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Is Trudeau saying most Canadians are racists?

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27 minutes ago, ReeferMadness said:

Your map shows the USA, where white supremacists regularly hold marches and rallies, as one of the least racist places on Earth.  if that's true, we're all in big trouble.

You go ahead and point the finger at other countries.  There are plenty of racists right here in Canada.  When we run out, then I'll point the finger elsewhere.

I doubt you will ever run out of people to call 'racist'. Your standard for the term is awfully low, after all.

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2 hours ago, ReeferMadness said:

Your map shows the USA, where white supremacists regularly hold marches and rallies, as one of the least racist places on Earth.  if that's true, we're all in big trouble.

You go ahead and point the finger at other countries.  There are plenty of racists right here in Canada.  When we run out, then I'll point the finger elsewhere.

I think it's just that we don't have as many as other places, and those that we do have aren't as nasty.  Why not point the finger anyway?


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On 8/30/2018 at 1:40 PM, ReeferMadness said:

Trudeau was acknowledging the fact that racists and racism exists in Canada.  And it should be called out.

If that makes you sputter, deny and rationalize, chances are that you're a racist.

Racism is everywhere and is happening on earth every day. So what, who cares anymore? No one can stop racism. Trudeau is like most politicians. When they cannot win an argument than out comes the racist word bull shit line. Real racism should be called out. There is plenty of racism going on in Canada but the left wing liberal media only chooses as to which racist story gets to be heard and which one does not get to be heard. It all depends on the Canadian media and as to which race and culture one belongs too and who will be portrayed as the racist.  

We all have a bit of racism in us. Some keep it inside them while others let it all out. I have my own biases and prejudices and I guess then that I must be considered to be a racist of some kind then. But ask me if I care? NOPE. Being called a racist does not bother or scare me. And if you do call me a racist by chance then you bloody well better be prepared to back it up. Works for me. :D

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2 hours ago, ReeferMadness said:

Your map shows the USA, where white supremacists regularly hold marches and rallies, as one of the least racist places on Earth.  if that's true, we're all in big trouble.

You go ahead and point the finger at other countries.  There are plenty of racists right here in Canada.  When we run out, then I'll point the finger elsewhere.

The numbers of white supremacists in North America are so small that they are not even worth mentioning. I can find a lot more racism going on against white people though in America by black racists and in Canada by native Indian racists and their racism towards white people. If America or Canada were such racist countries then can you tell me as to why both countries take in more non-white immigrants than white immigrants? Is it because we just want more non-white immigrants around so that we can shout racial slurs at them? I think not.

But I will say this and that is that if white people are going to be continually accused of being racists then one day that just may happen. As one person said one time "don't make the white man/woman angry". You do not want to get them mad and upset one day for being told something that they are not over and over and over again. They all should stop now. Just saying. :)

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16 minutes ago, taxme said:

The numbers of white supremacists in North America are so small that they are not even worth mentioning. I can find a lot more racism going on against white people though in America by black racists and in Canada by native Indian racists and their racism towards white people. If America or Canada were such racist countries then can you tell me as to why both countries take in more non-white immigrants than white immigrants? Is it because we just want more non-white immigrants around so that we can shout racial slurs at them? I think not.

But I will say this and that is that if white people are going to be continually accused of being racists then one day that just may happen. As one person said one time "don't make the white man/woman angry". You do not want to get them mad and upset one day for being told something that they are not over and over and over again. They all should stop now. Just saying. :)

Also, don't forget that some non-Whites have White friends and some of them get irate at Whites always being accused of racism too.


I'm not saying racism isn't a problem in Canada, but there's a big difference between saying racism is a problem in Canada and that all White Canadians are racist (which is actually a racist statement in its own right).


There is also a big difference between racism and ignorance. I've heard non-Canadians sometimes make claims about Canadians that they sincerely believed to be true, not because they were racist against Canadians but just because they were ill-informed. They quickly changed their ideas once proved wrong. The same applies to some Whites. Even I might hold certain prejudices that I'm not aware of and when I discover them will promptly discard them. No one is perfect.


But the moment we start hating on a group for its imperfections, expect backlash.

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On 8/20/2018 at 4:02 PM, turningrite said:

Well, our little potato(head) is apparently at it again, essentially appearing to call all Canadians who are critical of his refugee policies racists. As polling suggests a majority disagree with his government's approach on refugees, isn't he really saying that most of us are racists? And in other news today, his government is increasing the number of foreign grandparents it will permit to immigrate to this country, who no doubt will add an additional burden to an already pathetically threadbare health care system. Is Trudeau for real here? Has he lost it and is he trying to force his party to replace him before the next election? The guy has got to be replaced.


Trudeau's plans for Canada included killing the energy sector, massive deficit spending, giving Billion$ away to foreign countries, and bringing in massive amounts of immigrants at a cost of billion$ more to the provinces. 

If I ran my family finances the way that he runs this country I'd be on the street.


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10 hours ago, turningrite said:

Where is the epidemic the left so clearly wishes to conjure?

Its still emerging and it hasn't taken any effort on the left. Look at the way racists point at the "epidemic" in Europe all the time to underscore why they feel we need to act....like racists.

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1 minute ago, eyeball said:

Its still emerging and it hasn't taken any effort on the left. Look at the way racists point at the epidemic in Europe all the time to underscore why they feel we need to act....like racists.


Maybe Europe needs some "First Nations" instead to practice on.

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5 minutes ago, bush_cheney2004 said:

Maybe Europe needs some "First Nations" instead to practice on.

They did until you revolted and took over the job.

The American Indian Wars (or Indian Wars) is the collective name for the various armed conflicts fought by European governments and colonists, and later the United States government

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20 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

Trudeau's plans for Canada included killing the energy sector, massive deficit spending, giving Billion$ away to foreign countries, and bringing in massive amounts of immigrants at a cost of billion$ more to the provinces. 

If I ran my family finances the way that he runs this country I'd be on the street.


The Trans Mountain pipeline is now pretty much dead. Sad situation indeed. Thousands of good paying jobs will be lost and tax revenues are gone also. Canada is fast becoming another Venezuela thanks to liberal/socialism that has been running a mock in this country for several decades. Canada should be a super power but instead it is just another socialist country in the making. Canada has pretty much all the resources the world needs but yet leaves them lying in the ground. And if the environmentalists and the native Indians keep getting their way all the time they will be staying in the ground. And why should they care about jobs? Those two are already on some form of welfare or government(taxpayer)assistance. Jobs? What is that?

Our stunned politicians believe that more immigration is better. Better alright. Better for those coming here who really have nothing to offer but more restaurants and other small types of businesses for themselves only or their own people and none paying good decent wages at all. Foreign aid and massive amounts of immigration has done nothing for Canada but put Canadians deeper in debt and has created more unemployment. 

Indeed if anyone who owned a business and ran their business like the government does they would be all out on the street and their employees also, and all no doubt looking at all the new illegal criminal so called refugees living in hotels while they sleep on the streets. Politicians don't care about the taxpayer's tax dollars. They think it is all just their money to blow on all of their pet programs and agendas that are of no dam good for anyone except for themselves. Politicians are not we the people's servants. We the people are the politicians servants and it would appear as though most of we the people like it that way and have no problem with it. Government "IS" the problem, and never the solution. My opinion. 

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15 hours ago, eyeball said:

Its still emerging and it hasn't taken any effort on the left. Look at the way racists point at the "epidemic" in Europe all the time to underscore why they feel we need to act....like racists.

Better check under your bed tonight. There may be a racist under there. White racists are everywhere in Canada. Shocking. 

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On 8/31/2018 at 8:40 PM, eyeball said:

Dude if you want to bring up that, then how about the fact that the wave of migrants over in europe is from the same religious group who chopped the heads off of 10's of millions of people in India and committed mass systemic rape in an orgy of religious bigotry and ethnic cleansing, and whose prophet was a violent religious bigot who committed genocide and forced women and children into rape-slavery. 


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On 8/31/2018 at 11:33 PM, eyeball said:

Its still emerging and it hasn't taken any effort on the left. Look at the way racists point at the "epidemic" in Europe all the time to underscore why they feel we need to act....like racists.

I thinking you're deluding yourself here. I sometimes wonder whether the objective of the "progressive" left is to find a crisis that doesn't really exist and in the absence of being able to find such a thing at least agitate for one? How many Canadians have ever joined a supposedly hate-related organization or attended a rally held by such a group? The percentage, no doubt, is minuscule. Many Canadians on the other hand are reasonably concerned about high immigration levels for reasons no more nefarious than asserting their concrete and legitimate interests, including concerns about rising taxation funded costs, escalating housing costs and the increasing strain being exerted on limited public services like health care. Expressing none of these concerns in any reasonable scenario amounts to "racism," a term that's become so overused as to have become debased by those who use it to promote personal and/or political agendas. 

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7 minutes ago, eyeball said:

No, our world is going into the toilet, you guys are reaching for the plunger and I've got my grand-kids future to think about.

Is this what obsesses you on a daily or perhaps hourly basis? I seem to recall from some of your other posts that you're a Malthusian pessimist. Not everybody is obligated to concur with this world view and fortunately most don't.

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4 minutes ago, turningrite said:

Is this what obsesses you on a daily or perhaps hourly basis? I seem to recall from some of your other posts that you're a Malthusian pessimist.

Minute by minute sometimes when I'm logged in here.  I see you're another wooly-headed subscriber to the Cornucopian fantasy known as the economy.  BTW, is the environment still regarded to as something completely external and outside it?  This probably stems from our cultures deep basis in religious nonsense - who cares about this world when God has another one waiting in Heaven?


Not everybody is obligated to concur with this world view and fortunately most don't.

Reality simply doesn't care.

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17 minutes ago, turningrite said:

Is this what obsesses you on a daily or perhaps hourly basis? I seem to recall from some of your other posts that you're a Malthusian pessimist. Not everybody is obligated to concur with this world view and fortunately most don't.

He's not a pessimist, he's a realist.  What possible reason could you have for thinking he is wrong?

I disagree with eyeball on lots of things, but not on that.

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13 hours ago, bcsapper said:

He's not a pessimist, he's a realist.  What possible reason could you have for thinking he is wrong?

I disagree with eyeball on lots of things, but not on that.

The problem with the neo-Malthusian perspective, as apparently espoused by eyeball, is that it relies on logic that's largely been discredited. Malthus, who lived and worked in the late 18th and early 19th centuries, when the global population was approximately one billion, believed the world's capacity to absorb further population growth was finite and that the limit would quickly be reached after which famine and disease would inevitably restore balance. Of course, progress and technology intervened and by the late 19th and early 20th centuries global population and population growth exceeded anything Malthus likely would have believed sustainable.

Most of the world will adjust to its current and projected population growth levels and in fact UN population projections indicate that over the next several decades actual fertility and growth levels will decline substantially for the first time in modern human history. In the Western hemisphere, virtually no country other than the U.S., which is a magnet for immigrants, will experience significant growth beyond 2050 and most, including Mexico and Brazil, will experience slow population decline. Elsewhere, many European countries as well as Japan and China will experience population decline. There are problem areas, for sure, including the countries of the Indian subcontinent as well as many in Africa, that will experience considerable population growth and increasing population pressure, but this is unlikely to result in any kind of global catastrophe.

Canada, on the other hand, with a slowly growing population could benefit from climate change due to an expanded ecumene (inhabitable and arable space). There is little to suggest that the survival of those now living on the territory now occupied by the Canadian federation will face either a major population or resources crisis. We are also advantaged by having relatively few large cities at sea level in comparison to the situation in many other countries. So, why bring an avoidable crisis to our doorstep when projections suggest that we and the Western hemisphere will largely escape significant population pressure? If you're worried about your grandchildren's future, leveling off of Canada's population growth is probably the best approach to pursue.

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6 hours ago, turningrite said:

The problem with the neo-Malthusian perspective, as apparently espoused by eyeball, is that it relies on logic that's largely been discredited. Malthus, who lived and worked in the late 18th and early 19th centuries, when the global population was approximately one billion, believed the world's capacity to absorb further population growth was finite and that the limit would quickly be reached after which famine and disease would inevitably restore balance. Of course, progress and technology intervened and by the late 19th and early 20th centuries global population and population growth exceeded anything Malthus likely would have believed sustainable.

Most of the world will adjust to its current and projected population growth levels and in fact UN population projections indicate that over the next several decades actual fertility and growth levels will decline substantially for the first time in modern human history. In the Western hemisphere, virtually no country other than the U.S., which is a magnet for immigrants, will experience significant growth beyond 2050 and most, including Mexico and Brazil, will experience slow population decline. Elsewhere, many European countries as well as Japan and China will experience population decline. There are problem areas, for sure, including the countries of the Indian subcontinent as well as many in Africa, that will experience considerable population growth and increasing population pressure, but this is unlikely to result in any kind of global catastrophe.

Canada, on the other hand, with a slowly growing population could benefit from climate change due to an expanded ecumene (inhabitable and arable space). There is little to suggest that the survival of those now living on the territory now occupied by the Canadian federation will face either a major population or resources crisis. We are also advantaged by having relatively few large cities at sea level in comparison to the situation in many other countries. So, why bring an avoidable crisis to our doorstep when projections suggest that we and the Western hemisphere will largely escape significant population pressure? If you're worried about your grandchildren's future, leveling off of Canada's population growth is probably the best approach to pursue.

I don't know Malthus from Adam, but I'm not blind.  Population decline is going to come half a century too late at least.  With the current refusal of anyone within a country mile of power to do anything about climate change (carbon taxes and windmills - hilarious) everyone who lives "there" is going to want to come "here".  We are seeing the early effects of that now.  Give it a decade or two.  Then combine that with our destruction of the oceans and the depletion of the fisheries, along with the decimation of the bees and the erosion of the soil, the destruction of forests and the waste of the ever dwindling resource of fresh water (Did you know we still pump the stuff down holes to enhance oil recovery?  We can't have a pipeline to sell the stuff that sicks out of the ground because, you know, The Environment, but we can destroy fresh water to get at the only stuff that should actually stay in the ground)

And that's just the stuff I can think of off the top of my head.

Malthus would have shit himself.

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