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Canada's Refugee System in Chaos


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2 minutes ago, Dougie93 said:

1.) You can't stop the immigration....

2.) All you can do is be Milton Friedman's Hong Kong, take the white knuckled grip off the wheel and let the market find a price for things, then the profit interest will do the rest and fill the void with products and services priced to the market by the market for the market.

1.) Of course you can. It might not be preferable to stop it completely but it utterly and legitimately falls within the jurisdiction of sovereign states to regulate immigration levels.

2.) Well, Milton Friedman held that open borders, which he favored, cannot be maintained along with a social welfare state. I believe it's a sage observation. As for your reference to Hong Kong, you need to acknowledge a bit of reality. Almost half of Hong Kong's population lives in housing that's either fully or partially government-subsidized. I believe the extent of public housing subsidy is even greater in famously free market Singapore. Governments in those two places have figured out that the private sector cannot in an economically prosperous area that attracts large numbers of outsiders efficiently meet housing needs. The growing angst in Canada about immigration might subside substantially were the government to acknowledge the impact of immigration on housing affordability in cities like Toronto and Vancouver and were it to remove welfare incentives that attract often economically marginal migrants.

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The Canadian government is broken tho.

Confederation is a zombie failed state, there is no national interest and never was, and the last nails in the cofffin was hammered in,  the moment the Pequistes came a hairs breadth away from ceding, and then the Liberals allowed them to essentially leave,  but be bribed into pretending that they didn't for public consumption.

This is state of governance cannot fix anything, it just flails about pathetically, which is why Canadians are angry all the time at all the governments in Canada.

The state of affairs does not degenerate into civil disorder for two reasons;

1) British Westminster Parliamentary Supremacy persists, upheld by Elizabeth Windsor who remains above the fray of Confederation.

2) Special access to the Global Hegemon's economy props the zombie up.

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17 minutes ago, turningrite said:

1.) Of course you can. It might not be preferable to stop it completely but it utterly and legitimately falls within the jurisdiction of sovereign states to regulate immigration levels.

They just walk over the border and then invoke the UN charter right,  then hang out indefinitely by exploiting the failed nanny states inability to govern.

There's no way to stop that with all the Queens Horses and all the Queens men, they couldn't even secure the border of New Brunswick never mind Canada.

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Oh yay. I'm so happy.

Canada has taken the lead in refugee settlement for the first time in 72 years, according to new data compiled by a researcher at the University of Calgary, raising questions about the country’s role in navigating a growing, international refugee crisis.

Data compiled from the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), as well as other governments worldwide, shows that Canada resettled just under 30,000 refugees in 2018 — slightly exceeding the number of those resettled by countries in the European Union, and a few thousand more than those resettled by the United States, putting Canada in a historic lead.


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Syrian refugees who entered Canada in 2016.

There is a weird part:



Carvin said there are many questions left regarding the arrests, including the use of a plane spotted hundreds of times this month by Kingston residents.

Royal Military College Prof. Christian Leuprecht suggested the RCMP had to speed up their investigation when the plane started getting coverage on local news for its mysterious origins. When it was identified as an RCMP plane by local experts, Leuprecht said it could have raised concerns.

“When the RCMP is flying a plane here on a regular basis at night, it’s a good tip that something may be up,” he said.

The RCMP previously only offered a statement saying its “primary concern is the safety and security of Canadians. We have multiple aircraft that support our mandate in Ontario and elsewhere in the country. To maintain the integrity of our investigations and operations, the location of our aircraft is not disclosed.”



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34 minutes ago, Goddess said:


Syrian refugees who entered Canada in 2016.

There is a weird part:


Why is that weird? The part I find weird is four churches chose to sponsor a Muslim family instead of a Christian family. I can assure you there are many Christian families in great danger in the refugee camps, often in danger from their fellow Muslim refugees...

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2 minutes ago, Argus said:

Why is that weird? The part I find weird is four churches chose to sponsor a Muslim family instead of a Christian family. I can assure you there are many Christian families in great danger in the refugee camps, often in danger from their fellow Muslim refugees...

The planes sort of indicate that it was a pretty serious terrorist plot.  I doubt the teenage boy arrested was the mastermind.

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Nothing weird about using an ISR plane, other than the fact that they tipped their hand by flying it around over the target to the point where they were attracting the attention of the whole city. 

But this is the RCMP,  it's kind of a mickey mouse outfit, keystone cops.

I'll give them the benefit of the doubt that this is not another one of these entrapment situations where the RCMP concocts the entire plot and then arrests some patsy.

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18 hours ago, Argus said:

Oh yay. I'm so happy.

Canada has taken the lead in refugee settlement for the first time in 72 years, according to new data compiled by a researcher at the University of Calgary, raising questions about the country’s role in navigating a growing, international refugee crisis.

Data compiled from the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), as well as other governments worldwide, shows that Canada resettled just under 30,000 refugees in 2018 — slightly exceeding the number of those resettled by countries in the European Union, and a few thousand more than those resettled by the United States, putting Canada in a historic lead.


And in other news, Trudeau was apparently in N.B. yesterday touting the success of Canada's Syrian resettlement program. Really. (See link below.) These presumably are the same Syrian refugees whose progress and circumstances in Canada were/are not being tracked according to an assessment issued by the federal Auditor General not much more than a year ago. Is our refugee program and more broadly our immigration system not simply a propaganda tool for the federal Libs at this point? There's little evidence to suggest that there's any inclination at the federal level to rationally evaluate these programs. Trudeau's approach seems to be one of telling us 'don't worry, be happy' and certainly don't raise your concerns in public. How many people can Trudeau fool and for how long where immigration is concerned? 



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  • 2 weeks later...

Apparently we're spending too much time checking out these refugee applications so the Trudeau government has brought in a fast-track, rubber stamp system for people from places like Syria and Afghanistan. Not that any of these people could possibly present a danger to Canadians, of course!


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  • 1 month later...

Yesterday was an election-day in Estonia. A party called EKRE finished third. The party campaigned on an anti-immigration platform. 

Some people say that was strange that the issue was so big in Estonia as the country supposedly has next to none immigrants. People who say that dont seem to remember that about 1/3 of the population of Estonia are ethnic Russians who were transfered there during the Soviet times. 

Another thing what people said was strange about the popularity of EKRE was that it was the most popular party among expat-Estonians. People who have emigrated support a party which opposes immigration. 

It sound funny but given that most Estonian expats live in Finland and Sweden and they have first-hand seen what unfettered third-world immigration does to a country and they dont want that to happen to Estonia. 

What does this rant have to do with the thread-title refugees in Canada? Little or nothing really. My apologies for that. I considered this thread the most relevant for that purpose. 

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1 hour ago, -TSS- said:

What does this rant have to do with the thread-title refugees in Canada? Little or nothing really. My apologies for that. I considered this thread the most relevant for that purpose. 

We have a million years of instincts which make us a tribal people, and which raise our level of discomfort the more 'others' are in our territory. Anti-immigration sentiment is provoking anger across the West. And the more smarmy liberal politicians ignore and discount it the angrier people are going to get.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So diversity is a strength, is it? Uh huh. Yeah. Okay. I'm sure. Somewhere. Maybe somewhere in history? Dunno where or when.

'Like something out of Braveheart': Hundreds of riot police swarm Melbourne's CBD as 'rival African and Pacific Islander gangs' clash after family-orientated Moomba Festival

Brawling groups of ethnic youths have marred the Moomba Festival yet again 


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On 1/25/2019 at 1:07 PM, turningrite said:

And in other news, Trudeau was apparently in N.B. yesterday touting the success of Canada's Syrian resettlement program. Really. (See link below.) These presumably are the same Syrian refugees whose progress and circumstances in Canada were/are not being tracked according to an assessment issued by the federal Auditor General not much more than a year ago. Is our refugee program and more broadly our immigration system not simply a propaganda tool for the federal Libs at this point? There's little evidence to suggest that there's any inclination at the federal level to rationally evaluate these programs. Trudeau's approach seems to be one of telling us 'don't worry, be happy' and certainly don't raise your concerns in public. How many people can Trudeau fool and for how long where immigration is concerned? 



Harper had us bombing Syrian homes.

So they're here.


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8 minutes ago, jacee said:

Harper had us bombing Syrian homes.

So they're here.


Do you think they are a good fit for Canada?


Do they share left wing Canadian values?  Do they agree with homosexuality?  How about Transgender?  Do these refugees accept modern feminism?  Are Syrian husbands raping their wives by not asking permission for sex and just assuming permission?  

If they do not share these values and are more conservative in nature, I don't see how many could possibly feel these people are a good fit.

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Just now, Donnie said:

Do you think they are a good fit for Canada?


Do they share left wing Canadian values?  Do they agree with homosexuality?  How about Transgender?  Do these refugees accept modern feminism?  Are Syrian husbands raping their wives by not asking permission for sex and just assuming permission?  

Everyone shares Canadian freedoms within the law.

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37 minutes ago, Donnie said:

Do you think they are a good fit for Canada?


Do they share left wing Canadian values?  Do they agree with homosexuality?  How about Transgender?  Do these refugees accept modern feminism?  Are Syrian husbands raping their wives by not asking permission for sex and just assuming permission?  

If they do not share these values and are more conservative in nature, I don't see how many could possibly feel these people are a good fit.

Do you believe Canada is already too conservative and not progressive enough?

Me too.

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7 hours ago, Donnie said:

How do you know?  Are prisons full of people who do not?

Also "everyone"?  as in everyone in the world?  or everyone in Canada?  or everyone in Syria?  Qualify everyone please.


Everyone in Canada is subject to the laws of Canada. 



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10 hours ago, jacee said:

Harper had us bombing Syrian homes.

So they're here.

You got that ass backwards and upside down. ISIS was slaughtering people in large numbers and shooting their way across Syria and Iraq when the West decided to interfere by bombing them. As far as I'm aware NONE of the refugees who fled Iraq and Syria came from deep in the ISIS territories where we were bombing. They came from areas ISIS was menacing and attacking.

So you are, in effect, accusing us of responsibility for trying to halt the slaughter.

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10 hours ago, eyeball said:

Do you believe Canada is already too conservative and not progressive enough?

Me too.

No.  Far too leftist.

We are moving from being a Liberal country to becoming fully socialist.

Look at all the examples of failed socialism.  Yet this is what is wanted by the left in Canada.

They wont call it but they call it Democratic Socialism or the Third way. Sound familiar?  

The thing I dont understand is that our western nations were built from nothing to the most advanced nations on the planet as a direct result of the free market system or capitalism.  But now that system is bad and needs to be replaced by Democratic SOCIALISM.

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3 hours ago, jacee said:

Everyone in Canada is subject to the laws of Canada. 



Ok.  However do the new people we are importing en masse support our social values?  It seems counter to the leftist goals to allow people in who do not agree with homosexuality, trans people etc.  Does it not?  Or is it the great leftist job to teach these people so they to will become enlightened?

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So things are about to get even worse, as our activist judiciary has now struck down the safe third country law. Now the phony refugees won't even have to bother going out of their way to come in but can just show up at the front door. It's not like we're allowed to stop them.

The Federal Court has struck down one of the last remaining planks of a controversial revamp of the refugee asylum system introduced with great fanfare by the Harper government as a way to root out what it called bogus claims.

On Wednesday, Justice Keith Boswell declared it is “unconstitutional” for Ottawa to treat refugees from so-called “safe countries” differently from other refugees when it comes to being assessed to determine if deporting them would put them in danger.


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On 3/15/2019 at 11:38 AM, Donnie said:

Ok.  However do the new people we are importing en masse support our social values?  It seems counter to the leftist goals to allow people in who do not agree with homosexuality, trans people etc.  Does it not?  Or is it the great leftist job to teach these people so they to will become enlightened?

Despite our "values", we have homophobic and transphobic and citizens already in Canada. Are you suggesting that we should revoke their citizenship if they don't pass your 'values test'? :lol:

Entering and staying or being in Canada requires adherence to the law. Regardless of personal (homophobic, transphobic, etc) feelings, landlords, employers etc can't discriminate or incite or promote hatred against people on those grounds. That is the law.


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1 hour ago, jacee said:

Despite our "values", we have homophobic and transphobic and citizens already in Canada. Are you suggesting that we should revoke their citizenship if they don't pass your 'values test'? :lol:

Entering and staying or being in Canada requires adherence to the law. Regardless of personal (homophobic, transphobic, etc) feelings, landlords, employers etc can't discriminate or incite or promote hatred against people on those grounds. That is the law.



Your love of Islam will end-up killing Jews, homosexuals and anybody else that gets in the way of your pet religion.

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