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48 minutes ago, Goddess said:

And I thank you for that.  My grandfather was a US Army WWll vet, so I have a soft spot for you fellas.

Thank you...

We, the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have now done so much for so long with so little, we are now capable of doing anything with nothing.

29 minutes ago, DogOnPorch said:


Only a small fraction of the Nazi establishment had any hand murdering Jews.

And we don't blame all Germans, just actual Nazis.

Blame ISIS or terrorists, not Muslims or Islam.  The number of Muslims who kill anyone based on what the Quran says is tiny compared to the Muslims who don't.

If we judged men the way Muslims are being judged, we would assume that men who hadn't yet raped or didn't practice child sex tourism just hadn't gotten around to it yet, or weren't real men.


Posted (edited)
12 minutes ago, dialamah said:

And we don't blame all Germans, just actual Nazis.

Blame ISIS or terrorists, not Muslims or Islam.  The number of Muslims who kill anyone based on what the Quran says is tiny compared to the Muslims who don't.

If we judged men the way Muslims are being judged, we would assume that men who hadn't yet raped or didn't practice child sex tourism just hadn't gotten around to it yet, or weren't real men.



Actually, we firebombed Dresden...etc.


 If you couldn't get the Kraut in his factory, it was just as easy to knock him off in his bed; and if Granny Schicklgruber next door gets the chop, that's hard luck.

---Bomber Pilot Hamish Mahaddie (full quote)

Edited by DogOnPorch
1 hour ago, Peter F said:

Ok, Finally we get to the heart of the matter.  I agree with you by the way. The past is best left in the past. If we keep dragging it up nothing gets accomplished.  

Some Muslims (and there's many an Imam that says these guys got it all wrong ) commit atrocities. According to many here All (well, not quite all; Most) Muslims are on the same side. Therefore when those muslims committed atrocities it then follows that most Muslims also want to/will commit atrocities.

Nonsense. That's not the position of most of us on this side at all. But we don't exempt all Muslims from blame either.

Why is it, do you think, that Muslims, and basically ONLY Muslims are continually committing these outrageous, inhumane acts in the name of their god?

I've pointed out earlier the kinds of things polls tell us Egyptians believe - Egypt not being anywhere near the home of the most extreme of Muslims. You have a population there in which 84% of the population supports Sharia law for all citizens, Muslims or not. 70% explicitly support the 'corporal punishments' under Sharia for thieves and the like. 81% favour stoning for adultery. 86% favour death for anyone who leaves Islam. This is the background beliefs of a people with severe, medieval view of what should happen to those who don't abide by the moral code of Islam and respect its beliefs. Women in Egypt are chattel, with almost all having been subjected to female genital mutilation.

Now against this background, with its harsh view, how much easier it is to think that the west is a den of godless whores and sodomites, filthy, vile people whose lives are meaningless and who defy Allah. This is the rich, fertile soil in which violence grows.

And as I said, Egypt isn't as harsh as other places in the Muslim world. So when people say "Oh, it's just a few!" I shake my head, because it simply isn't. It's that entire cultural view that says anyone who refuses to obey the tenets of Islam must be brutalized and killed. You can't point at the few in the west who are willing to sacrifice their lives for Allah, and say all the rest, who believe in such vicious things, but who aren't ready to sacrifice their lives for Allah, are pure and innocent.

"A liberal is someone who claims to be open to all points of view — and then is surprised and offended to find there are other points of view.” William F Buckley

7 minutes ago, Argus said:

Why is it, do you think, that Muslims, and basically ONLY Muslims are continually committing these outrageous, inhumane acts in the name of their god?

I have no idea why. I suspect the very same reason a dipshit in Portland decided to cut a couple of throats - in his case it was Freedom of Speach. Or probably the same reason the duffus in Quebec figured some muslims need shooting. No couldn't be the same reason, just a different goddamn reason - protection of Judeo christian values maybe. As I have said I don't give a shit what thier reasons are.   The list of reasons to kill someone is a very long one. The courts always ask the accused 'why did you do it?"  There's reasons galore for killing. So the fact that some murdering ass says it was for God dont mean nothing to me.

A bayonet is a tool with a worker at both ends

Posted (edited)
2 minutes ago, Peter F said:

I have no idea why.

Yes, you do. You just won't admit it, because admitting it would be to admit that Islam is to blame, so you seize on some criminal scumbag in Portland and say "Duh, whataya gonna do? All religions got em!"


Edited by Argus

"A liberal is someone who claims to be open to all points of view — and then is surprised and offended to find there are other points of view.” William F Buckley


"Duh, whataya gonna do? All religions got em!"

Actually, Yes. Thats exactly what I say. What are you suggesting? That Ezra Levant a big time freedom of speach advocate, get rounded up?

A bayonet is a tool with a worker at both ends

Just now, DogOnPorch said:


Technically, he was already rounded-up...once.

So you agree then, that him and all those ' I disagree with what you say but I will defend to the death your right to say it" spouters should be rounded up too. Are they not also fanatical Freedom of Speachers?

A bayonet is a tool with a worker at both ends

Posted (edited)
4 minutes ago, Peter F said:

"Duh, whataya gonna do? All religions got em!"

Actually, Yes. Thats exactly what I say. What are you suggesting? That Ezra Levant a big time freedom of speach advocate, get rounded up?

Seriously? You're comparing Ezra Levant to the kinds of religious fanatics that want gays and apostates and blasphemers executed? Do you think Ezra Levant believes adulterers should be stoned? Do you think he'd support blasphemers being beheaded?

There's no evidence the guy in Portland had ever cracked a bible, let alone considered himself some sort of Christian soldier.He was a lifelong criminal who had been drinking.

Edited by Argus

"A liberal is someone who claims to be open to all points of view — and then is surprised and offended to find there are other points of view.” William F Buckley

2 minutes ago, Peter F said:

AND...alot of muslims 'Don't' kill for thier religion. Right? 

And alot of Muslims support killing for their religion. Right?

"A liberal is someone who claims to be open to all points of view — and then is surprised and offended to find there are other points of view.” William F Buckley

1 minute ago, Peter F said:

So you agree then, that him and all those ' I disagree with what you say but I will defend to the death your right to say it" spouters should be rounded up too. Are they not also fanatical Freedom of Speachers?


I'm all for free speech...yours, mine...ours.

I also think that in spite of anything we said here to each other, in person, we'd be much more civil and probably agreeing to a beer.

Pssshhhhhhhhhht (bubbles).....it's cold.

Just now, Argus said:

And alot of Muslims support killing for their religion. Right?

Sure. Just figure out which ones they are. Punish the guilty and leave the innocent alone.

A bayonet is a tool with a worker at both ends

Just now, Peter F said:

Sure. Just figure out which ones they are. Punish the guilty and leave the innocent alone.

Well, given the harsh punishments in Sharia listed above, anyone who supports Sharia law would be one of the guilty.


"A liberal is someone who claims to be open to all points of view — and then is surprised and offended to find there are other points of view.” William F Buckley

4 minutes ago, Peter F said:

AND...alot of muslims 'Don't' kill for thier religion. Right? 


Dying for Allah in the act of Jihad allows the believer to skip Judgement Day and go directly to Paradise. You ALSO get to choose a certain number of family and friends...alive or dead. It's diabolical.

5 minutes ago, Argus said:

Seriously? You're comparing Ezra Levant to the kinds of religious fanatics that want gays and apostates and blasphemers executed? Do you think Ezra Levant believes adulterers should be stoned? Do you think he'd support blasphemers being beheaded?

Ezra Levant can support, in the privacy of his own home or in the vast halls of his empty head, whatever the hell Ezra Levant wants. Wether I like what he thinks or not. Same with muslims or non-productive immigrants. I think we can agree on that! But should Ezra come out and start calling for beheadings of whoever-the-hell-he-thinks deserve well then! Time to take some action.   Until such time. Ezra can think whatever the hell he wants.

A bayonet is a tool with a worker at both ends

4 minutes ago, DogOnPorch said:


Dying for Allah in the act of Jihad allows the believer to skip Judgement Day and go directly to Paradise. You ALSO get to choose a certain number of family and friends...alive or dead. It's diabolical.

so says ISIS

A bayonet is a tool with a worker at both ends

1 minute ago, Peter F said:

Ezra Levant can support, in the privacy of his own home or in the vast halls of his empty head, whatever the hell Ezra Levant wants. Wether I like what he thinks or not. Same with muslims or non-productive immigrants. I think we can agree on that! But should Ezra come out and start calling for beheadings of whoever-the-hell-he-thinks deserve well then! Time to take some action.   Until such time. Ezra can think whatever the hell he wants.

So you're going to completely ignore what I wrote about the background values of violent religious intolerance being the soil in which violence grows?

"A liberal is someone who claims to be open to all points of view — and then is surprised and offended to find there are other points of view.” William F Buckley

Just now, Peter F said:

so says ISIS


The Noble Quran, actually. Don't make me quote it. Remember, as well, that the Quran has no such thing as "Thou Shalt Not Kill".

You can always wait for Judgement Day and get the "usual treatment"...judged for your sins.

Or...the sure thing behind Door #2...Death by Jihad. Sins are washed away. All of them...including strip club visits before short airliner flights...heh.

Himmler described it as a 'warrior's religion' for this reason.

1 minute ago, Argus said:

So you're going to completely ignore what I wrote about the background values of violent religious intolerance being the soil in which violence grows?

Why not? Whats the problem? You completely ignore it for non-mulsims.  You have been going on for years about banning muslims from this country - sometimes not muslims  but the poors instead. You have gone on and on about Canadian Values and who doesn't have them and how those who don't have them are detrimental to our well being. Hell even want to Destroy our country or even Change it. Muslims being the ones you are talking about mostly.  And you aren't the only one - not by a long shot. DoP is happy to bring up the Dresden event to show that - hey! Whats a mass killing here and there if we achieve our ends.   You're not even talking about Islamists or Fanatics. You're talking about Islam the religion being a danger to all we hold dear. Not just you. Many others too.   But you got nothing to do with it when such talk actually convinces somebody that, Goddamit, you're right. Islam is a threat to our existence. Then takes his holy rifle and goes and shoots folks. 

 Well no. You had nothing to do with that. But muslims? Just by being muslims makes them complicit in terrorism. Not you though. Nah.

  • Like 1

A bayonet is a tool with a worker at both ends

9 minutes ago, DogOnPorch said:


The Noble Quran, actually. Don't make me quote it. Remember, as well, that the Quran has no such thing as "Thou Shalt Not Kill".

You can always wait for Judgement Day and get the "usual treatment"...judged for your sins.

Or...the sure thing behind Door #2...Death by Jihad. Sins are washed away. All of them...including strip club visits before short airliner flights...heh.

Himmler described it as a 'warrior's religion' for this reason.

Sorry. That doesn't explain all the Fatwa's issued against terrorism. 

A bayonet is a tool with a worker at both ends

9 minutes ago, Peter F said:

Why not? Whats the problem? You completely ignore it for non-mulsims.

I do? There are non-Muslims with these same views? Why aren't they blowing stuff up or murdering people in the streets of London and Ottawa?


9 minutes ago, Peter F said:

You have been going on for years about banning muslims from this country - sometimes not muslims  but the poors instead.

Oh I'm sorry. Have I expressed the belief that this is a better place than most and suggested standards for who we let in!? How judgemental of me! Imagine having standards!

9 minutes ago, Peter F said:

You're not even talking about Islamists or Fanatics. You're talking about Islam the religion being a danger to all we hold dear.

So you basically see nothing wrong with people who believe gays should be murdered, women stoned and apostates and blasphemers executed. Hey, as long as they don't actually do that stuff, you love them. Right?

9 minutes ago, Peter F said:

Not just you. Many others too.   But you got nothing to do with it when such talk actually convinces somebody that, Goddamit, you're right. Islam is a threat to our existence. Then takes his holy rifle and goes and shoots folks. 

You're one of those who fights tooth and nail against the suggestion a religion people live their lives by is responsible for shooting and stabbing people and yet you're suggesting some guy writing some words on a little read internet site might be responsible instead? Seriously?


"A liberal is someone who claims to be open to all points of view — and then is surprised and offended to find there are other points of view.” William F Buckley

Posted (edited)
14 hours ago, betsy said:

If there's anyone homegrown  who'll be most likely to be radicalized, it will be the kids of these women!

Can islamaphobia get anymore ridiculous in Canada? Probably. 

Edited by WestCoastRunner
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I love to see a young girl go out and grab the world by the lapels. Life's a bitch. You've got to go out and kick ass. - Maya Angelou

2 minutes ago, Argus said:

o you basically see nothing wrong with people who believe gays should be murdered, women stoned and apostates and blasphemers executed. Hey, as long as they don't actually do that stuff, you love them. Right?

I see lots wrong that. As I have also said, I see lots wrong with what you think too. But I'm not out looking for legal sanction against them or you unless you start doing illegal things because of your (or thier) thoughts.

A bayonet is a tool with a worker at both ends

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