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US Senate votes to eliminate internet privacy laws

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So this is the kind of thing I've usually suggested to people who are wearing tinfoil hats to avoid the CIA or NSA (or CSIS) monitoring them. I've always said they don't know half what Google and Facebook already know about you. But who knows even more? Your ISP. Your ISP knows what porn sites you visit, and what you look at there. It knows what books you buy at Amazon, what medical questions you ask at WebMD, and where you do your banking. It knows who you're sending email to, and how often, and everything you search on through any search engine.

And the US senate, well, the Republicans, have voted to allow them to sell that data to anyone who wants to know about it, without asking their customer's permission. Why? That doesn't take a genius. Most American politicians, especially Republicans, are for sale to the highest bidder. Clearly some of the internet service providers called up 'their' senator and told them to get this thing reversed, and since Republicans are now in the majority, they snapped to and got it done.

I wonder if Americans are still worried about the NSA collecting telephone numbers...



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11 minutes ago, Argus said:

So this is the kind of thing I've usually suggested to people who are wearing tinfoil hats to avoid the CIA or NSA (or CSIS) monitoring them. I've always said they don't know half what Google and Facebook already know about you. But who knows even more? Your ISP. Your ISP knows what porn sites you visit, and what you look at there. It knows what books you buy at Amazon, what medical questions you ask at WebMD, and where you do your banking. It knows who you're sending email to, and how often, and everything you search on through any search engine.

And the US senate, well, the Republicans, have voted to allow them to sell that data to anyone who wants to know about it, without asking their customer's permission. Why? That doesn't take a genius. Most American politicians, especially Republicans, are for sale to the highest bidder. Clearly some of the internet service providers called up 'their' senator and told them to get this thing reversed, and since Republicans are now in the majority, they snapped to and got it done.

I wonder if Americans are still worried about the NSA collecting telephone numbers...

What more do American and Canadians need to know? Our politicians have no love for we the people who pay their salaries, and these fake and phony leaders will sell their countries to the highest bidder. Politicians have only contempt for the people. And the reason for this is that they know that they can shaft we the people any time they want too knowing full well that they can get away with it. This is what happens when we the people sit back and let them make fools of us. We are losing our freedom to express our opinions, our rights to our privacy, all we get is more government, more taxes, and no one seems to give a chit. If Canada could get as many Canadians out like they do at Trump rallies here in Canada, and demand that politicians start protecting our rights and freedoms, and not theirs, Canada would be in better shape then what it is in today. 

I guess having the latest new Iphone or computer or being more concerned about sports events and partying or making money and having the attitude that it is all about me, well I guess that it will be business as usual. What more can be said. :rolleyes:  

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24 minutes ago, bush_cheney2004 said:

That's the funny part....Canadians will still use lots of American internet/web resources, even though they know or should know that every packet is sniffed and stored for government and/or commercial use.  

Don't tell them that. Keep them in the dark because that is where most Canadians like to hide, in the dark. All I can say about this is that I am very thankful that America is my neighbor, and not Mexico. 

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Boy, if u guys could have heard what a former  NSA employee had to say, the NSA  doesn't care what the law is.  It was a 4 hour interview and the shocking info. was they know how to get into your e-mails, your banks accounts and anything  of this nature and they have spied on Americans  and so Trump is now aware of this.   There much more but not saying  and I wondering why I come on here, my computer  zooming in and out  and it only happens on here...strange.

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7 minutes ago, bush_cheney2004 said:

There is no privacy for the Internet...get over it.


I have nothing to get over, it doesn't apply to me.

No privacy but there used to be rules about who had access to your browsing history. Not any more in the US of A but at least the morons who passed the legislation are in the same boat as everyone else when it comes to their personal ISP's.

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1 minute ago, Wilber said:

No privacy but there used to be rules about who had access to your browsing history. Not any more in the US of A but at least the morons who passed the legislation are in the same boat as everyone else when it comes to their personal ISP's.


OK...if that makes you feel better about it....in Canada.

The NSA and other agencies collect anything they want to....legal or not.

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18 hours ago, Wilber said:

I guess there might be some consolation in the knowledge that their browsing history will be for sale as well. This could get really interesting when they start buying each other's histories. Idiots.

What gets me is the uproar over the NSA having files of phone numbers. Now they can just buy everyone's browsing history, and its passing nearly unnoticed!

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The US House has now eagerly passed the bill their campaign donors in the internet provider industry ordered them to and ISPs now only await Donald Trump's signature on the bill to be able to sell their subscribers information, including  "precise geo-location, financial information, health information, children’s information, social security numbers, web browsing history, app usage history and the content of communications”.

LOL. And people were pulling their hair out that the NSA had phone numbers! Now they and everyone else can just buy this info on everyone.

Republicans, the best politicians money can buy.


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12 hours ago, Moonlight Graham said:

This is a nightmare.  I hope it never comes to Canada, but it's getting closer...

It almost DID with the putrid Internet Surveillance Act that the Conservatives tried to ram through.


1 hour ago, Wilber said:


Are you using this and if so, how well does it work and how many devices can you use per subscription?

I have used it before but currently I use Cisco. It supports pretty much any device and if you subscribe you can use all them.

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The only good part of this?

Many ardent Trump supporters are now complaining, demanding Trump veto the bill.


...some of Trump's harshest criticism, and boldest ultimatums, regarding internet privacy can be found in online spaces that normally function as a refuge for Trump supporters. On /r/The_Donald alone there are right now over 15 independent threads calling for the president to veto the bill — and that number seems to be climbing by the minute. "

I like it... the more Trump supporters realize that they've been conned, the more chance that the Republicans will loose future elections.

Just another sign of how stupid Trump supporters can be... vote for an idiot with a background of running scams (see: Trump University) and an excessive compulsion to lie (see: Promises to bring back manufacturing and coal jobs) and this is what you get.


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22 hours ago, dre said:

It almost DID with the putrid Internet Surveillance Act that the Conservatives tried to ram through.



No quite. That was about government and law enforcement having more access to your browsing history. Bad enough but hardly the same as making your information available to anyone willing to pay for it.

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