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Saudi Arabia expells Canadian ambassador

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The question I have to ask is why ? remark anything on Twitter is this source of media now classified as a political media, where we go to solve issue between nations.....If Canada could learn anything from President Trump , it would be Stay the F*** off twitter....shit even the liberals have been critical about Potus using  twitterguess now it has come back and bite them in the ass...The next question is with our own record of human rights issues in question WHY would we need to stand up and point the finger at someone else....someone once said live in a glass house you should not throw rocks....But hey everything is cool with our Native American population because we just gave them a national holiday, to remember all the bad shitwe did to them in the past....I know more broken Justin promises, and here they actually thought finally someone was going to do something.....Happy holiday Mother F***** with the liberals laughing in the back ground.....


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So Justin has found out that his good looks and hair cut don't count for sweat F**** all, I mean where is the rest of the western world reactions on this issue.....we here murmurs in the back ground, nothing from the states our closest allied....why is that perhaps we have pissed off everyone, even Mexico don't like us.....So now we find ourselves alone in the world, because we some how think our shit does not stink, and when we get bored we send out retarded twits to stir things up.....and now we have lost bils in revenue because we want to be right, we have to be right it is the Canadian way...……..

I can't wait until the election.....Anything but Justin campaign...

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1 hour ago, Army Guy said:

it cost Bils, have you not been reading the news , one could start with the Medical side of the House with over 800 Saudis interns imbedded into our health care and now leaving will leave a huge gap in an already brittle medical system.

Most of that trade is oil coming this way. No big deal. As for Saudis in our medical system. Good riddance. I've been opposed to foreigners getting training in our medical schools and hospitals for years as it deprives Canadians of spaces. Screw  em. And screw the greedy hospitals. Any money lost should be taken out of the pay of hospital administrators. They all make WAY too much money anyway.

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2 minutes ago, Argus said:

Most of that trade is oil coming this way. No big deal. As for Saudis in our medical system. Good riddance. I've been opposed to foreigners getting training in our medical schools and hospitals for years as it deprives Canadians of spaces. Screw  em. And screw the greedy hospitals. Any money lost should be taken out of the pay of hospital administrators. They all make WAY too much money anyway.

I would agree with you totally, But the point here is what was the cost of this tweet, now costed well over 4 bil, and what did we get for that 4 bil, we got nothing , except bitched slapped by the Saudis . Now if the liberals actually got off their balls and countered with some of the ideas you suggested I would be a happy Canadian, instead, we are left wanting more from our PM.

in my Opinion I would have cut the oil off, declared the energy east pipe line a national security matter and drove that pipe through Quebec into NB, I would also look at the rest of the nations with interns in our medical system, so we are not looking at this in the future from other nations of say questionable human rights issues, perhaps starting up our own free medical training program funding Canadian citizens..as for the other students taking up spaces in our universities, perhaps we could look at other free education ideas in other problem areas...

Stop selling them any wheat and barley, lentils…..it's not like the purchase a lot anyways....

Send a message that we are considering cancelling the LAV contract, put the ball back in our court...


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13 hours ago, Army Guy said:

.The next question is with our own record of human rights issues in question WHY would we need to stand up and point the finger at someone else....someone once said live in a glass house you should not throw rocks...

We are not perfect, but here in Canada, we are a whole lot better than the Saudis.

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12 hours ago, Argus said:

Most of that trade is oil coming this way. No big deal. As for Saudis in our medical system. Good riddance. I've been opposed to foreigners getting training in our medical schools and hospitals for years as it deprives Canadians of spaces. Screw  em. And screw the greedy hospitals. Any money lost should be taken out of the pay of hospital administrators. They all make WAY too much money anyway.

I am with you here. I also must point out that this also falls in line with your general concerns regarding Islam and radicalization via your other posts. Unlike others who all of a sudden change their tune when it comes to Saudi Arabia, you are at least consistent on this matter. I can respect the consistency.

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16 hours ago, Army Guy said:

I would agree with you totally, But the point here is what was the cost of this tweet, now costed well over 4 bil,

No, sorry. This is in error. Most of that $4b is in the cost of oil the Saudis ship us. Even were they to stop, and they have said they will NOT, that would not be a cost to them but a loss of sales to them. We're only looking at about $1b in sales to them, and that is mostly in existing contracts, such as the military one, which they have said they will honor, and in a few shipments of grain and such. It's really not a big deal to Canada. We'll sell elsewhere. Plus, this will not last. Because contrary to their huffery and puffery, the Saudis aren't really upset with Canada. Their Crown Prince is simply using this as an excuse to demonstrate how tough he is to his own conservatives.


in my Opinion I would have cut the oil off, declared the energy east pipe line a national security matter and drove that pipe through Quebec into NB, I would also look at the rest of the nations with interns in our medical system, so we are not looking at this in the future from other nations of say questionable human rights issues, perhaps starting up our own free medical training program funding Canadian citizens..as for the other students taking up spaces in our universities, perhaps we could look at other free education ideas in other problem areas...

Stop selling them any wheat and barley, lentils…..it's not like the purchase a lot anyways....

Send a message that we are considering cancelling the LAV contract, put the ball back in our court...

I don't disagree with much of this except that it be done in a carefully measured manner. To start, I would bar the Saudis from ever sending their people for training again. I certainly want us to push pipelines through to both coasts at all costs. And I think it's a scandal that we remain short of doctor because our idiots in office have restricted the number of medical school positions and hospital internships while allowing foreigners to train her. But that's a matter that the federal government has to deal with the provinces over as education and health care are their areas of responsibility. Of course, the federal government has ultimate control as it can simply bar incoming students.

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4 hours ago, GostHacked said:

We are not perfect, but here in Canada, we are a whole lot better than the Saudis.

I guess u are right, but does anyone in Canada dare to tweet against Israel for killing palestinian children and women or does anyone in Canada dare to tweet against the US for shit treating the Red Indians...

Your PM can't say about this...but stupidly thought that his government could tweet about human rights in Saudi Arabia..

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1 hour ago, Proud Jewish said:

I guess u are right, but does anyone in Canada dare to tweet against Israel for killing palestinian children and women or does anyone in Canada dare to tweet against the US for shit treating the Red Indians...

Your PM can't say about this...but stupidly thought that his government could tweet about human rights in Saudi Arabia..

Yes, there are many here who would and do call out Israel for killing palestinian women and children, Palestinians for killing Israeli women and children, Saudis for persecuting Shiites at home and abroad, and the Yanks not for "shit treating" aboriginals, but for their acts of genocide in dealing with the "Indian problem" many years ago.

Our PM is a frigging idiot child.  His government can, will and did tweet about many things they have no moral high ground for or understanding of.  None of those things fixes the human rights violations in KSA or Canada for that matter.  Sadly, the Kingdom has chosen to punish all Canadians for our crime of electing a totally incompetent government - but fortunately, we can change that come next election.  If KSA gets a bad ruler, they are simply stuck with him for life.

Edited by cannuck
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4 hours ago, Proud Jewish said:

I guess u are right, but does anyone in Canada dare to tweet against Israel for killing palestinian children and women or does anyone in Canada dare to tweet against the US for shit treating the Red Indians...

We cut the Israelis some slack given the extremism, fanaticism, violence and hatred of their neighbours. The Americans conquered the "red indians" in much the way every other nation on Earth conquered those around them. Every country sits on the bones of countries which came before, of tribes, peoples, nations and empires who collapsed and were pushed aside. There's nothing new about what happened in America other than the Americans leaving their enemies some territory - and alive. Did Chinese warlords ever do the same to those they conquered? African tribes? Rome? Japan? What did Muslim warlords do when they invaded India? Piled up the heads of men, women and children they had executed after slaughtering whole cities. Want to put that alongside the Americans?


Your PM can't say about this...but stupidly thought that his government could tweet about human rights in Saudi Arabia..

Since there ARE no human rights in Saudi Arabia, which is a miserable shithole in the desert filled with violent religious fanatics, I presume you meant he tweeted about the LACK of human rights.

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2 hours ago, cannuck said:

 Sadly, the Kingdom has chosen to punish all Canadians for our crime of electing a totally incompetent government - but fortunately, we can change that come next election.  If KSA gets a bad ruler, they are simply stuck with him for life.

The Saudi Prince, having been given the back of daddy's hand and overruled when he tried to cut a deal with Israel, needed to show the snickering conservatives around him that he was still a tough guy, so he used this opportunity to strut and put his chest out because we and they have very little meaningful relationship. Trade between us is minimal, and mostly involves them selling us oil. Big deal. As for withdrawing their students. Good riddance. We should bar them from ever returning. We should also make their suspension of air landings permanent. I can understand why we haven't bothered since their actions are so unimportant and would barely be noticed were it not for the media. They are an unimportant little shithole country out in the desert. Who cares what they want or think or say or do?

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4 hours ago, cannuck said:

Yes, there are many here who would and do call out Israel for killing palestinian women and children, Palestinians for killing Israeli women and children, Saudis for persecuting Shiites at home and abroad, and the Yanks not for "shit treating" aboriginals, but for their acts of genocide in dealing with the "Indian problem" many years ago.

Our PM is a frigging idiot child.  His government can, will and did tweet about many things they have no moral high ground for or understanding of.  None of those things fixes the human rights violations in KSA or Canada for that matter.  Sadly, the Kingdom has chosen to punish all Canadians for our crime of electing a totally incompetent government - but fortunately, we can change that come next election.  If KSA gets a bad ruler, they are simply stuck with him for life.

There are more than 6 billions around the world who dont enjoy the same rights that Candians have but still your PM is quiet about most of them.
There are thousands of Mexicans who enjoy asylum in Canada because of threat to their life in Mexico and  hundreds are killed while escaping through the mexican borders  but your PM is quiet about it..
Your PM is also quiet and even nice with the Chinese, the Cubans and the Iranians despite the terrible human rights in these countries..

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48 minutes ago, bush_cheney2004 said:


A lot more than Freeland and Trudeau realized....international support for Canada on their Twitter fart is...zilch.

Zilch huh?  More like the U.S. is scared of more Saudi terrorism, loss of oil/oil industry investments, and military contracts.  We also worry about terrorism, but we all need to stick together in our fight against it and our defense of human rights.


52 minutes ago, Proud Jewish said:

There are more than 6 billions around the world who dont enjoy the same rights that Candians have but still your PM is quiet about most of them.
There are thousands of Mexicans who enjoy asylum in Canada because of threat to their life in Mexico and  hundreds are killed while escaping through the mexican borders  but your PM is quiet about it..
Your PM is also quiet and even nice with the Chinese, the Cubans and the Iranians despite the terrible human rights in these countries..

With regard to Mexico, the gang and drug lord violence that refugees are fleeing is not run by the state.  Canada can't speak out against a Mexican government that is also against the violent gangs and drug trade in Mexico.  Canada has always had a constructive relationship with Cuba, for good reason.  Canada has taken very serious actions against Iran in the past, including closing its embassy.  Oh, and China?  Watch media reports about how much Trump kissed Xi's ass when he hosted him at Mar A Lago.

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34 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

Zilch huh?  More like the U.S. is scared of more Saudi terrorism, loss of oil/oil industry investments, and military contracts.  We also worry about terrorism, but we all need to stick together in our fight against it and our defense of human rights.


Canada's exposure to Saudi contracts have already been enumerated above.

Terrorists attacked the U.S. from Canada long before "Saudi terrorism".

Human rights abuses in Canada are well documented...that's why there are so many "apologies".

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3 minutes ago, bush_cheney2004 said:


Canada's exposure to Saudi contracts have already been enumerated above.

Terrorists attacked the U.S. from Canada long before "Saudi terrorism".

Human rights abuses in Canada are well documented...that's why there are so many "apologies".

You have no sense of proportion whatsoever.  A foiled attempt to deliver an explosive from someone coming from Canada is hardly the same thing as a plane attack killing thousands.  And human rights?  I'll take Canada's treatment of its citizens and visitors over just about any country out there.  For a supposed conservative, you're in la la land.  Maybe spend some time with your friends in Saudi Arabia?  You can visit Yemen afterwards, the country they're "liberating."

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1 minute ago, Zeitgeist said:

You have no sense of proportion whatsoever.  A foiled attempt to deliver an explosive from someone coming from Canada is hardly the same thing as a plane attack killing thousands.  And human rights?  I'll take Canada's treatment of its citizens and visitors over just about any country out there.  For a supposed conservative, you're in la la land.  Maybe spend some time with your friends in Saudi Arabia?  You can visit Yemen afterwards, the country they're "liberating."


Attacking me will not erase Canada's long history of "human rights" crimes and "genocide".

Canada continues to be the source of terrorist attacks on the United States.

Calling out the Saudis was just stupid....even for Canada.


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1 minute ago, bush_cheney2004 said:


Attacking me will not erase Canada's long history of "human rights" crimes and "genocide".

Canada continues to be the source of terrorist attacks on the United States.

Calling out the Saudis was just stupid....even for Canada.


You've had far more domestic terrorist attacks than anything from Canada.  Oh, and want to compare the U.S.'s record on human rights to Canada's?  Good luck.  Manifest Destiny, slavery, race riots, prison revolts, Abu Graib, Guantanamo, I can't even scratch the surface...  Feel free not to call out the Saudis or any similar players on human rights and see where it leads you.

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4 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

You've had far more domestic terrorist attacks than anything from Canada.  Oh, and want to compare the U.S.'s record on human rights to Canada's?  Good luck.  Manifest Destiny, slavery, race riots, prison revolts, Abu Graib, Guantanamo, I can't even scratch the surface...  Feel free not to call out the Saudis or any similar players on human rights and see where it leads you.


The U.S. did not tweet human rights attacks against the KSA.....Canada (stupidly) did.

I offer my services to the Saudis if they need any help dragging Canada through it's terrible human rights history.

Good to see another nation blow that patented brand of sanctimonious smugness right back at Canada.

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12 hours ago, Proud Jewish said:

Your PM is also quiet and even nice with the Chinese, the Cubans and the Iranians despite the terrible human rights in these countries..

Yes, he worships Communist leaders since his Father was a card carrying member of the Communist Party (of France IIRC) and a personal friend of Fidel Castro.   As I said: Idiot child.

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Cuba has managed to employ, feed and provide strong education and health care for its citizens. Prior to the revolution there, a small group of foreign interests dominated the economy. There was corruption, organized crime, and much poverty.  While I don’t agree with communism or the political oppression and control in Cuba, it hasn’t been a complete failure. Cuba has a rich culture that I’m sure many Americans would really enjoy if relations were normalized.  An incremental approach to capitalism is the healthiest move there and what the people want.  There are certainly business opportunities. 

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1 hour ago, Zeitgeist said:

Cuba has managed to employ, feed and provide strong education and health care for its citizens. Prior to the revolution there, a small group of foreign interests dominated the economy. There was corruption, organized crime, and much poverty.  While I don’t agree with communism or the political oppression and control in Cuba, it hasn’t been a complete failure. Cuba has a rich culture that I’m sure many Americans would really enjoy if relations were normalized.  An incremental approach to capitalism is the healthiest move there and what the people want.  There are certainly business opportunities. 


Cubans did far better under Batista...mob money aside.

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On ‎8‎/‎19‎/‎2018 at 1:17 PM, Argus said:

No, sorry. This is in error. Most of that $4b is in the cost of oil the Saudis ship us. Even were they to stop, and they have said they will NOT, that would not be a cost to them but a loss of sales to them. We're only looking at about $1b in sales to them, and that is mostly in existing contracts, such as the military one, which they have said they will honor, and in a few shipments of grain and such. It's really not a big deal to Canada. We'll sell elsewhere. Plus, this will not last. Because contrary to their huffery and puffery, the Saudis aren't really upset with Canada. Their Crown Prince is simply using this as an excuse to demonstrate how tough he is to his own conservatives.

I don't disagree with much of this except that it be done in a carefully measured manner. To start, I would bar the Saudis from ever sending their people for training again. I certainly want us to push pipelines through to both coasts at all costs. And I think it's a scandal that we remain short of doctor because our idiots in office have restricted the number of medical school positions and hospital internships while allowing foreigners to train her. But that's a matter that the federal government has to deal with the provinces over as education and health care are their areas of responsibility. Of course, the federal government has ultimate control as it can simply bar incoming students.

What still remains is the Twit, cost over a Bil in revenue, and what did we get in return, The Saudis bitch slap our nation in front of the world, making our nation looking like some 3 year old because some MP could not control her twitter finger, I mean even my garbage guy knows to stay of twitter, because it is such a great political tool.....Justin did have a chance to take advantage of this whole thing turn the tables on the Saudis plus maybe even gain a ball or two at home..

your right now education is a provincial thing , but other Dept's have offered free education in trade for time served, such as the military, how long would it take to set up a volunteer national medical service where medical staff of all trades or specialties serve in public hospital's across the nation where they are needed.  

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On ‎8‎/‎19‎/‎2018 at 9:03 AM, GostHacked said:

We are not perfect, but here in Canada, we are a whole lot better than the Saudis.

According to whom, our native Americans, or maybe it was the boat load of Jews were sent packing down the road to their deaths, maybe the Japanese interment thingy, history is full of examples...that may show we are better or worse than other nations.....WHY would you want to go on to twitter and attack just one nation, what was the point.....to prove that we are better some how. OK so the liberals are dancing around in their tutu's were better than the Saudis.....Big fucking deal....what has all of this shown this nation, Saudis have bigger balls, they slapped the shit out of us and the rest of the world watched, and did nothing.....and then once Justin's band of feel do gooders picked themselves up, they sat there with gapping mouths as the Saudis heap on more and more and they do nothing.....and we wonder why the rest of the world thinks we are weak..

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4 hours ago, Army Guy said:

According to whom, our native Americans, or maybe it was the boat load of Jews were sent packing down the road to their deaths, maybe the Japanese interment thingy, history is full of examples...that may show we are better or worse than other nations.....WHY would you want to go on to twitter and attack just one nation, what was the point.....to prove that we are better some how. OK so the liberals are dancing around in their tutu's were better than the Saudis.....Big fucking deal....what has all of this shown this nation, Saudis have bigger balls, they slapped the shit out of us and the rest of the world watched, and did nothing.....and then once Justin's band of feel do gooders picked themselves up, they sat there with gapping mouths as the Saudis heap on more and more and they do nothing.....and we wonder why the rest of the world thinks we are weak..

If you pay attention to their twitter accounts, I think hope is lost. And for those who use twitter as a news source, and those leaders who use it as a platform , again, all hope is lost.

But if you did not think we are better in some fashion, you would not have signed up for the army and have done , from what I can gather, is a tour or two in Afghanistan to promote peace and freedom.

We should be standing up to the Saudis and cutting ties with them. And I also lose some hope when people on here claim Trudeau is as bad as the Saudis when it comes to trampling on human rights.

But we sold them weapons, and now we see recently where the Saudis are attacking Yemen and killing civilians,children.  I see the media having a hard time condemning the Saudis. Because we are implicit on all of it by selling weapons to the kinds of Islamic radical dictatorships we are supposedly against.

What are the reasons for those who claim to oppose radical Islam, yet give the Saudis a free pass on this matter?

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