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Immigrants cost Canada $30 billion per year


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1 minute ago, Dougie93 said:

I'd just shrug and leave for America. That would be the opportunity to get my wife to move.

Canada is a frozen shit hole for half the year, I'm only here because of my wife, if not for her I would have moved to the sun belt long time ago.

Well that would be the whole point.  Get the pretenders out while leaving the true Canadians.

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1 minute ago, Moonlight Graham said:

The 2nd amendment doesn't do anything except get civilians and politicians shot by other civilians while people wait around staying armed vs a theoretical enemy that never shows up.  As I said, no i can't handle that freedom.  Freedom to life and security of the person is better IMO.

To each his own, I don't want Canadians in America anyways, there's too many commie gun grabbing Democrats already.

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1 minute ago, Moonlight Graham said:

Well that would be the whole point.  Get the pretenders out while leaving the true Canadians.

Pretty sure if I wore my medals to Remembrance Day, most Canadians would accept me as having done my bit for Canada, but I don't go to Remembrance Day parades anymore and I don't wear my medals neither.

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1 minute ago, Dougie93 said:

To each his own, I don't want Canadians in America anyways, there's too many commie gun grabbing Democrats already.

The plan is wait for Americans to all shoot each other and then i can move to California and then take all their sh!t and lay on the beach with my new swag.  Getting there....

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2 minutes ago, Moonlight Graham said:

The plan is wait for Americans to all shoot each other and then i can move to California and then take all their sh!t and lay on the beach with my new swag.  Getting there....

My American family is from California, it was great back in the day, it's not what it was.  I would prefer to live in Nevada and drive to Cali when I needed to.

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6 hours ago, Dougie93 said:

To each his own, I don't want Canadians in America anyways, there's too many commie gun grabbing Democrats already.

Dougie, we’re grabbing your guns, banning your speech altogether, and sentencing you to confinement with angry feminist lesbians with strapons until you swear allegiance to Julie Payette.   Justin Trudeau and George Soros have ordered it.  

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On ‎9‎/‎13‎/‎2019 at 8:36 AM, Zeitgeist said:

Dougie, we’re grabbing your guns, banning your speech altogether, and sentencing you to confinement with angry feminist lesbians with strapons until you swear allegiance to Julie Payette.   Justin Trudeau and George Soros have ordered it.  

Also make him listen to Celine Dion's Titanic song and Anne Murray's Snowbird, over and over until his head explodes!!!!!! Also make sure he has only one t.v. channel and must watch Red Green reruns over and over in-between. Z the only thing that saved me from becoming Dougie is Corner Gas. It saved my soul from creeping US imperialism.

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I’m thinking strap him to a seat like Alex in A Clockwork Orange, play Nickelback on repeat, and flash images of Bonhomme waving to Québécois children, Justin Trudeau making a heart with his hands, and Michaelle Jean eating seal meat, interspersed with footage from the Toronto Pride Parade Dyke March, and The Nature of Things with David Suzuki.  He can be fed a steady diet of tart de sucre, tortierre, poutine, and maple syrup.  

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On ‎9‎/‎12‎/‎2019 at 9:11 PM, Dougie93 said:

Like, as much as Argus is a whiner, he's still right about immigration in Canada.

The only thing that distinguishes Canadians from Americans is that Canadians are meek and obsequious in the face of foreigners.

The immigrants are going to keep flowing into Canada, and Canada doesn't have culture for them to adopt, and even if it did, it wouldn't impose it on them.

Because of Canadians like Zeitgeist who are running the country, who do not beleive in nationalism.

So the immigrants are going to take over and impose their culture on Canada, already in progress, only going to accelerate and expand.

The immigrants will even turn on the Progressives who were so eager to invite them in, that's going to be the most amusing part.

Z does not need my defense he speaks for himself but he has never ever stated he was against a common Canadian identity. I think you mistake your definition of nationalism and his or mine because mine is the same as his. Our sense of Canadian identity is not the same as the American one. For starters we do not define our history the way Americans do. You Americans use a Chauvenistic approach heavily dependent if not completely predicated on military identity and victories. Our reference to our military history is extremely measured and low key. There is a reason for that. Americans follow the French, Greco and Roman approaches whereas ours is based on quite frankly British military from the 1800's which downplays excessive posturing, swagger and bragging as you Yanks do. Our military does not boast or engage in excessive displays of loud emotions demonstrating our greatness. We do not like to be loud and brag. We line up and say excuse me. We do not need to be the loudest in the room and draw attention to ourselves.

Our Canadian identity which Z has made clear in past posts and I agree with is a composite sense of identity embracing aboriginal, British and French influences where we try take the best from them, then mix in with them a constant input of new approaches from other ethnic ideas. You Americans throw in all  your ingredients in one big pot and melt it all down into one flavor. We cook it more slowly trying to blend it like you do, but not drown out the different tastes.

You Yanks insist on drowning everything with ketchup. We want to use different spices at different times and be subtle on how we infuse our dishes with flavours.

So look I have been to Buffalo tail gate parties. I love the sausages (yah I am so kosher) and the other dead animals Yanks cook before a Bills game. Love it. However you guys could learn that there are things other than red meat. You could try for example some escargot, maybe some frog's legs, and for God's sake a real beer not the urine you drink.

You are right, we are a country that refrains from an identity like yours but we have one. Its just more modest and subtle in presentation. Put it this way, its the difference between a loud man rushing in a room with an erection demanding his woman strip and spread compared to a quiet man who comes in, turns the lights down, turns on the music (no not Ceine Dion or Anne Murray, I concede it would be the American Barry White), pours some wine, undresses slowly, and tells the woman she smells nice and then asks her what her name is and whether she prefers Chopin or Mozart.

Regards, a civilized Canadian nationalist.

Here is an easy list to explain our difference in identity

Canadian                                                                       Yankee

Norm MacDonald                                                         Bob Hope

John Candy                                                                    Melissa McArthy

Shania Twain                                                                 Jennifer Lopez

John A. MacDonald                                                     George Washington

Catholic                                                                          Mason

Beret                                                                               Cap

Maple Leaf                                                                     Star

canoe                                                                              Navy

immigrant                                                                      drug pusher

criminal                                                                           immigrant

mentally disturbed person                                          President of the United States

transsexual                                                                    First Lady

Prime Minister of Canada, Finance Mister               Jim Parsons, Neil Patrick Harris

hockey player                                                                football player

hockey player                                                                soldier

homeless person                                                          immigrant

suv                                                                                   pick up truck

Montreal                                                                         New Orleans

back bacon                                                                    sausage

French                                                                            Spanish

Time Horton's                                                               Dunkin Doughnuts

insecure adult                                                               Starbucks customer

teenager                                                                         gang member

aboriginal                                                                       black

black                                                                               Latino

Latino                                                                              Italian

British                                                                             white

European                                                                        ungrateful bastard

Liberal, New Democrat, Conservative                        communist

medicare                                                                         communism

gun control                                                                      communism

bank regulations                                                             communism

car                                                                                     truck

cottage                                                                             trailer

curling                                                                               bowling

Corner Gas                                                                       Seinfeld  

Hamilton                                                                           Pittsburgh

husky                                                                                pitbull        

wolf                                                                                   coyote

Canada goose                                                                 sea gull

beaver                                                                              vagina

moose                                                                              Bubba

black man                                                                        NBA player

minority                                                                            someone from Iowa

constable                                                                          pig

blizzard                                                                             tornado

snow                                                                                   rain

maple syrup                                                                      Budweiser beer

urine                                                                                   any American beer

Rye                                                                                      Southern Comfort

marijhuana                                                                         crack cocaine

kayak                                                                                   surfboard

pedophile                                                                            Michael Jackson

murderer                                                                             OJ Simpson


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40 minutes ago, Rue said:

Z does not need my defense he speaks for himself but he has never ever stated he was against a common Canadian identity.                                                                                                                                                                                 

I never said that neither,  but like the Quebecois, I don't need nor want the federal government and its state media propaganda arms to define my identity for me.

Half my family is American, half my family is Canadian,  I am both identities at once.

American identity however is the only one which protects me, protects my property, protects my rights.

The Canadian constitution is weak, tho it doesn't bind me to any particular Identity,

Furthermore Canadians themselves are too meek to demand anybody adhere to any particular culture in Canada.

There are many Canadians now, who have no idea what you're talking and do not care.

Canada is not what is was at Expo 67' ;  that Canada is long dead.

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1 hour ago, Rue said:

You Americans use a Chauvenistic approach heavily dependent if not completely predicated on military identity and victories.                                                                                                                                                                                

It's not an "approach".   Canadians have to have an "approach" because they are insecure about their Anglo-American identity, so they have to make up a fake country instead.

Americans are simply Chauvinistic.  America First.   It's not an approach.  It's just who we are.

Americans do not "predicate" anything on our military victories

The hard won victory is asserting our God given rights, we honor the victories by defending and upholding those rights therein.

No living in the past.  Defending those rights in real time, all day, every day. It's not predication, the war to defend freedom never ends.

Unlike Canadians, who did not fight for their rights, so all rights in Canada are negotiable as a result.

Canadians neglect their military and do not honor it, because they know it never fought for Canada, but rather for the British Empire, and now the American Hegenomy.

Having served so long in the Canadian military, I know that it looks to Washington as its true leader.

I know Canadian soldiers have more affinity for their American brothers in arms than they do for the fundamentally unmartial Canadian public.

In  terms of the identity of the Canadian military, it is British to the bone, nothing all that Canadian about it by your definition of Canadian.

Americans don't even view Canada nor its military as being distinct from the British.

To Americans; Redcoats is Redcoats.


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29 minutes ago, Rue said:

Well I tried. You sound too caught up in other shit and need a laugh.

I will tell you, being a dual citizen, British-American;  is the greatest. 

It is to be Winston Churchill.  It is to be George Washington.

Best of both worlds.    Long live the Kings of Virginia.

I know more about both histories and cultures than ether the Americans or British Canada.

I have a whole lotta fun, all day everyday, being both American and British.

It is a honor and privilege to serve the Anglo-American Empire of Liberty.

God bless America, land of the free, home of the brave.

God save the Queen & Her Mohawk Warriors.

Vive le Quebec libre, Je me souviens

Away down South in Dixie's land, Deo Vindice.

The Confederacy which lost the war and makes that her cause.

The Confederacy which won the war and lived to tell the tale.

Roma Britannia Rules the waves, under the Flag That Makes You Free.

Dieu et mon droit.

E pluribus unum

No fears on earth; walk tall and trust in the Lord.

The God of the Hebrews, Divine Watchmaker, my Creator, is with me, always.

Armed individual sovereign, defending and upholding the light of civilization itself.

From Appomattox Court House to the Sea of Tranquility and Beyond.


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But the American hegemony and the British Empire are not one and the same, just as Canada isn’t the same as the US or Britain, despite similarities, and that’s fine.  Vive la difference.   Enjoy the variety without feeling threatened.  That’s the value of multiculturalism, as long as our rights and freedoms are protected, and the quality of life we have worked hard to build are not compromised.  That’s why striking the right balance between development and environmental protection, including considering the quantity and character of new settlers in any part of the country, is important.  

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6 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

But the American hegemony and the British Empire are not one and the same, just as Canada isn’t the same as the US or Britain, despite similarities, and that’s fine.  Vive la difference.   Enjoy the variety without feeling threatened.  That’s the value of multiculturalism, as long as our rights and freedoms are protected, and the quality of life we have worked hard to build are not compromised.  That’s why striking the right balance between development and environmental protection, including considering the quantity and character of new settlers in any part of the country, is important.  

I don't feel threatened.  I embrace both cultures.  I'm not multicultural.  I am British and American, but I am not Multi.

My American religion simply calls me to free all the slaves everywhere.

To include the ones held behind the Iron Curtain of a Post National State pretender to the British throne.

The Confederacy which won the war and lived to tell the tale, dark forces of American freedom; Vive le Quebec libre, Deo Vindice.

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2 minutes ago, Dougie93 said:

I don't feel threatened.  I embrace both cultures.  I'm not multicultural.  I am British and American, but I am not Multi.

My American religion simply calls me to free all the slaves everywhere.

To include the ones held behind the Iron Curtain of a Post National State pretender to the British throne.

The Confederacy which won the war and lived to tell the tale, dark forces of American freedom; Vive le Quebec libre.


News flash: Canada is a separate country from Britain and the US, just as the US is s distinct country from Britain.  Canadians like what we have going on. Love it or leave it, baby!

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1 minute ago, Zeitgeist said:

News flash: Canada is a separate country from Britain and the US, just as the US is s distinct country from Britain.  Canadians like what we have going on. Love it or leave it, baby!

Not actually.  

Realpolitijk is that Canada is an Anglo-American protectorate.

United Kingdom - United States Security Agreement.

What Canadians have going on is not their destiny to control.

My chain of command is above your pay grade, I don't answer to Canadian Confederation.

Her Majesty defends that right.

In the event the British Crown in North America falls; Declaration of Independence.

No need for me to go anywhere, I can come and go as I please.   Dual citizen; carries both passports.

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And again, America is not burdened by my additional undertaking of obligations to the British Crown.

Firstly because America takes no position against dual citizenship, so long as your fulfill your obligation to America first.

My additional obligations to Buckingham Palace are not America's problem, that's on me.'

But secondly, again, there is no state of conflict between Canada and Buckingham Palace nor Canada and the Rotunda on Constitution Avenue.

Canada is signatory to the United Kingdom - United States Security agreement, as a junior partner.

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I mean, y'all don't think I travel to the Republic under my Canadian passport, do yeas?

Heck no, Canadians are suspect in America now.

I have right of return to the Republic of the United States of America under my American passport.

I also have stickers for all the military units I have served with on the window of my truck. Canadian units, British units, and American units.

So not only do the American border guards just wave me through, sometimes they come properly to attention and salute.

And I of course return compliments in kind wearing headdress; Toronto Maple Leafs baseball cap.

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44 minutes ago, Dougie93 said:

Not actually.  

Realpolitijk is that Canada is an Anglo-American protectorate.

United Kingdom - United States Security Agreement.

What Canadians have going on is not their destiny to control.

My chain of command is above your pay grade, I don't answer to Canadian Confederation.

Her Majesty defends that right.

In the event the British Crown in North America falls; Declaration of Independence.

No need for me to go anywhere, I can come and go as I please.   Dual citizen; carries both passports.

Canada would continue as Canada with or without the Crown.  The Yanks’ own constitution says they can’t rule over Canada against the will of Canadian people.  Britain wouldn’t dare try.  Get real.  Shove your protectorate fiction.  

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Just now, Zeitgeist said:

Canada would continue as Canada with or without the Crown.  The Yanks’ own constitution says they can’t rule over Canada against the will of Canadian people.  Britain wouldn’t dare try.  Get real.  Shove your protectorate fiction.  

Perhaps Canada would, but unless and until you hold a constitutional convention to remove the monarchy from the Canada Act, the Queen remains the country; rule of the British Crown.

Protectorate is the truth, sovereign independent Canadian Confederation is the fiction.

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This news story seems appropriate to this thread.  It's about Brooks, AB and the meat packing industry as a whole, who are having difficulty obtaining workers for the meat-packing plant.  For them, immigration will solve that problem.


The economic engine of the region, however, sputters to a halt without people and for years the meat processing plant has struggled to find  enough workers within the local labour market.

But because work in meat processing doesn’t seem to appeal to enough Canadian-born workers, the meat industry has had to turn its attention elsewhere.

... changes made to the federal government’s temporary foreign workers program in 2014 have made it difficult for meat processing plants to bring foreign workers to Canada

The article notes that the meat packing industry had an employment shortfall of 12%, more than any other industry in Canada.   However, the Federal Government is implementing a program, starting in 2020, that will see 2,750 positions filled for each of three years. 

The Calgary Herald explains more about this program:


...a three-year immigration pilot to bring in full-time, non-seasonal agricultural workers that will include a pathway to permanent residency. The budget said the purpose of the pilot project is to “meet Canada’s ambitious export targets and attract and retain needed labour.”

Labour shortages in the Canadian agriculture industry have been an ongoing issue for years, affecting everything from family farms to greenhouses to feedlots. Some of the most severe, chronic labour challenges exist at meat processing facilities and abattoirs, where industry representatives say a shortage of workers is limiting Canada’s ability to meet market demands.

[ ]

The council says labour shortages result in $750 million in lost sales for meat processors annually, as well as $396 million in lost sales for related value chain producers.


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