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If the world hates America, why doesn't the world destroy it?


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It is simple logic here.


I keep reading over and over on Quora and YouTube and this site and so many sites out there that America is EVIL and because of that, it is hated, If it is so evil, why doesn't the world put aside its differences, unite and then together attack and invade America and then divide its lands and give Mozambique California? After that, Pandora's Box will finally be closed  and the world can finally go back to the time before America when peace and tranquility ruled the world.


Guys..... seriously..... why hasn't the world done this yet?


Mind you, I have asked this question before and a lot of the responses I get are "America is destroying itself already, no need to interfere", Guys...... Germany and Japan were not defeated by wishing that they would collapse or chanting death to Germany and Japan or protesting or burning their flags or bombing their embassies or harassing their citizens.


Today Germany and Japan are both peaceful nations so why doesn't the world use the same strategy they used with Germany and Japan on America? Is it because America is too powerful? Is it because the world is too afraid? Which is it?




Edited by romeoromeo
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13 hours ago, romeoromeo said:

Guys..... seriously..... why hasn't the world done this yet?

It's because the world doesn't hate America.  They quite like it, really.  Oh, they might not be too keen on Trump and such, but they know he's not going to last forever. 

Edited by bcsapper
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9 hours ago, bcsapper said:

It's because the world doesn't hate America.  They quite like it, really.  Oh, they might not be too keen on Trump and such, but they know he's not going to last forever. 

NO! According to people over on Youtube and Quora everyone hates it and it doesn't matter who's in charge!

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8 hours ago, romeoromeo said:

NO! According to people over on Youtube and Quora everyone hates it and it doesn't matter who's in charge!

Nonsense.The world is addicted to America. Its a love hate dependency. They resent America but they love everything American. Hip hop, Big Macs, Coke,  on and on Yankee imperialist colonialist materialism has swept the world via cell phone and internet and the most radical of terrorists drinks coke and has a Big Mac before they go out to kill innocent people.

People resent the US. They resent it because it has all the things people of the world think they want and can't have.

The US is I suppose in one sense the great Satan tempting the masses with its world of materialism and instant gratification through self indulgence. In another sense, the very people that criticize it would never stop drinking Coke or Pepsi.

I think to say the US is hated world wide is a generalization. People hate period. We hate everything depending on who you ask and why. Please don't tell me China or Russia or Britain are more popular. Hell the most hated country in the world is probably Israel when it should be Iran, North Korea, Saudi Arabia, and many others.

There is no accounting for peoples' tastes but here is the true test. How is it, if the US is so hated, it is always and has always been the no.1 destination for immigrants and still is by far?

Warts and all, I would live in the US before all countries in the world other than Canada or Tonga of course.


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11 hours ago, Rue said:

Nonsense.The world is addicted to America. Its a love hate dependency. They resent America but they love everything American. Hip hop, Big Macs, Coke,  on and on Yankee imperialist colonialist materialism has swept the world via cell phone and internet and the most radical of terrorists drinks coke and has a Big Mac before they go out to kill innocent people.

People resent the US. They resent it because it has all the things people of the world think they want and can't have.

The US is I suppose in one sense the great Satan tempting the masses with its world of materialism and instant gratification through self indulgence. In another sense, the very people that criticize it would never stop drinking Coke or Pepsi.

I think to say the US is hated world wide is a generalization. People hate period. We hate everything depending on who you ask and why. Please don't tell me China or Russia or Britain are more popular. Hell the most hated country in the world is probably Israel when it should be Iran, North Korea, Saudi Arabia, and many others.

There is no accounting for peoples' tastes but here is the true test. How is it, if the US is so hated, it is always and has always been the no.1 destination for immigrants and still is by far?

Warts and all, I would live in the US before all countries in the world other than Canada or Tonga of course.


Right on. We're certainly not the only country, or the first, to do the imperialist colonialist materialist thingy.

The Arabs boycotted Coke (the six day war fallout) but only because they could still drink Pepsi.

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Yanks are hated for reasons of envy.  That, and their vocal support of their version of freedom, foreign policy, economic management and government.   BUT, we have missed the really  big reason: the largest export of the USA is entertainment, so the ability of Hollywood to communicate rubs the nose of the rest of the world in US pop culture and overall wealth.

As has been mentioned, everyone hates.   I love the US for most reasons, but hate it for being the home of the most egregious of human activities - speculative finance.  That and giving the authority of the de facto central bank to private interests.   Similarly, I love Canada for most reasons, but hate it for its wimpy deferral to the left and lack of entrepreneurial spirit and infrastructure.

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15 hours ago, cannuck said:

Yanks are hated for reasons of envy.  That, and their vocal support of their version of freedom, foreign policy, economic management and government.   BUT, we have missed the really  big reason: the largest export of the USA is entertainment, so the ability of Hollywood to communicate rubs the nose of the rest of the world in US pop culture and overall wealth.

As has been mentioned, everyone hates.   I love the US for most reasons, but hate it for being the home of the most egregious of human activities - speculative finance.  That and giving the authority of the de facto central bank to private interests.   Similarly, I love Canada for most reasons, but hate it for its wimpy deferral to the left and lack of entrepreneurial spirit and infrastructure.


Yeah but according to YouTube and Quora it is not envy.


And before you question Quora, know that it is a site full of successful entrepreneurs, people with successful careers, PhD's, master degrees and those who love to travel and have seen the world.

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On 12/9/2018 at 7:59 AM, cannuck said:

Yanks are hated for reasons of envy.  That, and their vocal support of their version of freedom, foreign policy, economic management and government.   BUT, we have missed the really  big reason: the largest export of the USA is entertainment, so the ability of Hollywood to communicate rubs the nose of the rest of the world in US pop culture and overall wealth.

As has been mentioned, everyone hates.   I love the US for most reasons, but hate it for being the home of the most egregious of human activities - speculative finance.  That and giving the authority of the de facto central bank to private interests.   Similarly, I love Canada for most reasons, but hate it for its wimpy deferral to the left and lack of entrepreneurial spirit and infrastructure.

One also wonders how I would be reacted to abroad if I took an interest in foreign politics. If I commented on a German election or party in Germany, even if I proved knowledgeable about it, would anyone tell me "Mind your own damn business, Yank?" (Only using Germany as an example, any country will do.) Yet of course, when my sister and her fiance went to the UK, every time they heard the American accent it was "Oh you're Americans! You're not voting for Trump are ya?"

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On 12/7/2018 at 1:02 AM, romeoromeo said:

It is simple logic here.


I keep reading over and over on Quora and YouTube and this site and so many sites out there that America is EVIL and because of that, it is hated, If it is so evil, why doesn't the world put aside its differences, unite and then together attack and invade America and then divide its lands and give Mozambique California? After that, Pandora's Box will finally be closed  and the world can finally go back to the time before America when peace and tranquility ruled the world.


Guys..... seriously..... why hasn't the world done this yet?


Mind you, I have asked this question before and a lot of the responses I get are "America is destroying itself already, no need to interfere", Guys...... Germany and Japan were not defeated by wishing that they would collapse or chanting death to Germany and Japan or protesting or burning their flags or bombing their embassies or harassing their citizens.


Today Germany and Japan are both peaceful nations so why doesn't the world use the same strategy they used with Germany and Japan on America? Is it because America is too powerful? Is it because the world is too afraid? Which is it?




No offense, but that's the most ridiculous comment that has flown around so far. "Peace" was IMPOSED on Japan and Germany by military force, of the most extreme kind. Modern Japan is largely the product of the American "Shogun" Douglas MacArthur.

So, you think the world should drop nuclear bombs on America, too?

There was no "peace and tranquility" before or after (or during) the time America "ruled the world". Nothing has change, and after America is no more, it will be SSDD.

Let me tell you why the world hasn't destroyed America. America has 10,000 nuclear warheads with competent, state of the art delivery systems. Do you want a nation with that capability degenerating into chaos?

Here's a few more facts that you have missed.

Three U.S. presidents were awarded Nobel Peace Prizes, and two Secretaries of State, the same. (Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, Barack Obama, Hnery Kissinger, and George C. Marshall, formerly a general in WWII.)

That's the country the world would want to blow off the map?

Edited by JamesHackerMP
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11 hours ago, JamesHackerMP said:

Three U.S. presidents were awarded Nobel Peace Prizes, and two Secretaries of State, the same. (Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, Barack Obama, Hnery Kissinger, and George C. Marshall, formerly a general in WWII.)


To be fair, Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for no particular reason. He was nominated for the prize only days after taking office and well before his regime had an opportunity to implement any kind of foreign policy agenda. Some view it as having been a politically motivated repudiation of G.W. Bush's regime. The director of the Norwegian Nobel Institute later commented that he believed awarding the prize to Obama in 2009 had been a mistake. It's notable that Obama is among a very select group of leaders who've won the Nobel Peace Prize prior to or shortly after taking office, one of the others being Aung San Suu Kyi - which is clearly not an enviable comparison.

That said, I tend to believe that most of the world has no interest in getting rid of the U.S. despite its sometimes imperious and irritating behavior. It remains the world's most important and powerful democracy and for all its faults is still relied upon for its leadership and in many instances assistance. It is overwhelmingly the first choice of those who wish to emigrate from their homelands and its popular culture is globally influential. It's almost impossible to imagine a world without the U.S., which is why most people have no interest in seeing it disappear.

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  • 3 years later...
On 12/7/2018 at 8:02 AM, romeoromeo said:

It is simple logic here.


I keep reading over and over on Quora and YouTube and this site and so many sites out there that America is EVIL and because of that, it is hated, If it is so evil, why doesn't the world put aside its differences, unite and then together attack and invade America and then divide its lands and give Mozambique California? After that, Pandora's Box will finally be closed  and the world can finally go back to the time before America when peace and tranquility ruled the world.


Guys..... seriously..... why hasn't the world done this yet?


Mind you, I have asked this question before and a lot of the responses I get are "America is destroying itself already, no need to interfere", Guys...... Germany and Japan were not defeated by wishing that they would collapse or chanting death to Germany and Japan or protesting or burning their flags or bombing their embassies or harassing their citizens.


Today Germany and Japan are both peaceful nations so why doesn't the world use the same strategy they used with Germany and Japan on America? Is it because America is too powerful? Is it because the world is too afraid? Which is it?




I can recommend to read the book The Why Do People Hate America? (with Merryl Wyn Davies). American corporations and popular culture affect the lives and infect the indigenous cultures of millions around the world. The foreign policy of the US government, backed by its military strength, has unprecedented global influence now that the USA is the world’s only superpower – its first ‘hyperpower’.

Edited by nickjoky
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There is a lot of US hating bigotry.  Why people don't see it as such is what boggles me.  We all know them.  Some of good friends like to remind my American wife how horrible the USA is, which pisses me off as not only rude but quite condescending.  Sadly she went native when she became Canadian.  Canadians have an unusual inferiority complex when it comes to the USA.  They cry about Americans not knowing much about Canada but then get mad when Canada gets noticed - but not in positive terms.  Frankly Americans don't give two shits about Canada.  There is nothing unusual about that.  How much thought does the average Indian give to Bangladesh?  

I've met Americans and the most of them (outside Butte MO, and Portland OR) are decent enough people.  The biggest azzhole I met that were American were liberal Mormons from Massachusetts who moved to Canada for a stint.  Probably didn't help he was a University professors.  Not a huge fan of draft dodgers either.  It's not the draft dodging but how much enmity they have for their old homeland.

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On 12/9/2018 at 4:59 AM, cannuck said:

Yanks are hated for reasons of envy.  That, and their vocal support of their version of freedom, foreign policy, economic management and government.   BUT, we have missed the really  big reason: the largest export of the USA is entertainment, so the ability of Hollywood to communicate rubs the nose of the rest of the world in US pop culture and overall wealth.

As has been mentioned, everyone hates.   I love the US for most reasons, but hate it for being the home of the most egregious of human activities - speculative finance.  That and giving the authority of the de facto central bank to private interests.   Similarly, I love Canada for most reasons, but hate it for its wimpy deferral to the left and lack of entrepreneurial spirit and infrastructure.

Jean Francois Revel.  "Anti-Americanism".  A good book to understand anti-Americanism.  It is nothing new.  French English and Russians elites had nothing but scorn for America a couple hundred years ago.  

There is nothing anyone can do about it because the USA spends more than the whole world combined on defense.  I hate to admit it but that makes Alexander Hamilton correct in choosing federalism over confederalism.  

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19 minutes ago, nickjoky said:

I can recommend to read the book The Why Do People Hate America? (with Merryl Wyn Davies). American corporations and popular culture affect the lives and infect the indigenous cultures of millions around the world. The foreign policy of the US government, backed by its military strength, has unprecedented global influence now that the USA is the world’s only superpower – its first ‘hyperpower’.

I remember being 18 in history class and I was the only one who would stand up against the sort of "history" we were taught.  We were basically taught that the US was the root of all evil.  It was really the Russians who defeated the NAZIs as the Americans were Johnny come latelies.  The US was one big screw up, except for Wilson and FDR.  And Vietnam?  That was one huge hate fest I tell you.  We had a science teacher who was a draft dodger that came to class as a guest speaker.  LOL.  You think CANADIANS hate Americans. Talk to a draft dodger.  

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On 12/7/2018 at 5:02 PM, romeoromeo said:

It is simple logic here.


I keep reading over and over on Quora and YouTube and this site and so many sites out there that America is EVIL and because of that, it is hated, If it is so evil, why doesn't the world put aside its differences, unite and then together attack and invade America and then divide its lands and give Mozambique California? After that, Pandora's Box will finally be closed  and the world can finally go back to the time before America when peace and tranquility ruled the world.


Guys..... seriously..... why hasn't the world done this yet?


Mind you, I have asked this question before and a lot of the responses I get are "America is destroying itself already, no need to interfere", Guys...... Germany and Japan were not defeated by wishing that they would collapse or chanting death to Germany and Japan or protesting or burning their flags or bombing their embassies or harassing their citizens.


Today Germany and Japan are both peaceful nations so why doesn't the world use the same strategy they used with Germany and Japan on America? Is it because America is too powerful? Is it because the world is too afraid? Which is it?




The problem is not in America, but in the Anglo Khazarian elite that rules America and that largely rules the world.
Thanks to the huge printing of US dollars, the Anglo-Khazar corporate fascist banking elite took control of the entire Western world.

Like Ukraine, Canada and America urgently need Anglo-Khazarian denazification to prevent genocide against the oppressed non-AngloSaxon Canadian population, as has happened to the natives in the past.
Russia and China can definitely help in that noble mission.

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Don't forget that every so often, there is an attempt to begin taking out America. September 11. Bombing of American military ship USS Cole. America has also a history of belligerent foreign policy such as its support for coups and dictators in Central and South America such as Pinochet, and embargo against Cuba.

But, like has been said, overall American products, trade and innovation are beneficial even if only in some cases for self-indulgence. Also remember that the internet and much IT and scientific innovation are largely courtesy of America.

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Biden will do lots of damage and get taken out on his shield, or maybe stretcher.  Unless the evidence on Hunter's laptop is so damaging that Big Joe gets hurt by it as well.  What comes after, now there's a question for the ages.  Personally, I think that Americans are too arrogant to go quietly into the night.  One thing is certain.  Everything that can shake will shake, as some are saying.  In other words, it ain't near over. 

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On 3/18/2022 at 9:50 PM, CITIZEN_2015 said:

News flash. The world hates Russia not America.

The world? MSM in US-Europe may hate Putin - but Putin is not Russia.


I reckon that ordinary Russians will manage. Indeed, given this modern world, I suspect that ordinary Russians would manage better than ordinary Americans or any West European.


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On 3/18/2022 at 3:44 AM, 500channelsurfer said:

Don't forget that every so often, there is an attempt to begin taking out America. September 11. Bombing of American military ship USS Cole. America has also a history of belligerent foreign policy such as its support for coups and dictators in Central and South America such as Pinochet, and embargo against Cuba.

But, like has been said, overall American products, trade and innovation are beneficial even if only in some cases for self-indulgence. Also remember that the internet and much IT and scientific innovation are largely courtesy of America.

It makes sense

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