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America under President Trump

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1 hour ago, Zeitgeist said:

Trudeau has two campaign planes to illustrate his personal commitment to reducing greenhouse gas emissions.  Perhaps he can get them painted in his favourite face paint colours — black, brown, and blue — in time for Election Day.



Lol trump promised to leave the paris accords and cut back on restrictions on power plant emissions.   Some jet that Trudeau needs to get around canada for campaigning produces how much emissions?  


But you'd rather we cruise cross country on horseback?  Only takes about a month or so I guess.  



Edited by Cannucklehead
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22 hours ago, DogOnPorch said:



You can't put lipstick on a pig and make it a princess. There is nothing redeeming about Islam in terms of Western Civilization as Islam was created to be its enemy. Not it's interfaith friend. 


As for Trump, this Syria pull-out isn't motivated by Kurds being Islamic. It's simply that the USA does not belong there


First off Kurds are not pigs with Lipstick. They are human beings, The fact that you try dehumanize them and then make reference to the term “Muslims” as being one  identical  entity/enemy of the West is  your projection. It is something I and others will ignore as illogical. It is a stereotype. No they don’t all eat fried chicken. but what I do know is this proven fact-they were loyal allies of the US fighting side by side them against ISIS and lost 11,000 doing so.

Next, the issue is not about the US right to withdraw from Syria or anywhere else-it is how Trump ordered some of his  troops to depart from a specific area of Syria  at a specific time after talking with Erdogan and sharing intelligence knowing  full well it would lead to a massacre of innocent civilian Kurds after the US troops were moved. In fact to date Trump has moved very little if anyone out of Syria. He’s simply shuffled their positions as he just did to enable Turkey to attack the Kurds.


Trump knew what would happen:

“Erdogan's top adviser told CNN's Christiane Amanpour that Trump knew in advance about the scope of the Turkish attack.

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"President Trump and President Erdogan have reached an understanding over precisely what this operation is," Gulnur Aybet said from Ankara on Wednesday. "He knows what the scope of this operation is." “

source for above: https://www.cnn.com/2019/10/09/politics/turkey-syria-us-anger-ramifications/index.html

also see:




His decision goes against what his owned military wanted:



It has also alienated the fundamentalist Christian base that ordinarily votes for him:




His decision has alienated his Republican base:






His decision further inflames tensions with Western Europe supporting an alliance between Trump and Putin over alienating Western Europe:



His decision has alienated one of his few allies in the Middle East, Israel, who are now forced to defend the Kurds:





Trump’s decision has alienated US War Veterans:



Now let’s get to the crux of the matter He made his decision on a spur of the momenb. He did not consult his military advisors, National Security Advisor or fellow Republicans in the Senate or Congress. Nor did he consult with his military allies Britain or Israel over the matter. Then he made matters worse by sending a series of nonsensical twitters referring to himself in bizarre grandiose terms and claiming he would economically destroy Turkey as he already once before did. Those words were and remain clear evidence of his dementia. They make no sense

Then he showed a remarkable ignorance of history and as Rhys Bajalan Assistant Prof. of Middle East History at Missouri State University said in regards to sayin the Kurds did not fight at Normandy that: “It’s a weird framing that doesn’t really make sense historically or politically….Numerous people who didn’t have nation-states weren’t necessarily at Normandy but participated either directly in the war or in terms of providing materials and labor for the war.”

Also as Jordi Tejel, a professor of history at the University of Neuchatel, Switzerland stated: “They (Kurds)  didn’t have a state, so they couldn’t act as a state.. still… individual Kurdish fighters from across the region did join other armies, fighting alongside the British and the Soviet Union’s Red Army."

There were Kurds who sympathized with the Nazis, seeing them as an anti-colonial alternative to the British or French,… but others went to great lengths to counter Nazi influence in the Middle East.”

Let’s now deal with actual facts not the ignorance of Trump. In 1941, pro-Nazi Iraqi army generals helped launch a coup d’etat, installing Rashid Ali al-Gaylani as the new prime minister. It was in fact the Kurds who went on to play a very large role  overthrowing that this Nazi sock puppet. As of 1942 the British assembled in Iraq what was called the Iraq Levies which was made up of 40 service companies and the lst Parachure Company which was 75% Assyrian and 25% Kurd. By the net year there were an additional 4 companies made up of 22 Assyrian, 5  Assyrian-Yazidi (a type of Kurd),10 Kurdish, 4 marsh Arab 3 3 Baluchi companies. These levies were renamed in early 1944 the Royal Air Force Levies. In fact the Kurds played the key role in defeating the pro Nazi regime in Iraq and went on to fight in the British and Russian armies so Trump’s comments were past ignorant and idiotic.

Because of Trump’s poorly thought out spur of the moment decision, 300,000 Kurds now face death and/or displacement as they now are being bombed and apparently there are reports the Turks are using gas. If a wide spread massacre happens NATO would have to expel Turkey, Israel will have to prevent another mass gas attack and pro Assad forces in Syria will take advantage to attack not just the Kurds but Israel.

This vacuum may also cause Saudi Arabia and Iran to step in further destabilizing the area. For a leader who claims he is withdrawing troops from Syria at the same time Trump has just sent jet fighter squadrons to Saudi Arabia.

Go to:  https://federalnewsnetwork.com/government-news/2019/10/us-sends-fighter-jets-air-defense-to-saudi-arabia/ which says: “U.S. is deploying dozens more fighter jets and additional air defenses to Saudi Arabia, beefing up efforts to defend the kingdom against Iran even as President Donald Trump repeatedly insists that America must get out of endless Middle East wars.”


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2 minutes ago, Rue said:

...This vacuum may also cause Saudi Arabia and Iran to step in further destabilizing the area. For a leader who claims he is withdrawing troops from Syria at the same time Trump has just sent jet fighter squadrons to Saudi Arabia.


That's right...an American president doing what he wants for U.S. interests, just like previous U.S. presidents.

Please note that Canada removed a squadron of strike fighters and refueling aircraft from the region long ago, in addition to denying Kurds/peshmerga  promised military aid.

So why does Canada get to run, but the U.S. must stay in Syria ?

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22 minutes ago, Cannucklehead said:

So trump claims that he is slowly bringing our soldiers home.  And he does that by bringing home 100 troops and less than a week later deploys 1800?  Is this from the math for dummies playbook or something?  


No, it is force structure reality because one strike carrier (USS Harry S. Truman) deployment is delayed, and USS Abraham Lincoln is rotating off deployment from the Gulf, leaving a gap in air power.   Land based assets will help to fill the gap and discourage Iran from attacking U.S. allies in the region.

One U.S. aircraft carrier has a crew and embarked air squadron force of nearly 5,000.

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10 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

Trump is a problem, but who can beat him?  Does Biden have the smarts and fight in him to beat Trump and face down these geopolitical challenges?  Perhaps either a Biden-Warren or Biden-Sanders P-VP ticket would fly.  My preference is Sanders as P, but it’s not panning out that way. 


Yes...President Trump is a big problem....for Democrats

Not only did their champion Hillary Clinton lose the 2016 election, they are now faced with even weaker prospects against an incumbent president.

Why is it so hard for the Democrats to defeat Trump with their "best" ?   Because their best is not very good either.

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48 minutes ago, Rue said:


First off Kurds are not pigs with Lipstick. They are human beings, The fact that you try dehumanize them and then make reference to the term “Muslims” as being one  identical  entity/enemy of the West is  your projection.



Go volunteer to fight alongside the Kurds, then.

What? Not going to? Welcome to the club. It's a big one.

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44 minutes ago, bush_cheney2004 said:


That's right...an American president doing what he wants for U.S. interests, just like previous U.S. presidents.

Please note that Canada removed a squadron of strike fighters and refueling aircraft from the region long ago, in addition to denying Kurds/peshmerga  promised military aid.

So why does Canada get to run, but the U.S. must stay in Syria ?


Because virtue signaling about the Kurds only goes so far. It's okay if YOU Americans die being their human shield. However, it is beyond the Pale to expect others to do likewise.

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1 minute ago, DogOnPorch said:


Because virtue signaling about the Kurds only goes so far. It's okay if YOU Americans die being their human shield. However, it is beyond the Pale to expect others to do likewise.


Got it....I wonder which T-shirt would sell better ?

  • "Human Shield for Kurds"
  • "Trump-Pence 2020"
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Just now, bush_cheney2004 said:


Got it....I wonder which T-shirt would sell better ?

  • "Human Shield for Kurds"
  • "Trump-Pence 2020"


The immediate assumption I'm getting from many is that the YPG are innocent lambs just trying to get along in a US made quagmire. Which, of course, it totally untrue. They had a world of assistance handed to them and currently control a large swath of Syria. If they can defend their takings against all the comers that want to kick their rear...more power to them. Long live Kurdistan...yet another ethno-state in an area that makes the Balkans look unified.

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1 minute ago, DogOnPorch said:


The immediate assumption I'm getting from many is that the YPG are innocent lambs just trying to get along in a US made quagmire. Which, of course, it totally untrue. They had a world of assistance handed to them and currently control a large swath of Syria. If they can defend their takings against all the comers that want to kick their rear...more power to them. Long live Kurdistan...yet another ethno-state in an area that makes the Balkans look unified.


Agreed...they can go for it all they want...doesn't mean NATO allies are going to die for them.   The large swath is impressive....like they own half of Syria !


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7 minutes ago, bush_cheney2004 said:


Agreed...they can go for it all they want...doesn't mean NATO allies are going to die for them.   The large swath is impressive....like they own half of Syria !



The media make it sound like a blitzkrieg is happening. More like trench warfare. The towns being occupied by the Turks are *right* on the border. Making any headway against the Kurds will be bloody and costly for Turkey. Folks might recall that the last time Turkey actually fought a REAL war was in 1914-1918. This means they have little in the way of actual combat experience in Turkey's large army. Green troops vs Veteran Kurds...good luck Turks...they'd better ready 10s of thousands of coffins as this will start looking like the Somme pretty quick if one dives right in.

Edited by DogOnPorch
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24 minutes ago, bush_cheney2004 said:


Yes...President Trump is a big problem....for Democrats

Not only did their champion Hillary Clinton lose the 2016 election, they are now faced with even weaker prospects against an incumbent president.

Why is it so hard for the Democrats to defeat Trump with their "best" ?   Because their best is not very good either.

The thing I don’t respect about US politics, and your comment is a case in point, is the almost religious partisanship.  I see zero reason to be loyal to any political party.  No great virtues in either of your parties.  In fact, the positions the two parties take aren’t necessarily logically consistent.  I wish government was essentially an ongoing plebiscite on issues as they arrise in real time.  For example, there could be referenda on a range of spending and policy options that you could vote on at the click of a button.  Politicians at that point could run , say, every four years on a battery of policy positions without reference to or membership in a political party.  That would also take corporate and private sponsorship of parties out of the mix.  Canadians have less party loyalty and a few more political options than Americans but similar issues with compromising too much because one has to vote for a party and party members are beholden to their party platform.  

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1 minute ago, Zeitgeist said:

The thing I don’t respect about US politics, and your comment is a case in point, is the almost religious partisanship.  I see zero reason to be loyal to any political party.  No great virtues in either of your parties.  In fact, the positions the two parties take aren’t necessarily logically consistent.  I wish government was essential an ongoing plebiscite on issues as they arrise in real time.  For example, there could be referenda on a range of spending and policy options that you could vote on at the click of a button.  Politicians at that point could run , say, every four years on a battery of policy positions without reference to or membership in a political party.  That would also take corporate and private sponsorship of parties out of the mix. 


Many Americans are not members of a political party, myself included.   There are practical and political reasons for organized party organizations that group similar ideologies and popular support, at the local, state, and federal level.   The majority of voters do not even participate in primary elections, and voter turnout for the 2016 general election was about 56%, consistent with historical norms.



Canadians have less party loyalty and a few more political options than Americans, but similar issues with compromising too much because one has to vote for a party and party members are beholden to their party platform.  


Canada has its own set of problems and issues that fall along other fault lines far beyond party loyalty (e.g. language, region, resources, etc.).


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1 minute ago, Cannucklehead said:

Sending in more troops than you brought home sounds really dumb or really incompetent.  


Not when faced with new global challenges and conflicts.    Unlike many other nations, U.S. foreign policy has to juggle many issues at the same time, and there is nobody else to run to.   Canada and the UN are not so flexible or capable.

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Just now, bush_cheney2004 said:


Not when faced with new global challenges and conflicts.    Unlike many other nations, U.S. foreign policy has to juggle many issues at the same time, and there is nobody else to run to.   Canada and the UN are not so flexible or capable.

Sounds more like you've got your head so far up trumps rear you cant see what is going on.  How is this new?  This has been going on for decades.  

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2 minutes ago, Cannucklehead said:

Sounds more like you've got your head so far up trumps rear you cant see what is going on.  How is this new?  This has been going on for decades.  


Donald Trump is the U.S. president...with all the power and decisions that entails.   There is a lot more going on in the world than Turkey kicking the Kurd's ass in Syria.

Let me know when Canada takes over the job of "world police".

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Just now, bush_cheney2004 said:


Donald Trump is the U.S. president...with all the power and decisions that entails.   There is a lot more going on in the world than Turkey kicking the Kurd's ass in Syria.

Let me know when Canada takes over the job of "world police".


Twenty thousand + Canadians volunteered to assist the South Vietnamese fight their Communist invaders.

A lot less are volunteering for the Kurds...several dozen perhaps? Fewer?

Virtue Signaling Trumps Action

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1 minute ago, bush_cheney2004 said:


Donald Trump is the U.S. president...with all the power and decisions that entails.   There is a lot more going on in the world than Turkey kicking the Kurd's ass in Syria.

Let me know when Canada takes over the job of "world police".

Cant happen, would be a major embarrassment to you type of Americans and your fragile egos. 


Imo Canada should sit back and relax, u.n. sends the u.s. back in to clean up their own mess.  

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Just now, DogOnPorch said:


Twenty thousand + Canadians volunteered to assist the South Vietnamese fight their Communist invaders.

A lot less are volunteering for the Kurds...several dozen perhaps? Fewer?

Virtue Signaling Trumps Action


It's far easier (and safer) to protest outside the U.S. embassy in Ottawa.    

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