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Anthem Wording Change

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I was responding to your quote. "I'm sick of haters trashing God, and I'm sick of feminists trashing men."

Letting you know that I don't hate your God, like you probably don't hate the Tooth Fairy. Nor do some of my Canadian neighbours hate your god, they just pay tribute to different ones. Canada allows for the freedom of religion, or the freedom from religion and is more than 50% female. So why not drop the Christianity and sons so everyone can celebrate the same song? Like I pointed out our anthem isn't old, and the poem isn't sacred or original, the lyrics have changed multiple times in it's history so why not make it a unifying feature of our nation rather than an divisive one?

BTW, It's not "my God". You see, i've learned that we really don't know anything about the topic, and therefore I choose to let people think how they want to think. What bothers me more than somebody believing in God or Gods or Buddah or whatever they believe is the arrogance, certitude, belligerence, patronizing and condescending way people like you treat those who have different beliefs or faith.

Things that help some people get through difficult situations can be different for many people and if somebody says that their belief in God helps them through, then I'd have to be a complete a$$hole to contradict that.

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BTW, It's not "my God". You see, i've learned that we really don't know anything about the topic, and therefore I choose to let people think how they want to think. What bothers me more than somebody believing in God or Gods or Buddah or whatever they believe is the arrogance, certitude, belligerence, patronizing and condescending way people like you treat those who have different beliefs or faith.

Things that help some people get through difficult situations can be different for many people and if somebody says that their belief in God helps them through, then I'd have to be a complete a$$hole to contradict that.

My point is there are multiple gods, beliefs, etc. that Canadians cling to so why endorse just one in our national song? Oh and women too....a two or three word edit to the anthem means we do a better job of including the majority of our population so why not do it?

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Things that help some people get through difficult situations can be different for many people and if somebody says that their belief in God helps them through, then I'd have to be a complete a$$hole to contradict that.

I agree completely. It's only when a person's religious beliefs affect others, such as when they want to kill someone for depicting their prophet, or force someone to carry a child to term, or prevent someone from changing a national anthem, that I object.

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My point is there are multiple gods, beliefs, etc. that Canadians cling to so why endorse just one in our national song? Oh and women too....a two or three word edit to the anthem means we do a better job of including the majority of our population so why not do it?

Do you object to removing the lyrics entirely?

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Same song with no words. Whats so wrong with that? The HNIC theme has no words, why are words even needed?

Hmmm, interesting. I'd be fine with that, though I would still prefer our current version with a few tiny nips and tucks.

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Lets face it, nobody is actually offended by our current anthem, at least they weren't until they were told to be. This is a case where women believe men have some advantage and atheists seem to think that those who believe in god are given some advantage - it's all wrong though and women and atheists could't actually give a shit about being included, they just don't want men or God mentioned.

If It were up to me, I'd say fine, we'll drop the whole thing - no lyrics!

Same with money, women don't actually care about a woman being on the money, they just don't want it to be men - So, just give them what they want and remove all people from the money.

None of it matters, feminists won't ever be happy.

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Ô Canada!
Terre de nos aïeux,
Ton front est ceint de fleurons glorieux!
Car ton bras sait porter l'épée,
Il sait porter la croix!
Ton histoire est une épopée
Des plus brillants exploits.
Et ta valeur, de foi trempée,
Protégera nos foyers et nos droits.
Protégera nos foyers et nos droits.

Problem solved

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Lets face it, nobody is actually offended by our current anthem, at least they weren't until they were told to be. This is a case where women believe men have some advantage and atheists seem to think that those who believe in god are given some advantage - it's all wrong though and women and atheists could't actually give a shit about being included, they just don't want men or God mentioned.

If It were up to me, I'd say fine, we'll drop the whole thing - no lyrics!

Same with money, women don't actually care about a woman being on the money, they just don't want it to be men - So, just give them what they want and remove all people from the money.

None of it matters, feminists won't ever be happy.

The world and this country have left you behind. I suppose that's sad, but it has to happen. One day it will happen to me as well.

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Your quote speaks for itself Hal. Enjoy your rocking chair, shotgun and yelling 'git off my lawn' at kids retrieving stray soccer balls.

Some things that you would call "progressive" are good steps forward, some are not and some really don't matter at all. Does understanding this make me old? Well, if the alternative and if being young means believing that everything labelled progressive is good, just and very important, then, I'm sorry but you're "drinking the Kool-aid".

I think the best idea is to scrap the lyrics, but If I would've fought to keep the lyrics as they are, you'd insult me just the same. This is simply the cause d'jour and means nothing in the whole scheme of things. It's like the emoticon thing, do you think female emoticons have made a lick of difference? Well, they haven't. Will changing lyrics or our money sooth whatever the feminists feel is an abuse from the men in this country? Sorry, No! Changing these little things is silly at best, but really a colossal waste of time and money.

People are either happy or they're not, and if they're not, these silly ideas aren't gonna do diddly squat to make them happy...or even content.

P.S - I've been shouting at kids since I was a kid.

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Some things that you would call "progressive" are good steps forward, some are not and some really don't matter at all.

People are either happy or they're not, and if they're not, these silly ideas aren't gonna do diddly squat to make them happy...or even content.

The national song picks religious and gender favourites, so why do you oppose changing it?

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The world and this country have left you behind. I suppose that's sad, but it has to happen. One day it will happen to me as well.

Didn't the conservatives propose and then abandon this very measure because of overwhelming public opposition?

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Didn't the conservatives propose and then abandon this very measure because of overwhelming public opposition?

The "Harper Government" was quite adapt at shell games. Let's give the media something shiny to discuss, so they mostly ignore the fact that 75% of our 400+ page "budget" is actually gutting environmental protections. Maybe the Liberals are trying the same thing, but I don't think there are quite as shrewd.

Shell game or not there is no reason we should keep a national song that favours one religion and one gender. It's a quick and easy change to an anthem that isn't old or sacred and whose lyrics have already been altered from the original poem more than once.

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Didn't the conservatives propose and then abandon this very measure because of overwhelming public opposition?

I think the opposition came from their base... your description of "overwhelming public opposition" is an exaggeration.

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The "Harper Government" was quite adapt at shell games. Let's give the media something shiny to discuss, so they mostly ignore the fact that 75% of our 400+ page "budget" is actually gutting environmental protections. Maybe the Liberals are trying the same thing, but I don't think there are quite as shrewd.

Shell game or not there is no reason we should keep a national song that favours one religion and one gender. It's a quick and easy change to an anthem that isn't old or sacred and whose lyrics have already been altered from the original poem more than once.

Which religion is that?

All the major religions have a deity, most call it God.

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Which religion is that?

All the major religions have a deity, most call it God.

You can't figure out which god was inserted into the anthem? You think it might have been Allah that was put in there in 1914?

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You can't figure out which god was inserted into the anthem? You think it might have been Allah that was put in there in 1914?

Wouldn't that have changed when Trudeau brought in Multiculturalism, though? I bet you couldn't get today's government to state categorically which actual God it was.

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Wouldn't that have changed when Trudeau brought in Multiculturalism, though? I bet you couldn't get today's government to state categorically which actual God it was.

Who cares what some politician might say for political expediency?

Which god was it? Zeus? Do you think anyone would claim that it was Allah that the author of the song meant the whole time?

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Who cares what some politician might say for political expediency?

Which god was it? Zeus? Do you think anyone would claim that it was Allah that the author of the song meant the whole time?

Absolutely not, no, but which God is it now?

Careful, the HRCs are watching.

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