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Israel Saves Muslim Life and Muslim 14 Year Old Bride Burned Alive; R


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The Palestinian Cause is antisemitic. Period. Hates Jews...wants Jews eliminated, etc.

Not a single god damned person supports this when they criticize Israel, except for radicals and racists. You know very well that's not why people are criticizing Israel, so why do you post such ridiculous garbage?

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Not a single god damned person supports this when they criticize Israel, except for radicals and racists. You know very well that's not why people are criticizing Israel, so why do you post such ridiculous garbage?

As much as I would like a proper response by those putting that forth, I doubt we will see anything coherent on the matter.

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Not a single god damned person supports this when they criticize Israel, except for radicals and racists. You know very well that's not why people are criticizing Israel, so why do you post such ridiculous garbage?

You misunderstand. While you debate if it is antisemitic to 'criticize' Israel's conduct, the group they're up against is antisemitic and does want to murder all Jews.

Edited by DogOnPorch
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At some point some clever fascist figured out Semite perhaps could mean Arabs rather than Jews: thus mitigating charges of antisemitism when supporting Arab Nazis.

That's my take on all that Semite BS...seeing that Semitic is a language group rather than a race or group of people.

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Quite right DoP,. and guess what , that includes Arabic languages as well. Thanks for proving yourself wrong.


Full Definition of Semitic
  1. 1 : of, relating to, or constituting a subfamily of the Afro-Asiatic language family that includes Hebrew, Aramaic, Arabic, and Amharic

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It's not hard at all. Either you accept that there can​ be​ valid criticism of Israeli policies or not.

Rue says any criticism is anti-Semitism.

I have not seen Rue say that.

I've commented in the past, denouncing Palestinian attacks on Israel, namely indiscriminately firing mortars into densely populated civilian areas. Yet, as soon as I criticize Israel for plowing down Palestinian homes or attack their civilian populations, he goes on to call me an anti-Semite. If I criticize the expansion of their borders, shrinking Palestinian territory, I'm called an anti-Semite. Meanwhile, I fully support Israel's right to exist and right to defend itself​ from attacks on its civilians.

There are posters that definitely give off an air of anti-semitism on this board. You are not one of them though. For one, you're not obsessed with Israel and Jews, you don't constantly start threads on Israel and criticize Israel and its people and policies to the exclusion of all else. You occasionally criticize Israel, and some of these criticisms may seem incorrect or unjustified from the point of view of someone who supports Israel, but you also criticize all kinds of things in Western societies and other places, as well, and post mostly about other topics anyway. On the other hand, we have some posters here that start an anti-Israel thread every couple days, some who refer to Israel as a cancer, and some who complain about the "Zionist controlled media", etc.

When criticizing Israel turns from just another topic someone might post about to a lifelong obsession, that's when readers might start to question the motives of the poster.

Edited by Bonam
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That it includes Arabic is the point re: changing the meaning of antisemitism. Which is what is being attempted by you good folks.

Wilhelm Marr invented the word as we know it. You're free to think he meant Arab hate....but I know what it really means.


Tell me he meant hatred of Arabs...


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In post 56 Eye once again shows his ignorance as to Jews by making the idiotic statement that most Israelis are European.

In fact all Israelis are Israeli not European otherwise they would not be called Israeli they would be called French or Britiish or Italian, etc., if they were

from Europe.

Wha Eye of course tries to advance is the myth that the Jews of Israel are descended from Europeans.

Of course they are not. A blood test now shows the Ahkenazi Jews of Europe as well as the Mizrahi/Tsfardic Jews of the Arab world and the Felashies of Ethiopia, Jews of India, Africa and China as well as South America, Canada, the US, etc.,come from the semite Hebrews and there have been plenty of threads on those studies.

More to the point most Israelis today are in fact descended from Arab/Mittzrahi/Tsfardic Jews not Ashkenazis.

Eye's comment tries to deny the actual origins of Jews and pretend they did not come from the Middle East and travel to Europe, across the Arab world, etc.

Its par for the course. Its an attempt to deliberately rewrite Jewish history and pretend only the Muslims of today's Middle East originated there.

It is a deliberate attempt to deny Jewish history and our heritage and as such is ignorant and imbecilic.

To try and deny where we come from and snap shot history to only a time period convenient to Eye that ends without any Jewish journey from the Middle East to Europe speaks loudly as to this idiotic and moronic attempt to rewrite history.

For me as a Jew I find it hateful. I do not think for a second Eye is unaware of the origins of where Jews come from. I believe his words are designed to bait.

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Cybercoma, you are correct, hard to have a decent conversation about this with certain members. Even if we call out terrorism from Palestinians, the label still gets applied.

Just judging from the last member post, It's insane anyone would say that .. because it seems that just being born Palestinian is anti-semetic too.

Are you saying I converse indecently?

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First off to Cybercoma. You don't speak for anyone but yourself and no doubt probably Eye-Kactus-Marcus-Hudson Jones-Big Guy-Ghost.

For you to suggest or even attempt to engage in dialogue denying the anti semitic content of the ideology behind Hamas. the PA, Hezbollah, Iran,

ISIL, Al Quaeda, Islamic Jihad, Intifada, Fatah, the PFLP and over 400 other anti Israeli terror cells is absurd.

Their language and references attacking all Jews for being Jews is public domain.

When Muslim terrorists attack Jews they attack them precisely because they are Jews. When they attacked and killed Jews in Paris don't even attempt to tell me the attacks against Jews in the name of hating Israel do not demonstrate that the attack and war against Israel by Muslim extremists is not

limited to Israeli Jews. Save your denial and attempt to speak for the world.

The constitutions of these terror groups calling for the extermination of Jews worldwide speak loudly.

I will make this clear. It is possible to criticize Israeli state policies without being anti semitic. I have yet to see it on this board although I deliberately repeated a post from Moonlight Graham which did just that.

You've read the dialogue on this board that does not discuss Israel state policies and calls Jews cancer and then poses that reference as if it was limited only to settlements. I call bull crap. You've read the words trying to deny the holocaust, deny Jews are from the Middle East and equate all Jews as controlling the media.

I specifically point out hateful words against Jews. Such words have never been isolated simply because they criticized an Israeli state policy.

Go on show me one passage from me where a criticism of an Israeli policy that did not question the right of Jews to be Jews in Israel was challenged as anti semitic.

Next For Ghost to try cherry pick one definition of semite from a dictionary and ignore the rest speaks for itself.

His attempt to change the definition of semite only to refer to languages is imbecilic. The full definition is there for anyone to find. Pretending languages is the only component to the definition is ridiculous.

Enough. This attempt to trivialize anti semitism is spent. It was the Arab community that asked anti semite not be used to describe hatred against Arabs and asked the hatred against Arabs or Muslims be distinguished from hatred of Jews.

Isn't it interesting when we see people trying to water down the term anti semite by trying to water down the term semite, its always a non Arab or Jew doing that.

Arabs interestingly and Muslims know exactly what Islamophobia, anti Arabism and anti semitism mean. They aren't the ones with the problem k owing what it means. The only people I have seen trying to challenge the term are those trying to trivialize it no different than they deny the holocaust is anything but an everyday occurrence in history or deny it in its entirety.

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That it includes Arabic is the point re: changing the meaning of antisemitism. Which is what is being attempted by you good folks.

You're free to think he meant Arab hate....but I know what it really means.

Interesting, not even a trusted dictionary's definition of semite talks about hate, it simply refers to languages indicating Arabic as one of the Semitic languages, as you kindly pointed out before.

It is also an interesting tactic to bring up Marr and his stance of being anti-semite. More specifically being anti-Jew. If you are an anti-semite in the true sense of the definition, then you are against Jews AND Arabs. But we know people are selective in the way they apply anti-semitism as being strictly hatred against Jews.

Weird way to extrapolate and twist what is being said here, but overall ... predictable.

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Are you saying I converse indecently?

You have this strange complex about how others perceive you via dialogue in these threads. I don't even care to understand really.

But to answer your question, no. However I do question the motive of a couple new threads recently started by you. But yet it's good for the forum to have new things to address. So keep it up.

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...we have some posters here that start an anti-Israel thread every couple days, some who refer to Israel as a cancer, and some who complain about the "Zionist controlled media", etc.

When criticizing Israel turns from just another topic someone might post about to a lifelong obsession, that's when readers might start to question the motives of the poster.

Fair do. I guess I don't pay very close attention to this section because it seems to be filled with people who listen to late night public radio.

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First off to Cybercoma. You don't speak for anyone but yourself and no doubt probably Eye-Kactus-Marcus-Hudson Jones-Big Guy-Ghost.

For you to suggest or even attempt to engage in dialogue denying the anti semitic content of the ideology behind Hamas. the PA, Hezbollah, Iran,

ISIL, Al Quaeda, Islamic Jihad, Intifada, Fatah, the PFLP and over 400 other anti Israeli terror cells is absurd.

I'm not even reading any further than this because you owe me an apology.

I have never​ denied the anti-Semitic ideologies of any​ of those groups. What a ridiculous comment. Shame on you.

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You have this strange complex about how others perceive you via dialogue in these threads. I don't even care to understand really.

I don't have to defend myself. But sometimes on Canadian-American threads I am lumped in with a poster with an obsession for pissing on your rug, by attacking Canada on a Canadian forum. And on Jewish issues I do have to agree ruefully with some other posters that the line between criticizing Israel and anti-Semitism is dangerously thin. Israel gets a hugely disproportionate amount of attention for activities that are at worst on the border of approved self-defense activities. Holding these lines is difficult when one considers that the actors indiscriminately target as well as kill civilians. Collateral deaths and damage that occur when bombing a missile site placed atop a hospital or apartment complex are one thing; "fighting" a restaurant or pizza parlor is something entirely different.

But to answer your question, no. However I do question the motive of a couple new threads recently started by you. But yet it's good for the forum to have new things to address. So keep it up.

Thanks. In fact, I was poised, just before reading your post, to start this thread, Muslim Immigrant Hero Saved Lives in French Terror Attack. My motive is to have a vigorous, unvarnished discussion both of the very real opportunities and very real problems coming from immigration. No question, we do get some gems. Unfortunately some come to destroy, while others come to build.

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The Mufti is a fact. Unless you'd like to deny his existence.

This makes his Palestinian Cause a reflection of him...and his nephew, Yassir Arafat.

The current 'leader' of the Palestinian Arabs got his 'doctorate' in Holocaust Denial...one of Arafat's stooges.

But, some folks need more 'proof'...lol.

The Palestinian cause was around before the Mufti came along.

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The Palestinian cause was around before the Mufti came along.

No, sorry. Before the Mufti there was the Ottoman Empire. There was the 1858 Land Code which allowed the purchase of land from the Sultan. Something the Zionist Movement took full advantage of.

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I don't have to defend myself. But sometimes on Canadian-American threads I am lumped in with a poster with an obsession for pissing on your rug,

No I don't lump you in with Rue, that would be unfair to you. But I know I won't have that reciprocated from certain members.

No, sorry. Before the Mufti there was the Ottoman Empire. There was the 1858 Land Code which allowed the purchase of land from the Sultan. Something the Zionist Movement took full advantage of.

Right, before Israel there was the Ottoman Empire ..

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Right, before Israel there was the Ottoman Empire ..

Yes indeed. As pointed out to you and ignored: The 1858 Land Code allowed the purchase of land inside the Empire from the Sultan...the guy who owned all the land in the Ottoman Empire. The Zionists took full advantage....buying land in the Empire....from the Sultan...who owned it.

Clearer? Let's hope so.

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Yes indeed. As pointed out to you and ignored: The 1858 Land Code allowed the purchase of land inside the Empire from the Sultan...the guy who owned all the land in the Ottoman Empire. The Zionists took full advantage....buying land in the Empire....from the Sultan...who owned it.

Clearer? Let's hope so.

As it was mentioned, they BOUGHT the deed to the nation. Now what we see has gone way beyond that with the occupation.

Clear as mud really.

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The Mufti al-Husseini didn't like the idea of Jews sullying the land, being a rabid anti-Semite. So he started a war with Israel in 1948 that he promptly lost. Had he won, we wouldn't be having this conversation.

What has been the fate of others who start wars and lose? Germany, for example...

As for the land code: the Arabs generally didn't buy land as it meant serving in the Ottoman Army and paying property taxes. The Mufti's clan was an exception, buying land at a similar rate to the Zionists.

The Mufti was an artillery officer in the Ottoman Army during WW1.

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