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Palestinian and/or Muslim war crimes


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At this source:


It states, Iran’s defense budget ranges anywhere between $14 billion to $30 billion a yearwith " much of that money"

financing terrorist groups and rebel fighters throughout the region, according to the Congressional Research Service.

This is a country Big Guy has stated Canada should ally with.

Yep makes sense to get into bed with terrorists when you support them I suppose.

Or do you believe as the pro Iran and anti Israel threads state that its a lie, and Iran is a model nation.

I believe like many Obama on his way out has made the world a far more dangerous place then he found it in retaliation aagainst Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Israel all slighting his Muslim Brotherhood agenda.

I also refer to this source:


Obama ushered in an agreement that allows more than 100 billion in sanctions relief. What you think that money won't be re-routed to fund terrorism and terrorist groups let alone the wars in Syria, Bahrain, Yemen,Iraq and one Iran wants to start on the West Bank to drag both Jordan and Israel into a war with Iran and Palestinians.....

Muslim terrorism begins and ends with Iran and Saudi Arabia fighting a proxy war through these terrorists who Obama and his smarmy Muslim Brotherhood agenda did not seduce.

There was Obama bent over backwords letting Iran literally insert what ever they felt like in his..his peace treaty theyfiguratively call it.

Thanks to Obama SWIFT, (the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication), is the electronic bloodstream of the global financial system with its more than 10,800 financial companies worldwide has now reconnected to 15 Iranian banks.

Back in 2010 before Iran's financing was frozen, Iranian financial institutions using SWIFT were able to move money more than 2 million times in 2010. The above article says these transactions, according to the Wall Street Journal,

amounted to $35 billion in trade with Europe alone.

Who is kidding who now. You think the tap is not turned back on for Muslim terrorism?

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According to http://www.iranintelligence.com/terror,

"Iranian agents have acted to perpetrate terrorist attacks in more than 20 countries around the world since 2010. Iran has been implicated in the July 2012 bombing in Bulgaria that killed 5 Israelis, the February 2012 attacks on Israeli representatives in Georgia and India, as well as the failed strikes in Thailand and Azerbaijan against Jewish targets. Israel's Mossad security service also noted that Iran was behind foiled plots to attack Jewish and Israeli targets in Kenya and Cyprus as well.

Deadly terror weapons have also been smuggled into the hands of Iranian-sponsored groups such as Hezbollah and used against Israeli civilians in commando-style raids. New rockets were delivered to Hezbollah by Iran and may be used to bombard northern Israel. Hezbollah fighters have also been trained in Iranian camps. Rearming Hezbollah after the 2006 Lebanon War is a violation of UN Security Council Resolution 1701. Iran spent approximately $1 billion to rebuild southern Lebanon, and, according to Defense Minister Ehud Barak, exponentially increased Hezbollah's rocket arsenal to as many as 60,000 rockets (Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, 2008)."

It goes on to state as well:

A report published by the Telegraph newspaper on April 4, 2015, detailed that Iran had been funneling millions of dollars to Hamas to help them rebuild their network of terror tunnels that were destroyed during Operation Protective Edge. The Iranian funding also assisted Hamas in replenishing their missile stockpiles. (The Telegraph, April 4, 2015)

A confidential United Nations report released in April 2015 provided evidence supporting the fact that Iran had been sending weapons and supplies to Houthi rebels in Yemen as early as 2009."

Iran ferments terror. It is a terror monger. Its government and its Muslim beliefs extol violence and terror as a legitimate means to express and impose their interpretation of Islam.

I am not about to come on this board and extol Iran's virtues and pretend its a wonderful place. Its a scurge. A nation that finances and exports terror not to mention it subjects its people to persecution.

I share the hopes of its young students that one day they can shed themselves of these terrorists. I support the brave sstudents who died fighting to try protest their regime. I stand for the Bahaiis, Zoroastreans, Christians, Jews, gays, trade unionists, and progressive moderate Muslims of Iran.

Some of you want to cheer lead Iran while it subjects its women to second class abuse, and persecutes its people, then

do so but have the integrity to admit the fascist state you stand up for and defend and do not feed the rest of us this crock of crap that its Israel that is terrorist. Israel fights the consequences of what this damn state funds.

No Palestinian will be liberated dying for Iran.

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On the pro Iranian thread extolling the virtues of Iran as the key to mid-east peace, the

pro Iranians of course won't discuss the role Iran plays in Muslim terrorism financing so I will do it here.

Where did you discuss the role the west plays in financing Muslim terrorism?

No Palestinian will be liberated dying for Iran.

No one will be liberated until everyone is.

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Eye where have you discussed the role Iran and Saudi Arabia has played in the financing of terrorism?

Before you ask me to right a post on Western financing of terrorism how about you hold yourself to the same standard.

Also may I remind you, asklng me to write a post for you is kind of silly. You told me you don't read my threads or posts or anything past a couple of lines, I am afraid all the sources I give you about how terrorism is financed would be lengthy.

Tell you what though, go to goodle, type in "how terrorism in the Middle East is funded " and I think you can find

enough sites to explain how terrorism is financed and who finances it.

Now golly Eye are you suggesting my past posts about Iran were unfair and only bring attention to its policies and none one else's? Yah think? Get out. I had no idea. Thanks for pointing that out.

Maybe, you might want to make that point on the Israel war crimes thread about being unfairly selective on Israel. I think it would be helpful. I think your caution about being too myopic as to one country's role in the Middle East is something I will give special thought to on Iran just as I am sure you will do the same with posts on Israel.

Thanks for that.

Edited by Rue
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So Eyeball where are you and Big Guy to discuss the blowing up of a bus of innocent Israeli civilians yesterday? Hmmmmm? You have time to complain about Americans killing innocent people with drones, Israeli war crimes (although to date you have never mentioned the crime) but when it comes to

Israeli civilians not a peep.

Not a peep from Ghost or Hudson Jones. That silence is why this thread was started to say each and every time you try present the conflict in the Middle East as a one sided black and white conflict, you will be reminded there are two sides to the story.

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Not a peep from Ghost or Hudson Jones. That silence is why this thread was started to say each and every time you try present the conflict in the Middle East as a one sided black and white conflict, you will be reminded there are two sides to the story.

I thought the point of this thread was to rabidly defend horrific acts by comparing them to actors you have no sympathy for. I suppose though if you aren't getting a response that might mean there is no defense for it and sycophantically agreeing with you is a waste of typing. Now if only you took the same approach. Edited by Bob Macadoo
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So Eyeball where are you and Big Guy to discuss the blowing up of a bus of innocent Israeli civilians yesterday? Hmmmmm? You have time to complain about Americans killing innocent people with drones, Israeli war crimes (although to date you have never mentioned the crime) but when it comes to

Israeli civilians not a peep.

Not a peep from Ghost or Hudson Jones. That silence is why this thread was started to say each and every time you try present the conflict in the Middle East as a one sided black and white conflict, you will be reminded there are two sides to the story.

The United Nations issued a resolution condemning Israel for blocking the road.

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Palestinians have killed about at least 29 Israelis in shooting and stabbing attacks says Israel's ministry of foreign affairs:


It seems outrageous these Palestinian youths (armed with knives) attack Israeli soldiers armed with guns. These Palestinians should realize that these "chosen people of God" Israelis have the right of might to take any land and kill any opposition to their dominance in the Middle East. How dare these Palestinians try to get access to their homelands as prescribed by the rest of the world through the UN!!

BTW During this time period where 29 Israelis were killed, Israeli forces and illegal settlers have killed at least 209 Palestinians, including alleged attackers and protesters, according to the Palestinian health ministry.

The Palestinians will soon learn that you don't bring a knife to a gun fight.

Just another example of the Palestinian and/or Muslim war crimes!!!!!

Edited by Big Guy
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I thought the point of this thread was to rabidly defend horrific acts by comparing them to actors you have no sympathy for. I suppose though if you aren't getting a response that might mean there is no defense for it and sycophantically agreeing with you is a waste of typing. Now if only you took the same approach.

You don't think. That is clear in your words.

You write the above to bait.

You also display the depths of your lack of intelligence to try misrepresent the intent of this thread.

You really need to think before you prattle. The very fact you could not resist responding with the inanity and bait

you did proves the very thesis I presented.

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Palestinians have killed about at least 29 Israelis in shooting and stabbing attacks says Israel's ministry of foreign affairs:


It seems outrageous these Palestinian youths (armed with knives) attack Israeli soldiers armed with guns. These Palestinians should realize that these "chosen people of God" Israelis have the right of might to take any land and kill any opposition to their dominance in the Middle East. How dare these Palestinians try to get access to their homelands as prescribed by the rest of the world through the UN!!

BTW During this time period where 29 Israelis were killed, Israeli forces and illegal settlers have killed at least 209 Palestinians, including alleged attackers and protesters, according to the Palestinian health ministry.

The Palestinians will soon learn that you don't bring a knife to a gun fight.

Just another example of the Palestinian and/or Muslim war crimes!!!!!

Oh I forgot terrorists are not war criminals unless they are Israeli right Big Guy? Lol.

Your inserting the slur about chosen people, gosh that was subtle. No one could ever see that as an

attack on all Jews for being Jewish not just Israelis for being Jewish.

Its actually pathetic that after all this time the best you have is to throw out bait like that to try incite a comment you can complain about.

Also congrats thinking knife attacks should not be put down with guns. Lol. Now you are an expert on counter-terrorism, policing, as well as the convenant between Jews and God.

Hey Big Guy your response ironically exposes everything I have contended about your agenda from the get goand your inability to handle the other side of the debate.

That must be quite something. You have what at least 3-4 threads on the go at any time pissing on Israel and you have to come to this one, avoid discussing what it says, but trying to suggest knife attacks can't be put down with guns?

Your ignorance as to policing and counter-terrorism and what tactics are used and when to repel deadly force for me is past laughable.

Edited by Rue
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  • 3 weeks later...

Big Guy, Hudson, Eye, Ghost, whoever doesn't start a thread on Palestinian and/or Muslim war crimes.

Certain things aren't really news. Others are.

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Certain things aren't really news. Others are.

I understand perfectly well why people over there hate each other's guts but that doesn't mean I condone what it leads to. Where in God's name do you right-wingers get these silly notions anyway?

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  • 2 weeks later...

And Big Guy will too.

In fact, I think the Israelis are entitled to kill as many Palestinians as the Palestinians kill Israelis - and vice versa!

That sounds fair?

I remind people of the idiotic comment above when reading continuing comments from Big Guy or Eye who in my opinion come on this board to bait and engage in justification of Muslim extremist terrorism, particularly against Jews.

Its the above kind of idiocy that shows you the man who wrote it lives in a sheltered environment, has never witnessed death or terrorism and refers to both like some sort of joke.

If you want to know why I find the writer's utterances on this forum so contemptable just read it back

To reference killing as he does manifests gross indecency for those who have died,

No one on this thread justified any killings but Big Guy. Someone also needs to show Eye how to transcend puberty and evolve past terms like "hate each other's guts". The simplistic, retarded, cognitively stunted terms he clings to unless justified by a disability are pathetic in tone and content.

Edited by Rue
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I remind people of the idiotic comment above when reading continuing comments from Big Guy or Eye who in my opinion come on this board to bait and engage in justification of Muslim extremist terrorism, particularly against Jews.

Its the above kind of idiocy that shows you the man who wrote it lives in a sheltered environment, has never witnessed death or terrorism and refers to both like some sort of joke.

If you want to know why I find the writer's utterances on this forum so contemptable just read it back

To reference killing as he does manifests gross indecency for those who have died,

No one on this thread justified any killings but Big Guy. Someone also needs to show Eye how to transcend puberty and evolve past terms like "hate each other's guts". The simplistic, retarded, cognitively stunted terms he clings to unless justified by a disability are pathetic in tone and content.

So I assume I can update my "Big Guy" attribute data base as analyzed by Dr, Rue. This would mean adding pathetic, simplistic, retarded, cognitively stunted, gross indecency for those who died, contempable (by the way - it is spelled contemptible), baiter, justifier of Muslin extremist terrorism, idiotic. If I missed any please let me know.

As to Big Guy stating "In fact, I think the Israelis are entitled to kill as many Palestinians as the Palestinians kill Israelis - and vice versa!" I was trying to play into Rue's understanding of Hebrew. The explanation is as follows:

Eye for an Eye:

Judaism - Isaac Kalimi explains that the “lex talionis was humanized by the Rabbis who interpreted "an eye for an eye" to mean reasonable pecuniary compensation. As in the case of the Babylonian 'lex talionis', ethical Judaism and humane Jewish jurisprudence replaces the peshat (literal meaning) of the written Torah. Pasachoff and Littman point to the reinterpretation of the lex talionis as an example of the ability of Pharisaic Judaism to "adapt to changing social and intellectual ideas."

Perhaps Rue should further study Torah Readings, Haftarah Readings, The Siddur and Talmud: Mishnah and Gemara so he may understand the concept of "The Israelis are entitled to kill as many Palestinians as the Palestinians kill Israelis - and vice versa!"

It really is found in your holy books.

Get back to me after you review your research.

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No one on this thread justified any killings but Big Guy. Someone also needs to show Eye how to transcend puberty and evolve past terms like "hate each other's guts". The simplistic, retarded, cognitively stunted terms he clings to unless justified by a disability are pathetic in tone and content.

Good attempts Rue, but looks like Jew haters are simply gonna hate!!!

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It is obvious that those Palestinians performing terrorist acts should be arrested and go to trial in an impartial world court. The Israeli government and military should also be taken to an impartial world court and put on trial for crimes against humanity and genocide.

Given there's been no hint of genocide in the area I'm going to just go ahead and assume your definition of "genocide" is "Being a Jew".

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