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Iran needs some democracy


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Now Aljazeera is biased for the Iranian regime? 

They make it very clear that the Iranian regime uses online platforms for propaganda and how twitter has canceled accounts because of this. This is information that is well-known and has already been established. They are now talking about the other side of all of this, which is the propaganda that is coming from the MEK.

The video does not dispute that the economy in Iran is doing bad or the brutality of the regime. 

From the MEK? Yeah, I've read those too. Where did you read your information? Back up your comments with something worthwhile. You are so quick to create a thought just as long as it responds to your black and white world.

Challenge yourself and try to see the world for what it is. A multifaceted world with different angles to it.

You are so deep into your black and white world, that you're even willing to give a pass to the MEK. It's a shame.

It's not incredible. These guys are willing to go to any length to continue to have control over the masses. 

The brutality of the regime and the manner they destroyed Iran and Iranians are only a matter of being black and white and it is crystal clear. Anyone who in a slightest manner dispute that fact or lobby for the survival of the regime is also crystal clear is a traitor and agent of the regime. I don't have to provide proof for the obvious.Btw it is suppress the masses not control.

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And you are free to support one type of Islamic terrorist over another. Such a fence sitter.

He never has. Provide the words where he has ever supported any Muslim terrorist. This is why you have zero credibility. You tried to bait him with pathetic accusations of him hating all Muslims now infer he supports Muslim terrorism.

For someone with your track record on this board you need to learn when you bait it simply means you aint got sheeyat to say so you try deflect with false personal references.




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The brutality of the regime and the manner they destroyed Iran and Iranians are only a matter of being black and white and it is crystal clear. Anyone who in a slightest manner dispute that fact or lobby for the survival of the regime is also crystal clear is a traitor and agent of the regime. I don't have to provide proof for the obvious.Btw it is suppress the masses not control.

Strongly stand by this writer.

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How can Iranians or any other people trust for the West to bring in democracy to them with their record of working against democracies in favour of 

The only people who can bring about democracy are the people of the nation in question, not foreign governments.

If Iran ever is to be free it begins and ends with its own people but this does not mean we can not applaud the efforts of its citizens to shed their tyrannical council of Muĺlahs and provide them support as long as  that support is for medical care, infrastrucure, things that can help build its nation positively and not one based on fear of religious mainstream fundamentalism.

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He never has. Provide the words where he has ever supported any Muslim terrorist. This is why you have zero credibility. You tried to bait him with pathetic accusations of him hating all Muslims now infer he supports Muslim terrorism.

For someone with your track record on this board you need to learn when you bait it simply means you aint got sheeyat to say so you try deflect with false personal references.

Go away. I already threw Doggy to the mat a few times. He got tired of his own tactics used against him. If you really want to talk about baiting.You and Doggy are way better at attempted baiting compared to me. Both you and Doggy love to throw insults at other posters and then complain when it's done to you. I suggest talking to me like human, or you can be met with more of what you dish out.

No sympathy for either of you and absolutely zero fucks given.  Report me then.


The only people who can bring about democracy are the people of the nation in question, not foreign governments.

If Iran ever is to be free it begins and ends with its own people but this does not mean we can not applaud the efforts of its citizens to shed their tyrannical council of Muĺlahs and provide them support as long as  that support is for medical care, infrastrucure, things that can help build its nation positively and not one based on fear of religious mainstream fundamentalism.

Tell that to the USA.  Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen..   shall I go on?

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On 9/19/2018 at 12:55 PM, Rue said:

The only people who can bring about democracy are the people of the nation in question, not foreign governments.

If Iran ever is to be free it begins and ends with its own people but this does not mean we can not applaud the efforts of its citizens to shed their tyrannical council of Muĺlahs and provide them support as long as  that support is for medical care, infrastrucure, things that can help build its nation positively and not one based on fear of religious mainstream fundamentalism.

It is all great but what we must admit is that we are living in a real world not a fictitious one. In movies the good almost always wins over evil but in real life it is a different story. That would be great that those people without arms or any sort of weapons confront the heavily armed paid mercenaries of revolutionary guards (revolutionary thugs) and basij and then end up winning (the victory of good over evil) but unfortunately that only happens in the movies. 

They have tried it for 40 years and many young highly educated very nationalist army officers and civilians murdered by this regime. They tried in 2009 again and it was fiercely and violently suppressed and many innocent young people murdered and again at the end of 2017 same story.  In real life if the Iranian people wish to get rid of this murderous regime and free themselves and their occupied country from this murderous evil islamic regime who destroyed their lives, their country and free the world from this evil murderous regime they need OUTSIDE help of any kind possible. 

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17 hours ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

It is all great but what we must admit is that we are living in a real world not a fictitious one. In movies the good almost always wins over evil but in real life it is a different story. That would be great that those people without arms or any sort of weapons confront the heavily armed paid mercenaries of revolutionary guards (revolutionary thugs) and basij and then end up winning (the victory of good over evil) but unfortunately that only happens in the movies. 

They have tried it for 40 years and many young highly educated very nationalist army officers and civilians murdered by this regime. They tried in 2009 again and it was fiercely and violently suppressed and many innocent young people murdered and again at the end of 2017 same story.  In real life if the Iranian people wish to get rid of this murderous regime and free themselves and their occupied country from this murderous evil islamic regime who destroyed their lives, their country and free the world from this evil murderous regime they need OUTSIDE help of any kind possible. 

This fucking retarded stupid mullah theocracy in Iran is killing people. Their sick twisted ideology is only to serve them. Bunch of backward antiquated idiots importing their ideology into iranian nation!!!

Their support for Hezbollah and Hammas is only to serve their interest not even palestinians.... 

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Curious how the terrorist attack in Ahvaz will be responded to by people like Citizen_2015. Support anti-Iranian groups at any cost?

The Saudi connected group has taken responsibility for the terrorist attack. Abdulkhaleq Abdulla, an advisor to the Abu Dhabi government, justified the Ahvaz attack on Twitter (google translate), arguing that it wasn’t a terrorist attack and that “moving the battle to the Iranian side is a declared option”. Attacks of this kind, he ominously warned, “will increase during the next phase”.

This incident fits well with John Bolton's plan, which Trump's policy towards Iran is following point by point. Just before becoming the neo-cons' handpicked National Security advisor, he wrote in a memo putting forth what should be done with Iran. It details how the US should coordinate with Israel and Saudi Arabia to build support - domestically and internationally - for a withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal and a much more aggressive policy on Iran.

It specifically mentions “providing assistance” to Khuzestan Arabs - the minority group in Iran that the Ahvazi attack perpetrators claim to represent. Bolton also hilariously argues that the Trump administration should demand payment from Iran for "its  role in the 9/11 September attacks"!

Citizen_2015 has already provided support for Bolton in a previous post. I wonder if he, a) knows about the Bolton memo and b) if he cares about the terrorist attack in Iran.



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I was just became aware of this attack as I was out of town. My response as you ask for is that I do condemn terrorist attack on civilians as there have been also civilian casualties among the 25 dead however, the casualties on the hated revolutionary guards are the casualties on occupying forces and I don't shed a single tear for them.  IT IS the Revolutionary Guards (the Revolutionary Thugs) who are the real terrorists terrorizing the Iran nation every day and keeping the terrorist islamic republic regime and the murderous mullahs in power to murder more Iranians and sell off Iran to Russia and Arabs and support other terrorist groups in the region like Yemen, Syria and Lebanon. If you believe otherwise then you are with them too. I do condemn the two groups who claimed responsibility (IS and Ahvazi group) however,  This was a likely response to many years of suppression and crimes by revolutionary thugs against the racial and religious minorities.  The longer this regime stays in power (by terror and discontent and war and hate) the more there will be terrorism in Iran and the risk of disintegration of this ancient country. It is the Islamic Republic which is the problem and the real terrorist.

US tells Iran regime to look into mirror for the causes of terror attack.



Btw, Iranian currency on free fall again. A dollar is now 155000 rials what used t be 70 rials when the Shah was in power (and 40000 only a year ago). Curse ad fire on the soul of those criminals and gangsters who started this coup on streets and mosques in 1978.The regime, and together with it  Iran economy and together with it the country and the 2500 year old nation is collapsing  to the point of total destruction but this Arab sympathizer, occupying murderous regime is hanging n to its last breath with terror and threats and executions and jail and torture and at any cost. Until it completely destroyed the country.

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On 9/22/2018 at 11:16 PM, marcus said:

Curious how the terrorist attack in Ahvaz will be responded to by people like Citizen_2015. Support anti-Iranian groups at any cost?

The main anti-Iranian group is the mullahs and the murderous corrupt islamic republic regime who in 40 years brought Iran to its knees and destroyed its economy and the only things they made were prisons, graveyards and torture chambers and stole nations's money and wealth and gave it away to Iran's enemies and arab terrorists while keeping its own nation in poverty and starvation. Who openly threatens its nation with executions if they rise up and very willing to carry out those threats too as they have so far proven. If you don't see all these then either you are totally blind or you are a paid mercenary paid to carryout propaganda for the regime. Death to this murderous anti-Iranian islamic republic.

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9 hours ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

I was just became aware of this attack as I was out of town. My response as you ask for is that I do condemn terrorist attack on civilians as there have been also civilian casualties among the 25 dead however, the casualties on the hated revolutionary guards are the casualties on occupying forces and I don't shed a single tear for them.  IT IS the Revolutionary Guards (the Revolutionary Thugs) who are the real terrorists terrorizing the Iran nation every day and keeping the terrorist islamic republic regime and the murderous mullahs in power to murder more Iranians and sell off Iran to Russia and Arabs and support other terrorist groups in the region like Yemen, Syria and Lebanon. If you believe otherwise then you are with them too. I do condemn the two groups who claimed responsibility (IS and Ahvazi group) however,  This was a likely response to many years of suppression and crimes by revolutionary thugs against the racial and religious minorities.  The longer this regime stays in power (by terror and discontent and war and hate) the more there will be terrorism in Iran and the risk of disintegration of this ancient country. It is the Islamic Republic which is the problem and the real terrorist.

US tells Iran regime to look into mirror for the causes of terror attack.



Btw, Iranian currency on free fall again. A dollar is now 155000 rials what used t be 70 rials when the Shah was in power (and 40000 only a year ago). Curse ad fire on the soul of those criminals and gangsters who started this coup on streets and mosques in 1978.The regime, and together with it  Iran economy and together with it the country and the 2500 year old nation is collapsing  to the point of total destruction but this Arab sympathizer, occupying murderous regime is hanging n to its last breath with terror and threats and executions and jail and torture and at any cost. Until it completely destroyed the country.

Whilst I agree in principle with everything you have said here there is a point of contention...

There is no need to curse or blame the generation that voted these bunch of thugs into power...After all, they were manipulated and brainwashed to vote mullahs into power....Now that they are in power those generation are pissed off for letting these bunch of islamists rule the country in such a way. 

I will draw an analogy and describe the current clergy system to a bunch of mafia who use islam and mosques to make deals and steal money. You know very well that most of their wealth portfolio which is the money belonging to Iran is now invested in foreign banks abroad....Lest to say they can feel the anger, resentment and frustration of Iranians with their theocratic system and their draconian measures....These mullahs have sent their kids abroad to enjoy the kind of things Iranians used to have durning shah...Bunch of fucking hypocrites who now tell women to dress like 1400 years ago!

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On 9/24/2018 at 8:05 AM, kactus said:

Whilst I agree in principle with everything you have said here there is a point of contention...

There is no need to curse or blame the generation that voted these bunch of thugs into power...After all, they were manipulated and brainwashed to vote mullahs into power....Now that they are in power those generation are pissed off for letting these bunch of islamists rule the country in such a way. 

I will draw an analogy and describe the current clergy system to a bunch of mafia who use islam and mosques to make deals and steal money. You know very well that most of their wealth portfolio which is the money belonging to Iran is now invested in foreign banks abroad....Lest to say they can feel the anger, resentment and frustration of Iranians with their theocratic system and their draconian measures....These mullahs have sent their kids abroad to enjoy the kind of things Iranians used to have durning shah...Bunch of fucking hypocrites who now tell women to dress like 1400 years ago!

Their own sons and daughters curse them and no I don't curse those who voted for islamic republic in March 1979 under fierce intimidated atmosphere  but those criminals and gangsters who attack the banks, set fire to government buildings (under the order of mullahs) and murdered the soldiers and army officers BEFORE the coup succeeded in late 1978 and early 1979. Members of MEK and Fadayiis and Tudeh and even the so called nationalist National Front and of course the black forces directly guided by mullahs.

Those who poured into streets (about 15% of population) in the fall of 1978 also deserve blame because they were ungrateful to 50 years of prosperous Pahlavi dynasty who build Iran from nothing and established a prosperous powerful nation and country and instead they were fooled by false promises and lies of free electricity and water and free oil money and ignored the free health and education and full employment that the Shah had actually in reality given them. In addition those who remained at home and watched the coup unfolding (85% of population what is called the SILENT MAJORITY) also deserve some blame not to raise a finger to save their country. 

Iranian currency fell further to 160000 rials another 10000 rials in a few hours. If this regime stays in power any longer there will be soon no Iran. Economic collapse, civil war, disintegration..................

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3 hours ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

The main anti-Iranian group is the mullahs and the murderous corrupt islamic republic regime who in 40 years brought Iran to its knees and destroyed its economy and the only things they made were prisons, graveyards and torture chambers and stole nations's money and wealth and gave it away to Iran's enemies and arab terrorists while keeping its own nation in poverty and starvation. Who openly threatens its nation with executions if they rise up and very willing to carry out those threats too as they have so far proven. If you don't see all these then either you are totally blind or you are a paid mercenary paid to carryout propaganda for the regime. Death to this murderous anti-Iranian islamic republic.

What's wrong with you? There you go with one of your rants.You can be against the regime and still be against the terrorist attack.

I just hope that this is not going to be the norm in Iran. 

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On 9/24/2018 at 10:55 AM, marcus said:

What's wrong with you? There you go with one of your rants.You can be against the regime and still be against the terrorist attack.

I just hope that this is not going to be the norm in Iran. 

Did you read my post? I did condemn the terrorist attack on civilians especially reading about the 4 year old victim brought tears to my eyes but we have to look at the root of the problems. The 4 year old boy was a victim of actions by islamic republic joining millions others. What did you expect me to do or else to say? If they were Arab separatists then they wish to separate the oil rich province of Khuzestan and I have been very much against them since childhood. If they were ISIS then needless to say that post after post I have condemned their actions. I hope they are both rooted out not only in Iran but the whole world. The attack on civilians on any occasion is cowardly and there is no justifications for that.

I must also add I do not rule out involvement by the regime itself or the guards themselves as this attack will give them a tool to crack down hard on dissent of any kind including economic grievances and human rights activists. The regime has been wanting to create some kind of event or war to crack down hard on dissent for a long time.

It will be the norm if the regime stays in power (I said this in my post too). That is because the way they are treating the minorities and in fact everyone who is not exactly in their line even those who were with them a while ago like the islamic reformists and even a former pragmatic president is rumored to have been murdered because he was not in their exact line.

The attack(on civilians as cowardly as it was is the result of regime discriminatory repressive actions against their own people in particular racial and religious minorities but also human rights defenders, union leaders, workers, farmers, students, women and almost everyone. Not to mention the richest province has been abandoned by the regime having lost all its water resources and regime inspired polluted air suffering dire economic conditions in the hand of mullah even worse than rest of Iran. There is a limit the people can take peacefully but at the boiling point (long past that point in Iran) they have no choice but to take up arms. However the struggle must be for the liberation of Iran not its destruction and second against armed regime mercenaries who actively take part in suppression of the nation not civilians. You are the one who tried to justify Palestinian terrorist actions due to Israelis oppressive behavior in the occupied lands so why the double standard when it comes to your own country?

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On 9/24/2018 at 9:05 AM, kactus said:

Whilst I agree in principle with everything you have said here there is a point of contention...

There is no need to curse or blame the generation that voted these bunch of thugs into power...After all, they were manipulated and brainwashed to vote mullahs into power....Now that they are in power those generation are pissed off for letting these bunch of islamists rule the country in such a way. 

I will draw an analogy and describe the current clergy system to a bunch of mafia who use islam and mosques to make deals and steal money. You know very well that most of their wealth portfolio which is the money belonging to Iran is now invested in foreign banks abroad....Lest to say they can feel the anger, resentment and frustration of Iranians with their theocratic system and their draconian measures....These mullahs have sent their kids abroad to enjoy the kind of things Iranians used to have durning shah...Bunch of fucking hypocrites who now tell women to dress like 1400 years ago!

Good God I totally agree with K.

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Citizen I appreciate all your words. I think though the changes have to be carried out by Iranians. This is because if the people of Iran don't make the change its not a genuine change by the people of its nation it's an external invasion that ignores the legal principle of sovereignty. I do appreciate your pain.

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1 hour ago, Rue said:

Citizen I appreciate all your words. I think though the changes have to be carried out by Iranians. This is because if the people of Iran don't make the change its not a genuine change by the people of its nation it's an external invasion that ignores the legal principle of sovereignty. I do appreciate your pain.

I didn't mean external invasion. What I meant was external pressure and support for Iran nation. External support for Iranian people and their struggle and external pressure like pressuring the regime to respect human rights and free political prisoners and threatening them with harsher sanctions. This is what US is doing and this is what Europe must do too instead of prostituting themselves to the mullahs at the expense of Iranian people. While the regime is murdering its citizens and jailing thousands for slightest opposition and selling off the country to Arabs and Russia and keeping the nation of the richest country in the world in poverty and spreading war and terror in the whole region and terrorizing its nation the damn prostitute countries of France, Britain, Russia, China and Germany as seeking ways to continue trade with the regime and lengthen its survival and they claim to be civilized and respect human rights while their own citizens even are in regime jails.

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13 hours ago, Rue said:

Citizen I appreciate all your words. I think though the changes have to be carried out by Iranians. This is because if the people of Iran don't make the change its not a genuine change by the people of its nation it's an external invasion that ignores the legal principle of sovereignty. I do appreciate your pain.

Now only if that notion was present 20 years ago before the massive 'regime change' by means of war from western powers.

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People are arrested even for speaking for equality of religious minorities!!!!! What a fucked up regime made of fucktard mullahs totally out of touch with what the nation wants and is or what Iran (Persia) stood for in the past. Fu***ng occupying regime of mullahs who will all be send to hell soon by this proud ancient nation.



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Another nation wide strike by truck drivers all over Iran for economic reasons due to rise in prices for truck spare parts that cannot make ends meet and as usual the  regime of mullahs threatened legitimate striking drivers with Death. The justice department and the mercenary police warned them they will be executed.

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Justice system under islamic republic Iran. The victim of violence and rape was executed in islamic Iran under islamic system.




Sekaanvand’s life was defined by a legal system which brazenly disadvantages women. A system which sets the age of criminal responsibility at nine years for girls and 15 for boys—and the legal age of marriage for girls at 13. It does not criminalize rape of a woman by her husband. It violently imposes the abusive, discriminatory and degrading practice of forced hijab (veiling) on women and young girls and then jails the ones who campaign against it.

It’s a system where, ultimately, a woman’s testimony is worth less than a man’s. That’s why no one in power listened to Sekaanvand’s story. They chose to end it instead.


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Hardliners Reformists the game is over. Iranians declared they should both go to fuc*ing hell.


Until the outbreak of protests in December 2017, Iran portrayed an image of itself as one of the most stable countries of the Middle East. One can't help but draw a comparison to January 1978, the year before the outbreak of the Islamic Revolution, when Jimmy Carter raised a glass to the Shah and called Iran "an island of stability".

If history has taught us anything, it is the unpredictability of Iranian politics and the fact that the political reality of modern Iran is by no means fixed - rather it is fluid and capable of giving birth to realities unforeseen by stakeholders. Nevertheless, the fact remains that the Reformist movement no longer has legitimacy as a viable democratic alternative.

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