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Andrew Scheer needs to go.


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Guest PPC2019
12 minutes ago, SkyHigh said:

I listener, and do agree that the educational system needs an overhaul, but removing teaching on how to use the scientific method should not be questioned. These are the bedrocks of logical reasoning

Wouldn't you agree that at least 70% of high school students spend more time learning about Algebra, Calculus, and Finite, than math geared toward economics and money?

I'm not saying that we should completely get rid of Algebra, Calculus, and Finite, but if the majority of the math we use in the real world deals with money, shouldn't the majority of high school math be about economics and money?

I can tell you from experience, the high school teachers will tell you that learning Calculus will get you a better job than learning accounting.

Isn't it useful for the elites to have kids spend more time on equations than budgetary mathematics? If students don't learn about debt, they won't notice the fraud and abuse of our tax dollars.

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5 minutes ago, PPC2019 said:

Wouldn't you agree that at least 70% of high school students spend more time learning about Algebra, Calculus, and Finite, than math geared toward economics and money?

I would definitely agree there is not enough course material geared towards real world situations, what im saying is aa one must learn to count before they can add, they also must be shown what the scientific method entails before using it in the aforementioned real world situations

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Guest PPC2019
3 minutes ago, SkyHigh said:

I would definitely agree there is not enough course material geared towards real world situations, what im saying is aa one must learn to count before they can add, they also must be shown what the scientific method entails before using it in the aforementioned real world situations

I think it's all be design.

If you spend 4 years torturing high school students with equation mathematics, by the time they hit university they will be completely burned out. Many of them will taker a liberal arts degree, just to get accreditation.

Then the far left can indoctrinate them with cultural-marxism.

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The only University course I ever took was Canadian History. at night school,  U of T,  while I was still in the Army, working RSS.

Wasn't bad, the night school classes were small, but it was the same professor as the day class.

He was the regimental historian of the Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders of Canada (Princess Louise's)

Still,  way too much Social History, submerging the central narrative in a ocean of vignettes.

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7 minutes ago, PPC2019 said:

I feel like we're coming to consensus. I wasn't sure if you were a biased liberal.

Your partisanship is showing again

I have said nothing to even infer a political leaning. I simply responded to a post that said Math (possibly the only objective thing we have) was biased against conservatives. No matter who you chose to vote for that statement is not only erroneous but lacking all reason

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17 minutes ago, Dougie93 said:

The only University course I ever took was Canadian History. at night school,  U of T,  while I was still in the Army, working RSS.

Wasn't bad, the night school classes were small, but it was the same professor as the day class.

He was the regimental historian of the Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders of Canada (Princess Louise's)

Still,  way too much Social History, submerging the central narrative in a ocean of vignettes.

Im currently finishing my MBA part time.

I can only speak for myself, but since i was taught how to use the scientific method, I was able to use logic to discern between when teachers are teaching from opinion and not fact

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Guest PPC2019
4 minutes ago, SkyHigh said:

Im currently finishing my MBA part time.

I can only speak for myself, but since i was taught how to use the scientific method, I was able to use logic to discern between when teachers are teaching from opinion and not fact

We can't talk about it... Only about Andrew Scheer, because this thread was locked, and now is unlocked. I don't think anyone want's to talk about Andrew Scheer, he's uninspiring.

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Guest PPC2019

People go off topic all the time. It's just the evolution of conversation. If you close every thread that drifts, no one will want to come here anymore.

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1 minute ago, PPC2019 said:

We can't talk about it... Only about Andrew Scheer, because this thread was locked, and now is unlocked. I don't think anyone want's to talk about Andrew Scheer, he's uninspiring.

He really is, basically Harper without the charisma. Though admittedly that Harper charisma is hard to match. Hahahaha

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Guest PPC2019
4 minutes ago, SkyHigh said:

He really is, basically Harper without the charisma. Though admittedly that Harper charisma is hard to match. Hahahaha

I think he got a raw deal... I can quote university professors telling their all their students to vote liberal to save Canada from climate change. Many women voted for Justin, just because they think he's hot.

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36 minutes ago, SkyHigh said:

Im currently finishing my MBA part time.

I can only speak for myself, but since i was taught how to use the scientific method, I was able to use logic to discern between when teachers are teaching from opinion and not fact

Still doesn't change the fact that your shoes are on the wrong feet. 

Andrew Scheer will never be PM . . . probably a nice guy,  just doesn't have the 'royal jelly' . . . 

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2 hours ago, PPC2019 said:

Well I feel like Andrew Scheer is being made a scapegoat. We lost the election, because our education institutions are in bed with Justin Trudeau's liberals. This is a video from Maryam Monsef. She used Trent university, to win her seat in Peterborough.

And who has responsibility and control over education and post-secondary education in Ontario, and in most provinces? Conservatives. And what have they attempted to do about the creeping Marxism in them? Not a blessed thing.

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20 minutes ago, PPC2019 said:

I think he got a raw deal... I can quote university professors telling their all their students to vote liberal to save Canada from climate change. Many women voted for Justin, just because they think he's hot.

There's no question the Marxist/postmodernists control the education and post-secondary education system, nor that this is resulting in young people becoming indoctrinated in leftist thought, nor that this makes it harder for conservatives to get elected. But what has he said about this? Nothing. The only Tory I know of who has said anything about education is Ford, who has muttered some about requiring students allow freedom of speech, ie, conservative speakers. All well and good, but that does nothing to prevent students from becoming so indoctrinated they think people like Andrew Scheer are virtual twins of Adolph Hitler. And if Scheer thinks this is a problem why has he said nothing and proposed nothing?

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21 hours ago, PPC2019 said:

My dad's friend has a son who went to Afghanistan, all the time he bragged about how his son was there for peacekeeping. They trashed talked the Americans, yet their son went to Texas for training, because we don't have adequate training facilities in Canada.

I just get sick and tired of the political correctness. It's like Canada has to be be a bunch of snobs, and fight beside our American allies, while claiming they're the morally superior "peacekeepers".

Oh no Canada can't help allies in war, without pretending to be innocent peacekeepers. It's such a joke.


Canada has become a big joke. No country leader sees Canada as a strong country with a strong leader. With the liberals running and ruling over this land for the last several decades now it's no wonder that there are no leaders in the world that can look too Canada with admiration. They do see it as a sucker country. We give billions away in foreign aid to countries that do not really need foreign aid. If a country can afford a military, then it does not need foreign aid. And what leader in any country in the world would dare call himself a globalist feminist? And now we once again have to put up with another four more years of this fool of a prime mistake of Canada. And liberal Scheer would not change a dam thing. He maybe even might make it worse. Hey, you never know, eh? 

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21 hours ago, PPC2019 said:

So we agree that the belly of the beast is our education institutions. I think we should have a conservative movement to occupy the Universities, similar to Occupy wall street. Pass that idea around.


It would appear as though that there is now more people coming out of university much more politically stupid then when they went in. The amount of politically correct zombies that are coming out of schools these days is unbelievable. Cultural Marxism is alive and well and being taught in just about all schools and universities in Canada. Pathetic indeed.

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21 hours ago, PPC2019 said:

Oh we can do better than the PPC. I want to be the puppet-master behind creating a new political party in Canada. We need an Anti-Debt party in Canada. I want to make surplus budgets mandatory. I'll keep mentioning this, until the idea gains traction.

I think that what real and true conservatives need to do here is to stick with Bernier rather than start another political party in Canada. At least Bernier now has made a name for himself, and we all know who he is, and where and what he stands for.  Just saying. :)

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21 hours ago, PPC2019 said:

Well I feel like Andrew Scheer is being made a scapegoat. We lost the election, because our education institutions are in bed with Justin Trudeau's liberals. This is a video from Maryam Monsef. She used Trent university, to win her seat in Peterborough.



Monsef is just another Marxist SJW lieberal that is trying her best to try and change the makeup of Canada today into a country like where she or her ancestors came from. I can bet you that she is not really pro British/European but is instead someone who despises our old British/European culture, traditions, and ways of life. I can bet you that she would like to see and have hundreds of thousands of new immigrants from Afghanistan immigrate to Canada. She is a Marxist globalist, and she would like to dilute Canada with more immigrants from non British/European countries. But this is what a country that makes multiculturalism an official program will get when that country brings in more new cultural incompatible immigrants in, and says to them that they can carry on with their cultures and traditions like they did back home, and the Canadian government will help you to do so with other Canadians tax dollars. And there can be no doubt about it that Scheer would not change a dam thing about our present day immigration policy mess.

And ask most Canadians if they really care?  From some survey taken recently, it showed that more Canadians were in favor of more immigration, and not less. The question that needs to be asked now is, too who and where was this question and poll taken. I am pretty sure that it was not taken in Northern Alberta. Maybe Toronto though. Our Canadian education system has been taken over by globalist cultural Marxists, and have been allowed for decades to brainwash our students into becoming good little Marxist dummies. It must be working alright because look at all the dummies that voted Trudeau back into power again. Another four more years of liberal brainwashing of our children and there may not be a conservative party around to vote for. Hey, you never know, eh? But ask Scheer yourself if he really cares?  He will avoid that question like the plague. Just my opinion of course. ;)

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Guest PPC2019
8 minutes ago, taxme said:

Monsef is just another Marxist SJW lieberal that is trying her best to try and change the makeup of Canada today into a country like where she or her ancestors came from. I can bet you that she is not really pro British/European but is instead someone who despises our old British/European culture, traditions, and ways of life. I can bet you that she would like to see and have hundreds of thousands of new immigrants from Afghanistan immigrate to Canada.

I know Trent professors were telling their students to vote liberal, because the greens didn't stand a chance... They organized a huge get out to vote campaign in support of Monsef, because they wanted to stick it to Andrew Scheer for wanting to cancel the carbon tax. I was watching the CBC coverage, and Trent university was basically banging how they were brainwashing their students in favor of Justin's re-election.

Trent University also had a huge role in the Climate Strike. They basically took over Peterborough, which has a lot of conservative business owners.

Our tax funded professors are breaking the law, when they tell their students who to vote for... But no consequences will come from the Trudeau government.

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Guest PPC2019
1 hour ago, taxme said:

I think that what real and true conservatives need to do here is to stick with Bernier rather than start another political party in Canada. At least Bernier now has made a name for himself, and we all know who he is, and where and what he stands for.  Just saying. :)

There is barely anything on twitter. I think Bernier is looking for a quiet exit, but I would get behind some of his candidates. I really liked Frank Vaughan who is just south of Peterborough, but I don't see him running again. Anyways.... why shouldn't we pass the idea around to start a new party... I don't even care if the party wins.... I just like voting for someone I believe in...

I don't care if i'm splitting the vote... I love sending a message.

I'll vote for whatever party makes fiscal-responsibility their first priority.


To be honest... i'm a little annoyed at the PPC. They're acting like sore losers.... They didn't expect win, but they participated in a greater movement to wakeup Canadians.

If there is nothing better than the PPC, i'll vote for the PPC... but I don't want a party that says lets balance the budget in 10 years.... I want a party that develops a plan to pay off most of Canada's debt before the next century.

We will also need a bigger fence to keep the American's out when they have their sovereign debt crisis. America is a ticking time-bomb... maybe we should develop an emergency plan, if America collapses.

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Guest PPC2019
5 minutes ago, Dougie93 said:

There's nothing wrong with liberalism, Liberal and liberal ain't the same thing.  Progressives are not liberal, they are authoritarian.

I call myself a progressive though, I believe in progress. So what better word should I use?

I'm also not a winner takes all capitalist.... I do think if a company is doing well, more of their profits should go towards the workers that helped make that company successful.

We do have to have a debate about corporate greed, because it's giving conservatives a bad name.

I got a problem with an executive making 100 times more than an employee on the assembly line.


Instead of taxing the rich, I rather get companies to send excessive profits back to their employees. Don't let the government steal the wealth that comes from people on the factor floor.

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