to be going thru and I can't say our adaptation is going all that well. Imagine how awful it might be if this was climate action we were trying to recover from.

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Just now, eyeball said:

I'm quite sure you're right but if the proximity to work in the cities and mobility were the main reason to expand suburbs what happens when much of that work just doesn't exist anymore?  Suburbs like so many others will have to reinvent themselves.

As a commuter, I'll say that I'm thrilled by the prospect of less of my life devoted to being in a car. 

There's so much more than can be done if you're not spending your life worrying about how you're going to get to employment.

You'll actually get to enjoy the place you live. 

Conversely people who made that cost benefit of smaller housing to avoid a commute will now feel that their housing is somehow lacking. 

Living in a 750 sq ft. condo vs a 2,000 sq ft Townhouse vs a 3000 detached home. 

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2 minutes ago, eyeball said:

I expected the Apocalypse to have more of a sudden bang to it. I don't think anyone imagined the slow motion collapse we seem to be going thru and I can't say our adaptation is going all that well. Imagine how awful it might be if this was climate action we were trying to recover from.

I think where people value freedom over their own lives, they're having more issues with it. 

But I can't say I miss spending $100 or so per weekend having someone else cook for me and serve me marked up alcohol all that much. I miss it a bit, but not THAT much. I can cook a lot of that shit myself. 

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2 minutes ago, Boges said:

There's so much more than can be done if you're not spending your life worrying about how you're going to get to employment.

You'll actually get to enjoy the place you live. 

By that token perhaps people will decide there's more to life than money and attach less importance to who they are as opposed to what they are in terms of their occupation.  I can see a more minimalist society evolving which would bode well for adapting to a near zero growth economy that is much more livable and sustainable.  Greedy people will have the hardest time adapting.  

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Just now, eyeball said:

By that token perhaps people will decide there's more to life than money and attach less importance to who they are as opposed to what they are in terms of their occupation.  I can see a more minimalist society evolving which would bode well for adapting to a near zero growth economy that is much more livable and sustainable.  Greedy people will have the hardest time adapting.  

Well you still have to make a living. That often includes promising quarterly results more times than not. 

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More people will try to work from home.  More things will be done electronically.  Other than that, things will go back to the way they were.  Especially when there are effective medications and/or vaccines.

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3 minutes ago, Boges said:

I think where people value freedom over their own lives, they're having more issues with it.

These are basically zombies in our midst with a real capacity to make this into an Apocalypse. If anyone bends our society into the Hell that the New World Disorder types fear it will be the zombies who insist things must go back to the way they were in the Before Times.  They'll be the minions, allies and shock troops of the greedy.

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6 minutes ago, Boges said:

Well you still have to make a living. That often includes promising quarterly results more times than not. 

Sure but if minimalism supplants consumerism and if our consumerism is regarded more as fuel for the growth of monstrosities like China good quarterly reports will take on a lot less importance.

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4 minutes ago, eyeball said:

These are basically zombies in our midst with a real capacity to make this into an Apocalypse. If anyone bends our society into the Hell that the New World Disorder types fear it will be the zombies who insist things must go back to the way they were in the Before Times.  They'll be the minions, allies and shock troops of the greedy.

Not really.  The minions are the ones that ignore the science, and blindly follow government edicts that aren't based on science at all.  Now quick, hide under your bed for the next 3 months, I see the virus coming around the corner!  You know, the one with a 0.3 - 0.1% fatality rate for people under 50.  Run and hide the sky is falling the sky is falling! :lol:

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