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InCel rebellion, Toronto


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On 6/25/2018 at 8:06 PM, jacee said:

Women don't talk about it to men who just dismiss their concerns.

One time in a bar in Thunder Bay, I asked a gal to a slow dance.  I got a really loud NOOOOOOOOOO.. I went back to my table with a stunned look on my face and my friends asked as they noticed the incident, well they were curious to see if I was actually going to be successful with asking her to dance. They observed from a distance.... 'What did you say to her?' .... and I simply replied. "I asked her to dance!'.  

Maybe it's the semi-violent rejections that are more shocking than what people perceive of those who have been rejected.

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2 minutes ago, GostHacked said:

One time in a bar in Thunder Bay, I asked a gal to a slow dance.  I got a really loud NOOOOOOOOOO.. I went back to my table with a stunned look on my face and my friends asked as they noticed the incident, well they were curious to see if I was actually going to be successful with asking her to dance. They observed from a distance.... 'What did you say to her?' .... and I simply replied. "I asked her to dance!'.  

Maybe it's the semi-violent rejections that are more shocking than what people perceive of those who have been rejected.

Sorry if you didn't know but ... slow dance as a first approach doesn't work these days. Too many guys have  abused the privilege - grab grope jam you against them - so it's fallen out of favour as a first approach, and you will get No.

But ... I'll bet you didn't start yelling 'Think you're too good, bitch? (Slams wall) Fucking cunt! (Kicks door on way out) Probably a lesbian anyway! Dumb bitch! 

Those are the explosive rejects I'm talking about. Too many of them around.


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6 hours ago, GostHacked said:

One time in a bar in Thunder Bay, I asked a gal to a slow dance. 

I did that once, and after the dance, she left her husband for me.  A little while later, after we had become really close, (I thought) she dumped me for a friend of mine. 

I don't know how that turned out.

Edited by bcsapper
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15 hours ago, jacee said:

Sorry if you didn't know but ... slow dance as a first approach doesn't work these days. Too many guys have  abused the privilege - grab grope jam you against them - so it's fallen out of favour as a first approach, and you will get No.

But ... I'll bet you didn't start yelling 'Think you're too good, bitch? (Slams wall) Fucking cunt! (Kicks door on way out) Probably a lesbian anyway! Dumb bitch! 

Those are the explosive rejects I'm talking about. Too many of them around.


This was 20 years ago.  A simple no will work, but the way she did it was not a normal reaction.  Her reaction to me asking was more explosive than my stunned walk back to my table.

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On 6/28/2018 at 9:05 AM, GostHacked said:

This was 20 years ago.  A simple no will work, but the way she did it was not a normal reaction.  Her reaction to me asking was more explosive than my stunned walk back to my table.

I didn't mean to dismiss your experience. You're certainly not the explosive 'incels' I was talking about and that was pretty rude of her. 

They're not worth it. ;)



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On 6/29/2018 at 4:31 PM, jacee said:

I didn't mean to dismiss your experience. You're certainly not the explosive 'incels' I was talking about and that was pretty rude of her. 

They're not worth it. ;)



Part of the problem is that many young men are a little more concerned with every encounter with women. A simply hi can be seen as assault.  I think for the most part, these 'incells' are confused by women where it means were these men cannot even engage a woman on anything without being accused of assault in some fashion. Some might be outright explosive in their rejections, but I do not think it tells the whole story.  Most women I encounter, I ask, and if denied, I move on, there are other women out there. And some were quite insulting with the rejections. 

How are these young men being perceived by young women? I mean calling a lady names after they throw a drink in your face after rejection seems ... warranted. I know it may be a rare scenario. But I wonder if the violent rejections to men's proposals are being considered in how these 'incells' (damn I hate this stupid term) are reacting.

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8 hours ago, GostHacked said:

Part of the problem is that many young men are a little more concerned with every encounter with women. A simply hi can be seen as assault.

Maybe this is a case of Adam biting the metaphorical apple and having his eyes opened.  The reality of the difficulty between men and women has been hidden in our culture for years.

Young people are right to be cautious and take it slowly.

InCels as a moved seem to me to be an organization of socially undeveloped men.  They need to get themselves into the IRL world and so the tough work of learning IMO.  We need to get them help.

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17 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

Maybe this is a case of Adam biting the metaphorical apple and having his eyes opened.  The reality of the difficulty between men and women has been hidden in our culture for years.

Young people are right to be cautious and take it slowly.

InCels as a moved seem to me to be an organization of socially undeveloped men.  They need to get themselves into the IRL world and so the tough work of learning IMO.  We need to get them help.

Then we are failing the children when this happens. They needed the help a long time ago.  These people will be adults and they are going to have a hard time navigating through life.  What happened in our society to get to this stage? Failing families, drugs, schools (from grade 1 to university)  that indoctrinate instead of teach (the Linsday Sheppard incident is a good example of indoctrination). But this is not only hurting men, it is hurting women as well.

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20 hours ago, GostHacked said:

What happened in our society to get to this stage? Failing families, drugs, schools (from grade 1 to university)  that indoctrinate instead of teach (the Linsday Sheppard incident is a good example of indoctrination). But this is not only hurting men, it is hurting women as well.

Community is not a thing apart from the economy, and being afraid of outsiders.

Blaming the system is only partly right, because the system never had a heart.

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4 minutes ago, GostHacked said:

Thats a very generic answer. The government CAN fix it, because they broke it to this stage.

I think that is an interesting idea, but I don't think government is set up that way.  Ie. They don't provide a good or meaningful vision.  Maybe it's my imagination that is lacking, and you have some ideas.

I guess the closest thing would be religion, and that's just not a major influence anymore.  Some political groups encompass aspects of community, I think, but not an inclusive vision.

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12 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

I think that is an interesting idea, but I don't think government is set up that way.  Ie. They don't provide a good or meaningful vision.  Maybe it's my imagination that is lacking, and you have some ideas.

I guess the closest thing would be religion, and that's just not a major influence anymore.  Some political groups encompass aspects of community, I think, but not an inclusive vision.

The government has already set that up via the schools.  The progressive all inclusive mantras are affecting things for sure. The Wilford Laurier case with Lindsay Sheppard is the best and most profound example of that ideology being taught in schools. I am all for the notion of inclusive, but I am not willing to go entertain every single fractured group that thinks they are the most important.  It has to start somewhere, and I bet it's in the schools.  Stuff like math is not even important with these idea of 'common core' or new learning. It's leading away from the skills that we need to having social snowflakes thinking they are all special. When a good portion of them are losers without ever experiencing failure or rejection. Then when they get into the real world, they are shocked as their world view gets totally shattered.  But then because of that teaching in schools, people are demanding this in the workplace, making it hard for most employees and difficult for managers to effectively staff properly and spend a lot of time and money and manpower on making people feel inclusive.  That is not always the case, some companies embrace this and can actually make it work. But not all environments are set up to facilitate that properly. And with snowflakes, the issue of holding people accountable when they screw up is not dealt with properly. Instead of coaching, the result will be a lay off or outright firing.

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2 hours ago, GostHacked said:

1) The government has already set that up via the schools.  The progressive all inclusive mantras are affecting things for sure. The Wilford Laurier case with Lindsay Sheppard is the best and most profound example of that ideology being taught in schools.

2) It's leading away from the skills that we need to having social snowflakes thinking they are all special.


1) No they haven't.  You are talking about ideology and politics, but that doesn't address community or belonging.  I mentioned that above.

2) I am convinced that snowflakes are a myth.  The only ones I have encountered on here are those who are offended by brown people, or afraid that if they post some racist statements people may label them racist.

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23 minutes ago, Goddess said:

So, men are starting to......act like........women?

Men should be acting like MEN. Children tend to do better when they have a woman and a man as parents.  Sure it's not always the case, but how many single mothers out there who do their best have problematic children. Sure that's not always the case and some same sex couples manage to raise great kids. My colleague , she has been married to her wife for a few years and they have some great kids. So again there are always exceptions to the rule, but they are rare.


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10 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:


2) I am convinced that snowflakes are a myth.  The only ones I have encountered on here are those who are offended by brown people, or afraid that if they post some racist statements people may label them racist.

And those who claim they aren't allowed to say "Merry Christmas" any more.  Or that their lives have been irremediably damaged because people with different customs moved next door.

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12 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

1) No they haven't.  You are talking about ideology and politics, but that doesn't address community or belonging.  I mentioned that above.

2) I am convinced that snowflakes are a myth.  The only ones I have encountered on here are those who are offended by brown people, or afraid that if they post some racist statements people may label them racist.

Snowflakes are not a myth.  They are subjective.  Your snowflakes are offended by brown people, or afraid that if they post some racist statements people may label them racist, while mine are so offended by freedom of speech they think they have the right to dictate such,  and are so triggered by microaggressions they will get people fired over them.  Generally speaking.

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2 minutes ago, GostHacked said:

Men should be acting like MEN. Children tend to do better when they have a woman and a man as parents.  Sure it's not always the case, but how many single mothers out there who do their best have problematic children. Sure that's not always the case and some same sex couples manage to raise great kids. My colleague , she has been married to her wife for a few years and they have some great kids. So again there are always exceptions to the rule, but they are rare.


I meant that women have always had fears and concerns about encounters with men.  It's just funny that now men have fears and concerns about encounters with women.  And they don't like it.  

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Just now, GostHacked said:

Men should be acting like MEN. Children tend to do better when they have a woman and a man as parents.  Sure it's not always the case, but how many single mothers out there who do their best have problematic children. Sure that's not always the case and some same sex couples manage to raise great kids. My colleague , she has been married to her wife for a few years and they have some great kids. So again there are always exceptions to the rule, but they are rare.

How many gay couples with kids do you know?  How many have great kids compared to those with awful kids? 

My colleague at work has been married to her husband for over two decades and has four boys.  One of those boys is a problem child, 3 are not.  Another colleague has two kids, one great and one with issues. 

My niece, a single parent with 4 kids, has one over-achiever, one problem child and two who are just kids. 

Can you please put these anecdotes into your tidy socially acceptable boxes?

Can you provide quality scientific studies supporting your contention that most kids of gay couples have problems, compared to hetero couples. 

Can you provide quality scientific studies that show kids of single mothers are problem kids that doesn't actually point to poverty as being the issue, rather than parenting.

I believe kids do best when their parent(s) are loving, available, consistent and supportive - as well as being able to provide necessities of life.  Given that, kids can thrive whether they have one or two parents, or what gender those parents are. 

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15 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

1) No they haven't.  You are talking about ideology and politics, but that doesn't address community or belonging.  I mentioned that above.

2) I am convinced that snowflakes are a myth.  The only ones I have encountered on here are those who are offended by brown people, or afraid that if they post some racist statements people may label them racist.

Ideology and politics is what bread these kinds of people. And that starts in schools. I mean it's really problematic when stuff like transgender ideologies are being pushed onto kids as young as 5 when they have not even figured themselves out yet. There is no need to cause more confusion by all these stupid pronouns ect.  And that is giving rise to these other groups using another stupid term 'incels'. 



A school board trustee in B.C. has come under fire for comments he made online criticizing a new trans-friendly educational program and expressing his support for “traditional family values.”

Barry Neufeld, a trustee for the Chilliwack School District, wrote a Facebook post on Monday slamming the province’s Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SOGI) 123 program, which aims to educate children about gender identity, discourage bullying and promote inclusion.

“At the risk of being labelled a bigoted homophobe, I have to say that I support traditional family values and I agree with the College of paediatricians that allowing little children choose to change gender is nothing short of child abuse,” Neufeld wrote in the post.



The activists believe that children's expressions of gender identity should automatically be taken at face value. Simply put, the children know best. This is now the mainstream view, celebrated in the media, endorsed by progressive politicians, vigorously embraced by our school systems and robustly promoted by a growing number of medical practitioners who do not hesitate to prescribe powerful, life-altering drugs to adolescents and teenagers. Countless parents who would never feed their kid a peanut have now been persuaded to make drastic social and biomedical decisions that will irrevocably alter their child's life.



Although both kids' books are aimed at children aged four to eight, parents were deeply upset that they were not informed that this type of subject matter would be taught to their kids.

"My daughter came home crying and shaking so afraid she could turn into a boy," one parent revealed, according to Breitbart.


Now the other part is where you have NO IDEA that the school is implementing these ideologies.



TORONTO, July 13, 2017 (LifeSiteNews) — Campaign Life Coalition is raising the alarm that parental rights are under new attack, this time by school boards defending "transgenderism" and gender confusion in students of any age behind their parents’ back.

A number of Ontario school boards have quietly implemented directives that a school not tell parents when a child asks to “transition” to another gender at school, even in kindergarten, Jack Fonseca, senior political strategist for Campaign Life, told LifeSiteNews.

“So you can have a five-year-old boy or seven-year-old girl asking a teacher about switching genders, or that they want to be another gender, and the board says that teacher can’t tell the parents,” he said.

“What a tyrannical violation of parental rights! Worse still, it amounts to institutional child abuse on the part of schools.”

Children are “already subjected to gender identity theory in schools at too young an age, which can actually cause them to believe they might be transgender by producing sexual confusion that didn’t exist before,” he noted.

“These policies will leave young kids without the protection of their parents against gender theory ideologues,” added Fonseca.

“The harm to a child could be irreparable, including increased risk for depression and suicide.”

So I have and can prove even more beyond a doubt that is is taking place in schools today.  Get em young and indoctrinate them early.

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