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Not a surprise: Another America #1

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3 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

Hunter Biden is part of a company that did bilions in business with the communist bank of China. Are you a total idiot or you just have the ability to not actually see what you don't want to see?

He didn't do $1.5B in business with China.  He was part of a group that arranged for a Chinese corp to provide financing for a venture.  No doubt the optics and ethics behind it are questionable, but that's unfortunately how US politics seem to work and efforts to fix that are usually stonewalled in the House.  Regardless, you (and Trump/Giulliani) love to throw big numbers out there and imply Hunter was receiving hundreds of millions in payoffs or something, when there's absolutely no evidence of it...just some shady-looking nepotism. 

Meanwhile, Jared Kushner's Cadre organization has received $90M from mysterious and secretive foreign "investors" to Cayman accounts while HE is actively working in the White House and closely with Trump.  In his first Ethics Disclosure he "inadvertently" failed to mention his ~$50M stake (oopsie!).  For very obvious reasons he was denied security clearance by US officials but Trump overruled and pushed him through anyways. 

I'm all for discussing corruption if you like (Hunter/Joe Biden included) but not if you're going to cherry-pick out of Rudy and Donald's brazen mud-slinging and truth-bending.  Why would be focusing on some questionable business relationships with the past vice-president's son (who wasn't involved in politics), when we have the CURRENT president's senior advisor/son-in-law (the son of a convicted felon no less) actively profiting first-hand?  

As for Ukraine, yeah, that's nothing-burger.  I've reviewed that one in a fair bit of detail before and Rudy's claims are based on hilariously mistaken timelines and the affidavit of a corrupt/disgraced former Ukrainian prosecutor.  

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On 5/4/2020 at 6:50 PM, xul said:

I think it is you who should think this:

With almost the same population, population density, Chinese population ratio and distance to China, which difference made Australia having far less cases than Canada?

If you just have a look on a map you should know the answer-----Australia is far away from USA, this is why.....

As for NYC, should you compare it with some Canadian major cities like Toronto or Montreal instead with whole Canada? Tokyo has almost same population with NYC and it is far closer to China than NYC, but how many residents die in the city because of Covid-19?

NYC:            population=8.4 million, covid-19 cases=313k, death=18,000

Toronto:       population=3 million,   covid-19 cases=6.3k,  death=449

Tokyo:          population=9.3 million, covid-19 cases=4.5k, death=141

Hong Kong: population=7.4 million,  covid-19 cases=1k,   death=4


It seems if a city is closer to China, it tends to have less cases and death toll.....

You seem to be totally oblivious to the fact that yet again, we have another deadly virus originating from CHINA! 

Sars, H1N1,Bird Flu in the recent past. The Chinese government keeps letting this happen and fails to shut down disgusting wet markets. Perhaps now with Covid 19 they are finally getting the results they were hoping for?

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On 5/1/2020 at 12:02 AM, xul said:

Regardless how many trumptards trolling on internet and trying to cover up the true source of the outbreak in Canada, the data doesn't lie:

Canada's early COVID-19 cases came from the U.S. not China, provincial data shows



These trolls also tried very hard to convince Canadian that Trump performed better than Trudeau on dealing with this coronavirus crisis, though what the data shows is quite the contrary. In fact, the only mistake which Canadian government made is it believed Trump's lies too long:


Put up or shut up. Do you deny being a Chinese government troll?  Your threads only come up to piss on Hong Kong students or to prop Chinese communist party mantra and deflect from the shit  your country has spread on the world....before you call anyone a troll XUL look in the mirror and look at how your government is so cowardly it hides its covid numbers and is willing to kill millions of its citizens for economic motives.  Troll? You are a Chinese government spambot. Let me make it clearer, I hold you personally, get it, personally responsible for every and any shit product that came out of China as well as your viruses. I am coming for you. Oh I know. You think a beaver aint no match for a dragon. Hee hee. You got all the internet and our computer networks surveilled hacked controlled. You can shut them off and cause a micro storm. Chaos. Kapow. No no Xul, you see the beaver is a big fat rat. We are not good to eat. We are coming. Our beaver attack is planned. Soon. You will wake up soon to find a beaver sitting on your face smothering you to death.  I promise. Our fearless leader Celine Dione, Queen of the Beavers is leading the first wave. Hail Celine. Glorious leader of the masses.

Better wake up Xul. The kingdom as you know it is dead and the beavers are coming to feast on your carcass. You killed off the very customers you needed to sell your shit to. You got no blood to suck Xul. Now what do you large mosquitoes do? Hmmmm? Feeling paranoid Xul? You should cuz that noose in the seas off the coast of China.. including the US.. South Korea, Japan Indonesia, Vietnam, Formosa, Australia, Philippines, Cambodia, Thailand, even Mynammar is real. Y'all better watch your back. Putin would just assume take back certain islands that come to your rescue. Hey don't understimate India's navy either. Congrats you have done what no one else could do, unite foes. 

Only this time you can't send a bunch of peasants in waves over the 38th parallel to die in vain. This also is not Vietnam.

This is your own backyard man. Your own people are coming for you. You are an antiquated mandarin Xul.  The revolution is coming. Its gonna make Mao's look like a joke. Your economy is about to implode baby. Ever try fight a war against beavers when you can't stop your own people from eating each other? 


Edited by Rue
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20 hours ago, Rue said:

Put up or shut up. Do you deny being a Chinese government troll?  Your threads only come up to piss on Hong Kong students or to prop Chinese communist party mantra and deflect from the shit  your country has spread on the world....before you call anyone a troll XUL look in the mirror and look at how your government is so cowardly it hides its covid numbers and is willing to kill millions of its citizens for economic motives.  Troll? You are a Chinese government spambot. Let me make it clearer, I hold you personally, get it, personally responsible for every and any shit product that came out of China as well as your viruses. I am coming for you. Oh I know. You think a beaver aint no match for a dragon. Hee hee. You got all the internet and our computer networks surveilled hacked controlled. You can shut them off and cause a micro storm. Chaos. Kapow. No no Xul, you see the beaver is a big fat rat. We are not good to eat. We are coming. Our beaver attack is planned. Soon. You will wake up soon to find a beaver sitting on your face smothering you to death.  I promise. Our fearless leader Celine Dione, Queen of the Beavers is leading the first wave. Hail Celine. Glorious leader of the masses.

Better wake up Xul. The kingdom as you know it is dead and the beavers are coming to feast on your carcass. You killed off the very customers you needed to sell your shit to. You got no blood to suck Xul. Now what do you large mosquitoes do? Hmmmm? Feeling paranoid Xul? You should cuz that noose in the seas off the coast of China.. including the US.. South Korea, Japan Indonesia, Vietnam, Formosa, Australia, Philippines, Cambodia, Thailand, even Mynammar is real. Y'all better watch your back. Putin would just assume take back certain islands that come to your rescue. Hey don't understimate India's navy either. Congrats you have done what no one else could do, unite foes. 

Only this time you can't send a bunch of peasants in waves over the 38th parallel to die in vain. This also is not Vietnam.

This is your own backyard man. Your own people are coming for you. You are an antiquated mandarin Xul.  The revolution is coming. Its gonna make Mao's look like a joke. Your economy is about to implode baby. Ever try fight a war against beavers when you can't stop your own people from eating each other? 


Once again, you embarrass and disgrace yourself by making such baseless accusations on me. You claimed a lot of things, but you even didn't provide a single prove to support your claims. I was wondering from where did you lean the way of making an argument?

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On 5/8/2020 at 7:26 AM, ironstone said:

You seem to be totally oblivious to the fact that yet again, we have another deadly virus originating from CHINA! 

Sars, H1N1,Bird Flu in the recent past. The Chinese government keeps letting this happen and fails to shut down disgusting wet markets. Perhaps now with Covid 19 they are finally getting the results they were hoping for?

H1N1 did not originate in China but in Mexico.

The probable source of the 1918 flu pandemic was Kansas or perhaps France.

The factory farms of North America and elsewhere in the world are just as likely sources of future viral pandemics and bacterial superbugs as Chinese wet markets. Billions have been spent and millions of animals have been destroyed containing outbreaks among pigs and poultry in, besides Asia, Scotland (1959), South Africa (1961), England (1963), Ontario (1966), Australia and New Jersey (1976), Ireland (1983), Virginia (2002), Texas (2004), Romania (2005), The Netherlands (2016), France, Nigeria, and Zimbabwe (2017), and Saudi Arabia this year.


Pandemics are a global problem, not any one country's. Assigning blame to one in particular while doing nothing about the problem in your own backyard is pointless and dishonest.

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On April 30, 2020 at 9:02 PM, xul said:

Regardless how many trumptards trolling on internet and trying to cover up the true source of the outbreak in Canada...

This is a very deceitful remark by you.  It deludes to the, facts, and it plays pretend that USA travelers strategically/intentionally came into Canada solely to spread the virus around.

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16 minutes ago, Minnetonka said:

H1N1 did not originate in China but in Mexico.

The probable source of the 1918 flu pandemic was Kansas or perhaps France.

The factory farms of North America and elsewhere in the world are just as likely sources of future viral pandemics and bacterial superbugs as Chinese wet markets. Billions have been spent and millions of animals have been destroyed containing outbreaks among pigs and poultry in, besides Asia, Scotland (1959), South Africa (1961), England (1963), Ontario (1966), Australia and New Jersey (1976), Ireland (1983), Virginia (2002), Texas (2004), Romania (2005), The Netherlands (2016), France, Nigeria, and Zimbabwe (2017), and Saudi Arabia this year.


Pandemics are a global problem, not any one country's. Assigning blame to one in particular while doing nothing about the problem in your own backyard is pointless and dishonest.





So in all honesty, do you really think it's not morally right for the rest of the world to hold China to account?  Or do you believe Covid 19 did NOT originate in China? Where then?

What do you think of wet markets?

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1 hour ago, WestCanMan said:

Hey look, Xul is talking again. Why didn't you respond to my posts Xul? Cat got your tongue? 

I have explained my points of view with sufficient data and logical arguments to support them. You, on the other hand, just repeated what you had said before, like "Australia has similar population with Canada"..etc, and ignored the logic and data in my arguments completely. So I though it would save time not repeating what I had already said in the past posts, especially I'm not a professional internet poster, which means I have a lot of other things to do and less time for posting here 24/7.

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There may have many causes which results US performs far worse than Canada. But Trump does contribute a lot to the situation.  Just watch the video below. If the nurse was a Canadian and the government leader was Trudeau (or Harper...etc),  he would kiss her and praise what she had done to her nation. But you can see what was Trump's reaction to the truth.

I think Chris Hayes's comment on Trump hits the bullseye: Trump’s Solution To Every Problem Is To Lie

What kind of results can you expect if the Nation is led by a coward who even doesn't have guts to face the real problem? 


Edited by xul
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19 minutes ago, xul said:

I have explained my points of view with sufficient data and logical arguments to support them. You, on the other hand, just repeated what you had said before, like "Australia has similar population with Canada"..etc, and ignored the logic and data in my arguments completely. So I though it would save time not repeating what I had already said in the past posts, especially I'm not a professional internet poster, which means I have a lot of other things to do and less time for posting here 24/7.

No, you belched moronic CNN talking points which were refuted and successfully countered with replies that you have no good answer for. That's why you went into silent mode and left those posts unanswered. 

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2 minutes ago, xul said:

There may have many causes which results US performs far worse than Canada. But Trump does contribute a lot to the situation.  Just watch the video below. If the nurse was a Canadian and politician was Trudeau (or Harper...etc),  he would kiss her and praise what she had done to her nation. But you can see what was Trump's reaction to the truth.


I think Chris Hayes's comment on Trump hits the bullseye: Trump’s Solution To Every Problem Is To Lie

What kind of results can you expect if the Nation is led by a coward who even doesn't have guts to face the real problem? 


So you just posted a clip of two people completely misrepresenting a conversation, which you saw for yourself, in your own defence lol. WTF is wrong with you?

I didn't even watch your second video. There's no point. 

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This account of a plague that struck Marseille in 1620 strikes a familiar chord with the U.S. today...



Following the arrival of the Grand Saint-Antoine, a merchant ship returning from the Levant, proper care and remedies to prevent the fatal consequences of this disease were delayed and ignored. The disease spread to all parts of the city.

The plague began to rage there within a matter of weeks. A corrupt doctor, false bills of health, political and economic pressures to unload the ship’s merchandise, and corrupt officials investigating the initial spread of the disease, all contributed to a disaster that could scarcely be contained in southern France.

Hospitals were saturated, unable to "receive the vast quantity of sick which came to them in throngs."



We can only guess that the local leaders pointed their fingers at others instead of taking responsibility for mishandling the disease. Perhaps they even diverted attention from themselves by blaming China.:D

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Yay !  Canada is #1 for COVID-19 death rates in long term care facilities and nursing homes:



International data is difficult to compare, though an analysis by researchers at the University of Ottawa, University of British Columbia and the London School of Economics have awarded Canada the troubling distinction of having the highest proportion of COVID-19 deaths related to care homes of the 14 countries studied as of April 26.




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45 minutes ago, Minnetonka said:

This account of a plague that struck Marseille in 1620 strikes a familiar chord with the U.S. today...


We can only guess that the local leaders pointed their fingers at others instead of taking responsibility for mishandling the disease. Perhaps they even diverted attention from themselves by blaming China.:D

It strikes a familiar chord with Canada. We're the ones who let travellers come into our country looong past the day we should have stopped. :D

The only reason our Gov't is backing the WHO is because to say that they were wrong is to admit that we were idiots too. :D

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There were legitimate reasons for both closing borders and leaving them open that made it a balancing act for the government and they had to navigate it by the seat of their pants without a handbook. I'm not going to crucify them in hindsight if they made a wrong move here and there, especially when overall they're making an honest effort of responding to the worst catastrophe in history.

One negative consequence of closing borders is that it foments suspicion and hate against immigrants among the low lifes of any population (including Canada's as we're seeing). I'm not going to judge Trump for blocking travel to the U.S. when he did, not in and of itself, but encouraging hate of China in conjunction with it just made him a repugnant piece of crap. Period.

As for the WHO, I'm not expert enough on pandemics to sneeringly pass judgement on them from the lazy comfort of my ass-molded couch. I'm sure you'd agree that would be grossly insulting to a group of people dedicated to saving our lives. Including Donald Trump's, it needs to be pointed out.

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