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17 minutes ago, Boges said:



Maybe read more of your own press instead of worrying so much about what is happening in other nations:





That was for Front line employees. 

I'm taking normos in public.


What are "normos" ?    Cite

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8 minutes ago, Tdot said:

Heyyy don't be so hard on Chuck Schumer & Nancy Pelosi! ... lol ...  They're just [like Trudeau & Parliament] simply obeying Globalism's leaders, is all, so stay on topic here about Canada and effects of the coronavirus 

LOL...... nice spin.  ;-)

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1 minute ago, Pacifica77 said:

Why are you making  it personal ??.   I saw  the thread  you started against  three of us  on here .......that don't think like you do.   I thought personal attacks were  against ROC You seem to have decided t have a bias against me....... and are not letting it go.   Is  that necessary??   People  present their ideas i  different ways.    Who are you to dictate  how one should debate??  Worse than that.....your attitude is not very  accepting of new people.   Why is that?? Are new people not welcome here?? That would be against ROC  too.

I have addressed your words. I did not tell you what you can or can not say. We already did this dance with the  Godzilla and Tdot lead ins and the victim shtick there. Save it. The victim shtick is tiring. The Tdot lead ins clumsy. You want to play lead in for tdot no one will stop you. Not me. I just challenge your words and how you are inciting fear with them.

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10 minutes ago, OftenWrong said:

Is Canada the US? Canadian dollar says what? Now ask yourself, who owns you, and who do you owe? No not you, I mean we, except me. You know what I mean.

You know what I mean too so quit changing the channel and just answer the question.  Your response seems incoherent...must be the yodeling has you ready to blow.

You seem to act as if we owe a bunch of omnipotent aliens who happen to be really really anal about being paid.

I don't see any omnipotent aliens or even countries in our boat do you? 

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16 minutes ago, Pacifica77 said:

LOL...... nice spin.  ;-)

Hee hee nice spin?...you done with the tdot lead in..cuz if you want to play that  I am gonna be right here pointing out your words are troll lead ins you  dig?  Sure you do otherwise you wouldn't play that victim shtick so quickly before a lead in for Tdot.. clumsy...hey get Godzilla and  have all 3 of you respond. I welcome it. 

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17 minutes ago, Rue said:

If  this is another attempt to debate...by telling people to be frightened..no wait.. be astonished as you couch it...I say run along. Your words incite fear and anti US script...

The world has faced and will always face issues as to health. That ain't new. The type of virus maybe new but not the issues they raise.

The challenge is getting messages like yours to phack off exploiting fear and acting righteous by suggesting if  exploit fear  it makes you less self centered. 

You use the virus for a political agenda...state what it is...


Why all  that anger?? You are making i personal.    and that is counterproductive.  Again: who are you to tall anyone how to  discuss  any  topic??    

Is this your way of  controlling the content  on here  so it  has your won  bias init   and  no room  for any ideas   that  don't fit your  world  view ?   That is not a fair forum?/

 Are you trying to scare me away from this forum??  How is that objective or fair??



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10 minutes ago, Pacifica77 said:

Why all  that anger?? You are making i personal.    and that is counterproductive.  Again: who are you to tall anyone how to  discuss  any  topic??    

Is this your way of  controlling the content  on here  so it  has your won  bias init   and  no room  for any ideas   that  don't fit your  world  view ?   That is not a fair forum?/

 Are you trying to scare me away from this forum??  How is that objective or fair??



No anger. Who is stopping you? Who? You wanna play lead in for Tdot trolling..its your perfect right..go ahead...interesting but you had zero qualms personally attacking Bush Chaney.

This isn't personal at all. It is about me challenging  the words you place on the forum in this thread  and for me as well, the timing of them. Go on feel free. Your attempt to say I am angry..or shut you up is not the case..in fact ..by saying that you try make it personal not me. You try shut me down with the victim shtick. I simply challenge the contents of your words and their lead in to Tdot comments which presents a repeat pattern on this board.

That's the thing with a discussion board..it allows debate..seems to me you are trying to suggest if I challenge  your words it's a personal attack against you..no..I do not care who you are..its your words I am challenging..particularly those that lead in to Tdot comments. 


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7 minutes ago, Rue said:

No anger. Who is stopping you? Who? You wanna play lead in for Tdot trolling..its your perfect right..go ahead...interesting but you had zero qualms personally attacking Bush Chaney. This isn't personal at all. It is about the words you place on the forum and for me as well, the timing of them. Go on feel free. Your attempt to say I am angry..or shut you up is not the case. I simply challenge the contents of your words and their lead in to Tdot comments which presents a repeat pattern on this board.

That's the thing with a discussion board..it allows debate..seems to me you are trying to suggest if I challenge  your words it's a personal attack against you..no..I do not care who you are..its your words I am challenging..particularly those that lead in to Tdot comments. 

hmm.  interesting.  What is the problem with  Tdot  ??    Yes. I can see that you  are  very challenging ;-)   What is your problem with Godzilla??  This  would help me understand waht is going on......as in the dynamics here.

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I respect anyone's right to debate. I also gave a right to point out repeat lead ins to tdot comments that are clearly trolling the board. I personally do not think the lead ins at all times are genuine. Call me a cynic. This thread is about the virus not the US's upcoming election action, not Trump, not Bush Chaney's right to debate this issue when people turn it into an excuse to engage in pissinv on the US.

That is only my opinion. Pacifica please feel free to continue. My opinion wins are only that. I do not believe pissing on the US raising fears, is the way to  get to the issues such as how do we balance I individual and colle active rights when tracking the virus...whether government or private initiatives can be trusted...whether a vaccine or app will be used to track us for the wrong reasons....

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40 minutes ago, Pacifica77 said:

hmm.  interesting.  What is the problem with  Tdot  ??    Yes. I can see that you  are  very challenging ;-)   What is your problem with Godzilla??  This  would help me understand waht is going on......as in the dynamics here.

I have no problems. You seem to. I do challenge the content and timing of specific posts. You seem to have a problem with that. 

If your point was to say Tdot is not a problem or Godzilla is not a problem good for you. You choose to restate what I am challenging which is the contents of their words with suggesting they are a problem just like you claimed I said you were a problem because I challenge the content and timing of your words and the lead in to Tdot.

We done? You have any other questions because I am discussing the contents of words stated on this thread..if you want to defend Tdot's words on this forum be my guest...just try do more than gigglat him.. please.express to me something of substance to debate...thank you.

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28 minutes ago, Rue said:

I respect anyone's right to debate. I also gave a right to point out repeat lead ins to tdot comments that are clearly trolling the board. I personally do not think the lead ins at all times are genuine. Call me a cynic. This thread is about the virus not the US's upcoming election action, not Trump, not Bush Chaney's right to debate this issue when people turn it into an excuse to engage in pissinv on the US.

That is only my opinion. Pacifica please feel free to continue. My opinion wins are only that. I do not believe pissing on the US raising fears, is the way to  get to the issues such as how do we balance I individual and colle active rights when tracking the virus...whether government or private initiatives can be trusted...whether a vaccine or app will be used to track us for the wrong reasons....

ok....Now I understand better.  Thank you.  You raise some valid points.   I agree,  about opinions.  We all  have them  ;-) .  ......and how  we phrase them is very important.  I am sorry, I said you were angry.   I too am  very skeptical about tracking devices.   They can go too far.... By the way  I have noting against the US......... as I have family there.   I do  have concerns about trump and his leadership......but that is for another thread ;-_)


PS.  Cute doggie.  . Yours???

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29 minutes ago, Independent1986 said:

Is hot in here, @Rue keeping busy I see :D

Lol.  Hey I note while we have been reading anti US stuff on this and many threads on the board often using the virus as the pretext, the South Chinese seas have seen an unprecedented build up of navies including Britain, Australia, Vietnam, Taiwan, South Korea, Japan, Russia. Putin has his Russian mob drilling oil for the Vietnamese and the Chinese are livid over that harassing the Russians because China wants all that oil and refuses to recognize Vietnamese sovereignty. 

It's very interesting. I can not help but wonder Liberty, who gets hurt in the on going trade war worse,  the Russia China Iran axis or the  North America Europe Japan South Korea alliance and whether the virus is coincidental with it. The timing 9f the trade war and virus was awful coincidental.

Lol. I love anti US trolls pushing the virus. I was reading a great one today that says Trump is a spy for China and Jared Kushner was a transgendered Russian woman to man spy running the US and there is no virus it's a hoax. It also said William Shiff is actually Andy Kaufman.

I love bots and trolls. Why they hate the US so much is beyond me. I mean at least if you feel that way give up the Big Macs, coke and rap music.

Anyways the anti US crap...I love it. It repeats itself. I have fun. I love commies. They love me.

Bottom line, ths US is working with the British and Israelis on a vaccine. They will with the cooperation of many scientists get a vaccine or treatment. The sad thing is, China could have asked for help but chose instead to tell the world to phack off and closed itself down from help. The WHO let us all down playing to their government and forsaking their citizens.

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20 minutes ago, Pacifica77 said:

ok....Now I understand better.  Thank you.  You raise some valid points.   I agree,  about opinions.  We all  have them  ;-) .  ......and how  we phrase them is very important.  I am sorry, I said you were angry.   I too am  very skeptical about tracking devices.   They can go too far.... By the way  I have noting against the US......... as I have family there.   I do  have concerns about trump and his leadership......but that is for another thread ;-_)

If your lead ins are coincidental and you debate distinctively from  Tdot  I will debate you. I apologize as well. Forums make us mean in tone. I am a blunt bastard. You have nothing to apologize for. I do not like trolling. I also challenged your words in one post but with respect. I have often got caught up in the tragedy of the virus...I do welcome your concern..I only mean we have to control our sorrow if we are too help and work together not in a cold war.

You tell me to phack off any time. It's your right. My opinions are only that. Everyone has something to say about Trump. That is no big deal. It's the constant trolling about the US coming election I think we are all fed up with on this forum. 

This virus needs us all to focus on a vaccine. They are trying. 



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4 minutes ago, Rue said:

Anyways the anti US crap...I love it. It repeats itself. I have fun. I love commies. They love me.

hahahahaha I don't know why but when I read that I remembered a story I heard once that in the 60's communist women were offering intimacy meaning sex for anyone that wants to join the communist party. Commies love you, you have to love commies :))))))))))))))

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41 minutes ago, OftenWrong said:

Just because you don't want to open your eyes. I cannot help it if you don't read. Go back and start over, and if you have more questions, feel free to ask.

Will you kindly fuck off and quit pretending you're stupid. Just answer the goddamn question.

Why does debt matter when everything is still as relative as when we went into this? It's like you're saying Canada is the only country in the COVID-19 boat. You know as well as I do that's complete horseshit.

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10 minutes ago, Rue said:

If your lead ins are coincidental and you debate distinctively from  Tdot  I will debate you. I apologize as well. Forums make us mean in tone. I am a blunt bastard. You have nothing to apologize for. I do not like trolling. I also challenged your words in one post but with respect. I have often got caught up in the tragedy of the virus...I do welcome your concern..I only mean we have to control our sorrow if we are too help and work together not in a cold war. You tell me to phack off any time. It's your right. My opinions are only that. 

Ok..... shall  we move forward  with mutual respect??  That is what I would like. We don't h ave to agree,  but  lets disagree   respectfully.  Fair enough??And let us all survive this pandemic   and be better for it.

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1 hour ago, Rue said:

Hee hee nice spin?...you done with the tdot lead in..cuz if you want to play that  I am gonna be right here pointing out your words are troll lead ins you  dig?  Sure you do otherwise you wouldn't play that victim shtick so quickly before a lead in for Tdot.. clumsy...hey get Godzilla and  have all 3 of you respond. I welcome it. 


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1 hour ago, Pacifica77 said:

What is the problem with  Tdot  ??    

His Jealousy ... His anger ... His covetous heart ... His outrage, at how I speak truth about The Balfour Declaration and the oppressive Ashkenazim regime ruling over Israel. Plus I post scholarship here which his mental capacity is too deficient to, transcend, so he gets his panties in a bunch over that as well. 

He's mentioned my name 7+ times in his last 3 posts lol The way he login desperately seeking my attention, daily, really just makes me feel so.....so....so....extraordinary?

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1 hour ago, eyeball said:

Will you kindly fuck off and quit pretending you're stupid. Just answer the goddamn question.

Why does debt matter when everything is still as relative as when we went into this? It's like you're saying Canada is the only country in the COVID-19 boat. You know as well as I do that's complete horseshit.

Ok how about we talk about fish for a while.

If all countries are going to face hardship then you bet that those who are at the top of the food chain will feed on the small fry. That should be logico.

When the time comes to finally pay for all this, you might find that suddenly things aren't very equal. Canada is non-essential to the world when it comes to emergencies. We provide little of any value. Canada does not produce many things, and for those countries that do produce, we are just another dependency. We depend on other economies to thrive, and now to survive. The Canadian dollar is far more volatile than the US buck or the euro, or the Chinese wang, for that matter. Those who have the clout to protect themselves are going to do so, first and foremost for themselves.

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39 minutes ago, OftenWrong said:

Ok how about we talk about fish for a while.

If all countries are going to face hardship then you bet that those who are at the top of the food chain will feed on the small fry. That should be logico.

When the time comes to finally pay for all this, you might find that suddenly things aren't very equal. Canada is non-essential to the world when it comes to emergencies. We provide little of any value. Canada does not produce many things, and for those countries that do produce, we are just another dependency. We depend on other economies to thrive, and now to survive. The Canadian dollar is far more volatile than the US buck or the euro, or the Chinese wang, for that matter. Those who have the clout to protect themselves are going to do so, first and foremost for themselves.

Well if that's really the case and there's no alternative but the law of the jungle, everyman being for himself and that greed is good then I feel even more justified in calling lolly compensation and grabbing every single nickle of whatever benefit I can get my hands on. I probably will need something with more firepower than my trusty shovel too. I was just joking when I said that earlier but you're convincing me there's no hope for a better outcome. 

I know all about fishing and just how brutal it can be having to compete against wealthier interests with a lot of influence over people in positions of power. You say you're informed by history? I've learned from actual experience but I was really hoping this crisis might precipitate a change for the positive in us.  Kinda like in the story The Day The Earth Stood Still. Yeah you're probably right it'll be just like the old days in no time except with one hell of a lot more angry fed up people fighting over the scraps.

I feel for younger people but I'm glad so many of the generation that helped bring this mess about will get to wallow in it.  That always struck me as the least just thing about climate change. Careful what you wish for because I really don't think you have a clue what it is you're looking forward to. 

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7 hours ago, eyeball said:

I was really hoping this crisis might precipitate a change for the positive in us.

You would think an old man like you would know better by now. I know, you just forgot how brutal and stupid the human animal is.

7 hours ago, eyeball said:

Yeah you're probably right it'll be just like the old days in no time except with one hell of a lot more angry fed up people fighting over the scraps.

Why did we do this? Was it for a better world in the future, or because we are scared witless and made decisions based on panic, now willing to do anything to save our own blessed skins? Did we do the right things, or did we flip out and screw ourselves up even more?

Yes, I will admit part of me wishes the virus wouldn't go away. Let this shit all stop, let humanity fade away humanely, by natural attrition. We know what tomorrow brings, we learned nothing, we did it for no good reason at all



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It kind of makes you wonder what a house of cards the whole economic system really is. Big multi-million businesses have a short stop in their profits and they go straight into economic difficulties. Or perhaps they would have a Plan B if there wasn't a guarantee of them being bailed out by the government.

Imagine yourself if you for some reason stop having any income at all. How long would it last until you would run into serious problems? Some people straight away but others could hold on for some time relying on their savings. Seems that the big businesses haven't been saving for a rainy day.

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11 hours ago, Tdot said:

His Jealousy ... His anger ... His covetous heart ... His outrage, at how I speak truth about The Balfour Declaration and the oppressive Ashkenazim regime ruling over Israel. Plus I post scholarship here which his mental capacity is too deficient to, transcend, so he gets his panties in a bunch over that as well. 

He's mentioned my name 7+ times in his last 3 posts lol The way he login desperately seeking my attention, daily, really just makes me feel so.....so....so....extraordinary?

Your lead ins-  ka poof. 

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