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Arrest (in Edmonton) leads to renewed criticism of refugee policy


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1 hour ago, Rue said:

Its a fair question to ask-is the Mayor of Montreal, the Mayor of Toronto, the Mayors of sanctuary cities being paid off by coyotes? Why are they rewarding people breaking Canadian laws? Why are they undermining our laws and creating  floodgate at our borders encouraging line jumping?

Do these Mayors, do you, do I, does our press, do our politicians know the difference between a legitimate immigrant applicant, a legitimate refugee applicant, and illegals breaking our laws to jump the line in front of the other two? How is that right?

Why is our press portraying these people as heroes?

I'm assuming this is a rhetorical question, Rue, as you surely understand that our progressive media is 100% behind anyone who claims to be a refugee for any reason from any country on the planet, if they're not white anyway. If Trudeau announced he was tripling refugee intake he'd get virtually no opposition from the media. City mayors tend to be political whores. Certainly the ones in Toronto and Montreal are, as well as the one in Ottawa. If there's a progressive band wagon within a hundred miles they'll run like hell to jump on board. Do they care about refugees? Not in the slightest! But it's fashionable to support refugees in the face of evil Donald Trump. In fact, it's fashionable among the Left, which means the media, to support pretty much ANYTHING Trump is against.

I wish I had a lot of money. I'd put together an animated commercial and run it on all the major networks. It would show a poor, elderly Montreal woman in line for space at a city housing project. Along comes Codere, violently throwing her out of the way, and bowing before a woman in a hijab, smiling ingratiatingly at her as a little crowd of reporters gathers around, cameras flashing. Then, as an ambulance comes to pick up the elderly woman laying on the road Coderre would run in front of them again, and direct them to a refugee who has a small cut on his finger, all while the media cameras whir.

Of course, the cameras would not be looking at the elderly woman without housing or health care, but only at how nice Coderre is being to the refugees.

One of the few things Donald Trump has done that I approve of is his direction to cut any federal funding that can be cut from sanctuary cities. I would strongly advocate doing the same thing here, and let the citizens of those cities do without or raise their own taxes in order to help fund services for non-Canadians who came here illegally.

It'd be interesting to see what affect that had on the asshat mayors next election.


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13 minutes ago, Argus said:

Most of them are economic migrants. I reject the notion that every person from an unstable country qualifies as a refugee in Canada. Sure Somalia is a craphole. Does that mean all of the millions who live there qualify as refugees? Lots of people live there and rarely encounter anything of violence, nor are they under personal threat from those who are fighting. The same goes for almost all those coming here from North Africa. For that matter, the same goes for almost all the migrants who have gone to Europe.

The people of the so-called west are being ripped off by all of these sob stories about refugees. True their may be some as you said that may be legit but they are not all refugees. Most immigrate to Canada to take advantage of the free ride that Canada has to offer with all of it's medical and social services that is offered if they can get in. And they are getting in by the thousands every year, and the Canadian taxpayer's are forking out hundreds of millions of their tax dollars to give them a home in Canada forever. 

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8 minutes ago, Argus said:

I'm assuming this is a rhetorical question, Rue, as you surely understand that our progressive media is 100% behind anyone who claims to be a refugee for any reason from any country on the planet, if they're not white anyway. If Trudeau announced he was tripling refugee intake he'd get virtually no opposition from the media. City mayors tend to be political whores. Certainly the ones in Toronto and Montreal are, as well as the one in Ottawa. If there's a progressive band wagon within a hundred miles they'll run like hell to jump on board. Do they care about refugees? Not in the slightest! But it's fashionable to support refugees in the face of evil Donald Trump. In fact, it's fashionable among the Left, which means the media, to support pretty much ANYTHING Trump is against.

I wish I had a lot of money. I'd put together an animated commercial and run it on all the major networks. It would show a poor, elderly Montreal woman in line for space at a city housing project. Along comes Codere, violently throwing her out of the way, and bowing before a woman in a hijab, smiling ingratiatingly at her as a little crowd of reporters gathers around, cameras flashing. Then, as an ambulance comes to pick up the elderly woman laying on the road Coderre would run in front of them again, and direct them to a refugee who has a small cut on his finger, all while the media cameras whir.

Of course, the cameras would not be looking at the elderly woman without housing or health care, but only at how nice Coderre is being to the refugees.

One of the few things Donald Trump has done that I approve of is his direction to cut any federal funding that can be cut from sanctuary cities. I would strongly advocate doing the same thing here, and let the citizens of those cities do without or raise their own taxes in order to help fund services for non-Canadians who came here illegally.

It'd be interesting to see what affect that had on the asshat mayors next election.


You are right on the button. It is our politicians that are creating all the mess that we Canadian taxpayer's are about to reap from all the bull with what these political fools sow. It is hard to believe but our politicians have become more concerned about refugees then their own people. Of course the people don't seem to mind watching their tax dollars go down the drain. Most Canadians are just an exercise in futility in trying to get any common sense and logic into their wee liberal brains. Just my opinion. of course.  

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2 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

It did, in that you don't have a reputable source, and can still claim that the truth is being suppressed somehow.

I can't be convinced by this magical logic but some can.

Are you then saying that anything that is viewed on Youtube may just be all fake and false news, and anything shown on Youtube should not be taken seriously? You don't believe that Youtube can be a good source for real and true news? 

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On 2/20/2017 at 7:16 AM, ?Impact said:

The fake Presidential alternative facts (ie. lying) administration makes up shyte, and the lemmings believe this 'fake media' crap. After the obvious lie from Trump the other night, Sweden responded with the real fact that crime has been essentially flat for the past decade. They called the bullshyter out. The Swedish media took it one stop further and are lampooning him with all the mundane traffic problems and other significant 'criminal' activity that occurred when Trump claimed otherwise.

I didn't hear or see that kind of response on TV from Sweden from the main scream media. And besides why would I want to believe reports from Swedish politicians or the Swedish media anyway? They most likely are lying in order to cover up the real non-fake stories about what is really going on in Sweden with those so-called refugees, and the crimes they are committing. Their media reminds me of the North American media. They are just as good at lying as the Clinton's were. I have watched many videos on Youtube about the crimes being committed by those so-called migrants, and you cannot honestly tell me that what I am viewing on Youtube at most times is all bull chit, do you?  

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On 2/20/2017 at 7:30 AM, ?Impact said:

Yes, that is a good article and worth reading. It explains why the statistics are higher in Sweden than other jurisdictions, and yes have absolutely nothing to do with recent immigrants/refugees.

Most European countries crimes have gone up since all these so-called migrants started immigrating to many European cities. Rape alone has gone up significantly in Sweden, and all due to the new refugee guests.  

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2 minutes ago, taxme said:

Most European countries crimes have gone up since all these so-called migrants started immigrating to many European cities. Rape alone has gone up significantly in Sweden, and all due to the new refugee guests.  

provide a cite...  some evidence.  

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35 minutes ago, taxme said:

Are you then saying that anything that is viewed on Youtube may just be all fake and false news, and anything shown on Youtube should not be taken seriously? You don't believe that Youtube can be a good source for real and true news? 

No, I'm not saying that.  There is valid stuff on YouTube.  You said "I have no reason to doubt those videos that I am viewing are reporting false or fake news."

So, I think that's all we need to say.  It's easy to make up theories and stories, and to get a following.  It's a lot harder to report real news objectively and get it right.  Our society depends on the latter, in order to function properly.  That's all.

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24 minutes ago, The_Squid said:

provide a cite...  some evidence.  

The Rebel and Ezra Levant and Brian Lilley and Faith goldy for some Canadians to listen too. They will cite what you want to know. And You tube is full of stories to give you all the evidence you require. 

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5 minutes ago, taxme said:

The Rebel and Ezra Levant and Brian Lilley and Faith goldy for some Canadians to listen too. They will cite what you want to know. And You tube is full of stories to give you all the evidence you require. 

Levant/Lilly/Goldy have no more credibility than some random youtube contributor, in fact they have less because they have a proven track record of biased lying (alternative facts).

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26 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

No, I'm not saying that.  There is valid stuff on YouTube.  You said "I have no reason to doubt those videos that I am viewing are reporting false or fake news."

So, I think that's all we need to say.  It's easy to make up theories and stories, and to get a following.  It's a lot harder to report real news objectively and get it right.  Our society depends on the latter, in order to function properly.  That's all.

I never make up stories. I would make a lousy liar anyway. :D I would be caught in seconds. I try and do a proper research, and do my homework as best that I can. I just don't take everything I read willy-nilly being reported as being true or false. There is a lot of fake news going on out there, and they need to be questioned and challenged. Sure I could screw up, and say something that later came out to be found out not to be true after all but a lie, and I will admit that I was wrong. But so far, so good. I don't believe that I have lost a battle yet. :) 

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3 minutes ago, ?Impact said:

Levant/Lilly/Goldy have no more credibility than some random youtube contributor, in fact they have less because they have a proven track record of biased lying (alternative facts).

Well, what more can be said except that you can continue to go with your sources for news, and I will continue to go with my sources for news. Faith Goldy has reported many times on many crimes having been committed against young girls and boys by muslims. Is she lying about those stories? Maybe, maybe not. But according to your reply she must be lying. I don't know why you would believe that she is lying when the stories that she has reported on were all true stories. Personally, I think that you have a bias against anyone trying to tell the truth. I dare you to accuse Faith Goldy of bias. I think that she would quickly run many truthful circles around you, But hey.  

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1 minute ago, taxme said:

Well, what more can be said except that you can continue to go with your sources for news, and I will continue to go with my sources for news. Faith Goldy has reported many times on many crimes having been committed against young girls and boys by muslims. Is she lying about those stories? Maybe, maybe not. But according to your reply she must be lying. I don't know why you would believe that she is lying when the stories that she has reported on were all true stories. Personally, I think that you have a bias against anyone trying to tell the truth. I dare you to accuse Faith Goldy of bias. I think that she would quickly run many truthful circles around you, But hey.  

I have taken on Faith in the Rebel rag (Halifax story), and essentially forced them to open up their pay for story because they were just spouting nonsense. Spend the extra dollars, and their full story had little more but the chicken shyte deleted my account because they knew I would poke holes in it. Rebel is simply a bunch of bigots hanging around with their own kind reinforcing their own bull.

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34 minutes ago, taxme said:

The Rebel and Ezra Levant and Brian Lilley and Faith goldy for some Canadians to listen too. They will cite what you want to know. And You tube is full of stories to give you all the evidence you require. 

You believe them because some random rightwing nut says it's so?  lol   

I sometimes forget you're the Hitler-guy...  no point in carrying on a conversation too long...

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37 minutes ago, ?Impact said:

I have taken on Faith in the Rebel rag (Halifax story), and essentially forced them to open up their pay for story because they were just spouting nonsense. Spend the extra dollars, and their full story had little more but the chicken shyte deleted my account because they knew I would poke holes in it. Rebel is simply a bunch of bigots hanging around with their own kind reinforcing their own bull.

Sounds exactly like how liberals do things also. Uhmm, who would have thought, eh? 

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27 minutes ago, The_Squid said:

You believe them because some random rightwing nut says it's so?  lol   

I sometimes forget you're the Hitler-guy...  no point in carrying on a conversation too long...

Me, the Hitler guy, and you the Stalin guy. Touche. No wonder we cannot agree on anything because it would appear as though you believe random left wing liberal nut job stories, and what they tell you.  LOL.  Thank gawd Trump is President and not Hillary. In time you will surely have to eat your own liberal words. I await breathlessly. :D

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2 hours ago, taxme said:

You are right on the button. It is our politicians that are creating all the mess that we Canadian taxpayer's are about to reap from all the bull with what these political fools sow. It is hard to believe but our politicians have become more concerned about refugees then their own people. Of course the people don't seem to mind watching their tax dollars go down the drain. Most Canadians are just an exercise in futility in trying to get any common sense and logic into their wee liberal brains. Just my opinion. of course.  

Politicians in every western country seem to be puppets these days. Who's the one pulling the strings of the puppets? I wish I knew but even though I don't take tinfoil-hat stuff seriously but having said that what is going on everywhere in Western-Europe these days is far too consistent to be co-incidental.

Soros or Bilderberg or whoever but someone is running the show.


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I think legitimate refugees, genuine refugees escaping political conflict like Yazidis or say the Syrians blown out of their homes literally and honest immigrant applicants lining up are being screwed royally by Trudeau who has sent out a signal he will allow illegals to jump the line from the US into Canada to avoid being deported from the US.

That is the clear message he sent. In so doing thousands of coyotes will now recruit as clients illegals in the US panicked by the  crack down in the US by Trump on illegals and make a fortune bringing them to a vast range of wide open borders.

Trump is pulling a Castro on Canada. Just like Castro once dumped 250,000 mentally ill people and criminals on the beaches of Florida, Trump knows he now can have literally millions flood the Canadian border. Its one way to get them out of the US and why not, Trudeau went out of his way to position himself as the champion of these illegals and turn his nose at Trump. Who now has the last laugh?

How is Trudeau's I am holier then thou about the poor going to help refugees and immigants? The legitimate resumes and immigrant applicants will be shunted to the side as the flood continues of illegal line jumpers and its and its already made a joke of our immigration laws.

There is Trudeau questioned about how this flood is undermining  our existing laws for immigrants and refugees and all he could do is babbl that we have the best laws then run away from the reporter. What a bafoonish, cowardly and idiotic display of someone over his head.

Meanwhile the Somali refugee Immigration Minister (hey no conflict there) won't even acknowledge the line jumpers as illegals most of whom were rejected for refugee status and many from Somalia and instead does what, try a pathetic deflection to discuss Yazidis? No man. deal with the actual issue. Your entire immigration system is collapsed and you won't acknowledge it and instead try hide behind propping Yazidis? Yah why not. Its what Trudeau does-when he can't deal with the Immigration issue, he pulls some visible minorities, uses them as a p rop to avoid the issues, then runs leaving the mess behind he's created. Isn't that nice Immigration Minister you are taking in Yazidis, how noble of you now answer the damn question stop hiding behind them and deal with the question-what will you do about your collapsed borders and the chaos of flooding line jumpers crashing our legal system and social services. There's a wild-fire crossing into your fields and you do what? Oh I get it, while an uncontrolled fire rages towards you, you discuss how wonderful it is to roast marsh mellows at a bon fire.

This government has lost control of its borders.  At this time any one coming to Canada at a legitimate border entrance who claims refugee status from the US can't. They would be sent back. They also know if they simplhy avoid the legitimate border entrances and come across illegally through non entrances, they can not be deported and can apply for refugee status knowing it takes a minimum of two years to get to a hearing and even if declared a non refugee, they won't be deported.

Canada has a huge undefended border with the US. It will now face the same exodus of illegals jumping the line to get to Canada ahead of legitimate refugees and immigrant applicants as the US and Europe and the question is what does Trudeau intend to do about it? Will he arrest such people and detain them? If he does not, he signals the world to break Canadian laws and jump the lines and come to Canada which is in a state of chaos and won't stop the line jumpers. He's being helped by idiot short sighted Mayors breaking the laws and aiding and abetting the breaking of the laws to pander to illegals who will vote these Mayors back into office.

Is there an honest politician in Canada  willing to be a bad guy so to speak on this issue and say, look, we can not allow chaos on our borders?

What a farse. Think about it. We are encouraging law breakers to enter our country and reward them. Why the hell will these people then follow other laws once they are here after we told them they are rewarded for breaking our laws?What insanity is this?

How insane is it? You think a line jumper who was rewarded with Canadian benefits for breaking our laws is not going to jump other lines once he's in Canada and continue breaking laws? Why not? We told them its o.k. to break laws, we reward you for that in Canada. What lines you say? Try any lines, lines at the bank, the line that says do not enter the bus depot, the lines for OHIP, government benefits, hospital services, on and on. How do we expect such people to follow any rule or law when the first message we give them is break the laws. How the hell do we run a country welcoming people who break our laws and are portrayed by Trudeau and our Immigration Minister and our media as heroes for doing just that?How are they more special and heroic then the genuine refugees and immigration applicants patiently waiting in line? How are they more heroic then our homeless and needy born here?

I am not here to be anti immigration or anti refugee. I am here to defend them and  say we are directly hurting and harming them not to mention our own Canadian born underclass in need of help because we are accommodating people flaunting our laws. Its morally wrong to reward and welcome people who break the law. It undermines our very legal system. By the time a new government is in power and realizes what a mess has to be fixed  the damage will be done. Harper realized the refugee process was flooded with illegal line jumpers, or economic migrants, poor people desperate to jump the lines in front of regular immigrants and refugees knowing they could not qualify for either stream's entrance requirements. He cracked down including incorporating the third country rule. Trudeau scoffed at that. Look what Trudeau has replaced it with-free for all chaos.

We also have a completely out of touch NDP party saying get rid of the safe third country rule and just let anyone come to Canada and apply for refugee status. Sure. Open the doors. We have unlimited resources. We just take in millions, put them all up in hotels, provide them free medical care, dental care, drug prescriptions, schooling, food, room and board for 1-3 years as their claims drag on. Then when they get rejected as refugees, no one deports them. They stay in Canada a permanent underclass with no transferable skills falling through the cracks. Yes that's the way to build a strong nation. Hell there won't be any racial backlash.

Trump is no dummy. He has created a crisis that will see hundreds of thousands of illegals flee to Canada. That's hat he wanted. He's having the last laugh on all the smug liberals in his own country as well as Trudeau.

Now let's hear all the people who ridiculed Trump and his border with Mexico explain what we should do now?

The genuine refugees in camps, they will never get here. They've been pushed aside. The genuine immigrants lining up, they have been pissed on and rendered a laughing stock.

There are coyotes out there making millions off of smuggling poor economic migrants. They will flood Canada now. They won't come in just across the land from the US but by sea since we have no navy to stop them.

You think the smarmy holier then thou Trudeau is going to ask Trump to arrest these illegals before they cross over the border? Who Justin messiah of the world's poor? Justin the man who has made it clear Canada welcomes ALL?

Platitudes. Platitudes from a rich sheltered boy who has not a clue what lice is.


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Trudeau's message is clear to those who care to listen. Canada remains an open country is that Canadians have confidence in our immigration system, the integrity of our borders, and the help we provide people who are seeking relief and a better life. We will continue to ensure that laws are enforced and followed and that we remain demonstrating the strength and integrity of our immigration system. We will be welcoming, but we need to make sure that it is done properly at the same time by all officials in Canada.

Of course there are many people out there who are incapable of listening and have their own echo chamber to listen to and then pretend the alternative facts they portray are from Trudeau.

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1 hour ago, ?Impact said:

Trudeau's message is clear to those who care to listen. Canada remains an open country is that Canadians have confidence in our immigration system, the integrity of our borders,

The only people who have confidence in our immigration system are those who know very little about it, or who don't care who we let into Canada, as long as they're not White.

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On 2/21/2017 at 4:47 PM, -TSS- said:

Politicians in every western country seem to be puppets these days. Who's the one pulling the strings of the puppets? I wish I knew but even though I don't take tinfoil-hat stuff seriously but having said that what is going on everywhere in Western-Europe these days is far too consistent to be co-incidental.

Soros or Bilderberg or whoever but someone is running the show.


I believe that it is the Rothchild and Soros zionist banksters and other globalist elite who are pulling the strings of our cowardly politically correct politicians, and who appear to be behind the push for third world immigration and multiculturalism into all the western countries. They are trying to destroy western culture, morals and values and trying to replace them with third world cultures, values and morals. There is no coincidence about it. It isn't the people who are in favor of massive third world immigration into their countries, it is our fake and phony politicians who could care less about their own country. Western Politicians are selling out their own people for a few bars of gold and power.  

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7 hours ago, capricorn said:

President Trump must be loving that our Prime Minister threw open the doors for illegals to migrate into Canada. Look at all the money the US will be saving not having to take action to find, investigate and deport the illegals living in that country. It will be mega millions.

Canada has become a big joke, and the rest of the third world knows it, and they are taking advantage of it. Approx. 12 million illegals in America. Imagine even half of that coming to Canada. It would be chaos to our social and medicare systems which our fake and phony politicians do not want to give any thought to at all. All our politicians want to do is look politically correct and wonderful looking fools.   

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7 hours ago, Argus said:

The only people who have confidence in our immigration system are those who know very little about it, or who don't care who we let into Canada, as long as they're not White.

Watching all those illegal criminals cross the border into Manitoba appear to have been all non-white. Canada is well on it's way to becoming a minority Caucasian country thanks to our politically correct politicians who could careless about their own Caucasian racial identity. What is with their fascination for the third world is beyond me. I am stunned by it. 


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