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Where did all news go?

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15 hours ago, cougar said:

They have no news of criminal activity any more.  All they talk about is sanitizing, washing hands, buying masks,  tenant eviction restrictions or rent raise suspensions and what not.   There is virtually no regular news any more.

Maybe there is nothing to report. The world has gone quiet, and nothing newsworthy is happening.


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Scribblet this just in.....Trudeau's beard doesn't seem to grow... it seems arrested in development. Good thing he is not a Jew, Siekh, Muslim, Quaker. It is just not religious enough for moi.

In other news and please notice this, Trump stopped using the 666 hand signal once the virus started. He would use it constantly and then suddenly has stopped. Is it possible we have a clone in his place? Is that the real him? Is this part of the alien world take over? Have they replaced him?

As for Harry and Meaghan they are in LA. Gee what a surprise. I give that dim light bulb of a boy 6 months in Hollywood until he succumbs to complications from syphilis.

You want news.....Taylor Swift is at home with her cats and all the casting for movies in Hollywood is on hold. No way any producers are having interviews on their sofas during the virus outbreak.

I would be interested to see if rates of sexually transmitted diseases go down all over the world or whether this hits the sex trade industry hard. You notice no discussion about that. I think one story we do not hear is the danger sex trade workers are now exposed to and if people think people stop using them during pandemics they are naive. Likewise drug addicts don't stop using dirty needles, etc. You notice the news ignores the impact on the homeless, sex trade industry, criminal institutions, not a peep.




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On 3/20/2020 at 2:00 PM, cougar said:

Since the start of the endemic, I can hardly find a title on CBC not having the distinct COVID-19 mark in it.

Did we all stop to live.  Anything else happening in this country?  

Obviously nothing else is happening in Canada. The virus pandemic is it. I guess this must be the reason why the Canadian media keeps talking about the virus on TV 24 hours a day without stopping. Nothing else to talk about. What a boring country, eh? Lol. I keep wondering as to what is happening with all of the blockades, global warming or Trump impeachment or Trudeau bsing about something? Those four alone was all that we would get from the Canadian media. But I suppose that once this virus nonsense is all over, we probably will get back to normal and once again start talking about those four mentioned above unless things have settled down in regards to those mentioned above and they will have to look for something else stupid to report on. Just saying. 

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On 3/20/2020 at 7:42 PM, OftenWrong said:

I've been wondering the same thing. It's ridiculous, all about the virus whether it's Canada news, World news, sports, weather, traffic, business. Virus virus virus.

Apparently there was an earthquake in the USA this week. Never heard about it in the news.

It's called communist brainwashing. Repeat a lie often enough and people will start to believe the lie. This virus nonsense is all that seems to be worthy of talking about. An earthquake? Pffff, who cares. Lol.

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8 hours ago, taxme said:

Obviously nothing else is happening in Canada.

Apparently we never had any real meaningful news ever!  The virus just made this painfully obvious.  We were being fed bullshit, while the rich were using us as a tool to rape the environment.

Think about the deep discussions we had about Carbon Tax.  Carbon Tax did fuck all.  The virus helped reduce our carbon emissions 10-20 fold in a month!  But I am sure I am still paying carbon tax to our corrupt useless government.

But now they will reap the rewards of their own schemes.  Now that they have to depend on other nations for medical supplies.   Of course the other nations will first take care of their own citizens before ever considering shipping anything to Canada.  There goes the global market economy concept  and the outsourcing of jobs strategy.


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15 hours ago, cougar said:

Apparently we never had any real meaningful news ever!  The virus just made this painfully obvious.  We were being fed bullshit, while the rich were using us as a tool to rape the environment.

Think about the deep discussions we had about Carbon Tax.  Carbon Tax did fuck all.  The virus helped reduce our carbon emissions 10-20 fold in a month!  But I am sure I am still paying carbon tax to our corrupt useless government.

But now they will reap the rewards of their own schemes.  Now that they have to depend on other nations for medical supplies.   Of course the other nations will first take care of their own citizens before ever considering shipping anything to Canada.  There goes the global market economy concept  and the outsourcing of jobs strategy.


Canada has pretty much become a boring and uneventful country. It's fairly quiet. I guess that is okay? We the Canadian people have been fed a bunch of horse manure for several decades now. The Canadian bought off Trudeau media or it should now be called "Pravada" media along with our dear political leaders they both pretty much keep feeding us lies and bull chit all the time. 

Trudeau wants to raise the carbon tax by 50%. The carbon tax is just another tax grab for the government that cannot stop spending our tax dollars so they must keep finding new ways to tax so our prime mistake of Canukistan can keep giving our tax dollars away to other foreign countries in the world. Trudeau has even sent some of our tax dollars to Greece to help them with their fight with the virus. WTH? Greece has the EU to help assist them. The EU has a trillion dollar budget.  

This Trudeau lieberal government is and always has been allowed to go way out of control of it's spending limits. Sadly, the liberal conservative party would be no different. After all, wasn't it the liberal conservative party of Brian Bulroney who gave us the pleasure of having to now pay the GST on just about everything that we but now? It was supposed to be for helping to pay down the debt. But the debt has never gone down, only increased over the decades. 

No, it is not Trudeau and his ilk of a gang lieberals who will pay anything. It is you and me who will pay for his adventures and spend crazy habits big time. And now he wnats parliament to reconvene so he can get his grubby greedy hands on more of our tax dollars. He could give a dam about ordinary Canadians. From what I have seen so far from this fool is this attitude of treat the people and show as much contempt towards them with as much as the people will allow them to get away with as possible. And we have at least another four more years of this buffoon. But ask the fools that voted for him if they care. They will tell you that he is doing a wonderful job and they will vote for him again. Not one liberal here can tell me as to what Trudeau and the liberals have done so great that has made Canada so great? And I am still waiting, probably forever. Believe it or not. ;)

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 3/23/2020 at 1:39 AM, pinky tuscadero said:

Bingo taxme!

Starting with the preliminary data sets and all subsequent, this has been proven to be at most a slightly more than average flu season,

but nobody seems capable of simply looking at the data.

Everyone wants to commit economic and social suicide (and cause real harm to some physically and mentally vulnerable people in our society), it breaks my heart.

Coronavirus Mortality Rate in US Dips to 1.2% of Confirmed Cases — When Will WHO Be Held Accountable?

From your (March 22) link: 

The 2020 Coronavirus has killed 396 (so far) out of a population of 333,546,000 or a little more than — 1 in a million

Something wrong with those numbers. Right now the US death rate from COVID19 is 158 in a million, 55,413 deaths total. 

Sweden and Italy have higher death rates.

Your links are either or both of inaccurate or wacko. 

Find some better data maybe.  



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On 3/21/2020 at 1:37 AM, Zeitgeist said:

I would be very critical and suspect of any plans that try to stretch quarantines beyond about 6 weeks or even a month, because if a four week mass quarantine is done right, there shouldn’t be any new infections.  Stretching it out is just a sign that quarantining wasn’t done properly.  It means getting very strict right away.  I’m thinking this should be in place by Sunday.  

We're not quarantined, never were except some returning travellers.  

We're isolating ... and distancing when we go out, where possible. 

You're ordering a mass quarantine by Sunday? That'll cause a huge shopping rush!  Lol 

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On 4/26/2020 at 10:26 PM, jacee said:

We're not quarantined, never were except some returning travellers.  

We're isolating ... and distancing when we go out, where possible. 

You're ordering a mass quarantine by Sunday? That'll cause a huge shopping rush!  Lol 

That’s an old post.  If we had done a strict quarantine we might have been able to get back to a fuller economy sooner.  It has dawned on the world recently that we simply don’t have that level of self-discipline, let alone the testing and surveillance infrastructure (and acceptance of government control) to virtually eradicate the virus without an effective treatment or vaccine.  We are now accepting the fact that the bulk of the population has to get back to work fairly soon or else the economic damage will do more killing than the disease.

The debate now is all about how.  We can’t do South Korea, but perhaps we can do Germany.  Protect the vulnerable and maintain good but realistic public hygiene. If the latest research is predicting two years of life with the virus as a significant health risk, the Swedish model of a higher death rate (that isn’t on the scale of Southern Europe or UK), may not be so bad. They never closed shop and they are gradually moving towards herd immunity.  If that’s where we land, we will have to learn to live under those conditions without suffering some kind of mass hysteria or PTSD.  Shoot for Germany or better, but be prepared for Sweden or worse.  Either way, we’re going back to work, so let’s be careful how we go about it.  

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30 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

The debate now is all about how.  We can’t do South Korea, but perhaps we can do Germany.  Protect the vulnerable and maintain good but realistic public hygiene. If the latest research is predicting two years of life with the virus as a significant health risk, the Swedish model of a higher death rate (that isn’t on the scale of Southern Europe or UK), may not be so bad. They never closed shop and they are gradually moving towards herd immunity.  If that’s where we land, we will have to learn to live under those conditions without suffering some kind of mass hysteria or PTSD.  Shoot for Germany or better, but be prepared for Sweden or worse.  Either way, we’re going back to work, so let’s be careful how we go about it.  

I suppose it won't be long before someone comes up a phased approach to herd immunity not unlike the urban legends about chicken-pox parties thrown so kids would get infected and get it over with - just bring in as many uninfected people as a facility with ventilators can process and...get it over with.

You get your immune tattoo, t-shirt and a CERB cheque on the way out if you survive. If not well, you get a parade down the local Highway of Hero's and your family gets a t-shirt and cheque.

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49 minutes ago, eyeball said:

I suppose it won't be long before someone comes up a phased approach to herd immunity not unlike the urban legends about chicken-pox parties thrown so kids would get infected and get it over with - just bring in as many uninfected people as a facility with ventilators can process and...get it over with.

You get your immune tattoo, t-shirt and a CERB cheque on the way out if you survive. If not well, you get a parade down the local Highway of Hero's and your family gets a t-shirt and cheque.

I hope it doesn’t get to that level of Social Darwinism, but what we are seeing unfold is the adaptive response of a species, Homo sapiens, to a natural phenomenon.  This is pure evolution.

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On 3/21/2020 at 9:20 AM, Dougie93 said:

I wouldn't expect anything to come roaring back, it can all be crashed in a day, then take years to recover, this is already a bigger market crash than 2008

A well planned virus rehearsal for a possible crash. Just wait until the globalists come out with the next plandemic virus. You ain't seen nothing yet, pardner. The next one will be the BIG mother of them all. A possible total lock down for 6 months. Hey, you never know, eh?               It's all just a hoax, folks. ;)

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On 3/21/2020 at 9:41 AM, Yzermandius19 said:

Yeah but the American housing market caused the crash in 2008, not so this time around. That's one of the reasons it took so long to bounce back last time, though I suppose the damage done in the wake of this crash could weaken the American economy's ability to bounce back, which could stretch things out, but I'm not buying that is going to last great depression lengths of time, unless a FDR 2.0 takes the reigns to really stretch the depression out.

One could get the impression that this is now a war between Donald Trump's on a roll economy, and a fight by the deep state globalists to destroy Trump's great economy. The deep state globalists now are beginning to show us all the power that they have over the world. When one controls the media, controls the creation of money, controls our politicians and controls outfits like the United Nations and WHO, it is not all the hard to try and convince the world that we are having a plague happening in the world today, and that we must give up all of our freedoms to help fight that fake plague going on.  Come on, folks, it' s all just a hoax of a joke. It's time for you to wake up and get out of this plandemic exercise for now. If they can convince everybody today that this China virus is for real and a real danger to us all then they will come out with a bigger and better virus where we have never sen anything like it in earth's history. I want my freedom back now, and dam the consequences. And I need a bloody haircut now. ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest ProudConservative
On 5/3/2020 at 3:09 PM, taxme said:

One could get the impression that this is now a war between Donald Trump's on a roll economy, and a fight by the deep state globalists to destroy Trump's great economy. The deep state globalists now are beginning to show us all the power that they have over the world. When one controls the media, controls the creation of money, controls our politicians and controls outfits like the United Nations and WHO, it is not all the hard to try and convince the world that we are having a plague happening in the world today, and that we must give up all of our freedoms to help fight that fake plague going on.  Come on, folks, it' s all just a hoax of a joke. It's time for you to wake up and get out of this plandemic exercise for now. If they can convince everybody today that this China virus is for real and a real danger to us all then they will come out with a bigger and better virus where we have never sen anything like it in earth's history. I want my freedom back now, and dam the consequences. And I need a bloody haircut now. ;)

I feel like a coward, because i'm hiding out in the Canadian shield. I think we might have to join million in there streets, and force the government to admit that their cure, is far worse than the disease.

What was the deficit last year 21 billion? What's it going to be this year 200 billion, 500 billion?

So the Canadian taxpayers are going to spend 50 years paying this thing off?

Our communist Government has no concept of fiscal-responsibility, and it makes me want to puke.

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1 hour ago, ProudConservative said:

I feel like a coward, because i'm hiding out in the Canadian shield. I think we might have to join million in there streets, and force the government to admit that their cure, is far worse than the disease.

What was the deficit last year 21 billion? What's it going to be this year 200 billion, 500 billion?

So the Canadian taxpayers are going to spend 50 years paying this thing off?

Our communist Government has no concept of fiscal-responsibility, and it makes me want to puke.

The cowards here are the ones that can easily be convinced that the sky is falling down. Sadly, we will probably never see even a hundred Canadians out in the streets saying enough already. Give us back our freedom. Canadians are easily brainwashed into believing anything that their dear comrade leaders and the lying media tells them. They will never question anything their politicians or the media tells them. They just accept what they are told as gospel. This is why our deficit could go into the hundreds of billions very soon. The deep state globalist elite will always win because of the sheeple who just do not give a dam, and will never question anything. I always say, question more. 

Canadians love paying taxes. The more taxes the better they like it. Our debt will never be paid off as long as we have those comrade politicians of ours who keep trying to bankrupt this once great what should be a wealthy and rich nation. It's for sure that with comrade Trudeau around, the debt will never get paid off. 

The media likes to try and convince the fools out there that the hospitals have many China virus patients entering the hospitals everywhere in Canada by the hundreds every day, with a few people dying at any one of those hospitals on any one day. As a matter of fact most of the hospitals are pretty much empty with floors having no patients on them at all. I wonder as to how busy the funeral parlors are these days? It would be interesting to find out if business is normal as usual or is there coffins lined up with dead bodies outside waiting to get in?

Just wondering. ;)

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On 5/1/2020 at 11:00 PM, Zeitgeist said:

I hope it doesn’t get to that level of Social Darwinism, but what we are seeing unfold is the adaptive response of a species, Homo sapiens, to a natural phenomenon.  This is pure evolution.

Sadly, evolution in Canada is starting to produce a lot more dummies by the millions every year. And add the rest of the world in the mix, and all one can say is holy shit. :D

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Guest ProudConservative
18 minutes ago, taxme said:

The cowards here are the ones that can easily be convinced that the sky is falling down.

When China did the lockdown, I freaked out... because we weren't screening at airports... However, I was beginning to believe this could be a hoax, because if it was a real threat... They wouldn't allow any passengers back into Canada.

So it looks like China did a very painful false flag... to try and bankrupt the rest of the world. It's scary to think how crazy these people are.

When I got Covid for a few days... and only 2 people in a region of 40 000... had it for a few weeks, I began to realize... they almost every Canadian has had it by now... and doesn't even know.... or they have seen the government go tyrannical, and kept their mouth shut.

About 20% had a bad cough in the stores in early march... I picked it up around March 27th

I never had my lungs feel like sunburn sandpaper... so i'm pretty sure it was covid. 

It looks like this is being under reported, to make the fatality seem much worse.

What's the chances that I was the only guy in town that picked it up? If I got it, most of town should be immune by now.

Also... why aren't millions of people dying in India and Africa by now?

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13 minutes ago, ProudConservative said:

When China did the lockdown, I freaked out... because we weren't screening at airports... However, I was beginning to believe this could be a hoax, because if it was a real threat... They wouldn't allow any passengers back into Canada.

So it looks like China did a very painful false flag... to try and bankrupt the rest of the world. It's scary to think how crazy these people are.

When I got Covid for a few days... and only 2 people in a region of 40 000... had it for a few weeks, I began to realize... they almost every Canadian has had it by now... and doesn't even know.... or they have seen the government go tyrannical, and kept their mouth shut.

About 20% had a bad cough in the stores in early march... I picked it up around March 27th

I never had my lungs feel like sunburn sandpaper... so i'm pretty sure it was covid. 

It looks like this is being under reported, to make the fatality seem much worse.

What's the chances that I was the only guy in town that picked it up? If I got it, most of town should be immune by now.

Also... why aren't millions of people dying in India and Africa by now?

Well, it's hard to say as to what you caught. This virus may be a bio weapon virus that escaped out of some Chinese lab by accident or was put out there on purpose. That could be one of the reasons why your lungs felt the way they did. 5G could be another reason why. Check to see if you have any new cell towers in your neighborhood. I have a new tower installed about a 1/2 mile from me. 

Speaking about 5G. There is this big roll out being done across the world called 5G which is supposed to be very harmful for anyone who happens to live near one of those newly installed 5G towers. Apparently, from what I have heard from David Icke, this 5G radiation attaches itself to the oxygen in the air, and somehow does some damage to the oxygen cells themselves, and when anyone breathes in that oxygen after awhile, they will eventually start to have breathing problems, and maybe a burning sensation in their lungs, as our lungs are not getting a sufficient amount of oxygen into our lungs to be able to breathe. They then will call it a Covid virus problem. You would have to listen to David Icke yourself because he can better explain it than I can. It is very surprising as to why millions of people in those countries you mentioned are not dying from this China virus.

This whole virus thingy has to be a hoax, and the internet is now full of many doctors and nurses in the medical profession that are also questioning this virus. Sadly, their messages are being blocked and are being removed by the big tech giants like Gates,  Zuckerborg, Youtube and google. I guess that they are also in on this hoax also, eh? We never know, eh? ;)

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Guest ProudConservative
1 hour ago, taxme said:

Well, it's hard to say as to what you caught. This virus may be a bio weapon virus that escaped out of some Chinese lab by accident or was put out there on purpose. That could be one of the reasons why your lungs felt the way they did. 5G could be another reason why. Check to see if you have any new cell towers in your neighborhood. I have a new tower installed about a 1/2 mile from me. 

Speaking about 5G. There is this big roll out being done across the world called 5G which is supposed to be very harmful for anyone who happens to live near one of those newly installed 5G towers. Apparently, from what I have heard from David Icke, this 5G radiation attaches itself to the oxygen in the air, and somehow does some damage to the oxygen cells themselves, and when anyone breathes in that oxygen after awhile, they will eventually start to have breathing problems, and maybe a burning sensation in their lungs, as our lungs are not getting a sufficient amount of oxygen into our lungs to be able to breathe. They then will call it a Covid virus problem. You would have to listen to David Icke yourself because he can better explain it than I can. It is very surprising as to why millions of people in those countries you mentioned are not dying from this China virus.

This whole virus thingy has to be a hoax, and the internet is now full of many doctors and nurses in the medical profession that are also questioning this virus. Sadly, their messages are being blocked and are being removed by the big tech giants like Gates,  Zuckerborg, Youtube and google. I guess that they are also in on this hoax also, eh? We never know, eh? ;)

It's not the 5G. I'm going to give Michael Hardner, the benefit of the doubt here... because some conspiracy theories, are just greedy rumor-monger looking for Youtube clicks. I'm pretty sure with the high frequency that shit will give you Cancer, but it doesn't give you covid 19.

If it was 5G, I should feel a pain in my lungs every day right?

All i'm saying is that... there is a massive lack of reporting.

For me personally, I was too scared to get tested, because I didn't want to risk picking up another strain. I also thought it was selfish to put the testers at risk, if I did have something.

I'm also at my cottage, so I didn't want to scare the shit out of my community. What I did do, is paid attention to the number of confirmed people in my area. When I got sick, it was just 2 people, and 3 weeks after I was sick, it only ticked up to 3 confirmed cases.


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Guest ProudConservative

You could also say, I was selfish... since they have to do contract tracing... but I spent 3 weeks in my cottage before I went into town for groceries, so there was no risk, that I could of spread it to someone else... and you don't pick it up in one store, and then start infecting people an hour later in other stores... It takes at least 2 days to incubate.

I did some hard landscaping, because I was worried about catching pneumonia. I did feel a tiny amount of fluid in my lungs, but It cleared up within 2 days hard exercise. The only thing scary was... feeling a bit of altitude sickness. I had a rough hour, but then everything got better... For a few days I was short of breath... and was paranoid, I would have lung damage....but my lungs are totally fine now.

I knew that the true facts and figures out being suppressed, to try and make it look like an ourbreak is just around the corner... When we're long past the real outbreak. For all we know COVID 19, could be a tracer virus, designed to appear extremely contagious... but for all we know, the elites wouldn't realize a real plague.... or it could backfire on them.

So many guess is that they have a weaponized strain, designed to make headlines, and a benign strain... designed to scare the shit out of people.

Now I have a few bottles of Zinc... and when I go in for groceries I take about 100MG for a few days... So If I do pick something up, it's not the bad.

So I'm asking the rest of you. Did any of you feel some strangers symptoms since this pandemic started?

It could be that 30 000 Canadians end up dying from the virus.... but will be 500 billion in debt... due to our stupid economic policies. So Canada is going to rake in 20 years of debt, when only 0.1% of the population ends up dying... Less than half of the amount of people who will die of Cancer? You do the math Taxme? Was it worth it?

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18 hours ago, ProudConservative said:

It's not the 5G. I'm going to give Michael Hardner, the benefit of the doubt here... because some conspiracy theories, are just greedy rumor-monger looking for Youtube clicks. I'm pretty sure with the high frequency that shit will give you Cancer, but it doesn't give you covid 19.

If it was 5G, I should feel a pain in my lungs every day right?

All i'm saying is that... there is a massive lack of reporting.

For me personally, I was too scared to get tested, because I didn't want to risk picking up another strain. I also thought it was selfish to put the testers at risk, if I did have something.

I'm also at my cottage, so I didn't want to scare the shit out of my community. What I did do, is paid attention to the number of confirmed people in my area. When I got sick, it was just 2 people, and 3 weeks after I was sick, it only ticked up to 3 confirmed cases.


Indeed, one can get cancer from the amount of radiation that is being bombarded on us every day. No one will get the China virus from 5G. But they can get radiation poisoning if in contact with it long enough. If anyone is living next to a cell tower than they may be in big time trouble for getting radiation poisoning and cancer. 

It takes time for radiation to affect the body. It does not happen overnight. Are you living next to a 5G or any other cell towers now?  

Whatever may be bad for us, our lying media will never tell us. The media is not we the people's friend. They pretty much all belong to big corporations now, and with this these so called actor journalists that we have today are not about to bite the hand that feeds them. They will report on TV or radio what they are told to report. IMHO, the media now only spreads lies and disinformation. The people high up in the media all know that this is not a real and big pandemic. They are just going along with this planned exercise hoax. But there sure are plenty of fools out there who will believe in this hoax because of their constant brainwashing day in and day out by the lying media to those gullible trained seal fools. 

The only time anyone needs to be tested is if they have a high fever and are feeling sick. Go see your doctor. But that does not mean that everyone that is tested has the China virus when they find out that they have a high fever. There are other viruses out there that can give people a fever, don't you know? 

The numbers that are being reported about how many people are getting and have the China virus are being inflated big time. There are people that are dying of other natural causes but in many cases some of those people are being lumped in with people who have or had the China virus. There are plenty of people that get sick and die from the many other diseases like SARS but when SARS came about the world was never shut down like we see today. And they still have not found a vaccine for SARS yet.  

It always amazes me as to why so many people will say that they do not believe in conspiracies, but yet they can be convinced easy enough and made to believe in hoaxes. The world will survive with or without a vaccine for this virus. All of this is just being pushed by big pharma who stand to make hundreds of billions of dollars if they can get as many people as they can to take their vaccines. The first thing anyone should be doing before they take the shot is to first do a little research themselves to see what is in those vaccines. The internet will give anyone that information that they would be looking for. I have no problem with anyone who wants to take the shot, but just leave me out of it. It's my body and it belongs to me, and not to our dear leaders or big pharma. Just saying. ;)

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18 hours ago, ProudConservative said:

You could also say, I was selfish... since they have to do contract tracing... but I spent 3 weeks in my cottage before I went into town for groceries, so there was no risk, that I could of spread it to someone else... and you don't pick it up in one store, and then start infecting people an hour later in other stores... It takes at least 2 days to incubate.

I did some hard landscaping, because I was worried about catching pneumonia. I did feel a tiny amount of fluid in my lungs, but It cleared up within 2 days hard exercise. The only thing scary was... feeling a bit of altitude sickness. I had a rough hour, but then everything got better... For a few days I was short of breath... and was paranoid, I would have lung damage....but my lungs are totally fine now.

I knew that the true facts and figures out being suppressed, to try and make it look like an ourbreak is just around the corner... When we're long past the real outbreak. For all we know COVID 19, could be a tracer virus, designed to appear extremely contagious... but for all we know, the elites wouldn't realize a real plague.... or it could backfire on them.

So many guess is that they have a weaponized strain, designed to make headlines, and a benign strain... designed to scare the shit out of people.

Now I have a few bottles of Zinc... and when I go in for groceries I take about 100MG for a few days... So If I do pick something up, it's not the bad.

So I'm asking the rest of you. Did any of you feel some strangers symptoms since this pandemic started?

It could be that 30 000 Canadians end up dying from the virus.... but will be 500 billion in debt... due to our stupid economic policies. So Canada is going to rake in 20 years of debt, when only 0.1% of the population ends up dying... Less than half of the amount of people who will die of Cancer? You do the math Taxme? Was it worth it?

I have been going out for months now and I have not caught the dreaded China virus bug yet. And what I really find amazing is that everyone I know have not caught it either. So just who the hell is getting this China virus anyway? I am pretty sure that the ones that are getting this virus are just getting your usual seasonal flu bug virus that comes around every year, and the big pharma elites like Bill Gates of hell area being allowed to make this seasonal flu bug into appearing to be the big bad bug of them all ever known to man.

Sadly, it would appear as though our dear leaders and the media are going along with this hoax. Our leaders and the media know that this is all nonsense or most do anyway. If this China virus were so bad then why are the hospitals not overflowing with tens of thousands of virus victims sick or dying? The hospital administrators are just playing the game that they are being told to play and are probably inflating the numbers of victims of this China virus game. Just all my opinion of course. Works for me. ;)

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Guest ProudConservative
3 hours ago, taxme said:

I have been going out for months now and I have not caught the dreaded China virus bug yet. And what I really find amazing is that everyone I know have not caught it either. So just who the hell is getting this China virus anyway? I am pretty sure that the ones that are getting this virus are just getting your usual seasonal flu bug virus that comes around every year, and the big pharma elites like Bill Gates of hell area being allowed to make this seasonal flu bug into appearing to be the big bad bug of them all ever known to man.

Sadly, it would appear as though our dear leaders and the media are going along with this hoax. Our leaders and the media know that this is all nonsense or most do anyway. If this China virus were so bad then why are the hospitals not overflowing with tens of thousands of virus victims sick or dying? The hospital administrators are just playing the game that they are being told to play and are probably inflating the numbers of victims of this China virus game. Just all my opinion of course. Works for me. ;)

Here's the thing... They can't hide deaths, but you can significantly suppress the number of confirmed cases, to produce a massive over-exaggeration for the fatality rate... I was someone complaining that were not doing enough to slow the spread.... until I got it and realized, that there were only 2 confirmed cases in a region of 40 000.

I'm thinking to myself, thousands of people would of had it by now, because what would be the chance that I was the only one in 40 000 to become case number 3? I actually went to every store wearing an N95 masks, rubber boots, and latex gloves.

Then I hear a bunch of people on their docks coughing... and I realized, everyone is to scared to just admit... they probably picked up the virus. 

Well when Trudeau threatens to put Canadians returning to Canada in jail for 3 years if they stop for groceries, how is that an incentive... for people to come forward, and say they should be tested?

We should continue to be cautious, but understand that millions of people in third world countries are going to die from the economical depression we're causing. So ya... The cure is far worse than the disease.

The reason I'm almost positive this is a hoax, is because almost no one had died in Africa and India... and the sanitary conditions there are abysmal. Sophie Trudeau picked up the virus from Great Britian, when there was only 1000 confirmed cases. Something doesn't add up.

Here's another thing. The teachers are getting paid to do nothing. You can call me old-fasioned, but I think when someone doesn't work they shouldn't be paid. Have the teachers teach their students with youtube videos or something.

Thanks to these idiots, we call politicians, Basically every young person has turned into a drop out. They could still be learning online... but people are too lazy to put the teachers to work.

This is why i'm angry with Doug Ford... I pay the teachers salaries with my taxes... They don't deserve a free vacation. Make them produce educational videos, so people can learn something.


Edited by ProudConservative
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