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Terrorist Attack in Pittsburgh

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6 minutes ago, Rue said:

You are not someone. I specifically call you outvasca neo Nazi KKK supporter, no one else. You have admitted as such and I challenge your bigotry. Stop trying to hide behind the word someone as if I've ever to you in general terms. I do not. You may believe you are more than one person, but you are not.

Next, the reference to me as  "people like you",  do you mean Jews, people with large penises, who exactly... I think you gave me confused with one of your recreational web sites. Just saying.

Do I need to go as far as to call you a liar? You have not produced one word as to where I have admitted anywhere that I am a Nazi or a KKK member? Show me something or else you are once again showing me that you enjoy lying to try and get your lies across. I am challenging your bigotry and intolerance because that is all you keep showing me here. So what word should I use besides "someone"? I know that this will frighten you but there really are a lot of patriotic nationalist Canadians out there than what you think there are. Conservatives are not all that stunned and stupid as most Canadians like you want others to believe. It's real and true conservatives that have made the world great and prosperous and have allowed people like you to enjoy your right to freedom of insults and attacks. LOL. 

That ilk that "people like you" belong too and who constantly enjoy showing their bigotry and hatred and intolerance towards others whom they disagree with. C'mon. you know who that is? It's so easy-peasy. Did I "gave" you confused? Cool. I just love those recreational websites that I enjoy visiting. They always like to talk about all the weirdos that inhabit the earth. Just saying. :P 


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23 minutes ago, eyeball said:

He also means skookum members like me rue. There's not the slightest doubt about who or what taxme is.

O.k. skookum but all that did was make me wanna hug you. On a cheerier note, the last few days has brought out unified responses articulated by Christians and Muslims and others  to Jewish people and it means a lot. It's sad we need tragedies to make us come together. It is a he'll of a way to achieve equality.

Edited by Rue
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21 hours ago, Rue said:

I respectfully  disagree with the last paragraph and strongly agree with the first two. I would contend he has used couched words to rally bigots. He uses the exact tactic of Hitler and that is defining scapegoats and calling on people to vote based on a shared hatred of those scapegoats. That is clear, it's open, and he's been called out on it by Republicans like Mitt Romney in the US but unfortunately not enough of them. I believe Trump is a hateful man using rhetoric to incite rage. To ignore that in his speeches is pointless. You think a man who says barbed wire is a wonderful thing when seen going up and used properly is not using terms Jewish people recoil from ? What next a speech on how to use cyanide responsibly?

Trump is inciting hatred to get voters out. He does not appeal with positive visions. He uses negative fear mongering. His sole platform is to hate immigrants and blame crime and anything bad on immigrants, Democrats, the press, China, Canadian dairy farmers, and whoever else is the target of the day on his Twitter. He is a classic hate monger.

That said I find no difference between him and trendy leftists. They use the same tactics and stereotyping. He is not a positive role model. He is to politics what crude porn is to film making. 

I never heard the comment about the barbed wire, that must be new. 

I would never call Trump classy, a role model, or a thoughtful speaker, but I don’t think he’s a “dog whistler” either. Again, subtlety isn’t his thing. 

Dems are the all-time champions of using fear mongering and sowing division to get votes. 

CNN and the Dems started all this with the Trayvon Martin thing and the Michael Brown thing. CNN saw the gobs of money that they coukd make, the Dems saw the sharp division it created between them and the Republicans. They both saw it as a tool to get the Dems elected. They thought that extreme polarization would provide enough smoke to fool voters into just believing everything they say but luckily for the world, enough Americans saw through it last time at the polls. 

Right now CNN and the Dems are both doing everything they can to cash in on these dead people in Pittsburgh. It’s utterly pathetic and disgusting to see them scramble to label Trump anti-Semitic, in the face of all logic, just for their own cause. 

Trump always takes the bait and swings back. He’s a bit overreactive, but right now the entire world is behaving like there’s an overreactive US president. 

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21 hours ago, Rue said:

I respectfully  disagree with the last paragraph and strongly agree with the first two. I would contend he has used couched words to rally bigots. He uses the exact tactic of Hitler and that is defining scapegoats and calling on people to vote based on a shared hatred of those scapegoats. That is clear, it's open, and he's been called out on it by Republicans like Mitt Romney in the US but unfortunately not enough of them. I believe Trump is a hateful man using rhetoric to incite rage. To ignore that in his speeches is pointless. You think a man who says barbed wire is a wonderful thing when seen going up and used properly is not using terms Jewish people recoil from ? What next a speech on how to use cyanide responsibly?

Trump is inciting hatred to get voters out. He does not appeal with positive visions. He uses negative fear mongering. His sole platform is to hate immigrants and blame crime and anything bad on immigrants, Democrats, the press, China, Canadian dairy farmers, and whoever else is the target of the day on his Twitter. He is a classic hate monger.

That said I find no difference between him and trendy leftists. They use the same tactics and stereotyping. He is not a positive role model. He is to politics what crude porn is to film making. 

I never heard the comment about the barbed wire, that must be new. 

I would never call Trump classy, a role model, or a thoughtful speaker, but I don’t think he’s a “dog whistler” either. Again, subtlety isn’t his thing. 

Dems are the all-time champions of using fear mongering and sowing division to get votes. 

CNN and the Dems started all this with the Trayvon Martin thing and the Michael Brown thing. CNN saw the gobs of money that they coukd make, the Dems saw the sharp division it created between them and the Republicans. They both saw it as a tool to get the Dems elected. They thought that extreme polarization would provide enough smoke to fool voters into just believing everything they say but luckily for the world, enough Americans saw through it last time at the polls. 

Right now CNN and the Dems are both doing everything they can to cash in on these dead people in Pittsburgh. It’s utterly pathetic and disgusting to see them scramble to label Trump anti-Semitic, in the face of all logic, just for their own cause. 

Trump always takes the bait and swings back. He’s a bit overreactive, but right now the entire world is behaving like there’s an overreactive US president. 

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21 hours ago, eyeball said:

Accurate criticism of Israel without hate isn't.

You keep stressing that Trudeau made hate speech legal, can you please show us the legislation Ottawa passed that did this, especially the part that legalized it in the US?

I would have thought so too.

I said fanning political fury not racist rhetoric.  You really need to pay better attention to what words mean especially the ones you're using to make your point.

And who do you see making accurate criticism against Israel? It sure as hell isn’t you. You fail to acknowledge that they’re up to their eyeballs in terrorists. 


Trudeau’s actions made hate speech ok. Peachy keen. Alllllllright. No big d. Get it? A leader in a religious community cane out and called fir genocide against another religion and Trudeau officially shrugged it off. That’s a huge problem. You’d care about it if it happened to muslims. It didn’t. You don’t. 


Semantics? You’re busy defending calls for genocide and you’re trying to get me on semantics? Get a grip. 

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On 11/2/2018 at 4:42 PM, taxme said:

The Jewish people still hold plenty of animosity towards all Germans and Christians alike today. Christians have and are still being attacked in Israel many times. The German people that were born after the war are still being shown animosity against them today even though the ones born after the war had nothing to do with what Hitler was supposed to have done to the Jews. Real Christians already know and what the real story is and who was to blame for Christ's death. Truth cannot be denied. It's in the Bible, mate. :rolleyes: 


Christians who stick to religious rules and rituals are as bad as the Pharasees who called for his Christ's in the first place. 

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6 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

And who do you see making accurate criticism against Israel? It sure as hell isn’t you. You fail to acknowledge that they’re up to their eyeballs in terrorists. 


Trudeau’s actions made hate speech ok. Peachy keen. Alllllllright. No big d. Get it? A leader in a religious community cane out and called fir genocide against another religion and Trudeau officially shrugged it off. That’s a huge problem. You’d care about it if it happened to muslims. It didn’t. You don’t. 


Semantics? You’re busy defending calls for genocide and you’re trying to get me on semantics? Get a grip. 

We have certain members here who call others anti-semite for talking about Israel in any fashion. Trudeau did not make hate speech legal. And nothing eyeball puts forth can be considered anti-semetic.

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35 minutes ago, Boges said:

Bashing Israel is as anti-Jewish as Yokels who think that Jews are bringing in Mexicans to replace them. 

Criticing Isreal for its government sanctioned policies toward Palestine is no more anti-semitic than crticizing Islam for its Koran-inspired patriarchy is Islamophobic. 

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1 minute ago, Boges said:

Watch the Video? 

I watched the video, but not sure what one was to get out of it. 

'Do you want our future to be American carnage, or do you want our future of what the founders talked about. We can be the new Jerusalem again. We can renew the tree of liberty and this week woke me up to that in a way that nothing in the past two years has.'

American carnage happens all the time, in America and abroad.

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26 minutes ago, GostHacked said:

We have certain members here who call others anti-semite for talking about Israel in any fashion. Trudeau did not make hate speech legal. And nothing eyeball puts forth can be considered anti-semetic.

There are anti-Semites here, and I will take you up on the challenge of whether or not eyeball makes anti-Semitic comments here when I have more time. 

The important thing for you to take away from this thread is that Trudeau literally did make hateful and dangerous anti-Semitism in Canada perfectly a-ok. 

If you can follow: 1) Trudeau is known around Canada and worldwide as an enormous virtue signaller and the condemner of all things that are even slightly off-colour. 2) When a leader, not just a random lone wolf piece of crap but A LEADER in a major religious community in Canada made a call for genocide against Jews, Trudeau did not address it AT ALL. He had to be asked by the leader of the opposition to specifically address it and condemn it and still he sharply refused. So what we have is the world’s foremost condemner of baddies officially taking the stance that holding a hate rally to publicly call for genocide against Jews isn’t that big of a deal. It’s perfectly fine.


We all know that legality doesn’t always rise to the level of morality or decency. It was “legal” for the imam to preach hate, and I have no doubt he always has and he always will. It was however, extremely amoral and a threat to our entire value system for that speech to go unchecked, unchallenged. Canada, under Trudeau, bore a stark resemblance to Iran for a while and you should be furious about that. 

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2 minutes ago, GostHacked said:

I watched the video, but not sure what one was to get out of it. 

'Do you want our future to be American carnage, or do you want our future of what the founders talked about. We can be the new Jerusalem again. We can renew the tree of liberty and this week woke me up to that in a way that nothing in the past two years has.'

American carnage happens all the time, in America and abroad.

More directly in reference to how the only Jewish nation takes a disproportionate level of criticism for defending itself. Perhaps because they're Jewish and, for some reason, people on the Right and Left don't like Jews. 

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49 minutes ago, Boges said:

A moving interview by Bill Maher. Jews take it from both the Right and the Left. Liberals can't hold the high-ground on Anti-Semitism. Bashing Israel is as anti-Jewish as Yokels who think that Jews are bringing in Mexicans to replace them. 


The whole thing about “Jews are behind the caravan” is a CNN-based attempt to blame Trump for the killings in Pittsburgh. They really need to ramp up division before the mid-terms and it should never surprise anyone when Dems and CNN attempt to divide Americans. 

You can hate Trump all you want for putting America first (even though that’s technically his JOB) but how do you feel about the Democrats continually sowing division within the country? 

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1 minute ago, WestCanMan said:

The whole thing about “Jews are behind the caravan” is a CNN-based attempt to blame Trump for the killings in Pittsburgh. They really need to ramp up division before the mid-terms and it should never surprise anyone when Dems and CNN attempt to divide Americans. 

You can hate Trump all you want for putting America first (even though that’s technically his JOB) but how do you feel about the Democrats continually sowing division within the country? 

It's Trump who's talking about the Caravan 24-7, not the Dems. They want to ensure people keep their Healthcare. 

The shooter was most certainly inspired by coverage of the Caravan. And who's talking about the Caravan most? Making people fear women and children trying to escape violence? It's Trump. 

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5 minutes ago, Boges said:

It's Trump who's talking about the Caravan 24-7, not the Dems. They want to ensure people keep their Healthcare. 

The shooter was most certainly inspired by coverage of the Caravan. And who's talking about the Caravan most? Making people fear women and children trying to escape violence? It's Trump. 

Where do you have proof that the shooter’s murder spree was because of the caravan?

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1 minute ago, WestCanMan said:

Where do you have proof that the shooter’s murder spree was because of the caravan?





But the particular moment he (allegedly) chose for his massacre, and the place he chose to do it, show that what radicalized the assailant to the point of violence was a specific manifestation of anti-Semitism: blaming Jews in America for bringing in an invasion of nonwhite immigrants who would slaughter the white race.

His last post on the pro-hate-speech social-media site Gab, posted minutes before the synagogue massacre, spells it out — with a reference to HIAS, the Jewish nonprofit that resettles refugees in the United States:

HIAS likes to bring invaders that kill our people.

I can’t sit by and watch my people get slaughtered.

Screw your optics, I’m going in.

The obsession that appears to have tipped the gunman over the edge was a conspiracy theory insinuating that the migrant caravan currently making its way through southern Mexico, and which President Donald Trump and conservative media have treated as an existential threat to the United States, is a Jewish plot.



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17 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

There are anti-Semites here, and I will take you up on the challenge of whether or not eyeball makes anti-Semitic comments here when I have more time. 

I shall give you an eternity and you will not find anything that I or eyeball has posted as anti-semetic.

17 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

The important thing for you to take away from this thread is that Trudeau literally did make hateful and dangerous anti-Semitism in Canada perfectly a-ok. 

How the hell does one connect Trudeau to this incident in the USA? Baffling.

17 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

If you can follow: 1) Trudeau is known around Canada and worldwide as an enormous virtue signaller and the condemner of all things that are even slightly off-colour. 2) When a leader, not just a random lone wolf piece of crap but A LEADER in a major religious community in Canada made a call for genocide against Jews, Trudeau did not address it AT ALL. He had to be asked by the leader of the opposition to specifically address it and condemn it and still he sharply refused. So what we have is the world’s foremost condemner of baddies officially taking the stance that holding a hate rally to publicly call for genocide against Jews isn’t that big of a deal. It’s perfectly fine.

Oh I follow,  and have already said that Trudeau is a hyperventilating SJW pussy. It would help to understand my position before you start attacking it.


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22 minutes ago, Boges said:

More directly in reference to how the only Jewish nation takes a disproportionate level of criticism for defending itself. Perhaps because they're Jewish and, for some reason, people on the Right and Left don't like Jews. 

I fail to see how that reference was made. And Israel gets criticism for a lot of things. Many arguments are valid. But that has never stopped some from throwing those un-based accusations at others.

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14 minutes ago, Boges said:

And did Trump blame Jews for the caravan?

Trump openly blamed Democrats for the caravan, never Jews.

References to George Soros are not references to Jews as a whole. If you’re not a bigot you should understand that.

It’s a little late for CNN et al to be connecting dots after they failed to take responsibility for the shootings and physical attacks on Republicans. They supported all the rioting and looting under Obama’s presidency, then they supported the calls for violence against Trump and the Whitehouse, now they have a nasty mess on their hands. 

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2 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

And did Trump blame Jews for the caravan?

Trump openly blamed Democrats for the caravan, never Jews.

References to George Soros are not references to Jews as a whole. If you’re not a bigot you should understand that.

It’s a little late for CNN et al to be connecting dots after they failed to take responsibility for the shootings and physical attacks on Republicans. They supported all the rioting and looting under Obama’s presidency, then they supported the calls for violence against Trump and the Whitehouse, now they have a nasty mess on their hands. 

Keep your head in the sand I guess. 

It's the type of hatred for brown people that Trump delves into. He knows a great swath of his base are racist White Nationalists. So he gives them this to get all worked up about. 

The Dems weren't in power the past two years. If anyone is to blame for the Caravan, it's Trump and the Republicans. It's been documented that Obama deported many people who were here illegally. 

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20 minutes ago, GostHacked said:

I shall give you an eternity and you will not find anything that I or eyeball has posted as anti-semetic.

How the hell does one connect Trudeau to this incident in the USA? Baffling.

Oh I follow,  and have already said that Trudeau is a hyperventilating SJW pussy. It would help to understand my position before you start attacking it.


I will find plenty. 


The connection to Trudeau was made several posts back. Try to keep up. Refresher - the rush was on for Democrats to politicize these deaths, like all others, and they started openly accusing Trump of being anti-Semitic and used that unsubstantiated allegation as the basis for the claim Trump was the reason for this type of violence hatred. I madeallegations against Dems and Liberals which were entirely supported by well-known and easily referenced facts. 


You challenged me to support my claim that Trudeau made hate speech legal. I said he that he did something far worse - he made it acceptable by outright refusing to condemn it in it’s worst form. 

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5 minutes ago, Boges said:

Keep your head in the sand I guess. 

It's the type of hatred for brown people that Trump delves into. He knows a great swath of his base are racist White Nationalists. So he gives them this to get all worked up about. 

The Dems weren't in power the past two years. If anyone is to blame for the Caravan, it's Trump and the Republicans. It's been documented that Obama deported many people who were here illegally. 

Head in the sand? 

Get a life boges. You know that everything you say is 100% biased with large helpings of disingenousness and ignorance. Where did Trump ever speak or act out against brown people?

The caravan IS the result of the Dems saying over and over again, in many different ways, that the border and legal US citizenship don’t mean squat. Why would they go all that way if they didn’t hear the Dems rolling out the welcome mat?

Sanctuary cities, abolish ice, no id for voting, voting rights for illegals, etc, etc. That’s why people are walking thousands of miles. The Dems are championing their cause. It’s pretty hard to argue that, and I’d love to see you make an equally strong argument that Trump is the reason lol. “He’s sending the army to greet us! Yay!”

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