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Handguns and Assault Rifles

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That being said, I wouldn't use an assault rifle for home defense. 

High velocity rifle rounds go through houses, so if you miss, you can kill your neighbor sitting in his living room across the street.

If someone is threatening your life and/or limb on your property, I would recommend the pump action shotgun, and you can have a very short one for that purpose.

Much more powerful than a handgun and much more accurate too, but doesn't over penetrate like a rifle.


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Now bear in mind, in the nanny police state of Canada, there are no Castle Laws.

So if you use force in self defense you will be treated as guilty of murder until your prove yourself innocent.

Moreover, in the British Monarchy, to include Canada, you must uphold the Queen's Peace.

That means you have to assume more risk in order to operate as a Peace Officer.

You have to escalate the force only to the level you are confronted with, and for lethal force that must be reasonable fear for life and/or limb.

You should try to arrest the person first, like a Peace Officer, issue fair warning, that's why undercover cops say "i am a police officer and I am armed" when they arrest.

You can only use proportionate force, and only enough to end the engagement at the earliest opportunity.

So if you shoot somebody and they are down but not dead, don't finish them off, as soon as the engagement is ended, you have to try to arrest again.

Also, If I did take someone as my prisoner after I shot them, I would render trauma first aid to try to save their life.

It's not about the gun, it's all about the shooter, you are the weapon system, and you must be a lawful weapon system, operate holistically.

Even if someone is a criminal, even if they are a threat to you, if you ambush them and just blow them away with maximum firepower, that is murder.

The police are not technically allowed to do that neither, although they often do.

But de facto they are above the law, while de jure you are not.

Peace Officer in the name of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II of the House of Windsor upon HM free hold land.

Glorious Revolution of 1688.   Bill of Rights 1689.  Right to bear arms within the allowance of the law.

Nec Aspera Terrent.


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1 hour ago, Dougie93 said:

The police themselves are dangerous, the most likely people in Canada to kick down your door and shoot you for no good reason, are the police.

Supposedly Canadians don't need assault rifles?  So why does every cop car have an assault rifle on the dash now?

Why do the police need assault rifles in the Country Which Does Not Need Assault Rifles?

The police are not the military, the police are civilians, unionized government employees, they are not soldiers, they are not under the same type of control as the army is.

The police are no more the military than you are, so why do they need military weapons?

Here's a hint; it's because Canada is a police state and you are the threat to that police state, they fear you, if you ever stand up for your rights.

The purpose of the police having military weapons is not to protect them, it's to intimidate you. 

Overwhelming firepower, lest you ever challenge the entrenched interests who run this federation like a Company Town.

To include the police themselves who are one of the most powerful entrenched interests of them all.


I don't see a reason to trust military over police in Canada.  What's more, I fear U.S. police more than Canadian police or British police for that matter.  I'm always amazed when I go to the U.S. how quick police are to pull out their firearms and have people spread their hands.  In a way it makes perfect sense because they have more to fear from potential shooters.  We all know the stories  -- "I thought he was reaching for a gun, so I shot him."  Police in some states are poorly trained and poorly paid.  Anyway, we've had similar situations in Canada on a smaller scale.  Your characterization of Canada as some police state is pretty absurd.  In Russia and even in the U.S. there is a much heavier police presence.  Even in France and parts of Europe it's common to see police carrying machine guns.  Given their experiences of terrorism, I'm not surprised.  I think tensions mount in the most depressed areas between police and petty thieves, gangs, and small-time organized crime. 

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Just now, Zeitgeist said:

I don't see a reason to trust military over police in Canada. 

I don't trust the military neither, but in order for them to use military force against you; there first has be an order in council for aid to the civil power, and even then the military operates within a tightly controlled and precision strict chain of command with rules of engagement.

The police have the military arms, but are neither trained as well to use them, nor as tightly controlled in their use, as the military is.

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On 8/1/2019 at 4:54 AM, Zeitgeist said:

The Federal Liberals’ Bill Blair was doing country-wide consultations on whether handguns should be banned in Canada after last year’s marked increase in gun homicides in Toronto.  Where are we with this?

I'm not a fan of enacting policies that allow criminals to carry guns and then taking guns away from law-abiding citizens. I think it's stupid. 

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2 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

I'm not a fan of enacting policies that allow criminals to carry guns and then taking guns away from law-abiding citizens. I think it's stupid. 

Even the Ivory Tower academics of Toronto are undermining them.

A U of T criminology professor just came out and stated on the CBC that a handgun ban would have little to no effect because the guns are illegal and smuggled in and the USA is only three hours away, and that the real problem in these Toronto neighborhoods is poverty,

Then he said the government should do something about that poverty to reduce the gun violence, but that part is naive.

Because the poverty is incited by Canada not actually being a dynamic economy which lifts all boats, but rather a moribund economy which is run by the government on behalf of narrowly vested interests, like say the Irving Family, or Unifor.

So the Canadian economy only lifts those boats while leaving the lowest classes behind, in an increasing cost of living crisis, being worsened by the elites raising the price of everything in the name of a Climate Crisis.

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See, the government is already intervening, and that intervention is called policy stimulus.

Basically they are keeping the interest rates low to prop up the monstrous debt bubble.

To stave off millions of Canadians going under because they already at the brink of bankruptcy due to spiraling cost of living but lack of capital to pay for it.

But what this actually does is create deflationary pressure. 

Without interest, there is no incentive to invest, because interest is the money you make on return for that investment.

So companies are not actually expanding, not investing, not hiring and rather trying to get the taxpayer to subsidize them instead with more policy stimulus.

The markets have become addicted to the policy stimulus and so have governments, but it's not working, it's not solving any problems.

Other than punting a massive debt bubble correction a bit further into the future.

Which is why gun manufacturers are a buy, even if there is a correction.

Because it will mean more poverty, and like the U of T professor says, that will mean more shooting.

Disaster Capitalism for the win, Naomi Klein, cha-ching.

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So I wouldn't judge your need for self defense based on the moment right now,

Because a monstrous debt bubble massive market correction could incite some level of civil disorder.

In the case of, again, Dominion Arms makes shotguns specifically for the Canadian market,

Here's another version of the Grizzly, this one cylinder fed with a 12.5 inch barrel and folding stock.

It's a tight whip, this one is my favorite version of the Grizzly.


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32 minutes ago, Dougie93 said:

Even the Ivory Tower academics of Toronto are undermining them.

A U of T criminology professor just came out and stated on the CBC that a handgun ban would have little to no effect because the guns are illegal and smuggled in and the USA is only three hours away, and that the real problem in these Toronto neighborhoods is poverty,

Then he said the government should do something about that poverty to reduce the gun violence, but that part is naive.

Because the poverty is incited by Canada not actually being a dynamic economy which lifts all boats, but rather a moribund economy which is run by the government on behalf of narrowly vested interests, like say the Irving Family, or Unifor.

So the Canadian economy only lifts those boats while leaving the lowest classes behind, in an increasing cost of living crisis, being worsened by the elites raising the price of everything in the name of a Climate Crisis.

I think that a lot of our poverty comes from the welfare state that exists here, and the fact that foreign buyers are raising real estate prices by so much. Rents are getting insane.

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1 minute ago, WestCanMan said:

I think that a lot of our poverty comes from the welfare state that exists here, and the fact that foreign buyers are raising real estate prices by so much. Rents are getting insane.

The welfare state is no longer like it was.

The welfare state now props up the corporations.

Corporate welfare, and that props up the unions too, like Unifor.

The welfare state is captured by the politically connected, the rest of the safety net is being dismantled in order to divert it through the entrenched interests so they get their cut first.

Real estate prices are going up because of the policy stimulus, the artificially low interest rates are inciting the prices to rise.

Rents go up as real estate prices go up, the price increase is passed through to the tenants in the rent.

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Just now, Dougie93 said:

Real estate prices are going up because of the policy stimulus, the artificially low interest rates are inciting the prices to rise.

Don't believe everything you hear on the news.

When the prices went insane here in BC they were saying that foreign buyers only accounted for 1-2% of the sales in BC. Maybe that was almost accurate enough for the entire province, over the course of the whole year, but in the lower mainland over that 5-month stretch that wasn't the case at all.

There would be 200 east asians at every open house, 4 south asians and 4 caucasians. I didn't see a black or latino person in probably that whole time. House prices were going up by $50K a week for a while. It was insanity.

The initial price hike also happened at the family home level, not at the condo or townhome level. Houses went up first, then townhouses a while later when people with detached homes started downsizing, then condos quite a bit later. If low interest rates had anything to do with it the entry-level market wouldn't have lagged so far behind.

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4 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

Don't believe everything you hear on the news.

When the prices went insane here in BC they were saying that foreign buyers only accounted for 1-2% of the sales in BC. Maybe that was almost accurate enough for the entire province, over the course of the whole year, but in the lower mainland over that 5-month stretch that wasn't the case at all.

There would be 200 east asians at every open house, 4 south asians and 4 caucasians. I didn't see a black or latino person in probably that whole time. House prices were going up by $50K a week for a while. It was insanity.

The initial price hike also happened at the family home level, not at the condo or townhome level. Houses went up first, then townhouses a while later when people with detached homes started downsizing, then condos quite a bit later. If low interest rates had anything to do with it the entry-level market wouldn't have lagged so far behind.


Foreign investors don't bother me, I'm a foreign investor too, it's a global market.  


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19 minutes ago, Dougie93 said:

So I wouldn't judge your need for self defense based on the moment right now,

Because a monstrous debt bubble massive market correction could incite some level of civil disorder.

In the case of, again, Dominion Arms makes shotguns specifically for the Canadian market,

Here's another version of the Grizzly, this one cylinder fed with a 12.5 inch barrel and folding stock.

It's a tight whip, this one is my favorite version of the Grizzly.


I'd be more likely to put a bb on a .22, than rifle sights on a shotty. I love the bb sight. Not sure why that guy has the rifle sights unless he fires a lot of sabots. Love the grip tho. I have that on my 870.


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8 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

I never said they shouldn't be allowed to buy here, I just said they drove up the prices. 

And I said the price increases are related to the interest rates, when interest rates rise and prices fall, the foreign buyers will dump the properties and pile into fixed income instead.

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This will not however make the rents go down, because instead of price increases being passed through in the rent they will be passing the interest increase through instead.

Moreover, the homeowners who are right on the brink will default and then be forced back into the rental market generating more tenants.

So investment property is still sound for Disaster Capitalism, so long as you can carry the interest.

But again,  what you do is load that interest on to the tenants, because they have nowhere else to go.

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21 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

I'd be more likely to put a bb on a .22, than rifle sights on a shotty. I love the bb sight. Not sure why that guy has the rifle sights unless he fires a lot of sabots. Love the grip tho. I have that on my 870.

I didn't mean I liked the guys setup, though I have nothing against it, I just meant I like the 12.5 inch Grizzly instead of the 8.5 inch, because I don't like the box magazine.

I don't really use the magazine much on the shotgun, I tend to hand load as I go and just keep what's in the cylinder as an adverse contingency reserve.

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22 minutes ago, Dougie93 said:

And I said the price increases are related to the interest rates, when interest rates rise and prices fall, the foreign buyers will dump the properties and pile into fixed income instead.

Cash buyers don't care about interest rates, and people who aren't cash buyers can't buy at $400K over the assessed value with subject-free offers. Doesn't happen, ever. No mtg broker ever said "You're pre-qualified to buy this house at $400K over the assessed value".

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That's the other advantage of the shotgun in the tactical role.

With the Armalite, you've only got one speed, and it's maximum at all times.

Whereas with the shotgun, you've got flexible options.

For example you can go less lethal with birdshot, but if the threat escalates you could come with slug the very next round, it's harder to use, but much more versatile.

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Just now, WestCanMan said:

Cash buyers don't care about interest rates, and people who aren't cash buyers can't buy at $400K over the assessed value with subject-free offers. Doesn't happen, ever. No mtg broker ever said "You're pre-qualified to buy this house at $400K over the assessed value".

Well I paid cash for my home, but there's no reason to pay cash for an investment property, investment properties are generally financed, at higher interest rates, again, you just pass that through in the rent.

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10 minutes ago, Dougie93 said:

I didn't mean I liked the guys setup, though I have nothing against it, I just meant I like the 12.5 inch Grizzly instead of the 8.5 inch, because I don't like the box magazine.

I don't really use the magazine much on the shotgun, I tend to hand load as I go and just keep what's in the cylinder as an adverse contingency reserve.

I never thought of using a SG in war, so I can't speak to that aspect of it.



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Just now, WestCanMan said:

I never thought of using a SG in war, so I can't speak to that aspect of it.

The shotgun is prohibited for use against other lawful combatants in war under the Hague Conventions.

Criminals and terrorists however, are not protected by the Hague Convention.

So it is Hague compliant to employ shotguns against unlawful combatants for counterterrorism and law enforcement.

In the infantry, the shotgun in generally employed as a method of entry device for breaching doors.

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2 minutes ago, Dougie93 said:

Well I paid cash for my home, but there's no reason to pay cash for an investment property, investment properties are generally financed, at higher interest rates, again, you just pass that through in the rent.

Kudos dude, not many people are mtg free. 

We personally saw more cash buyers during the recent land rush here than in the other 15 years I've been in real estate. It's not that common of a thing. Zero this year, for sure.

2019 has been a big year for "subject to sale" offers. It's a pain in the neck. The end of July and early August has been crazy busy though.

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7 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

Kudos dude, not many people are mtg free.

While I have parleyed to become much wealthier since, all the kudos go to my American grandfather and father.

I received a sizable inheritance from their combined estates.

Also, kudos to President George W. Bush and the GOP for repealing the inheritance tax.

Also, kudos to my wife for getting me to leave the army and start investing for the future in which she would be my wife.

And kudos to the Lord, because for some reason I won the life lottery, praise the God of the Hebrews.

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7 minutes ago, Dougie93 said:

The shotgun is prohibited for use against other lawful combatants in war under the Hague Conventions.

Criminals and terrorists however, are not protected by the Hague Convention.

So it is Hague compliant to employ shotguns against unlawful combatants for counterterrorism and law enforcement.

In the infantry, the shotgun in generally employed as a method of entry device for breaching doors.


It makes sense though I guess.

When I was in basic they taught us that injuring enemies was better than killing because of the manpower involved in rescuing them, giving them medical attention, flying them home, maybe giving them pensions, disability, etc.

That only applies to armies that actually care about their soldiers though. Terrorists don't get that kind of support (we could talk about whether Canadian vets get enough support in a different thread). 

In law enforcement I don't think that a cost analysis is part of the equation, just officer safety. I personally wouldn't choose a sg in law enforcement though, too hard to shoot in an urban environment. Too much spray. 

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