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If Canadians hate Americans, why doesn't Canada just sever ties with America?

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8 hours ago, loveistheonlyway said:

I don't understand this, if Canadians and not only Canadians but the world hates Americans, why don't Canadians just sever ties with America? Sever trade, immigration, alliance, treaties, everything? 


It's like you have this spouse you hate but for some reason you haven't considered a divorce......


 Also you keep claiming that they are collapsing, so isn't it time to end it so you won't get affected? And don't worry about your economy and whatever, there is still the Commonwealth which consists of some of the richest nations on Earth that can help you.


It's true, there is this deep rooted anger and hatred for Americans by Canadians that I don't understand and no, I don't think it has anything to do with politics or trade wars or whatever current  or past issues they have with each other. In fact Canadians would probably celebrate if America was gone.

Seriously people, I want a serious answer to this. Not those arrogant, condescending, narcissistic responses but actual responses that makes sense.

Canadians like America (and Americans) generally, but at any given moment some portion of us don't like America's current administration.  Doesn't matter if it was Obama a few years ago, or Trump now - you can't please everybody all the time.  Heck, it is a matter of pride with Canada that we shared the largest undefended border in the world (at least, it used to be).   The US exercises considerable influence around the world, so is naturally a topic of conversation for many people; it would be odd if that wasn't so.  And not everyone is going to agree with everything the States does.  Taking disagreement as 'hatred' and a reason to split up is really your problem; no couple gets divorced because they disagree about some things.  They work through them, which the States and Canada have done in the past and no doubt will continue to do.   We wouldn't celebrate if America was gone, only when Trump is gone.  (Except of course for those in Canada misled enough to think he's normal or something.)


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Just now, eyeball said:

It's strictly the way you pursue your foreign policy...which is all too often both cruel and inhumane.

War is not perfect. You're weighing between the grim realities of war and human aspiration.  I digress. Its something we're getting better at with each generation of smart weapons lol jk.... 

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5 minutes ago, bush_cheney2004 said:

The U.S. has more landed emigres from around the world than any other nation...about 20% of the world's total....more than the entire population of Canada...far more.

Immigrants voting with their feet for America...far more than Canada...for generations.




There's quantity and then there's quality.  We'll take the latter thanks.

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Just now, eyeball said:

There's quantity and then there's quality.  We'll take the latter thanks.


Sorry, but America wins there too.  

Also, more Canadians have also emigrated to the USA than Americans going to Canada.

You'll take less, because America has always gotten more.   Hating America will not change this.

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2 hours ago, paxrom said:

We americans are very critical of our government, rightly so.

However we do not tolerate outside criticism of our foreign policy, because from an international perspective we are one america.

We send our sons and daughter in harm's way to defend our 240 year old experiment.

Regardless of which political spectrum, we ALL support our troops, (our international envoy and peacekeepers)

If that foreign policy affects Canada, you can bet we will talk about it.

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The reason the U.S. has attracted so many immigrants historically is climate (open society, rule of law, public safety, affordability, upward mobility, actual physically temperate climate, etc.).  That climate is worsening.  Whether that trend can be reversed remains to be seen.  The current tensions between the U.S. and other countries aren't about the American people, well most of them anyway.  It's about U.S. policy and dangerously inward, short-sighted thinking.

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19 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

The reason the U.S. has attracted so many immigrants historically is climate (open society, rule of law, public safety, affordability, upward mobility, actual physically temperate climate, etc.).  That climate is worsening.  Whether that trend can be reversed remains to be seen.  The current tensions between the U.S. and other countries aren't about the American people, well most of them anyway.  It's about U.S. policy and dangerously inward, short-sighted thinking.


The U.S. has always attracted more immigrants than other nations, regardless of "climate", because of greater opportunities, and that is still true today.   There were many barriers to immigrants in the past, and hardships for those that made it into country.   More people from other nations have  chosen the United States over Canada and many still do...legally and illegally.    More Canadians still emigrate to the USA.


Edited by bush_cheney2004
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It would seem that American leadership ( current)  leaves a lot to be desired.   American people and Canadians  have got tenon  for  yres.  

CDA  has been there for  the US   during some of their  most critical times........like 911.  


The thing that has changed is the leadership  who   is psychologically   impaired,   doesn't have leadership skills  and     comes with a load of persona l baggage  and is gradually  destroying  some f the  most stabilizing  institutions of democracy.    He is an example of  how ONE person  can  be  destructive when  given the  keys to  such power  and is not  mentally  equipped to handle it........yet   is in the job for the power  itself.    


There has to  be a cultural and values  change in the S  , as  how else  ca none explain    the election.??they elected a tyrant,  a quasi dictator and we are seeing   the results.   His mental incompetence   is evident  to anyone  with  a modicum of  education and people  experience.


Trump  has to be "handled"   as he is volatile.  (self evident).   The  rest of the world sees ittoo.  


Because he is so unpredictable......one cannot say  what he will do or say next or who he will take his anger on next.   His love of dictators is very concering......as it is at the cost of  the US allies and "friends".   The US has no friends now.......and it is because of trump. 


He claims to be a deal maker......and yet...... which deals has he actually made that are  effective   for all concerned??    His staff fears him.


The world and CDA is right to be concerned  and watchful........ as  no one can say  just what will trigger off an angry outburst......or  personal condemnation  .  He cannot be trusted.


So  IMHO......it     not a matter of "hating anyone........but  a matter of  assessing the situation for what it is......and it is less than desirable. In fact the US relations with everyone except dictators  is deteriorating rapidly.


It is imperative NOT to over react to  trump  as  he  will get revenge and make it personal.  NOT RATIONAL......... NOT  a proper  or effective leader by any  means.  We must maintain our values ,  our dignity and NOT lower ourselves to  his level.we must not be arrogant........but we must  be wise.


just some thoughts.   enjoy your evening.  Glad I found this little corner of the internet.;-)



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14 minutes ago, Pacifica77 said:

It would seem that American leadership ( current)  leaves a lot to be desired.   American people and Canadians  have got tenon  for  yres.  

CDA  has been there for  the US   during some of their  most critical times........like 911.  


The thing that has changed is the leadership  who   is psychologically   impaired,   doesn't have leadership skills  and     comes with a load of persona l baggage  and is gradually  destroying  some f the  most stabilizing  institutions of democracy.    He is an example of  how ONE person  can  be  destructive when  given the  keys to  such power  and is not  mentally  equipped to handle it........yet   is in the job for the power  itself.    


There has to  be a cultural and values  change in the S  , as  how else  ca none explain    the election.??they elected a tyrant,  a quasi dictator and we are seeing   the results.   His mental incompetence   is evident  to anyone  with  a modicum of  education and people  experience.


Trump  has to be "handled"   as he is volatile.  (self evident).   The  rest of the world sees ittoo.  


Because he is so unpredictable......one cannot say  what he will do or say next or who he will take his anger on next.   His love of dictators is very concering......as it is at the cost of  the US allies and "friends".   The US has no friends now.......and it is because of trump. 


He claims to be a deal maker......and yet...... which deals has he actually made that are  effective   for all concerned??    His staff fears him.


The world and CDA is right to be concerned  and watchful........ as  no one can say  just what will trigger off an angry outburst......or  personal condemnation  .  He cannot be trusted.


So  IMHO......it     not a matter of "hating anyone........but  a matter of  assessing the situation for what it is......and it is less than desirable. In fact the US relations with everyone except dictators  is deteriorating rapidly.


It is imperative NOT to over react to  trump  as  he  will get revenge and make it personal.  NOT RATIONAL......... NOT  a proper  or effective leader by any  means.  We must maintain our values ,  our dignity and NOT lower ourselves to  his level.we must not be arrogant........but we must  be wise.


just some thoughts.   enjoy your evening.  Glad I found this little corner of the internet.;-)



Trump is an agent of change. He upsets the status quo as he promised to do during his campaign. He isn't dumb , he speaks his mind and listen to many different view point. Something that no previous politician managed to do.

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11 minutes ago, paxrom said:

Trump is an agent of change. He upsets the status quo as he promised to do during his campaign. He isn't dumb , he speaks his mind and listen to many different view point. Something that no previous politician managed to do.

An agent for change ins one thing..........it is  how he is going about it.   Change always upsets the status quo.  No  problem  there.......as  change is good .......IF   executed in  a professional,  mature,  STABLE  and rational manner.. 

His inc inconstancy  is problem.  Speaking ones mind  is not always a good thing if it  is hurtful to anyone. Tact, diplomacy are critical   for someone in his role. (IMHO)

He is  too authoritarian   for what is supposed  to be  a democracy. (democratic Republic) Unless  the Americans  (like the people of Turkey)   are satisfied to see a gradual slide int o autocracy.   The question is : how will that  affect the rest of the  planet??





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13 hours ago, eyeball said:

Just about the whole planet would do that.

It's not hatred for Americans, its disgust for your government.  That said perhaps Americans don't differentiate between themselves and their government and they are what they eat so to speak.  Take it personally if you insist.

SEE, that's what I'm talking about! If the world believes that the world would be a better place without America and will celebrate when it is gone then why doesn't the world make IT HAPPEN! Kill all Americans! Destroy America! Kill them all, all 325.7 million of them! I mean what  are you waiting for? Are you waiting for them to do it to themselves because that's what you American bashers say all the time! What if it doesn't happen? So you're going to hate hate hate forever?! Get rid of them and then divide the lands and give California and Washington to the Philippines!


GOD, PEOPLE WHY HAVEN'T YOU DONE THIS YET! AND don't give me some BS answer, you narcissistic canuck!

Edited by loveistheonlyway
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1 hour ago, Pacifica77 said:

It would seem that American leadership ( current)  leaves a lot to be desired.   American people and Canadians  have got tenon  for  yres.  

CDA  has been there for  the US   during some of their  most critical times........like 911.  


The thing that has changed is the leadership  who   is psychologically   impaired,   doesn't have leadership skills  and     comes with a load of persona l baggage  and is gradually  destroying  some f the  most stabilizing  institutions of democracy.    He is an example of  how ONE person  can  be  destructive when  given the  keys to  such power  and is not  mentally  equipped to handle it........yet   is in the job for the power  itself.    


There has to  be a cultural and values  change in the S  , as  how else  ca none explain    the election.??they elected a tyrant,  a quasi dictator and we are seeing   the results.   His mental incompetence   is evident  to anyone  with  a modicum of  education and people  experience.


Trump  has to be "handled"   as he is volatile.  (self evident).   The  rest of the world sees ittoo.  


Because he is so unpredictable......one cannot say  what he will do or say next or who he will take his anger on next.   His love of dictators is very concering......as it is at the cost of  the US allies and "friends".   The US has no friends now.......and it is because of trump. 


He claims to be a deal maker......and yet...... which deals has he actually made that are  effective   for all concerned??    His staff fears him.


The world and CDA is right to be concerned  and watchful........ as  no one can say  just what will trigger off an angry outburst......or  personal condemnation  .  He cannot be trusted.


So  IMHO......it     not a matter of "hating anyone........but  a matter of  assessing the situation for what it is......and it is less than desirable. In fact the US relations with everyone except dictators  is deteriorating rapidly.


It is imperative NOT to over react to  trump  as  he  will get revenge and make it personal.  NOT RATIONAL......... NOT  a proper  or effective leader by any  means.  We must maintain our values ,  our dignity and NOT lower ourselves to  his level.we must not be arrogant........but we must  be wise.


just some thoughts.   enjoy your evening.  Glad I found this little corner of the internet.;-)



Dude, I've heard that a hundred bajillion times! Be original! In fact, don't even bother saying that as I already said, I've heard that before and that's not what my question is all about.


By the way many of you are missing the point............ it's not Trump............ I've seen this hatred for a long time now.


The only way for your hate to go away is 2 options, all Americans must die but clearly you are cowards and would not consider that OR let them go, let them be........ just be free of them and look to other nations, there's Europe...... hmmmmm?

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Hmmm... Canadians and the world love to talk about Trump being a tyrant, a dictator an evil person but here is the thing...... Trump was elected and he won. Oh sure, people say he is a fraud, he lied his way in, he cheated his way in blah blah blah....... but that hasn't been proven yet. But my point here is, if the people elected Hitler and Hitler won, whether you love Hitler or loathe Hitler with a burning passion, you have to respect it because that is what democracy is all about, right? If you don't respect that and want him kicked out.... aren't you being a dictator as well? But I'm sure Canadians will always find some sort of counter argument to this.


I'm getting bored with this thread and I kind of want to ask the real question now but I'm worried.

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1 hour ago, paxrom said:

Trump is an agent of change. He upsets the status quo as he promised to do during his campaign.

Trump is an effect not a cause.   The status quo seems to be doing just fine.



President Trump's Trickle-Down Tax Cuts Further Fuel Economic Inequality



That said I'm still convinced his assassination will be an inside job and his supporters will blame it on the Deep State.



He isn't dumb , he speaks his mind and listen to many different view point. Something that no previous politician managed to do.

He isn't smart, he routinely puts his mouth in gear before engaging his brain and the only viewpoints he listens to are affirmative.




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33 minutes ago, loveistheonlyway said:

And why would the good, kind, caring, giving Canadians ally themselves with the evil, greedy, selfish, fat, stupid, arrogant, ignorant, corrupted Americans?

My guess is that we're really no better.

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