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Infrastructure, a key Liberal promise, is a mess


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2 hours ago, Army Guy said:

Another Liberal tactic, when your liberal opinions are called into questioned by anyone, your accused of being  not smart enough to understand them...And yet I'm not the one that is frothing at the mouth, trying to attack something you know nothing about....

So let me understand something , the "Trump" administration is responsible for the 40 years of US history, dating back to after the second world war.....Thats a a huge reach ….maybe you can give us some examples of how trump who for us that were awake during history class, is reasonable for 40 years of aggression....MAYBE you can show us what aggression Trump has shown in the last 3 years, IN CASE you did not know Trump was elected in 2016, and before that he was not in office, nor did he have enough influence in the US government to accomplish what you accused him of that could be considered even coming close to what the NAZI's did in their reign of terror.....More liberal false news....This must be one of those times when you type something but really mean something else...and some how just the liberal posters get it cause their smart.... 

Sorry but the rest of us citizens have had enough Liberal bullshit and double speak to last us until this upcoming election....where the Cons will take over the reigns and once more clean up little Justin's mess....

So you just like to deflect from the topic , which was the "liberal infra structure deficit" and how F****ed up it is, and how your boy in shiny armor and good looking hair , has done very little in corrected all that mess.... again one of his campaign promises....unfortunately this is a Canadian past time, when things are not going well it is the Americans fault.....here is a news flash....Canadians are going to have to step up to the plate and take ownership of our problems....finding solutions instead of pointing fu***ing fingers at our southern neighbor...

I don't give a fiddlers f*** about how our health care compares to the US model....Canadians already know there are huge holes in our health care , but no one is smart enough to fix them....Shit you think I'm lying moon pie,  that all of my experiences with our health system have not been perfect....every time I use our health system , sun shine and rainbows come out of my ass....liberals dance in the streets....while soldiers/ RCMP/Coast guard/Border services/ can't get the medical or mental health  treatment they need, wait time for mental health issues are well over a year for a follow up appointment ...thats a soldier with a  suicide attempt already on record...Justin tells an injured soldier that lost his leg in Afghanistan...that soldiers are asking for more than the government can provide....unless you have some charity the PM likes, then millions are available...Screw you.....

Aren't you some little concerned citizen afraid I'm responding to some snowflake on military time.....Well sir, SURPRISE I'm recently retired and have nothing better to do than harass liberals that live in moms basement....or in some collage dorm....perhaps we should focus on the topic and not some deflection you just dreamed up....

I'm quite happy to read and entertain your spelling and grammar errors that cause your posts to be almot unreadalbe, but I'm not prepared to listen to the personal attacks against me. And I will also caution you to not resort to your profanity. If you persist with  what I see as bad behaviour then I will have no choice but to report you.

If any of that contained any points that you consider are worthy of a response then please restate them in an appropriate way. For example,

Shit you think I'm lying moon pie,.....

means nothing to any decent Canadian. You may need to be reminded that you're not talking down to a victim in some foreign country now, when you address me. 

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Which part of  Canadian governance is not a mess?   It's all a mess, thus is the nature of Canadian governance, it's  been a bleeding open sore of boondoggles and bloated centrally planned nonsense since 1867, and yet somehow, were still here.   It's just money, folks, and,  newsflash;  money is not real. Money is just a state of mind.

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19 hours ago, montgomery said:

I'm quite happy to read and entertain your spelling and grammar errors that cause your posts to be almot unreadalbe, but I'm not prepared to listen to the personal attacks against me. And I will also caution you to not resort to your profanity. If you persist with  what I see as bad behaviour then I will have no choice but to report you.

If any of that contained any points that you consider are worthy of a response then please restate them in an appropriate way. For example,

means nothing to any decent Canadian. You may need to be reminded that you're not talking down to a victim in some foreign country now, when you address me. 

Perhaps you should go back through your own posts and check for spelling mistakes, if mine are so unreadable perhaps you should either stop reading them or put me on ignore….As for my profanity, your going to have to grow a thicker skin , maybe you should re read the forum rules, or once again see my first statement....if it will make you happy then be all means report me....

Your not on here to debate anything , your here to troll. taking  up valuable band width, all you've done is make statements that are made to inflame not to add to the debate, you have not added one source that is valuable, or from a trusted source for that matter. Thats not how this forum is run sorry. 

Thanks for the reminder, any decent Canadian would not come on to a mostly conservative forum, announce that he is an extreme leftist and begin to attack everyone that did not agree with there out to lunch leftist ideals.....here are some examples. I like this one here you explain how conservatives are to stupid to understand how the country is being run or should be run according to snowflake ideals.....thats not a troll....

On ‎1‎/‎1‎/‎2019 at 8:03 PM, montgomery said:

I know all about how conservatism works. They appeal to the lowest in people. They don't understand rehabilitation in our prison system. They want revenge. They don't understand how universal health care needs to work, they want a two tiered system to give a leg up to the wealthy. They don't want equitable taxation, they want something like Supply side economics which is supposed to work by lowering the taxes of the wealthy. And in general, cons don't want anything good for the people of Canada that would resemble the happiest countries in the world. (find out who they are if you care) Cons want something similar to the US gongshow. 

Here we go once again this time comparing the Trump government to NAZI's and then saying that is where the cons are going to drag the rest of the country....thats not a troll.....

On ‎1‎/‎3‎/‎2019 at 4:40 PM, montgomery said:

I am definitely leftist and will probably be seen as extreme leftist by many. The Trump Nazi regime of the US has moved Canadians further right too. Scheer and the Cons will follow suit because they are likely aware of how it works so well with a large portion of the people. Hitler used the tactic on his people by demonizing the Jews, Trump uses it by demonizing people of colour and non-Christians. Scheer and his Conservatives are already definitely onto Muslims and Syrians or other people of the region.

Deficit 'for' maintenance and upgrading? Whst's that? Are you trying to say they aren't looking after their infrastructure as well as Canada? If so you're right. But how do you think we should limit access for some road or roads? 


Here you dail it in , and tell me I'm not smart enough to follow the few comments you have posted....thats not a troll.....

On ‎1‎/‎3‎/‎2019 at 8:40 PM, montgomery said:

Yes, I'm comparing Trump to Hitler but the way in whch I made the comparison was too complicated for you and went right over your head. Try to understand what I said and then bring it up again if you like. And I'll go one better too! I compare the US with it's 40 wars of aggression since WW2 as the closest to any regime since that war. The tens of millions the US has slaughtered throughout the world since WW2 is unequalled. If not for Russia/Putin they would be slaughtering people in Iran as we speak.

Blah, blah, blah.

Blah, blah, blah,

Blah, blah, blah.


I dint suggest that our health care system is in perfect working order. And I think you're making up your bad experience too. If you want to whine about it go ahead. I did make a comparison between the US system and ours. Ours is rated quite a bit higher and theirs is the worst of all the modern first world countries. Surely Shirley, you're not trying to say something good about that cluster----?

If you're really in the army I hope you aren't doing this on the public's dime.

just another troll message....

On ‎1‎/‎4‎/‎2019 at 12:44 AM, montgomery said:

Ask the Cons to build your limited access road the next time they're in power. They're more liable to stop all maintenance on what we already have. Which incidentally is quite fine the way it is. We may need something that will hadle higher volume after we allow ten million or so Chinese people into Canada! Far better than inviting lazy whiteys!

So Moon Pie ,Want some advice , either pack up your shit and move on, because nobody likes a troll.....or invite more of your leftists friends here and make this your new home....because the only thing conservatives like more than shooting shit and blowing stuff up is make liberals cry....

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It's not like infrastructure spending is a crime against humanity or whatever, it's just a classically flawed socialist centrally planned make work project, tactically expedient yet strategically countrerproductive, I tend to file it under the Anti Work Movement heading; "work is bullshit, jobs are jails", as it's just the liberal elites trying to keep people occupied in order to stave off a revolution against the established order,  but moreover, Canadians are totally naive as to how much of this money is going to end up in the pockets of organized crime which runs all construction in Canada, we're talking billions being skimmed off the top when you go big with centrally planned make work.   Then Canadians complain when the criminals start lighting people up on the streets with firearms, many of those firearms  bought with "infrastructure" money.  Basically just feathering the nests of the mafia, who will also be buying off police and politicians with it as well.


Flood the system with money by central planning; only a tiny fraction of it will end up where it was supposed to go.  We'd actually be better off if the socialists just stopped pretending to uphold the Protestant Work Ethnic and just handed the money to people for doing nothing, that would at least direct more of the money into the consumer economy rather than some mafia chieftains wall safe.

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20 hours ago, Dougie93 said:

It's not like infrastructure spending is a crime against humanity or whatever, it's just a classically flawed socialist centrally planned make work project, tactically expedient yet strategically countrerproductive, I tend to file it under the Anti Work Movement heading; "work is bullshit, jobs are jails", as it's just the liberal elites trying to keep people occupied in order to stave off a revolution against the established order,  but moreover, Canadians are totally naive as to how much of this money is going to end up in the pockets of organized crime which runs all construction in Canada, we're talking billions being skimmed off the top when you go big with centrally planned make work.   Then Canadians complain when the criminals start lighting people up on the streets with firearms, many of those firearms  bought with "infrastructure" money.  Basically just feathering the nests of the mafia, who will also be buying off police and politicians with it as well.


Flood the system with money by central planning; only a tiny fraction of it will end up where it was supposed to go.  We'd actually be better off if the socialists just stopped pretending to uphold the Protestant Work Ethnic and just handed the money to people for doing nothing, that would at least direct more of the money into the consumer economy rather than some mafia chieftains wall safe.

Ain't that a peach Dougie!

Work is bullshit, jobs are jails, Canadians are totally naive,  lighting up Canadians on the streets with guns, and so on!

Can you explain what all that is supposed to mean Dougie?

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Explain what?  Work is Bullshit, Jobs are Jails?  That's the doctrine of the Anti--Work Movement, asserting that "jobs" are really just self imprisonment restricting you from achieving your full potential, while keeping you occupied for most of your existence in order to preclude you from having the time and space to organize a revolt against the establishment power elites.

Governments, corporations, and unions, working in concert to waylay the masses with divide and conquer precarious make work fake work to keep them in line,

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9 minutes ago, Dougie93 said:

Explain what?  Work is Bullshit, Jobs are Jails?  That's the doctrine of the Anti--Work Movement, asserting that "jobs" are really just self imprisonment restricting you from achieving your full potential, while keeping you occupied for most of your existence in order to preclude you from having the time and space to organize a revolt against the establishment power elites.

Governments, corporations, and unions, working in concert to waylay the masses with divide and conquer precarious make work fake work to keep them in line,

Settle down a bit. Hateful rants are over the top for me. To begin with, corporations and unions are both a part of the free enterpise system to which we Canadians subscribe. Neither can be eliminated and especially not unions. They're part of capitalism and to suggest that unions should be eliminated is shades of fascism. It's one of my biggest criticisms of the Cons and their agenda of trodding on ordinary Canadians in order to fill the needs of the greedy 1%. 

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And to be clear, there's not much free enterprise in centrally planned make work fake work, it's all inclusive to the socialist welfare state gulag, and I'm only opposed to public sector unions, Jerry Diaz and Unifor can go fuck themselves, but in the end I'm not out to bring them down, they're doing that all by themselves, slowly perhaps, but surely.

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On 1/5/2019 at 12:02 AM, Dougie93 said:

Which part of  Canadian governance is not a mess?   It's all a mess, thus is the nature of Canadian governance, it's  been a bleeding open sore of boondoggles and bloated centrally planned nonsense since 1867, and yet somehow, were still here.   It's just money, folks, and,  newsflash;  money is not real. Money is just a state of mind.

How surprising to hear that from a Canadian Dougie! Most Canadians are usually bragging about Canada being the best country in the world in which to live. 

Are you a Canadian Dougie? And if you are then are your feelings against Canada just sour grapes because our government opposes the fascist, extreme right gongshow in the US right now? 

What is it really that you hate about Canada? Are we too colour blind in our attitudes toward people who aren't pure white and English speaking?

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9 minutes ago, montgomery said:

Are you a Canadian Dougie? And if you are then are your feelings against Canada just sour grapes because our government opposes the fascist, extreme right gongshow in the US right now?


Patently false....Canada's current government continues a long tradition of military and geo-political alignment with American policies.   NATO, NORAD, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Ukraine, Mali, Haiti, and many others...not very hard to find.

Even Canada's infrastructure spending/projects includes better access to the United States market that Canada depends on so much (Gordie Howe International Bridge).   Obama made Canada pay for all of it !

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I don't have a hate on for Confederation, I'm not hot about it, I'm ice cold about it, rational calculation, it no longer serves any purpose because it has utterly failed to serve the purpose for which it was created.  I'm not a rage guy, I'm more of a close with and destroy and otherwise patiently lying in wait for my opportunity in the meantime guy.

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Bear in mind, I'm not seeking to bring down the de facto nations within Confederation, I'm simply trying to free them, there will still be a Nova Scotia and an Alberta, but rather than being pseudo colonies as they are now, they would be their own Dominions like a mini Australia and a giant New Zealand.   It's no different than what the Scottish National Party is seeking in the UK, they're not saying that they want to get rid of the Queen, they just want to rid themselves of England.    Canadians would be much happier and more prosperous living in their own decentralized Dominions rather than as de facto colonies of Ontario, because they would be much easier to effectively govern to their local needs and desires without having to shoehorn them into this failed Confederation.

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15 minutes ago, Dougie93 said:

Bear in mind, I'm not seeking to bring down the de facto nations within Confederation, I'm simply trying to free them, there will still be a Nova Scotia and an Alberta, but rather than being pseudo colonies as they are now, they would be their own Dominions like a mini Australia and a giant New Zealand.   It's no different than what the Scottish National Party is seeking in the UK, they're not saying that they want to get rid of the Queen, they just want to rid themselves of England.    Canadians would be much happier and more prosperous living in their own decentralized Dominions rather than as de facto colonies of Ontario, because they would be much easier to effectively govern to their local needs and desires without having to shoehorn them into this failed Confederation.

Canada is a great success, but to know it is to love it.  I’m not sure you know it as well as you suggest.  The federal government is investing in Alberta right now.  All eyes are on the court and the government of BC to try to get Trans Mountain built.  Trudeau is commited to the extent of buying the thing. Alberta has a cyclical economy that’s heavily dependent on energy prices.  

Colony of Ontario?  How quaint.  Ottawa is a very different kind of place.  Have you visited it?  

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Canada is not a great success, America is a great success, Canada is the parasite which dines out on the Americans success, none the less, there is a divergence coming, the Americans will be pulling away from us, it has already started, and Ottawa can't even tie its own shoe laces, the provinces deliver all the services, the federal government simply collects the taxes and comes up with things like the Pheonix Pay System and buying rickety old fighter jets from Australia for $500 million.  

$500 million?  LOL! Jeebus the Aussies fleeced them.

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Donald Trump was exactly right, with a flick of the Americans wrist, they could tariff car parts from Canada and it would be the ruination of the nation, which is why he forced the Trudeaupians to cave and give him everything he wanted, which was really quite modest, the problem for Canada tho, is that Trump is just the beginning of what will be a long term divergence, the Americans no longer have any use for us, because we are useless to their hegemony, we have no military to speak of, and they don't need our oil anymore, so as they re-centralize their economy back to the CONUS, and with the onset of automation, the things which have been propping the Ottawa clown show up for so many decades, are about to go away.

I welcome it though, because the reason Canada has become such a lazy entitled and silly place, is because the Americans are subsidizing us.   It is going to be a crisis in Canada, but again, with crisis comes opportunity.

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On ‎1‎/‎6‎/‎2019 at 9:24 PM, Zeitgeist said:

Canada is a great success, but to know it is to love it.  I’m not sure you know it as well as you suggest.  The federal government is investing in Alberta right now.  All eyes are on the court and the government of BC to try to get Trans Mountain built.  Trudeau is commited to the extent of buying the thing. Alberta has a cyclical economy that’s heavily dependent on energy prices.  

Colony of Ontario?  How quaint.  Ottawa is a very different kind of place.  Have you visited it?  

Your right The feds are investing in Alberta, which traditional has been a "have lots" province paying more than it's share of Canada's overall GDP....and the FEDS decided  their new found generosity within their deep pockets to invest 1.6 bil, Albertans have been screaming for a couple of years now that they needed our help...just for some comparison how much does Que receive in equalization payments....how long did Bombardier wait for their bailout, and how much was it and how many do they employ.....Alberta has lost thousands of jobs already...and the Feds are just now investing....

Yes all eyes are on the trans mountain pipeline...and what a failure that has been, nobody is building any pipelines in BC , they simply don't want them and they don't give a shit about the rest of Canada wants or the fact we ALL are still hooked on fossil fuels with no alternative in sight....I and most Canadians would be extremely surprised if the liberals can jam through this pipeline in the next 5 years....

Buying this pipeline does in no way ensure it will get built, nor does it show commitment , if they had acted with due diligence before hand they would of not had to purchase it at all.

And while we are talking about pipelines, lets talk about the dead energy east....same problems....sounds like the tail is wagging the dog, why is that.... 



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7 minutes ago, Army Guy said:

Your right The feds are investing in Alberta, which traditional has been a "have lots" province paying more than it's share of Canada's overall GDP....and the FEDS decided  their new found generosity within their deep pockets to invest 1.6 bil, Albertans have been screaming for a couple of years now that they needed our help...just for some comparison how much does Que receive in equalization payments....how long did Bombardier wait for their bailout, and how much was it and how many do they employ.....Alberta has lost thousands of jobs already...and the Feds are just now investing....

Yes all eyes are on the trans mountain pipeline...and what a failure that has been, nobody is building any pipelines in BC , they simply don't want them and they don't give a shit about the rest of Canada wants or the fact we ALL are still hooked on fossil fuels with no alternative in sight....I and most Canadians would be extremely surprised if the liberals can jam through this pipeline in the next 5 years....

Buying this pipeline does in no way ensure it will get built, nor does it show commitment , if they had acted with due diligence before hand they would of not had to purchase it at all.

And while we are talking about pipelines, lets talk about the dead energy east....same problems....sounds like the tail is wagging the dog, why is that.... 



You can’t blame the feds for BC’s radical environmentalist government.  The feds have come to the party big time by buying the pipeline.  The next move is using the notwithstanding clause to overrule the courts, which I hope Trudeau has the balls to do.  He may not be the guy who can do it given his dad’s history with Alberta.  If Trudeau wants to surprise everyone, this is the time.  Energy East’s problem is Quebec’s not in my backyard stance.  

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46 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

You can’t blame the feds for BC’s radical environmentalist government.  The feds have come to the party big time by buying the pipeline.  The next move is using the notwithstanding clause to overrule the courts, which I hope Trudeau has the balls to do.  He may not be the guy who can do it given his dad’s history with Alberta.  If Trudeau wants to surprise everyone, this is the time.  Energy East’s problem is Quebec’s not in my backyard stance.  

Ya I can, you just said the Feds could use the notwithstanding clause....and yet they chose not to until this becomes a huge mess....Trudeau could have also sat down the premier and told him, funding for every other project in BC could dry up....like that new LG plant....there is lots Justin could have done....and made huge friends in Alberta by doing so, how much support do you think he has now....

Buying that pipe line was a waste of money, when there as you said other options that could have been used and used much earlier in the game.  

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You cannot use Section 33 (The Notwithstanding Clause) to ram through a pipeline, it can only be used to overrule certain sections of the charter related to individual rights, section 2, section 7, section 15, none of which covers refusing to allow a pipeline through.


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20 minutes ago, Dougie93 said:

You cannot use Section 33 (The Notwithstanding Clause) to ram through a pipeline, it can only be used to overrule certain sections of the charter related to individual rights, section 2, section 7, section 15, none of which covers refusing to allow a pipeline through.


You can if it gets a constitutional challenge with regard to federal jurisdiction.  Technically the feds could ram the pipeline through because it has right of federal jurisdiction to do so.  It could even take on Quebec.  It’s a matter of political manoeuvre.  If the government of BC can no longer afford to subsidize tuitions or provide ferry services, it might see the pipeline differently.  Pipelines that cross provincial boundaries come under federal jurisdiction and are regulated by the National Energy Board.  

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2 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

You can if it gets a constitutional challenge with regard to federal jurisdiction.  Technically the feds could ram the pipeline through because it has right of federal jurisdiction to do so.  It could even take on Quebec.  It’s a matter of political manoeuvre.  If the government of BC can no longer afford to subsidize tuitions or provide ferry services, it might see the pipeline differently.  

False.   Anybody can Google it in two seconds if they don't believe me.  Section 2, Section 7, Section 15,  are the only sections of the constitution which section 33 can be invoked to overrule, those sections are only about overruling individual rights, nowhere in section 33 does it say they can overrule a Province.  

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5 minutes ago, Dougie93 said:

False.   Anybody can Google it in two seconds if they don't believe me.  Section 2, Section 7, Section 15,  are the only sections of the constitution which section 33 can be invoked to overrule, those sections are only about overruling individual rights, nowhere in section 33 does it say they can overrule a Province.  

If the province doesn’t approve the pipeline, it will be overruled by a higher court in the basis of jurisdiction. Alberta could challenge BC on that basis. It’s not a notwithstanding clause matter unless BC tries to say that the pipeline trounces on a Charter right, which might happen on an environmental safety basis. It’s about whales right now. 

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