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Trudeau wants 300,000 more Chinese immigrants.


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China, Japan, South-Korea, Vietnam, I would warmly welcome anyone from those countries into Finland.

You can have pretty much all of those new immigrants that you mentioned above that came to Canada from those countries. It would give the Canadian taxpayer's a break from all the costs of having to feed,house and clothe pretty much most of them. I hope that you have lots of tax dollars to spend on them because they will be using up a lot of your tax dollars to survive for a while or forever. Good luck. :D

Edited by taxme
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sounds like hate-mongering to me.

It's always called hate-mongering and racist when a white guy wants to speak out about the plight of white people in their country. Instead, I would have thought that you would have at least shown a bit more concern for your fellow Canadians. Canadians like homeless ones. Canadian veterans. Canadian seniors. Canadian children going to bed or to school hungry. The toll that will be taken on our Canadian social and medical services and infrastructures. But no, you have to go and throw in the hate-mongering words as your reply. It is darn sad to see that most Canadians worry more about non-white plights and hurting their feelings, and would prefer to see Canada being swamped by non-whites who will mostly take, and not give.

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Yumpin Yimminy, what a load of shite. Poor white veterans/kids/seniors-and-everybody-else-white! Immigrants are taking all their things! They don't have things because of immigrants who mostly take and not give. Immigrants will use the health care system and therefore whites will be refused things.

What exactly we have no idea its all pretty vague just that our whiteness is threatened somehow.

Hate mongering! Thats all you got.

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You can have pretty much all of those new immigrants that you mentioned above that came to Canada from those countries. It would give the Canadian taxpayer's a break from all the costs of having to feed,house and clothe pretty much most of them. I hope that you have lots of tax dollars to spend on them because they will be using up a lot of your tax dollars to survive for a while or forever. Good luck. :D

The employment-rate of the existing populations from those countries is far healthier than that of the Finns, which can't be said of people coming from almost any African country bar Kenya and South-Africa and the Middle-East countries bar Israel.

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Yumpin Yimminy, what a load of shite. Poor white veterans/kids/seniors-and-everybody-else-white! Immigrants are taking all their things! They don't have things because of immigrants who mostly take and not give. Immigrants will use the health care system and therefore whites will be refused things.

What exactly we have no idea its all pretty vague just that our whiteness is threatened somehow.

Hate mongering! Thats all you got.

Well, you just showed me as to where you stand? Canadian veterans, Canadian children, and Canadian seniors, which are mostly white, obviously mean nothing to you. They are being denied their just rewards because of attitudes like yours where you seem to feel that those mentioned above do not need any help nor should we care or give them help. But those poor old third world immigrants that you appear to love so much need all of our help and our tax dollars so they can live off and take from those needy Canadians mentioned above. It would appear as though hate-mongering and being anti-Canadian apparently is all you got. Pathetic indeed. :P

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They are being denied their just rewards because of attitudes like yours where you seem to feel that those mentioned above do not need any help nor should we care or give them help.

My attitude is not denying anybody anything. My attitude is give them whatever they need and generously in copious amounts.

Please do explain how immigrants are inhibiting that.

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The employment-rate of the existing populations from those countries is far healthier than that of the Finns, which can't be said of people coming from almost any African country bar Kenya and South-Africa and the Middle-East countries bar Israel.

Then why do they immigrate to Canada if all is healthier over there? Maybe the unemployed Canadians should be thinking about emigrating to those countries instead. After all, it would appear as though our Canadian politicians are more concerned about the plight of third world refugees than they do about unemployed Canadians. Sounds like unemployed Canadians would find a job over in those countries. And with all of those Syrian refugees, and next year, close to 300,000 new Chinese immigrants being imported into Canada, it sure looks to me like those unemployed Canadians don't stand a chance in hell of finding a job in Canada.But who cares about them. The rest of the worlds poor are more important than Canadians. :rolleyes:

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My attitude is not denying anybody anything. My attitude is give them whatever they need and generously in copious amounts.

Please do explain how immigrants are inhibiting that.

I will tell you what the refugees are doing for Canadians. It puts them in longer waiting lines to see a doctor or specialist or for an operation. It costs Canadians billions of tax dollars to feed,clothe and house those refugees. Tax dollars that should be going to Canadians in need, not strangers. Our politically correct multicultural politicians tell us that there is no money for infrastructure, for new housing or jobs, but yet they can find billions for third world refugees with no problems. Only a fool cannot see what our stunned politicians are doing to Canada and Canadians. Deny all you want too, but the truth is the truth. Canadians, especially the Caucasian ones, are getting shafted every day by our politicians, and no one seems to give a darn.

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Then why do they immigrate to Canada if all is healthier over there? Maybe the unemployed Canadians should be thinking about emigrating to those countries instead. After all, it would appear as though our Canadian politicians are more concerned about the plight of third world refugees than they do about unemployed Canadians. Sounds like unemployed Canadians would find a job over in those countries. And with all of those Syrian refugees, and next year, close to 300,000 new Chinese immigrants being imported into Canada, it sure looks to me like those unemployed Canadians don't stand a chance in hell of finding a job in Canada.But who cares about them. The rest of the worlds poor are more important than Canadians. :rolleyes:

I hate to say this but the truth is the truth; Our global masters are throwing us around like toys they are playing with and old nations and countries have lost any .signifigance whatsoever.

Fuck, do we succumb to this? Hell no! This is not some final of history after which everything will be like a rose-garden.

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Deny all you want too, but the truth is the truth. Canadians, especially the Caucasian ones, are getting shafted every day by our politicians, and no one seems to give a darn.

so its not the immigrants that are screwing us Caucasians its the politicians that are doing so. I agree with that. My union experiences revealed a common thing about people: Its so much easier blaming co-workers for things that are managements responsibility. People are loath to blame those in power and instead point their fingers at the powerless.

It puts them in longer waiting lines to see a doctor or specialist or for an operation. It costs Canadians billions of tax dollars to feed,clothe and house those refugees. Tax dollars that should be going to Canadians in need, not strangers.

I don't believe a word of that. the Long Waiting Line isn't because of all the immigrants butting in ahead of me. They are few and far between in those line-ups. Lots of money is blown clothing and feed ing immigrants too. Thats a good thing in my books. Money well spent. But you seem to think that those funds were taken from some other departments budget and therefore those other departments have less to spend on Canadians.

That is false.

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Not sure what being answerable and obesient to one's own government has to with anything. They're also answerable and to and expected to be obedient to our government while here.

Well OUR government can go and ask a private sector worker to plant some software code in his employer's computer system and be told to go to hell. Not much chance a Chinese worker is going to say that to HIS government. Not much chance a Chinese worker is going to refuse to do just about whatever he or she is told to do by their government while in Canada.

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China, Japan, South-Korea, Vietnam, I would warmly welcome anyone from those countries into Finland.

Why? Canada's immigration department did a study which showed the least economically succesful immigrants come here from, among other places, China and South Korea.

The most successful come from Europe, India and the Philippines.

People from the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, South Africa, Ireland, Italy, Germany, Australia, the Philippines, Croatia, Portugal, Serbia and India did as well or better than native-born Canadians, the study said.

At the other end of the spectrum, almost one-fifth of those from China, Haiti, Pakistan, Ethiopia, Turkey, Colombia, Iran, Morocco, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Algeria, South Korea, Iraq and Taiwan lived below the low income cut-off ($18,759 for a single person in Toronto).


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This appears to be nothing more than a right wing white supremacy type media outlet trying to use the opening of 7 new visa offices in China as a way to conflate tourism with immigration.

Canada receives Chinese tourists from 11 cities in China so why not have visa offices in each one?


Makes sense unless one doesn't like the colour of their skin or something like that.

The level of dishonesty in the OP is appalling.

Edited by msj
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so its not the immigrants that are screwing us Caucasians its the politicians that are doing so. I agree with that. My union experiences revealed a common thing about people: Its so much easier blaming co-workers for things that are managements responsibility. People are loath to blame those in power and instead point their fingers at the powerless.

I don't believe a word of that. the Long Waiting Line isn't because of all the immigrants butting in ahead of me. They are few and far between in those line-ups. Lots of money is blown clothing and feed ing immigrants too. Thats a good thing in my books. Money well spent. But you seem to think that those funds were taken from some other departments budget and therefore those other departments have less to spend on Canadians.

That is false.

Yes, we can only blame our politicians for just about everything that they do, and I have no problem with saying so. Government "IS" the problem.

By bringing in those tens of thousands of refugees then those refugees are screwing Canadians and putting many Canadians back in the line up. If a refugee has a heart attack right away then the Canadian that was suppose to be next in line for a minor operation, will be put back in the line up. This is wrong. That refugee should not be here, if this is going to happen to a Canadian who has been footing the bill for their medical system since they started working.

Believe what you want to believe about immigrants and lineups. We have far too many new immigrants coming to Canada than what our medical system can handle. No way are you ever going to convince me that those hundreds of thousands of new immigrants and refugees are not the reason as to why host Canadians have to wait in line to see a doctor. As far as I know Canada is short on Doctors, and medicare is about to burst at it's seams. Yet, our politicians keep bringing new immigrants in, and dam the consequences.

"Money well spent"? Are you kidding me? So, you have no problem with other Canadians having to spend billions of their tax dollars on refugees who have no right to their tax dollars or be here? That is very NDP and liberal socialist of you. Take tax dollars away from Canadians, and give it to strangers. It is plain as day to see that no matter how your tax dollars are blown, you are ok with it. It's no wonder I am paying more taxes every year.

There are some Canadian departments that I wish they would take all of their funding money from, and let those spend crazy departments close down. I can name a few that I would like to see closed down starting with the refugee department. Sad to say but Canadians are a bunch of suckers.

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I hate to say this but the truth is the truth; Our global masters are throwing us around like toys they are playing with and old nations and countries have lost any .signifigance whatsoever.

Fuck, do we succumb to this? Hell no! This is not some final of history after which everything will be like a rose-garden.

The reason why the globalist elite masters of ours get away with what they do is because they the sheeple let them. The sheeple refuse to get upset, and just sit back and say nothing. When one tries to explain to them in regards to this globalist elite takeover of their lives, they just shrug their shoulders, and show that they just don't care. Some of them actually think that politicians care about and will listen to them. They listen alright. And once you are out of their office, your case probably will end up in file 13 or the garbage. The sheeple succumb to this because they don't give a dam, and our politicians and the globalist elite know this. The politicians and the globalist elite have all the time and money in the world to wait you out.

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The reason why the globalist elite masters of ours get away with what they do is because they the sheeple let them. The sheeple refuse to get upset, and just sit back and say nothing. When one tries to explain to them in regards to this globalist elite takeover of their lives, they just shrug their shoulders, and show that they just don't care. Some of them actually think that politicians care about and will listen to them. They listen alright. And once you are out of their office, your case probably will end up in file 13 or the garbage. The sheeple succumb to this because they don't give a dam, and our politicians and the globalist elite know this. The politicians and the globalist elite have all the time and money in the world to wait you out.

You should watch "Requiem for an American Dream", when you get a minute. It also talks about the ways in which the global elite are "taking over". It doesn't subscribe to the 'white only' ideology you prefer, but it still makes some interesting claims about how the "Masters" are manipulating us.

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If a refugee has a heart attack right away then the Canadian that was suppose to be next in line for a minor operation, will be put back in the line up. This is wrong.

This is where me an you differ. I don't give a damn if the heart-attack victim is a canadian tax-payer or not. Everyone gets medical attention when they need it. Heart attacks take precedence over minor surgery. If that means the folks that would be carrying out the minor surgery are instead re-tasked to take care of a heat-attack victim, then thats a good thing and not something to whine about.

That is very NDP and liberal socialist of you

Thanks, I appreciate it.

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.... Heart attacks take precedence over minor surgery. If that means the folks that would be carrying out the minor surgery are instead re-tasked to take care of a heat-attack victim, then thats a good thing and not something to whine about.

Why can't they do both at the same time ? Do you think the cataracts surgeon also performs triple bypasses ?

They can in China.....

Edited by bush_cheney2004
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You should watch "Requiem for an American Dream", when you get a minute. It also talks about the ways in which the global elite are "taking over". It doesn't subscribe to the 'white only' ideology you prefer, but it still makes some interesting claims about how the "Masters" are manipulating us.

I will check it out. A great movie for you to watch also is called Thrive: What on earth will it take. You need to go to you tube and punch it in or go on the internet, and punch it in to learn as to how we are being manipulated. The you tube one was better for me to watch. Btw, not all websites that I like to visit discuss white issues or ideology. Many other websites that I visit talk about the globalist elite and their planned take over of the world. No white issues discussed. I cannot live on one issue alone. :)

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This is where me an you differ. I don't give a damn if the heart-attack victim is a canadian tax-payer or not. Everyone gets medical attention when they need it. Heart attacks take precedence over minor surgery. If that means the folks that would be carrying out the minor surgery are instead re-tasked to take care of a heat-attack victim, then thats a good thing and not something to whine about.

Thanks, I appreciate it.

Personally, I don't think that you show any care or concern for Canada or Canadians. If you think that a Canadian should be put back in line for a non-Canadian to waltz right past a Canadian, then I cannot understand as to how you are Canadian at all. This tells me that you are for the rest of the world and not Canada. If I had my way that refugee would not have been here in Canada in the first place. Canada comes first with me, not the rest of the world. I have my Canadian bills to pay, and I don't want to be paying for some other persons bills, and their bills here in Canada also, especially when those people should not even be here at all. I guess the billions of tax dollars being blown on these refugees is all fine and dandy with you, eh? It must be nice to be rich like you, eh?

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Why can't they do both at the same time ? Do you think the cataracts surgeon also performs triple bypasses ?

They can in China.....

The assumption in Taxme's concern was that the Canadian medical system cannot perform both at the same time. A heart attack will require rescheduling the minor surgery. I agree that assumption is bunk, but I was using his own assumption to make the point that if indeed minor surgery need be put off to deal with heart attacks, doing so is good and proper.

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There are some people here who seem to have misspent their youth listening to John Lennon, everybody can have everything! It's easy, if only we tried!

Reality be damned.

If everyone can't have everything, then why do you spend so much time trying to give more to the people who already have everything instead of helping those in need?

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No, i think you missed that lesson. Nothing is supposed to be free, you're supposed to be allowed to work for it, sometimes that doesn't work out, but looking at the country as a whole, it does. Of course a high minded idealist like yourself won't see it that way, things could be better, perfect even, if only everyone got one board, it's been tried before.

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