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Our very own Pinocchio

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Our own pundits were rolling their eyes yesterday talking about this:




Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau urged graduates of New York University on Wednesday to embrace diversity and not cocoon themselves in an ideological "bubble."

"As you go forward from this place, I would like you to make a point of reaching out to people whose beliefs and values differ from your own. I would like you to listen to them, to truly listen, and try to understand them, and find that common ground," Trudeau said.







I hope some journalists show those graduate students how Trudeau treats those with differing beliefs and values.



Fox News slams 'reprehensible' Trudeau over pro-life summer jobs grant refusal





Unstable, Intolerant Prime Minister Trudeau





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And there he was in NY, weaving yarns......




Trump’s trade chief, rejecting Trudeau’s public optimism, says NAFTA deal is ‘nowhere near close’

Speaking to the Economic Club of New York on Thursday, Trudeau said that Canada, the U.S. and Mexico had agreed on a “broadly acceptable” proposal on the auto issue. Trudeau made clear, though, that there were other hurdles to overcome.

He said a deal that includes the “sunset clause” the U.S. is demanding, which would automatically terminate NAFTA in five years if the three countries did not re-endorse it, is not “much of a deal at all.” He said they must still settle on a system for resolving trade disputes. And he cautioned later that “there’s a lot of fine-tuning to do.”


Underscoring the lingering tension, Mexico’s economy secretary, Ildefonso Guajardo, pushed back against Trudeau’s claim in New York that Mexico has made a proposal that would satisfy Trump by “bringing back some auto jobs from Mexico to the United States.”



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Remember that speech he made at the UN?




Yes, Mr. Trudeau said Canada is not a "wonderland," but that is not news to international observers. Canadian Indigenous leaders have been telling the world the same thing for years. The Prime Minister's attempt to take ownership of their message, and their suffering, came off as patronizing.


It was also self-serving. The PM's humblebrag speech morphed from apologia into a string of boasts about his government's efforts to correct past wrongs, one of which was not altogether truthful.


Mr. Trudeau said his government is a "full supporter" of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, when in fact it has repeatedly (and wisely) hedged about clauses that appear to give native people the right to declare unilateral independence, and to veto development.

Much of the second half of the speech was a series of aspirational bromides – any one of which could be cut and pasted into a campaign video. Mr. Trudeau even managed to mention his government's controversial proposal to close tax loopholes for small business corporations, as if the UN needed to hear about that.


The next speaker after Mr. Trudeau was the prime minister of Samoa. He spoke about his tiny island state's reliance on the UN, and praised its efforts to deal with terrorism, climate change, displaced peoples, human-rights abuses and the threat of nuclear weapons.

In the context of what came before, it was refreshing.




He offers $36,000 to each indigenous victim of Scoop.....and yet, gave $10 million to Khadr.   That's how much his apology to indigenous people is worth.

I know money can't make up to the  injustice on the 60's Scoop victims, but this huge discrepancy of payment for practically the same wrong - violation of rights -  is more like adding salt to injury.  I have a big problem trying to get over that  discrepancy!

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Here's one of the biggest yarn:




....and when the poor folks took him up on his generous offer (risking life and limb on a long journey to Canada).......he says what kinda translates to:   OOOPS.  That's not really true.  Let me re-phrase that.



Trudeau forced to backtrack on open invitation to refugees


Justin Trudeau has sought to temper the notion that Canada is a guaranteed safe haven for those fleeing the threat of deportation in the United States, as his government faces criticism that its refugee-friendly messaging has given “false hope” to the thousands of asylum seekers streaming into Canada from the US.






"If I could directly speak to people seeking asylum, I'd like to remind them there's no advantage," Trudeau said. "Our rules, our principles and our laws apply to everyone."


The prime minister might've forgotten that he can speak directly to people seeking asylum, something he did in January, when he tweeted: "To those fleeing persecution, terror & war, Canadians will welcome you, regardless of your faith. Diversity is our strength #WelcomeToCanada"



The official @CanadianPM Twitter account followed up a couple of months later, tweeting: "Regardless of who you are or where you come from, there's always a place for you in Canada."





I can understand that he's trying to copycat Trump with his tweeting - but his untruthful tweet is costing us!

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The yarn continues.....



Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says his government has a firm grip on the spike in migrants crossing into Canada outside official border points, insisting that additional staff and expedited processing are "yielding positive results."








Border agents diverted to help with asylum influx; union fears travel delays


The measure could mean staff shortages causing delays at major airports like Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver, as well as land ports like Windsor and Niagara Falls, said Jean-Pierre Fortin, national president of the Customs and Immigration Union.

Security issues could also be an issue, Fortin warned.   


"The impact will be that there may be enough resources at Lacolle (Quebec), but they will create other points of pressure across Canada," he said.

"The end result will be that wait times will increase and security will go down."



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On 5/18/2018 at 4:25 AM, betsy said:

He offers $36,000 to each indigenous victim of Scoop.....and yet, gave $10 million to Khadr.   That's how much his apology to indigenous people is worth.

I know money can't make up to the  injustice on the 60's Scoop victims, but this huge discrepancy of payment for practically the same wrong - violation of rights -  is more like adding salt to injury.  I have a big problem trying to get over that  discrepancy!

What makes it even more an insult to the indigenous is that the 60s scoop was 100‰ Canadian, there was no outside influence. 

Khadr's case was in an American run system, We had no choice in the matter. We are the five year old trying to stop big brother from burning ants with a magnifying glass, we just get brushed off. 

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On 5/20/2018 at 3:52 AM, betsy said:

Here's one of the biggest yarn:




....and when the poor folks took him up on his generous offer (risking life and limb on a long journey to Canada).......he says what kinda translates to:   OOOPS.  That's not really true.  Let me re-phrase that.








I can understand that he's trying to copycat Trump with his tweeting - but his untruthful tweet is costing us!

So far this year over 7500 illegals took this prime mistake of ours up on his offer to come on down and our RCMP will be there to hold open the gates just for you. They will even help you across the border with your baggage. So far in this year and last year thousands upon thousands have taken up kid Trudeau's offer. What a sucker country Canada and Canadians have become thanks to the politically correct liberal leaders that run and rule this country. Diversity is not our strength but it will for sure be our destruction. But ask Trudeau if he really cares? I don't see him or any other Canadian politician taking in a refugee or two, eh, and it is for sure that they never will take in a refugee or two in their homes. 

At least when Trump tweets he is telling the truth where our "copycat" prefers to spread lies. This fool has to go. Between him and his old man they have just about bankrupted Canada with all their liberal/socialist agendas and programs that have not done a thing for Canada or Canadians except to cost us all more taxes. Wow, what a deal for us all, eh? 

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On 5/20/2018 at 5:09 AM, OftenWrong said:

Thanks. And what kind of people are they sending here? When the US sends its people,  they're not sending their best. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.

Those crossing into Canada illegally are criminals plain and simple and they need to be treated as such. Treated to a free plane ride back home. A lot cheaper that way for the Canadian taxpayer's than keeping them in Canada for years until their claims are met. These illegals are not showing any respect but disrespect for our immigration laws and it was our prime mistake that told them they could do so. The PM should be charged for the crime of encouraging people to break our immigration laws. If only. 

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On 5/25/2018 at 8:22 AM, Thinkinoutsidethebox said:

What makes it even more an insult to the indigenous is that the 60s scoop was 100‰ Canadian, there was no outside influence. 

Khadr's case was in an American run system, We had no choice in the matter. We are the five year old trying to stop big brother from burning ants with a magnifying glass, we just get brushed off. 

What do you mean we had no choice. We did but trudeau wanted to pay off these people.

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58 minutes ago, PIK said:

What do you mean we had no choice. We did but trudeau wanted to pay off these people.

That, we (he) had a choice...

I mean Khad's situation in Quantomino. It was Americans torturing a detainee that killed American citizens, what were we as Canadian citizens supposed to do, go down there and protest? Threaten the Americans? Give them ten million not to touch him? 

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On 5/25/2018 at 5:22 AM, Thinkinoutsidethebox said:

What makes it even more an insult to the indigenous is that the 60s scoop was 100‰ Canadian, there was no outside influence. 

Khadr's case was in an American run system, We had no choice in the matter. We are the five year old trying to stop big brother from burning ants with a magnifying glass, we just get brushed off. 

What is "scoop"? I am not up on what it is suppose to mean? 

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3 hours ago, taxme said:

What is "scoop"? I am not up on what it is suppose to mean? 

The Canadian government ordered that the native children be gathered up, taken away from the reservations. Away from a life of guaranteed neglect and squalor, substance abuse, disease and rife with ignorance. They were "scooped up", in order to save them from that misery.

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18 minutes ago, OftenWrong said:

The Canadian government ordered that the native children be gathered up, taken away from the reservations. Away from a life of guaranteed neglect and squalor, substance abuse, disease and rife with ignorance. They were "scooped up", in order to save them from that misery.

Thank you for that explanation of what "scoop" meant. I can't expect myself to be up on everything going on in Canada. Just saying. LOL. 

I guess then that I must agree with what the government did at the time. it was no doubt supposed to have been a good thing to be doing at the time for those Indian children. I was not there and alive at the time when this happened so I can't say much about it. But I am pretty sure though that it must have been very traumatizing and terrifying for those Indian children to be yanked away from their parents and tribal homes. I almost come to tears at times when I see some child lose his/her parents. It must be just devastating for that child. Scary thought. :( 

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4 hours ago, OftenWrong said:

The Canadian government ordered that the native children be gathered up, taken away from the reservations. Away from a life of guaranteed neglect and squalor, substance abuse, disease and rife with ignorance. They were "scooped up", in order to save them from that misery.

Yea, and we know how that turned out...

Government fixing problems they made by creating more. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

From invited.......


.......to unwanted!   :lol:




The influx of unwanted immigrants is so bad that, the Miami Canadian consulate "will have a new full-time officer whose responsibilities will include outreach to communities most likely to try to illegally enter Canada."


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On 5/30/2018 at 10:59 PM, Thinkinoutsidethebox said:

Yea, and we know how that turned out...

Government fixing problems they made by creating more. 

It's always so easy to look back and judge actions through today's moral lens. It would be interesting to see how things would have turned out if either a) the government had done nothing or b) there had been no abuse. As with most issues in Canada, we only seem to get one side of the story. There were likely many, many success stories with the Residential School system that remain untold....but as they say - the road to Hell is paved with good intentions.

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On 6/10/2018 at 10:40 AM, Centerpiece said:

It's always so easy to look back and judge actions through today's moral lens. It would be interesting to see how things would have turned out if either a) the government had done nothing or b) there had been no abuse. As with most issues in Canada, we only seem to get one side of the story. There were likely many, many success stories with the Residential School system that remain untold....but as they say - the road to Hell is paved with good intentions.

I'm not sure there's much that can be said at this point to justify the residential school system. Its objective was assimilation and in that it failed even if at the time it was pretty commonly held to be a laudable goal. Removing children from their families and communities is not generally seen these days in a positive light. The fact that it was done by state fiat to achieve an objective that had little specifically to do with the welfare of the affected children renders it cruel. We have to acknowledge past mistakes where they have been made, even if in the day it was believed there was a valid justification. Who today would speak in favour of turning back the MS St. Louis which carried Jewish refugees from Nazi Germany or defend the forced internment and confiscation of the property of Japanese Canadians during WWII? I tend to resist the tendency to "presentism" that often accompanies assertions of past wrongdoing. But some actions are simply wrong and have long lasting or even permanent negative implications for those impacted. It is not harmful to admit that these mistakes were made.

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On 6/10/2018 at 8:40 AM, Centerpiece said:

It's always so easy to look back and judge actions through today's moral lens. It would be interesting to see how things would have turned out if either a) the government had done nothing or b) there had been no abuse. As with most issues in Canada, we only seem to get one side of the story. There were likely many, many success stories with the Residential School system that remain untold....but as they say - the road to Hell is paved with good intentions.

Well, if "knocking the Indian" out of these children is considered a success story... 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks to Scribblet for this news item.....

Our PM is a......a.......a.....a GROPER!




“I’m sorry. If I had known you were reporting for a national paper, I never would have been so forward.”

The words above were attributed to Justin Trudeau in an August 2000 Creston Valley Advance editorial.

For what was the future prime minister “sorry”? The words sprung from what the Advance characterized as the “groping” of its reporter by Trudeau during his visit to the region’s Kokanee Summit.


The National Post — on whose behalf the young female journalist was working in Creston in 2000 — has now added some in-depth reporting to nail down more facts.

To summarize, the reporter depicted in the editorial told her paper’s then-editor (Brian Bell) and then-publisher (Valerie Bourne) what transpired between her and Trudeau. In the words of Bourne: “She came to me just because she was distressed.” For his part, Bell says, he believed the incident happened and remembers being told about it at the time: “I consider (her) to be of sound character and that she would not have made this up.”





Not too long ago, in an interview..........





Trudeau says zero tolerance on misconduct toward women applies to him as well

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says women who come forward with complaints of sexual assault and harassment must be supported and believed.

And he's confident no one will be able to accuse him of the kinds of behaviour that have brought down several high-profile politicians this week.

"I've been very, very careful all my life to be thoughtful, to be respectful of people's space and people's headspace as well," he told CBC Radio's The House, in an interview airing Saturday.




So.....when do they have an inquiry about this?


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1 hour ago, capricorn said:

No can do. Trudeau "can't remember any negative encounter" and the woman in question won't come forward. I'm afraid it's case closed.

Do you think she's been paid off in some way? I can understand privacy but if I was her - and I saw this guy prancing around as the icon of virtue - It would make me mad enough to come forward. I mean, look at his apology to her. It says everything about this phoney of a PM.

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