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18 minutes ago, Boges said:

 Conservative leaders are also participating in these shutdowns

Are they more powerful/more influential/more control over their regions than........ Trudeau? Parliament? Globalism's Leaders ---who give them Canada's instructions? If not??? Then they are no different than USA Conservative Republicans who are outraged within their own region ---as they follow the daily reqd lockdown guidelines given by Dems who control that region.

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Just now, Tdot said:

Are they more powerful/more influential/more control over their regions than........ Trudeau? Parliament? Globalism's Leaders ---who give them Canada's instructions? If not??? Then they are no different than USA Conservative Republicans who are outraged within their own region ---as they follow the daily reqd lockdown guidelines given by Dems who control that region.

Federal leaders aren't dictating how these re-openings should happen. They're assisting with financial support and information. 

Ontario will keep the schools closed until September, Quebec has partially re-opened them. 

The US is handling it similarly as well. In fact in some states the municipality can be the leading driver. Like in Wisconsin where the shutdown was struck down by the Courts, so cities jumped in with their own orders. 

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2 minutes ago, Boges said:

Federal leaders aren't dictating how these re-openings should happen. They're assisting with financial support and information. 

Ontario will keep the schools closed until September, Quebec has partially re-opened them. 

The US is handling it similarly as well. In fact in some states the municipality can be the leading driver. Like in Wisconsin where the shutdown was struck down by the Courts, so cities jumped in with their own orders. 

You are already hearing something called 'The Second Wave'.  And I shall predict now, you will see a third wave and more lock downs around the corner!

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Now to add to the misery of those severely affected by the worldwide lockdown in India, Bangladesh, a "super-cyclone" is headed their way.

They were already on the brink of starvation due to famine there, and in Africa where a massive locust population is being reported. When the virus came and everything shut down, it really hit them in the cachones.

Millions to be Evacuated as Super-Cyclone approaches



"You are never so vulnerable as when you are vulnerable."
- Albert OftenWrong

Edited by OftenWrong
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1 minute ago, New World Disorder said:

You are already hearing something called 'The Second Wave'.  And I shall predict now, you will see a third wave and more lock downs around the corner!

We have to live with deaths from this disease. Just like we live with the Flu. 

If the new normal is shutting down the economy every time infection rates reach a certain point, then what type of future are we looking at. 

The only excuse for shutting down the economy like has happened is if Healthcare systems can't cope. 

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17 minutes ago, New World Disorder said:

So, you don't want to ask what I think, and you don't want to show proof of me being racist.


Nope, since that is not hardly what I said here, then ---aren't you the complete joke here?? lol ... I said I am not going to chance doing it, here, so that your anti-Tdot lames can all run in here playing wingman for you.

And Like I also said, you liar, I will send you a DM when I am ready to link up some of your racist remarks I have analyzed since I realized your affinity for certain satanic members here who dislike my account. 

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1 minute ago, Tdot said:

Nope, since that is not hardly what I said here, then ---aren't you the complete joke here?? lol ... I said I am not going to chance doing it, here, so that your anti-Tdot lames can all run in here playing wingman for you.

And Like I also said, you liar, I will send you a DM when I am ready to link up some of your racist remarks I have analyzed since I realized your affinity for certain satanic members here who dislike my account. 

:D  Go for it.


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21 minutes ago, New World Disorder said:

... And I shall predict now 

uhhhh no, You're not saying anything new here. Every pandemic since the 19th century, has played out that way. Weeks ago, dr. Fauci even mentioned that it is inevitable.

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18 minutes ago, OftenWrong said:

Now to add to the misery of those severely affected by the worldwide lockdown in India, Bangladesh, a "super-cyclone" is headed their way.

They were already on the brink of starvation due to famine there, and in Africa where a massive locust population is being reported. When the virus came and everything shut down, it really hit them in the cachones.

Millions to be Evacuated as Super-Cyclone approaches

"You are never so vulnerable as when you are vulnerable."
- Albert OftenWrong

Par for the course I'd say. 

Social Distancing is a First World problem. How can #stayhome when you don't have a home, or your home is a single unventilated room. 

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49 minutes ago, Boges said:

Par for the course I'd say. 

Social Distancing is a First World problem. How can #stayhome when you don't have a home, or your home is a single unventilated room. 

Homeless will become more of a problem during this pandemic. And it will continue after it's declared over.

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Hahahaha  TRUDEAU WEARS A MASK!  Hahahaha


Whether some folks would still deny to admit it - masks indeed help to prevent the spread!

  Why is there a slowdown on the virus?  Because a lot of people are wearing masks!


Watching the update now from Tam.  Lol.  They're having a hard time backtracking here.  They're saying there's no change.  :rolleyes: Bull!

They're now admitting wearing a mask is a SUPPLEMENTARY MEASURE - which I've already kept saying weeks ago!


I'll even go ahead and predict that.............................. wearing a mask will soon become mandatory in stores!  Wait til the fall.

Edited by betsy
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3 hours ago, Boges said:

The only excuse for shutting down the economy like has happened is if Healthcare systems can't cope. 

Are you assuming the excuse for incapable healthcare systems isn't a good one? Imagine the economic carnage we'd have been faced with if virtue-signalling worry-warts had been given rein to maintain capability.  Probably not quite as bad as climate change action would have been but certainly enough to keep us in a near constant state of recession.

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2 hours ago, New World Disorder said:

Homeless will become more of a problem during this pandemic. And it will continue after it's declared over.

Only if we decide the best course of action is for the banks to foreclose and throw everyone into the street then write off the loss and sell everything to the billionaires for a $1 an acre once the dust settles.

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3 hours ago, Boges said:

Par for the course I'd say. 

Social Distancing is a First World problem. How can #stayhome when you don't have a home, or your home is a single unventilated room. 

The point of that was to show there are places where people are really suffering. They were already on the brink of despair, and the cv has taken them over the brink.

And also, that there will still be other catastrophes as par for the course, but we are not in a position that’s par for the course at all, because it’s affecting all nations everywhere, at the same time. 

That makes it unpalatable to aid others.

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Just now, OftenWrong said:

The point of that was to show there are places where people are really suffering. They were already on the brink of despair, and the cv has taken them over the brink.

And also, that there will still be other catastrophes as par for the course, but we are not in a position that’s par for the course at all, because it’s affecting all nations everywhere, at the same time. 

That makes it unpalatable to aid others.

There'll always be catastrophes. And when global incidents like this happens, it's always the poorest of the poor that bear the brunt of the suffering. 

The economic hardship for people in the West is somewhat ironic because we've seen 10 plus years of growth and wealth creation. The market correction was bound to happen. 

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22 hours ago, Boges said:

Well even Republican led States haven't gone to "Goode Ole Days" 

Many Republican states have already opened up a lot more quickly than those democratic communist states. Yes, pretty much all the governors of many democratic states are acting like a bunch of communists. Some of the pathetic restrictions that have been put in place in some of those communist states is downright stupid and criminal and are violating the American constitution. The communist dictator mayor of Los Angeles has decided to lock down LA for another 3 months. He commie fool also has ordered that no one is allowed to walk and lie on dry sand on the beach but they are okay to walk on wet sand. That is okay. WTF?

And these are the commies that you enjoy ignoring as to what they are saying and doing but still prefer to attack Republican states? Try getting your head out of you know where and see this for what it really is all about. All just a hoax and a commie takeover of society. Believe it or not. ;)

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23 hours ago, Pacifica77 said:

Yes....Trump is targeting WHO now.  It would be part of his  isolationist agenda........and putting the money into something  that fits with  "America First" Yes.  the agency  could do with some  updating   but if ever   the world has to work together   on  a world wide  pobelm it isnwo. Trump is mercuial  so  who  know what his next  mood will be.



Or it could be a passing whim.   A rep from WHO  was asked about this  on BBC........... and  was very  "diplomatic"  in her reply. The inference being  the unpredictable nature of  the Donald.

The point is  The Donald's  timing.......... makes him  the loose cannon in the world situation.  Playing the blame game during  a  crisis  is very poor form..... There will be plenty of time for  Crisis  Post mortum once this crisis subsides.  Trump is a master of "distraction".  Let's not forget that. He is also a very angry  person who takes sadistic pleasure in  shaming others,  as well as threatening others. 

It's all just a battle going on between Donald Trump and the deep state globalist elite machine who have now created a fake virus hoax to try and destroy Trump has much as they can and destroy his great economy that he started. This is not about any virus. This is all about a war that is being waged here between Trump and the globalist. It will either be freedom for all or it will be tyranny for all. As I have said many times before. Our dear comrade leaders are now in the process of creating a new normal where everything we once were able to do is now being slowly taken away from us.

This plandemic will never end. It will go on and on until the fall where it will probably be brought back with more of a bigger shut down and a bigger threat than what we are seeing today. We have already been told that here in BC there will be no PNE or fireworks show this year. This social distancing is here to stay unless people like you stop listening to those commies in the government and demand your freedom and your old normal life back again. Otherwise enjoy your new normal commie life and shut the heck up. It's either Trump or the globalist communists. Sadly, it looks to me that more people like you prefer globalism to Trumpism. You will pay a big hefty price if you go for the latter.  Just saying. ;)

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36 minutes ago, taxme said:

It's all just a battle going on between Donald Trump and the deep state globalist elite machine who have now created a fake virus hoax to try and destroy Trump has much as they can and destroy his great economy that he started. This is not about any virus. This is all about a war that is being waged here between Trump and the globalist. It will either be freedom for all or it will be tyranny for all. As I have said many times before. Our dear comrade leaders are now in the process of creating a new normal where everything we once were able to do is now being slowly taken away from us.

This plandemic will never end. It will go on and on until the fall where it will probably be brought back with more of a bigger shut down and a bigger threat than what we are seeing today. We have already been told that here in BC there will be no PNE or fireworks show this year. This social distancing is here to stay unless people like you stop listening to those commies in the government and demand your freedom and your old normal life back again. Otherwise enjoy your new normal commie life and shut the heck up. It's either Trump or the globalist communists. Sadly, it looks to me that more people like you prefer globalism to Trumpism. You will pay a big hefty price if you go for the latter.  Just saying. ;)

The person that survives is not necessarily the strongest person it is the person that can adapt to change. What you call globalism is here and is not going away, you can work with different aspects of globalism to be better as an individual in a society. Not everything is about Trump, how can a man be 100 % correct ? Is he God ?  

Second of all Trump is probably one of the most liberal conservatives in power, this is just propaganda that he uses to brainwash people like you, you think Trump gives a damn for the middle American ? He just told them what they wanted to hear and used people's fears to get elected. The biggest lie was that jobs are being taken by foreigners meanwhile the Artificial Intelligence is doing those jobs. He is a FAKE patriot.

Edited by Independent1986
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23 hours ago, Pacifica77 said:

Couple of things  :

Fox news is an extension of  the Trump world.   So  they have that bias. 

Personally I prefer BBC ;-)

Now about your view  re: the current pandemic being  "phony ".......Why do you say that?? And HOW is it "phony"??

For something "phony ",it is doing a lot of damage and literally  changing  the world.. I am sure there are plenty of conspiracy theories  about it ,  .....but this is where SCIENCE & FACTUAL DATA   is paramount.



CNN and MSNBC are just two of the many MSM American leftist liberal TV news channels that promote the deep state globalist elite agenda who also have their biases. The BBC is just another deep state leftist liberal controlled media. I already told you and many others here about "Event 201" and the new movie that was put out by Netflix called "Pandemic". Was that event and the movie all just coincidence by chance or was it plans in the making for the creation of a false plandemic exercise hoax like what we are seeing today? Think about that, if you are able to think. 

There are plenty of websites out there that are discussing and questioning this plandemic, and are asking great questions about this so called China virus. Sadly, there are so many people out there who have been convinced that anyone who dares to question the narrative of this China virus well those people have to be a bunch of conspiracy nut cases. What a better way to shut down your opponents than to call them conspiracy nutcases, and many people will believe what they are told without question.

the damage that is being done is not only Canada but the rest of the world. This just shows the power and might of the deep state globalists that pretty much do control and pretty much do run the world. Their corporations are now running the world. But don't believe me. Go check it out yourself on the internet while you are still free and allowed to do so. 

The science and the real facts are not adding up. They are both in conflict with one another. Someone is lying, but who? That is where one must do their own research and not totally and always rely on science. Science and experts screw up on many of their facts and figures more times than we could ever imagine that they could do. To know only oneside of the story, is to know nothing at all. Think about that. ;)

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2 hours ago, eyeball said:

Only if we decide the best course of action is for the banks to foreclose and throw everyone into the street then write off the loss and sell everything to the billionaires for a $1 an acre once the dust settles.

We don't get to decide anything.  More wealth transfer coming up!

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23 hours ago, Boges said:

Georgia, Texas and Florida still have Social Distancing. 

All US States and Canadian Provinces have started re-opening policies. 

The game must be played on. That is how things work in today's world. Social distance yourself or pretty much stay at home and wait to die. Those Republican states have opened up more than the democratic states have. If you want to see communism in action, just look at what some of the democratic states are doing to their citizen's. Tucker Carlson on FOX NEWS can give you all the details that you need about those democratic states and how they are treating their taxpayer's. All the demonstrations that we are seeing in America today are all happening in democratic states. You will get to see those demonstrations all on FOX NEWS but are pretty much being ignored on the American leftist lieberal media. When they do report and show some demonstrations on MSM it will always be negative. 

I want full and non-restrictive openings. Not the restrictions like social distancing and not being able to go to sports events or concerts in huge crowds like we once were able to do. Now we are being taught as to how to de-socialize ourselves. Getting together in huge numbers is now considered a terrible thing to be wanting to do. Social distancing has nothing to do with keeping ones distance from others to be safe. It is more about control and do as we your dear comrade leaders say or else. Just saying. 

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22 minutes ago, taxme said:

Tucker Carlson on FOX NEWS can give you all the details that you need about those democratic states and how they are treating their taxpayer's.

So,  Does   Fox News  tell you  want you  want to hear??    Just asking.^_^

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40 minutes ago, New World Disorder said:

We don't get to decide anything.  More wealth transfer coming up!

That suggests the wealthy have forgotten that social welfare is for their protection.  Oh well, time to dust off the AK47's I guess.

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1 hour ago, Independent1986 said:

The person that survives is not necessarily the strongest person it is the person that can adapt to change. What you call globalism is here and is not going away, you can work with different aspects of globalism to be better as an individual in a society. Not everything is about Trump, how can a man be 100 % correct ? Is he God ?  

Second of all Trump is probably one of the most liberal conservatives in power, this is just propaganda that he uses to brainwash people like you, you think Trump gives a damn for the middle American ? He just told them what they wanted to hear and used people's fears to get elected. The biggest lie was that jobs are being taken by foreigners meanwhile the Artificial Intelligence is doing those jobs. He is a FAKE patriot.

So, just what change has globalism done that has been great for the rest of the world? Globalism is pretty much rapism. Globalism has not done a bloody thing to bring so many poor people in poor countries out of poverty. The globalists go into a country and try to suck the life out of any country that globalism can get their greedy money power crazy hands on. Wherever they go they bring more havoc and mayhem. No one can work with globalism unless they are only there to try and profit themselves and make plenty of money and take power of a country that will let them come on in. Globalists do not work with the people of any country. They work for the benefit for themselves and their bottom line, and power grab. 

Trump must have giving a dam about the middle class because the middle class was doing well before this fake plandemic came along and pretty much destroyed millions of good paying middle class wages. The globalists were behind this plandemic hoax and are the ones now totally responsible for the tens of millions of north Americans who have lost their jobs and are out of work. Trump was not responsible for that, Mac. Globalists are responsible for that.

But as usual with leftist liberals like you, it has to be all Trump's fault now for this plandemic no matter what. Never let a good opportunity go by where people like you can now blame Trump for everything going on today. It just becomes so obvious and automatic with people like you. Attack-attack and attack Trump some more. Leftist liberal are not exactly people that should ever want to listen to or believe anymore. They have proven themselves over and over again as to how to become great liars and bull spreaders. 

The leftist liberal MSM are just telling people like you things that you want to hear. So, what is your point here, fella? Tens of thousands of jobs are and have been taken away from Americans along with new AI jobs also. Those illegal foreigners will work for less than what your average North Americans are willing to work for. North Americans will work and want a decent wage for their labor, not peanut slave wages. And I suppose that you will call yourself a patriot, eh? I believe that you have no idea as to what patriotism really means and is all about. Just my opinion of course. You no doubt believe that this corona virus is all for real just shows me that you are not that much up at all on this virus, right? ;)


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59 minutes ago, Pacifica77 said:

So,  Does   Fox News  tell you  want you  want to hear??    Just asking.^_^

Fox news tells me the truth unlike those other lying and fake news MSM liars like CNN, MSNBC, and CBC that you appear enjoying and listening too. They have been caught in so many lies that it would take a thousand pages to point them all out. :lol:

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