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43 minutes ago, OftenWrong said:

Money has to come from somewhere, doesn't it Gump? Health care system gets supported by government funding. That comes from taxes. Taxes, in turn, are paid by those who go to work.

Yeah well I've never worked a day in my life so what do I know?


So when people are on welfare and abusing those benefits, it places a strain on the system and there is not enough money to pay for important things like new hospitals, to meet the demanding growth of our population. Especially the eldery, whom are now a large demographic and need the support of our health care system more than ever.

Tell me about it, I spent my savings supporting my mom the last 6 months before this crisis hit. Moved her into an incubator about a week before I got laid off, locked down and watched another $20000 worth of bookings for my rental evaporate and don't forget my worsening CT-scan results and alien stirring in my chest.  Do I sound like someone who's happy about not being able to pay my way or maybe someone trying to make the best lemonade I can given the circumstances?  


Yet it is people like you who wreck the system, and fail us all. Even our grandparents who built this nation and worked hard. While you it in idle repose, smoking your doobies or your magic mushrooms, or whatever it is you do.

Exactly you don't know a thing about me or whatever it is I do but you act like some VIP asshole I need to justify my existence to. Go fuck yourself.

Edited by eyeball
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21 minutes ago, OftenWrong said:

Money has to come from somewhere, doesn't it Gump? Health care system gets supported by government funding. That comes from taxes. Taxes, in turn, are paid by those who go to work.

So when people are on welfare and abusing those benefits, it places a strain on the system and there is not enough money to pay for important things like new hospitals, to meet the demanding growth of our population. Especially the eldery, whom are now a large demographic and need the support of our health care system more than ever.

Yet it is people like you who wreck the system, and fail us all. Even our grandparents who built this nation and worked hard. While you it in idle repose, smoking your doobies or your magic mushrooms, or whatever it is you do.

What was the governments excuse not to re-supply the expired PPEs that were in storage?


What is the governments excuse in not getting production running in Canada to make PPE?

This continued reliance on China will not go well for Canada.


Also who is going to pay for the BILLIONS the Canadian government had thrown around? Are my taxes enough for that? Or should I welcome a nice tax increase to pay for this?

Edited by New World Disorder
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5 minutes ago, OftenWrong said:

Sorry if the reality I exposed has upset you. How do you like my cake now?

With a free glass of taxpayer subsidized government market-controlled milk thanks.

We heard a lot about a right-wing backlash coming into this crisis but I think this crisis has stopped it dead in it's tracks in most western nations.  All that economic Luddites and capitalist puritans can see are commies stretching in every direction.  You must feel like John Wick with an unlimited contract on your heads.

Can't wait for contact tracing.

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51 minutes ago, New World Disorder said:

Also who is going to pay for the BILLIONS the Canadian government had thrown around? Are my taxes enough for that? Or should I welcome a nice tax increase to pay for this?

Whoever is responsible for the can filled with the TRILLIONS the human race has been kicking down the road for decades now.  We just have to figure out a new improved way of splaining it all away - like we always have.

How? We roll up our sleeves, we sharpen our pencils, we unleash our creators and innovators and do what we've always done best. We adapt.  Pretty much exactly the same thing everyone was being told to do in the face of inevitable reality in the Before Times. Geez has it already been 2 months...I can barely remember it was so long ago. 

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2 hours ago, New World Disorder said:

Also who is going to pay for the BILLIONS the Canadian government had thrown around? Are my taxes enough for that? Or should I welcome a nice tax increase to pay for this?

Canadians will do what we always do - take it from mother nature and sell it off to the highest bidder. We make nothing of our own, but have a large forest and fresh water for sale.

That's how people like @eyeball make their living, just take it. As you see he's not even concerned about covid-19 with his situation. Just gonna rape it harder.

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Whale oil beef hooked! We followed the provincial cue opened up for business and picked up a $5000 booking just like that!

Happy days are here again
The skies above are clear again
So let's sing a song of cheer again
Happy days are here again!

@OftenWrong  I doubt you could make a decent contribution to society or earn your way out of a wet paper bag if your life depended on it.

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3 hours ago, SpankyMcFarland said:

Germany provides details of its contact tracing program in many of its provinces (Lander) e.g. how many staff are employed. 


Where are we with that? 

We're seriously considering putting together a tiger team to hold meetings and look into the possibility of doing contact tracing at some point in the future, once stakeholders are invited to comment and the reports are duly written. Get back to us next year and we'll definitely have formulated a policy for further discussions.

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6 hours ago, SpankyMcFarland said:

Germany provides details of its contact tracing program in many of its provinces (Lander) e.g. how many staff are employed. 


Where are we with that? 

No one seems to be talking a bout  contact tracing  and   it seems they are still arguing over  who  should be tested.       the performance   of the feds  has been the most  disjointed, disorganized  and chaotic    seen on the planet. If anyone saw  the press briefing today.....one will have  noticed  that  the only  thing that matters is  showing  numbers  that   present a certain image.   as  in some minds it t is some kind of crazy competition.   The leadership  does not favor testing as many  as possible  as  the results  would demonstrate  the REAL numbers of people  suffering from this virus. That is not the image he wants  to    project.   His lack of compassion is  astounding.   He is more interested  in  the image  projected  than the  population's  health. That is concerning and  out of touch with reality.

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The Chinese authorities intend to test the whole of population of Wuhan, 11 million people, in the next ten days:


It looks like it probably won’t happen that quickly but it’s the sort of ambitious thinking on testing we should have too. 

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On 5/9/2020 at 1:33 PM, eyeball said:

Yeah well I've never worked a day in my life so what do I know?

Tell me about it, I spent my savings supporting my mom the last 6 months before this crisis hit. Moved her into an incubator about a week before I got laid off, locked down and watched another $20000 worth of bookings for my rental evaporate and don't forget my worsening CT-scan results and alien stirring in my chest.  Do I sound like someone who's happy about not being able to pay my way or maybe someone trying to make the best lemonade I can given the circumstances?  

Exactly you don't know a thing about me or whatever it is I do but you act like some VIP asshole I need to justify my existence to. Go fuck yourself.

Check his reaction. Now you know why I like both of you. On that note Gump you 2 need to find a beer to agree on. No way I could get either of you to try peyote. It looks and tastes like sheeyat and it makes you puke and then you see visions of Margaret Trudeau giving birth to the Messiah (Fidel Castro's son).


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4 hours ago, SpankyMcFarland said:

The Chinese authorities intend to test the whole of population of Wuhan, 11 million people, in the next ten days:


It looks like it probably won’t happen that quickly but it’s the sort of ambitious thinking on testing we should have too. 

I do not believe a damn thing China says. Get me some proof Spanky.11 million. Pretty ambitious. That is a hell of a line up. Kind of like Tim Horton's before the quarantine.

Edited by Rue
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On 5/9/2020 at 4:30 PM, eyeball said:

Whale oil beef hooked! We followed the provincial cue opened up for business and picked up a $5000 booking just like that!

Happy days are here again
The skies above are clear again
So let's sing a song of cheer again
Happy days are here again!

@OftenWrong  I doubt you could make a decent contribution to society or earn your way out of a wet paper bag if your life depended on it.

Oh stop and have a koombayah moment together...visualize Celine Dion naked singing the Titanic song. I like Fatso Ford. I trust him. He would never ask me to trust apps or tell me what brand of beer I must buy.

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On 5/9/2020 at 3:47 PM, OftenWrong said:

Canadians will do what we always do - take it from mother nature and sell it off to the highest bidder. We make nothing of our own, but have a large forest and fresh water for sale.

That's how people like @eyeball make their living, just take it. As you see he's not even concerned about covid-19 with his situation. Just gonna rape it harder.

So are we simply chucking this down the road to, the great great grandkids? Each generation the debt load gets higher.

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3 hours ago, Rue said:

I do not believe a damn thing China says. Get me some proof Spanky.11 million. Pretty ambitious. That is a hell of a line up. Kind ofblikecaxTim Horton's before the quarantine.

Proof I have none but I suspect news about a project that big won't be possible to seal off entirely from the world. So we'll see how they do. 

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9 minutes ago, SpankyMcFarland said:

Proof I have none but I suspect news about a project that big won't be possible to seal off entirely from the world. So we'll see how they do. 

I find it interesting they claimed there was no more Covid 19 in China now this...hey now how does that work. If they now say they have to test 11 million I guess that makes them very big fat liars. So if they lie, why believe anything they say? 

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On 5/12/2020 at 8:29 AM, SpankyMcFarland said:

The Chinese authorities intend to test the whole of population of Wuhan, 11 million people, in the next ten days:


It looks like it probably won’t happen that quickly but it’s the sort of ambitious thinking on testing we should have too. 

There is something more sinister going on than simply testing these people.  That;s my feeling anyways.

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On 5/12/2020 at 1:14 PM, Rue said:

I find it interesting they claimed there was no more Covid 19 in China now this...hey now how does that work. If they now say they have to test 11 million I guess that makes them very big fat liars. So if they lie, why believe anything they say? 

Their numbers were absolute BUNK back in January when this all started.  Anyone with some brain cells could understand that.  How can they test 11 million people considering the garbage quality and in some cases, contaminated PPE that China is shipping around the world.

It also seems that China is not the only nation fudging the numbers. I think we are collectively being lied to across the board.

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1 hour ago, -TSS- said:

The only western country which can claim to have handled this crisis well is New Zealand and they are an  isolated island-nation far away from anywhere.

Australia has done well.

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2 hours ago, New World Disorder said:

There is something more sinister going on than simply testing these people.  That;s my feeling anyways.

Pareidiolia. It is as you may know the phenomena where we have at tendency to see patterns in otherwise random patterns, objects or movement.

I suspect what is often stupidity, incompetence, cover up, all creating chaos, may also come across as planned evil.

I think sometimes we connect dots that may not be there because we can not imagine any government or bureaucracy to be stupid.

Having worked in the federal government and provincial government, I can assure you I was and remain stupid and was part of many stupid, disjointed, idiotic, incompetent, wasteful, processes and then the inevitable cover up of idiots trying to avoid responsibility for their decisons.

We used to have layers and layers of people sitting around discussing in committees and doing no work but being paid all the bonuses and top salaries while the minority in our units on the front line did all the work, got the least amount of pay and were always understaffed and under-financed because we were paying these layers of executives.

Is there an illuminati? Are their corporate interest groups running the world?  I suspect their are groups of people who join these cliques thinking they are "networking" and pivy to power others do not have. I do not doubt it. I would never argue there are NOT corporate lit interest groups. I would of course concede government units operating in a vacuum with no accountability.

I do not doubt a thing and like you when I see some of the messages coming out I suspect like you some kind of agenda. Yah.

But I am also saying it could some some of what we are seeing is not so much deliberate evil as the chaotic progression of humans in a world of artificial intelligence, ever changing technology,  and environmental and population issues.

I hate to say it to you but I am 64. The reality is for me the government has what ten years to control me before I am dead?  I aint got much for them to control and I would be deemed expendable in a brave new world. I get it.

I am worried about the young generations or those not yet born and what they will or could inherit. When I was a kid I used to think,  wouldn't it be great to be born again in the future. Now I am not so sure. I mean I bought into Star Trek's future but my generation also had Mad Max and 1984 and Brave New World. We did not kid ourselves about the continuing erosion of individual rights in the name of collective good.

It might be age that does that but when you get older you look behind you and there is more than what is ahead of you still. It makes you appreciate where you are at NOW and savour the moment.

You should be critical and question it all. I just hope though you still have a good quality of life with humane values and a sense of positive purpose. Your generation (assuming you are younger if not never mind) has a lot of issues.  All I can do at my age is be calm and believe in you guys to do your best to protect creative and political expression and encourage it.

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34 minutes ago, Rue said:


You should be critical and question it all. I just hope though you still have a good quality of life with humane values and a sense of positive purpose. Your generation (assuming you are younger if not never mind) has a lot of issues.  All I can do at my age is be calm and believe in you guys to do your best to protect creative and political expression and encourage it.

What is at the core of  your concern??  


Has this pandemic changed  our way of life indefinaetley??........probably.........we just don't know to what  degree.

We will probably resume doing the  same things........but doing them differently.   

are you afraid  that  the freedoms we all have been taking for granted might  be infringed upon??   When health  care professionals in the  US are being sidelined    or "silenced"   when they present the facts...........  you have a glimmer to  the answer right there. It is not  that way in CDA.   

The biggest concern should be to  get this pandemic under control. CDA has handled  this crisis  quite effectively........as have some other European nations.   Others   had a harder time accepting the pandemic even  was an issue .....let  alone  figuring out what measure  should be put in place. If ever......we need t o rely on Science......not politics.   The  problem  is that  the politicians  make everything political. This is a world pandemic ........and will require world wide cooperation.  

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