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Men don't care who uses the same public washroom as them, sex-segregated washrooms are there for the benefit of women. Yet men will be the ones who are ostracised over "gender neutral" policies.

No, you are welcome to use gender neutral washrooms too.

They are single washrooms.

Don't you have one in your house?


Edited by jacee
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  • 2 months later...

All I know is that I don't want Trump anywhere near any women's washrooms nor change rooms:




Note: this opinion is based on his known behaviour and his self admission that he sexually assaults women. It seems reasonable to bar individuals on this basis.  

Edited by msj
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On ‎2016‎-‎10‎-‎15 at 0:05 PM, msj said:

All I know is that I don't want Trump anywhere near any women's washrooms nor change rooms:




Note: this opinion is based on his known behaviour and his self admission that he sexually assaults women. It seems reasonable to bar individuals on this basis.  

And I don't want Hillary to have access to the nuclear war button. The woman is a loony. She might try to blow up the whole world if she goes into a fit of rage. She has been reported to become a very nasty woman when she gets upset over something she does not like. I am pretty sure that the only time Trump is near a woman's wash or change room is when he is passing one. In his position in life, I don't think that Trump would get away with trying to enter some woman's change room to commit some nasty deed and thinks that he would get away with it. If one does, then they must be eating doped laced candy.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Transgender includes both transvestites and transsexuals. A transvestite is is a person born as a male and has  male genitals, i.e.,  o someone born with and still has female genitals, but identifies  their identify as being the  sex and so cross dresses. They may or may not be homosexual (gay or lesbian). Transgenders who are transvestites are not automatically gay, in fact many are not. Then we have the other sub- category of transgenders called transsexuals, also known as she-males when they are male transsexuals but interestingly here's no one uniform informal word for women transsexuals.

Transexuals started off men  or women and have commenced the process to change their  sex starting by undergoing a special kind of psycho-therapy to deal with gender change issues and hormonal therapy where they take hormones to change their body characteristics.. So they could be at any stage (pre-op, i.e., pre-operative). They may have started to grow breasts, changing their outwords appearance, I.e., clothes they wear, the length of their hair. They may have gotten plastic surgery to I nsert breats or cut them off. Once a transsexual completes their operation they are technically post op transsexuals and some call themselves that others just as you call them their new sex.

Dysmorphia is an illness where people do not see the shape and size of their body the way t hey actually are. Dysmorphia can be related to anorexia and other eating disorders. With women they can starve themselves to look thin seeing themselves as fat, or with men they can do steroids constantly seeing themselves as too skinny.

This is what causes some people to become addicted to plastic surgery. Some people believe people who undergo transsexual opertaions have dysmorphia. They may or may not. Its complicated. When the dysmorphia is related to gender its then called gender dusmorphia or gender identity disorder. Under the new Diagnostic Manual for mental disorders (DSM 5) there is now a special category for Gender Dysmorphia which separates it from other conditions and its not considered or defined as a mental disorder but a condition where the individual's strong desire to be identified through the other gender goes on more than 6 months.

People who want to change themselves from man to woman or woman to man are not necessarily gay. They may or may not be. In fact in the gay community, and its still a sizeable majority of the gay population, transsexuals are considered gays or lesbians who hate themselves and can't accept themselves as gay and therefore change genders. So its caused a battle within the gay-lesbian  community over how to deal with trans-genders with some calling them sel outs and others considering them part of their community. A man can switch in an operation to being female but remain attracted to women and so become a lesbian at that point. A woman who turns into a man, may choose to remain attracted to men and so at that point turn into a homosexual. Some become bisexual or remain bisexual, meaning they still are attracted to either gender.

So it can get confusing. Many people think a man changes to a woman or a woman changes to a man because of their sex urges for the same sex they were born with. That is just not true. Sexual preference and gender identify preference are not necessarily the same thing.

So one of the things in gender reassignment therapy is learning the difference been sexual preference and gender identity preference and whether one will change or remain the same after the gender change. The reassignment therapy transsexuals go through is not easy. They spend many years at it. They actually have to work hard to reassign themselves. Dealing with the drug effects and changes in life are quite complex. For someone to go through with that is not easy. You don't just walk in and say cut it off. They put you through many tests to see if you qualify.

All that said, the argument that transsexual operations enables or condones or encourages or empowers or assists people mutilate themselves is not completely  inaccurate. The word mutilate is a bit harsh but it is  an exercise in changing the body. Some men refer to it as mutilation because cutting off a penis triggers in most men castration anxiety.

When stats were done on gays in Canada  by census back in 2001 it stated 10% of Canada was gay. Some argued that was inflated. Generally speaking in all forms of life, and I mean all forms of life, homosexuality is existent and is a built in population control feature like disease. Biologically the rate of homosexuality is pegged at anywhere from 3-6% of any one  life form in many genetic studies. The problem with stats gathered by census  is they are not accurate. Many gays will not report themselves as gay and some list themselves as gay but  may not be as well and there are no stats on transgender populations in Canada. One would guess the majority are situated in Toronto where the vast majority of reassignment operations are done in Canada, but how many no one knows..

The revision of the definition of gender dysphoria to the DS 5 Psychiatric diagnostic manual took 14 years but it does not consider this condition a mental disorder or illness anymore..

aulHaving worked as a family mediator over 20 years I have seen many changes to the definition of rape/sexual assault, homosexuality, prostitution, age of consent. Before gender reassignment operations most transgenders either stayed conflicted until they died and some would act out as drag queen or transvestites. Some prefer to remain transvestite than go for the operation. Everyone is different and nothing surprises me how people choose to define themselves.  

All I will say is what most of us in the legal system say. We are really not interested in what consenting adults do in the privacy of their homes. I don't want to know. What we are worried about are crimes of violence using sexual behaviour, i.e, non consensual sex between adults (sexual assault, used to be called rape) and pedophilia, sex between adults and pre-pubescent children, or hebophilia (sex between adults and pubescent children).

We also  learned from getting deep in their heads that the vast majority oif   pedophiles and hebophiles identify and live as straight p eople  not gay and are attracted to their victims not because of their gender but because of their asexual appearance, i.e., lack of gender characteristics. We also learned pedophiles and hebophiles will molest anyone they can gain access to  female or male contrary to the belief they only go after one gender.

In fact Michael Jackson a classic pedophile molested both genders.

Most pedophiles and hebophiles I know will molest anyone vulnerable they can gain access to and they are not treatable. You can not stop their urges. At best you can try give them drugs to repress their sex urges but they don't work.

We saw aany transgenders in the court system because they  pay for their operations by becoming escorts or prostitutes= however being a prostitute is not illegal, but living off the avails of prostitution (pimping) or buying sez (being a John) are illegal. We often saw them attempt suicide or be beaten to a pulp by Johns who either found our they had penises we used to refer to as gay panic *the Johns think their heterosexuality has been contaminated and they are no longer "men")..

I just like a lot of people in the legal system since we since we have to deal  with pedophiles and hebopiles or deal with people raping their own children or others, etc. we h ave our hands full  with  people who commit violence or force themselves on others or children so gender id issues are not really are concern or worry..

In regards to public washrooms, I think there are financial limits in society to accommodation and actual population numbers determines when and how far to accommodate. If we are going to take tax money to rebuild facilities we should  have sufficient population demand.

Now I know understand with French language services, since Ontario is bilingual and the federal government is bilingual we make French services available in towns with no French people at all. We do the same with disability accommodation. People say because we do that we should do the same all over the province for transgender facilities.

I understand that argument I just think we  need to be fiscally responsible and accommodate only where sufficient demand requires it with transgenders and have a test for that.

In the meantime  we  have a one toilet washroom in some facilities where possible and most places do. 




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On 10/29/2016 at 5:45 PM, Rue said:

Transgender includes...


Well, I was never confused before but after reading that long description I can officially say I am now confused. No, not about my sex, sexual preferences, or sexual identity, but about how complex this whole thing really is. I don't think that 26 letters is enough alphabet soup to describe LGBTxyz....

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On ‎2016‎-‎10‎-‎31 at 2:06 AM, ?Impact said:


Well, I was never confused before but after reading that long description I can officially say I am now confused. No, not about my sex, sexual preferences, or sexual identity, but about how complex this whole thing really is. I don't think that 26 letters is enough alphabet soup to describe LGBTxyz....

LOL wait until you read the DSM-V Psychiatric Diagnostic Manual. It has hundreds of sexual philias. You have no idea just how weird humans are.

Actually sexology is quite the topic. So is abnormal psychology and the behavioural psychologies let alone the discipline of psychiatry.

Defining human behaviour and trying to give it characteristics is like trying to squeeze Jello.

Bottom line is human behaviour constantly mutates, as human physiology and the environment around it change to adapt.

Maladaptive behaviour, behaviour where people are not able to adapt and change, that's when it becomes a problem for them, us, as individuals.

We can adapt very self destructive behaviour when we don't resolve issues or can't deal with changes.

Doctors, health care providers.  don't really expect anything from you. They only try get involved if you tell them something is negatively impacting on your quality of life.

Doctors, police, enforcement agencies, social workers and health care providers get concerned if you want to .hurt yourself or others or become violent to yourself or others or force yourself on others or the vulnerable.

So gender identity to them is not an issue unless the individual is going to hurt themselves or others. People with gender identity issues can commit suicide or suffer from depression, eating disorders, self medicate and get drug addicted, involve themselves in prostitution but as a general rule, they are not a danger to others.

I think what is bothering a lot of otherwise tolerant people is that in our schools we see kids getting younger and younger, now in age groups where they technically should not have sexual identities, being told they can do certain things. So we have boys dressing as girls or girls dressing as boys at younger and younger ages. Now of course when girls do it or did it we called them Tom-girls and people said it was just a phase. No one called them transgender or men trapped in women's bodies.

As for guys, well I am 60, in my day boys did no wear dresses or act as girls at a young age  unless it was in secret. Today its out in the open with boys dressed as girls going to kindergarten, grade, 1, 2, 3.

That's what is freaking people out and then add to that, in large cities, many of the students now come from countries with fundamentalist religions that are very very repressed about sexuality so its a hornet's nest to deal with if you are a teacher.

I get adults, people of legal age deciding what to do with themselves, even kids say once they have hit their teens-but I do not understand sexual concepts being forced on children who have not reached puberty.

I think a boy for example born as a boy who says he wants to dress like a girl, well for me, if it was my kid and he had not reached puberty I'd say as his parent, deal with your gender, be who you are not what you want to be, be comfortable with who you are first.

I think some parents are in such a rush to impose adult concepts of tolerance they forget basics, that a pre puberty child wanting to be another gender needs to take a step back and be comfortable with how they were born.

That's just my personal opinion. I think when kids hit their time of when their body changes, they at that point go through enough confusion without making it more confusing before then.

Then again I was brought up playing with guns and today people say that is very bad and they take guns away and the kids play with sticks as guns.

I also think people forget that boys at a certain age and girls at a certain age are different-evolution made them differen-girls learn to speak and use words much faster. They learn to be social much faster. They learn to manipulate words, use emotional tone of voice and network far faster than boys because of the structure of their brains.

Boys tend to be more focused on physical action, less talking, more competitive sport like activities, again because of biological and brain structure differences.

There is such a rush to say all gender difference is socially learned that we forget no a lot of it has to do with the brain structure differences between boys and girls and the difference in certain hormones, chromosones, anatomical structures.

Sexual preference is for later in life, Learning how to be comfortable with your body, your actual body, is something that should not automatically be discarded in favour of encouraging someone at a moment of discomfort to switch. That's an adult concept.

Kids are never comfortable with their skin. They have to learn to get used to it. Just learning to go to the bathroom for example requires learning not to be ashamed of one's body parts. So I follow a very basic school of thought that is modern and progressive but feels nature, organic or physical reality of the body, must first be lived with before a true idea of wanting to change it for the right reasons if that were to happen, can evolve.

Bottom line is you have in transgender counselling a lot of exploration as to why someone wants to change their body. Therapists working with this help people to be explore for healthy reasons not negative ones.

I think its a subject those of us who accept how we are born can't ever truly understand. I don't try. I just want kids to be left alone and be happy with themselves and we stop pushing them full of adult sexual concepts as to identity, gender role, sex preference, etc.

Too much too soon I say. I say it because I've done my share of volunteer counselling with teens. They have it tough enough without being bombarded in their early years with stuff their bodies let alone their brains are not ready for.



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