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Our new Syrian refugee immigrants.

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7 minutes ago, Omni said:

They are bombing the rebels that want Assad out. They are also bombing hospitals. ISIS has taken advantage of the situation and moved in. Putin's target is more to keep Assad in power than it is ISIS. RT? you must be kidding, but I can see you consult them regularly

You are the one that keeps kidding himself by constantly listening to the western phony and fake lying media and politicians, and too the elite puppet masters that pull their strings. You obviously only want too listen too and get one side of the story. You don't like RT then go to Global Research website then. Try them out for a change. 

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Just now, taxme said:

You are the one that keeps kidding himself by constantly listening to the western phony and fake lying media and politicians, and too the elite puppet masters that pull their strings. You obviously only want too listen too and get one side of the story. You don't like RT then go to Global Research website then. Try them out for a change. 

I've tried them out long ago. The misinformation was way too whacky. I still take a peak once in a while though. No change really. Are you a Brietbart fan as well?

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3 minutes ago, Omni said:

There are many groups already in place doing just that. I can put you in touch if you like.

Ya, the pro-immigrant refugee groups and many churches are doing that, and that is the way it should be. The Canadian taxpayer's should not be expected to take care of the rest of the world. So, just how many refugees did you take into your home anyway? Surely you must have at least taken in one family, eh?  

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1 minute ago, Omni said:

I've tried them out long ago. The misinformation was way too whacky. I still take a peak once in a while though. No change really. Are you a Brietbart fan as well?

Anything that you probably don't agree with will be whacky too you. Anything that you listen too is whacky to me. I am a fan of many groups similar to Breibart. James Edwards of the Political Cesspool website is one of my favorites. He is another politically incorrect person that is enjoyable to listen too. Another Trump you might say who tells it like it is. 

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2 minutes ago, taxme said:

Anything that you probably don't agree with will be whacky too you. Anything that you listen too is whacky to me. I am a fan of many groups similar to Breibart. James Edwards of the Political Cesspool website is one of my favorites. He is another politically incorrect person that is enjoyable to listen too. Another Trump you might say who tells it like it is. 

Well thanks for proving my point.

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9 minutes ago, Omni said:

Well then maybe you and taxme should form a group.

Indeed. Form a group of taxpayer's who are fed up watching our tax dollars go down the drain. A group that is fed up with the liberal phony and fake multicultural programs and agendas that do nothing for Canadians except to steal their tax dollars and spend them on stupid liberal diverse nonsense. It is time to form a group who will use more common sense and logic rather than the usual constant liberal emotionalism that we are constantly be fed every day. Canadians need to wake the heck up to the great ripoff.   

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  • 5 weeks later...
On 5/19/2016 at 3:24 PM, taxme said:

A Syrian family is about to move from a Surrey hotel where they have been living since they arrived in Canada a month ago(no doubt paid for by the Canadian taxpayer)into a house. The father has been disabled since birth. His arms and legs did not fully develop. He have a 7 year old daughter that is blind. The family will receive $1400. a month from the Federal government(Canadian taxpayer).

One floor up is another family of Syrians The woman is 104 years old. Her son 63. His wife and daughter are full time care givers and look after five of their daughters, two are mentally ill, and are unable to look after themselves. They all need a translator. A services director for Immigrant Services Society of BC said it's important to remember that refugees are selected on vulnerability rather than employable or has skill sets. Just how many more of these refugees are unemployable, and are handicapped where they will obviously become a burden on the taxpayer and our medical and social services, and are allowed to be brought in?

So, this is how refugees are picked? Have a handicap and you are welcome. It is no wonder Canada is broke and has become a sucker nation for the rest of the worlds refugees and poor. Of what benefit are refugees to like those mentioned above good for Canada if they are handicapped and cannot work? They are a drain on the Canadian public purse. If one cannot contribute to Canada then they should not be allowed in. Tough love.

Canadians have to speak up and speak out and say enough already and enough of this foolishness must stop. We have to build some back bone and start using some common sense and logic, and dump this emotionalism and foolishness that is being perpetrated on Canada and Canadians by lawyers,politicians and special-interest groups who tend to make lots of money from this immigration/refugee scam. Canadians cannot continue to be the worlds keepers for all the refugees and poor out there. There are millions.

Source: Some of my information came from the Canadian Immigration Hotline.


Now I hear that the refugees who have just recently arrived in Canada are now trying to get some of their families to come to Canada. So, are all those new Syrian refugees working now, and are they now able to support their relatives if they can get them here? I doubt that very much. I guess that they have told them how wonderful Canada and Canadians are. They tell them that Canadians give us free room and board, have a great welfare/medical system, and give us money to buy things. And if they cannot find a job then we just have to make many babies and will get money from government for having them. Eventually, we may be able then too take over Canada by having lots of future muslim followers. To bad that so many Canadians do not see what is happening to them and their country. But then again, did Canadians ever really cared anyway? 

Source: CBC TV News Channel.   

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On 1/11/2017 at 2:05 AM, taxme said:

So, are all those new Syrian refugees working now

Good question, or perhaps better would be what is the employment rate and average salary. We are about 1 year into the Syrian refugee migration and it would be interesting to see how they have settled.

Do you have any answers, I mean real answers?

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2 hours ago, ?Impact said:

Good question, or perhaps better would be what is the employment rate and average salary. We are about 1 year into the Syrian refugee migration and it would be interesting to see how they have settled.

Do you have any answers, I mean real answers?

Nope, no real answers. Probably impossible to find out now. I just hope that the majority of the two million unemployed Canadians are not from all those third world immigrants and refugees that Canada has been bringing in for the past several decades. If so, then we would know that all of this third world and refugee immigration going on for several decades now has not really been all that great and of any benefit to Canada or host Canadians at all. It would be interesting to be able to find out as to just who has been unemployed in Canada all these years. 

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On ‎2016‎-‎12‎-‎12 at 2:46 PM, taxme said:

Ya, the pro-immigrant refugee groups and many churches are doing that, and that is the way it should be. The Canadian taxpayer's should not be expected to take care of the rest of the world. So, just how many refugees did you take into your home anyway? Surely you must have at least taken in one family, eh?  

Churches do not ask you to pay for refugees. Go find out how it works.

As for your feelings towards refugees one would expect nothing else from you. You have  made it clear you define people by skin colour and even then if the skin colour is pink but its of a Jew or Muslim you suddenly dislike that sub categorization as well. You have made it clear you are a white activist. You act mortified when called a white supremacist. You call yourself what you want your issue is not with refugees its with refugees that do not look and sound like you. If KKK pleaded for refugee asylum in Canada you gonna turn them down. Lol. Sure.

Private sponsored refugees do not cost the government. As for other refugees yes some will and some will build the economy in the future.

In an intelligent discussion about immigration and refugee absorbtion capacity you have provided zero information to the issue. Zero. Da nada. Nil. Get back to me when you can. I already know brown skin upsets you but its not germaine to the determinations associated with the issue you claim to  speak of.

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12 hours ago, ?Impact said:

Good question, or perhaps better would be what is the employment rate and average salary. We are about 1 year into the Syrian refugee migration and it would be interesting to see how they have settled.

Do you have any answers, I mean real answers?

Its absurd to think people who can not speak English suddenly find jobs. The federal government has placed non private sponsored refugees in a very precarious situation and set  them up for failure just so it could use them for photo ops. Look at the damn rich by in office who brought them in. He lives in a world of helicopters and private retreats. He is totally detached from the realities of what refugees go through. They are just a photo op prop for him He has exploited them I come from refugees. No government welcomed my famiy and in fact tried to deport us. We had zero help. Sometimes I think that blatant in your face hatred McKenzie King showed was better for us. You know where you stand with someone who refers to you as vermin. Some elite affected rich boy Prince posing through gritted fake teeth with some designated photo ops is worse. It masks the true elitist beliefs underneath a thin layer of politeness. Oh I got Trudeau and his shtick so does every immigrant and refugee. We know an elitist poser from a Harper any day. Harper was up front about the hardships, limitations, and security concerns, Trudeau has the exact same issues and pretends by hiring a token visible minority immigration lawer it hasnèt changed. That token he hired, that step and fetch it can not get people jobs. That may take generations.

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4 hours ago, Rue said:

Churches do not ask you to pay for refugees. Go find out how it works.

As for your feelings towards refugees one would expect nothing else from you. You have  made it clear you define people by skin colour and even then if the skin colour is pink but its of a Jew or Muslim you suddenly dislike that sub categorization as well. You have made it clear you are a white activist. You act mortified when called a white supremacist. You call yourself what you want your issue is not with refugees its with refugees that do not look and sound like you. If KKK pleaded for refugee asylum in Canada you gonna turn them down. Lol. Sure.

Private sponsored refugees do not cost the government. As for other refugees yes some will and some will build the economy in the future.

In an intelligent discussion about immigration and refugee absorbtion capacity you have provided zero information to the issue. Zero. Da nada. Nil. Get back to me when you can. I already know brown skin upsets you but its not germaine to the determinations associated with the issue you claim to  speak of.

First: Are you a Canadian or an Israeli citizen? Secondly: I know that churches don't ask me for money to help refugees. If they did I would not give them any. And the government should not be taking taxpayer's tax dollars and given them away to strangers. Thirdly: I believe that you are a Jewish supremacist by your actions and how you like to accuse me of being a white supremacist because I speak up for the white race. Fourth: I have no problem with people who have a different coloured skin than me. Fifth: Many of those refugees will end up on the taxpayer's payroll. That is a given. Sixth: There can never be any intelligent conversation with you because you are too emotional where with me I like to use common sense and logic, and it is for sure that I am not politically correct. And because of that I am not afraid of saying what I want to say, and not what the zionist elite and phony politicians and the phony media want me to believe. Seventh: I know that you despise people like me who call it as they see, and well that really is too bad for you. I guess that you will just have to live with it. 

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4 hours ago, Rue said:

Its absurd to think people who can not speak English suddenly find jobs. The federal government has placed non private sponsored refugees in a very precarious situation and set  them up for failure just so it could use them for photo ops. Look at the damn rich by in office who brought them in. He lives in a world of helicopters and private retreats. He is totally detached from the realities of what refugees go through. They are just a photo op prop for him He has exploited them I come from refugees. No government welcomed my famiy and in fact tried to deport us. We had zero help. Sometimes I think that blatant in your face hatred McKenzie King showed was better for us. You know where you stand with someone who refers to you as vermin. Some elite affected rich boy Prince posing through gritted fake teeth with some designated photo ops is worse. It masks the true elitist beliefs underneath a thin layer of politeness. Oh I got Trudeau and his shtick so does every immigrant and refugee. We know an elitist poser from a Harper any day. Harper was up front about the hardships, limitations, and security concerns, Trudeau has the exact same issues and pretends by hiring a token visible minority immigration lawer it hasnèt changed. That token he hired, that step and fetch it can not get people jobs. That may take generations.

Like you, Trudeau is a multiculturalist and a refugee lover who wants to flood Canada with everyone from around the world except the ones from Caucasian countries. With two million Canadians unemployed, hundreds of Canadians facing homelessness, it would appear that you could careless about those people. With you it's all about Israel and refugees, and with Canadian patriots like me who show that they do care about Canadians, not strangers. For that I get called a "white supremacist". Way the go. 

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5 hours ago, taxme said:

First: Are you a Canadian or an Israeli citizen? Secondly: I know that churches don't ask me for money to help refugees. If they did I would not give them any. And the government should not be taking taxpayer's tax dollars and given them away to strangers. Thirdly: I believe that you are a Jewish supremacist by your actions and how you like to accuse me of being a white supremacist because I speak up for the white race. Fourth: I have no problem with people who have a different coloured skin than me. Fifth: Many of those refugees will end up on the taxpayer's payroll. That is a given. Sixth: There can never be any intelligent conversation with you because you are too emotional where with me I like to use common sense and logic, and it is for sure that I am not politically correct. And because of that I am not afraid of saying what I want to say, and not what the zionist elite and phony politicians and the phony media want me to believe. Seventh: I know that you despise people like me who call it as they see, and well that really is too bad for you. I guess that you will just have to live with it. 

Firstly, the fact you ask me if I am a Canadian or Israeli citizen is par for the course-it reflects the fact that you can't differentiate a Canadian Jew from an Israeli Jew let alone any other Jew and that is why you ask. You ask because you demonstrate to all to you is a Jew is a Jew is a Jew, Attaboy proving your inability to define Jews as anything but one indistinguishable category proves how you discriminate against Jews, and I mean all Jews not just Israeli ones or Canadian ones. Lol you walked into that one.

Secondly, your comments about churches demonstrates you one again missed the issue, I stated churches do not take money from the government to sponsor refuges, their members do. Zip over your head. I never suggested churches ask you for money for refugees. You incorrectly inferred that because you did not read what I wrote. Next I already know you would never pay towards any refugee. Call me psychic.

Thirdly, your comment about me being a Jewish supremacist because you "speak up for the white race"  and I call that couched reference to white supremacism does not make me a Jewish supremacist. That is illogical. To be a Jewish supremacist I would in fact have to believe my Jewishness makes me superior to non Jews. Your words" speak up for the white race" is exactly what white supremacists claim to do. You even use their wording to couch their agenda.. I call you out and say you now couch your words to avoid admitting your agenda. You responded to me and told me you follow the teachings of Brother Nathaniel. As well as being  a white supremacist bigot and vile anti-Semite  he is  prone to wearing funny hats. You support a bigot's views, ergo you are a bigot.

In regards to my views, I have in fact many times pointed out that Judaism teaches Jews they are NOT superior to non Jews and that the myth we think we are better comes from non Jews misrepresenting deliberately or misunderstanding unintentionally that when we call ourselves chosen, that word only means we entered a promise to God to worship God collectively and not individually and in return God remembers us on a collective level not an individual one. I said this analogy describes a covenant or promise entered into with us-it doesn't make us better than anyone. In fact there are numerous passages in the Bible and Talmud that state a Jew must respect other religions equally and this is why we do NOT convert people. It is Christianity and Islam that teach their followers they must convert non believers because of the theory if they don't we go to hell. Conversion in Judaism must be initiated by the person who wishes to become a Jew.

Fourthly, you do indeed have a problem with people of colour-to state you don't is illogical given you have made it clear time and time again you feel you need to protect the "white race" from all kinds of non white people.

Fifthly, you again muddle your words and make no logical sense yet again. If refugees ended up on taxpayers payrolls as you claim that would be great. It would mean they are employees and capable of paying tax to the government. You don't even know how to slur refugees and call them state parasites properly.

Sixthly, for someone who claims to use logic I have pointed out in the above how you do not make sense. In regards to you using common sense and logic all I have read from you are unsubstantiated subjective opinions and allegations. Once again you call me Jew names couching the name calling with the words "Ziionist elitists".  Zionist elitists. Right. Spit it out. Why not say the world conspiracy of Jews that control the world? You afraid to say so? Lol. Zionists. Right.

One last thing, this concept you use "white race". Really, its time you break it to yourself gently that the colour of your skin, the size of your lips, your hair colour and texture, those are called secondary characteristics. They don't determine your genetic make up. In fact genetically you could have pale skin, small lips, yellow hair and have more in common with black men, real black men with swarthy skin and big lips than you do fellow pale people. Sorry to break it to you but science proved many years ago that what you call race is just a subjective description people like you ignorant of science still use.


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6 hours ago, taxme said:

Like you, Trudeau is a multiculturalist and a refugee lover who wants to flood Canada with everyone from around the world except the ones from Caucasian countries. With two million Canadians unemployed, hundreds of Canadians facing homelessness, it would appear that you could careless about those people. With you it's all about Israel and refugees, and with Canadian patriots like me who show that they do care about Canadians, not strangers. For that I get called a "white supremacist". Way the go. 

Thanks for equating me to Trudeau. Lol. Thanks a lot. Lol.

On a serious note I have never advocated defining the criteria for refugees to be based on skin colour nor has Trudeau.

Next  I respect people's individual cultures yes, but I think they must remain subordinate to a greater Canadian one on certain issues.

Next your assumpotions I don't care about unemployed or homeless people because I disagree with your views is illogical Your views I have challenged have never discussed either issue.

In regards to your comments that its all about Israel is again illogical. The very fact you now respond to me is because you disagree with me over something that has nothing to do with Israel. If you can't differentiate discussions about Israel from discussions about refugees that's you failing to distinguish not me. Last time I looked this thread was not under REST OF THE WORLD nor does it have to do with Israel. But hey I get it, a Jew, an Israeli you already made it clear they are interchangeable in your mind. Right? I mean its "Zionist elitists" you now think run Canada. You use the word "Jewish elitists" lol.

Now the reference to yourself as a Canadian patriot, yah I get it. I'm a Jew. I can't possibly be loyal to my country right? Just like the Syrian refugees. Now  you call non whites "strangers".

Lol. Your couching your references is hilarious let's see now:

a Jew........is  a Zionist and not Canadian

a Jewish elitist...is a Zionist elitist

a white.......a  Canadian (unless of course they aren't white)

a non white, is  anyone who does not have a small nose, narrow lips, pale skin or even if they do but  are Jews or Muslims

a non white, or pale Jew or Muslim  is a stranger

discriminating against non whites or strangers is can exercise in Canadian patriotism and caring about Canadians (unless of course they are stranger non white, Jew, Muslim  Canadians)

looking at non whites, strangers, Jews and Muslims as disloyal, undesireable and stating that dislike is "asserting the white race".

Yah I got it.

By the way  you don't think we take in enough "Caucasian countries" Really?

Can you be more specific. There's over 50 different ethnic groups in the Caucasus region.

Oh let me help. The easiest way is to deternine if the people speak a Caucasian  (Caucasic) language(s) and so it includes:

(Jews, Arabs, OOOOOPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and look who else Taxme....


Those who speak Kartvelian languages

Those who speak Northeast Caucasian languages

Those who speal Northwest Caucasian languages

Those who speak Turkic languages:

Peoples speaking Indo-European languages[edit]


Caucasians that speak languages that belong to the Semitic language family



Kalmyk people

The Kalmyk people — or Kalmyks — is the name given to the Oirats, western Mongols in Russia, whose ancestors migrated from Dzhungaria in 1607. Today they form a majority in the autonomous Republic of Kalmykia on the western shore of the Caspian Sea. Kalmykia has Europe's only

Buddhist government.[6]


All the above info is from Wikpedia. I hope it helps you understand Taxme that's a lot of groups you want to take in.







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6 hours ago, taxme said:

.....I am not afraid of saying what I want to say, and not what the zionist elite and phony politicians and the phony media want me to believe. Seventh: I know that you despise people like me who call it as they see, and well that really is too bad for you. I guess that you will just have to live with it. 

I don't despise you. I debate your words. I do not know you nor do I care to.


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8 hours ago, taxme said:

 I know that you despise people like me who call it as they see, and well that really is too bad for you. I guess that you will just have to live with it. 

If everybody called it as they saw it there would still be massive disagreement.  Not everyone sees it correctly.

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On 5/19/2016 at 4:02 PM, TimG said:

The Trudeau government had to beg and cajole refugees to come. It should come as no surprise that the people with the highest needs were willing to come.

But such things are typical left wing thinking: we don't want to be seen as mean so we have to pay to fix all the problems of the world. The practical result will be long time Canadians who need these services will be denied care because the government is wasting money on problems that it created.

Just think of the wasted money not to mention monies yet to be wasted as the penalty for the stupidity the right puts Into many of the worst problems of the world, like.creating the failed regions so many refugees are coming from.

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On 5/19/2016 at 10:25 PM, G Huxley said:

The conservatives apply Christian morality and Neo-Crusaderism to mess up all these countries in the first place and to create all these refugees.

The liberals and others on the left then apply Christian morality to call to take in all the refugees from the places the conservatives have messed up.

So we are being ruined by the left and the right. Both are two sides of the same disastrous coin.

What the left needs to do is stand in the face of conservatives.and tell them through clenched teeth, to stand down, shut up and stop apologizing for and supporting further diddling of the weakest and most powerless people of the world.


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10 minutes ago, eyeball said:

What the left needs to do is stand in the face of conservatives.and tell them through clenched teeth, to stand down, shut up and stop apologizing for and supporting further diddling of the weakest and most powerless people of the world.


But that would just mean talking to themselves.

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