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Maybe no Brexit exit.


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1 minute ago, SpankyMcFarland said:

You could say the same about the people who voted for Brexit. And only half the UK wants it - a very divisive policy. 


1 minute ago, SpankyMcFarland said:

You could say the same about the people who voted for Brexit. And only half the UK wants it - a very divisive policy. 

It might be divisive but democracy is the system we have.  There is no better system. 

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16 hours ago, OftenWrong said:

They tried to make a move to stop Brexit from happening, but failed. Seems even the British Parliament is infested with colluding Euro-pansy leftists, who think they can pull a fast one on people.

The dark state new world order elitists are in panic mode these days. They could lose everything if Brexit,Trump,Putin,Nigel Farage keep hammering away at them, and now Wilders of the Netherlands and Marie Le Pen of France get elected. With their hatred for the western countries and in trying to flood the western world with third world refugees and immigration may soon come to an end. After all, people in Britain, Europe, North America, and Australia need a place to call home also. We are losing that home thanks to all of this non-white immigration going on into all those countries. It's fight or die. 

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On 11/7/2016 at 5:06 PM, Wilber said:

Elected politicians are phoney. What would you consider non phoney politicians to be.

Politicians like Nigel Farage, Marie Le Pen, Girt Wilders, Valadimir Putin, and Donald Trump are not your typical phony politicians. They are telling the people the truth, and people are starting to listen to them, and are getting the message loud and clear. The phony ones are the ones that do not want to allow change that their puppet masters would like to keep, and who want to keep business as usual. But if you want to keep corruption alive and continue to lose your freedom of speech and just keep everything as it is well just keep on listening to the elite establishment, and their mainstream fake media, and keep supporting their puppet on a string politicians. Why anyone wants to continue to keep and support this corrupt world wide crooked system going is beyond me.  

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4 hours ago, SpankyMcFarland said:

You could say the same about the people who voted for Brexit. And only half the UK wants it - a very divisive policy. 

Majority rules or at least that is how it should work in a true and real democracy. 

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On 11/7/2016 at 9:39 PM, Wilber said:

Just because a politician doesn't agree with you doesn't make them phoney.

Why would a politicians not want to believe and agree with that freedom of expression, less taxes, and less government is a good thing for the people who are suppose to be their boss? What? You must think that politicians know best I guess, eh? If one cannot see the contempt that politicians show for their people well you truly do live in make believe la-la-land. 

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On 3/2/2017 at 3:00 PM, -TSS- said:

As recently as only 10-15 years ago all across Europe it was very common that the left were very anti-EU or at least very critical of it. The EU was seen as a capitalist-plot to suppress the rights of the workers. In the referenda on the EU-treaties in France, Denmark and Ireland it was the left which campaigned for the alternatives which were against the wishes of the EU.

Since then a strange 180-degree turnaround has happened. At some point in time the left has changed its stance and these days by some twisted logic being anti-EU is equated with fascism and people who are anti-EU are treated like as if they are fascists.

It would be interesting to know what has caused this turnaround.

Whether the party is on the left or the right they will say whatever they have too to get elected. Once elected they fall into line, and pretty much will support what the other party was in agreement with because they all are nothing more than a bunch of so-called politicians that are all hooked up to the same globalist elite puppet strings. The one thing people never seem to get is that once the fake controlled media starts to attack someone from another political party than that person of that party must have something to say that the elite does not want them to learn or know about. The attack against Trump every day since he became president should be evident to you that he is kicking butt, and the elite don't like it, and thus they get their media hound dogs, and set them on that person. At least that is how I have noticed a lot these days that goes on in politics.  

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8 hours ago, SpankyMcFarland said:

Brexit may break up the UK. Scotland and NI are being forced out of the EU against their will.

Scotland and NI can always then try to separate from the UK, and then go stay with the EU if they do succeed in separating. But for now they just will have to live with the results. Awww. 

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34 minutes ago, taxme said:

Scotland and NI can always then try to separate from the UK, and then go stay with the EU if they do succeed in separating. But for now they just will have to live with the results. Awww. 

Britain screwed up. They thought they could do a good trade deal with the US if they got out of the EU but with Trump going all isolationist, that ain't  likely to happen. No deal with the EU or the US and with the financial centre of  Europe probably moving from London to Frankfurt.  Sad.

Edited by Wilber
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7 minutes ago, Wilber said:

Britain screwed up. They thought they could do a good trade deal with the US if they got out of the EU but with Trump going all isolationist, that ain't  likely to happen. No deal with the EU or the US and with the financial centre of  Europe probably moving from London to Frankfurt.  Sad.

Britain will do just fine. If they work with Trump they will do alright. It's just the doom and gloomers that want to make it appear as though Britain made a big mistake. At least the British people won't have to take orders and be told as to how things will be done according to their rules in their country from an un-elected bunch of EU dictators any longer.

The EU was a big mistake for many countries in Europe who supported and joined the EU. France and The Netherlands want out of the EU and it's massive immigration policy of wanting to flood their countries with more third world immigration. Germany appears to be the only country that has benefitted from joining the EU, and maybe some other weaker and poorer countries. Trump is for America first as all countries and their leaders should be. The world will survive without an EU around anymore. Those EU countries will become much freer, and be able to look after their own country and affairs, and be free of unelected elite globalist bureaucrats. 

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49 minutes ago, taxme said:

Scotland and NI can always then try to separate from the UK, and then go stay with the EU if they do succeed in separating. But for now they just will have to live with the results. Awww. 

What is this 'awww' thing about? The UK may break up over this which would be regrettable for many. 

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Just now, taxme said:

Britain will do just fine. If they work with Trump they will do alright. It's just the doom and gloomers that want to make it appear as though Britain made a big mistake. At least the British people won't have to take orders and be told as to how things will be done according to their rules in their country from an un-elected bunch of EU dictators any longer.

The EU was a big mistake for many countries in Europe who supported and joined the EU. France and The Netherlands want out of the EU and it's massive immigration policy of wanting to flood their countries with more third world immigration. Germany appears to be the only country that has benefitted from joining the EU, and maybe some other weaker and poorer countries. Trump is for America first as all countries and their leaders should be. The world will survive without an EU around anymore. Those EU countries will become much freer, and be able to look after their own country and affairs, and be free of unelected elite globalist bureaucrats. 

Britain may become Little Britain if things don't go well after Brexit. 

By the looks of the exit polls so far, the Netherlands won't be leaving the EU any time soon. Le Pen also has a long way to go to win in France. I don't think Germany will leave.

The EU may have to be modified but it has been a spectacular success over the last fifty years. 

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1 minute ago, SpankyMcFarland said:

What is this 'awww' thing about? The UK may break up over this which would be regrettable for many. 

So what, who cares, the world will still go on. Lots of countries have broken up in the past but are still around and doing quite well. Doom and gloom is everywhere these days. 

If Quebec should separate do you think the rest of Canada will go belly up? Slight adjustments will have to be made but the rest of the country will survive without Quebec. But in the case of Quebec, they may have to make a lot more adjustments if they want to succeed and get along with the rest of Canada. They may even be forced to get rid of their antiquity ant-English language law. Hey, you never know. 

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6 minutes ago, taxme said:

So what, who cares, the world will still go on. Lots of countries have broken up in the past but are still around and doing quite well. Doom and gloom is everywhere these days. 

If Quebec should separate do you think the rest of Canada will go belly up? Slight adjustments will have to be made but the rest of the country will survive without Quebec. But in the case of Quebec, they may have to make a lot more adjustments if they want to succeed and get along with the rest of Canada. They may even be forced to get rid of their antiquity ant-English language law. Hey, you never know. 

No, I don't although it would change Atlantic Canada big time. I've no problem with countries breaking up - the US makes it virtually impossible for any state to escape as California may find out - but it's a serious matter. Canada is a bit more protected because we don't have the Russians quite so close to our major cities. Putin wants to see the EU destroyed. He seeks chaos in Europe. 

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3 minutes ago, SpankyMcFarland said:

Britain may become Little Britain if things don't go well after Brexit. 

By the looks of the exit polls so far, the Netherlands won't be leaving the EU any time soon. Le Pen also has a long way to go to win in France. I don't think Germany will leave.

The EU may have to be modified but it has been a spectacular success over the last fifty years. 

Not for many countries has the EU been good for them. Greece and Italy being two of them.

I am hoping Wilders will win. But if the people of The Netherlands want more Muslim immigration and terrorism well they will get more of it if Wilders loses. They will pay a hefty price for their stupidity and ignorance, and they will deserve what they get. But with most people they pretty much want to wait until their backs are up against the wall before they start to realize and wake up that maybe there is something wrong with this picture. Hopefully, it won't be too late for them. Some people are given the chance to be able to get to take the shackles of their wrists but instead prefer to keep them on for just a little while longer. These people I just don't get. Amazing.  


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4 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

How does believing in "the majority" reconcile itself with using the term "sheeple" ?




There are 42 examples there to investigate.


2 minutes ago, Wilber said:

taxme is an expert on what Europeans should get and what is good for them.

No, taxme just watches as closely as possible as to what goes on in Europe, and from the gloom and doom stories I have read and heard about from Europeans being a part of the EU. Apparently many citizen;s from many European countries want to be able to govern their own affairs but being a part of the EU they are not allowed too. Many Europeans are getting sick and tired of all those refugees entering their countries, and want it stopped. The EU will not listen, and from what I have read the EU wants to flood Europe with another 6 million more refugees. We are seeing an attempt by the globalist elite to try and destroy Europe and it's culture and way of life. What is good for Europeans is to try and save themselves from being replaced by others who will force their ways and cultures and values on them. I certainly would not like to see the day when maybe Europe becomes a Muslim country, do you? Would you want to see Muslims take over Canada? Well? 

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21 minutes ago, SpankyMcFarland said:

Is that what you say to people in Western Canada when a general election has already been decided in Ontario?



I live in western Canada (B.C.) and am aware that Quebec and Ontario have most of the votes.  They have the largest population so that is how the system works.  So  the answer is yes, I go along with the principle of one man/woman, one vote.  We in the west might not be happy with the results always.  But at least we get to participate in a democratic system.  We live with the outcome, whether it be good of bad.  Scotland should live with the results.  I think the separatist party is using the Brexit result to try to get a referendum to separate, which should be no great surprise.

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2 minutes ago, taxme said:

  I certainly would not like to see the day when maybe Europe becomes a Muslim country, do you? Would you want to see Muslims take over Canada? Well? 

The Muslims I have known had great values.  They didn't misrepresent the truth on anonymous web forums and complain about gay pride parades.  I'm sorry but I find your shifting principles on these things to be highly untrustworthy.

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