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Another Terrorist Attack in Canada

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Whatever makes you think that? Surely they could just as easily be Christians or Jews!

Unlikely, but possible: FBI says 'Australian IS jihadist' is actually a Jewish American troll named Joshua Ryne Goldberg

Though when Christians are convicted of mass killings or terror attacks would it be appropriate to call for a ban on Christian, religious, white, or right wing immigrants?

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Only a microscopic number of humans have cancer - but an an overwhelming number of cancer cases are in humans.

Only a small number of Jews are rabbis - but an overwhelming number of rabbis are Jewish.


Forgive me - but I have no idea what that comparison is supposed to show.........

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Me too:

"only a microscopic number of Muslims are terrorists - but an overwhelming number of terrorists are Muslims."

Only a small number of Jews are rabbis - but an overwhelming number of rabbis are Jewish.

Only a microscopic number of humans have cancer - but an an overwhelming number of cancer cases are in humans.

Same logic?

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You seem to be aware that cancer is a far more common human affliction than it is for say Naked Mole Rats, even if only a small percentage of the population has cancer at this moment. Do you acknowledge that it is more common for a Muslim to be a terrorist than other religious affiliations, even if only a small percentage of Muslims are terrorists?

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Unlikely, but possible: FBI says 'Australian IS jihadist' is actually a Jewish American troll named Joshua Ryne Goldberg

Though when Christians are convicted of mass killings or terror attacks would it be appropriate to call for a ban on Christian, religious, white, or right wing immigrants?

A Christian committing murder in the furtherance of Christian political and social control over the world would be a rare thing, indeed.

Yet there have been tens of thousands of such attacks by Muslims since 9/11.

But then, unlike Christianity, Islam contains a complete political and legal system for ruling societies. The universal demand of those who commit violence in the name of Islam is that everyone must abide by those social and political rules.

The Muslim population of Belgium is largely made up of the original guest workers, and the 'family class' immigrants they then sponsored, along with, of course, refugees.

It seems odd, then, that the Liberals intend to increase the number of 'family class' immigrants along with the number of refugees from Muslim countries.

Edited by Argus
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Me too:

"only a microscopic number of Muslims are terrorists - but an overwhelming number of terrorists are Muslims."

Only a small number of Jews are rabbis - but an overwhelming number of rabbis are Jewish.

Only a microscopic number of humans have cancer - but an an overwhelming number of cancer cases are in humans.

Same logic?

Hardly.......terrorism is a choice:

A few Jews choose to be rabbis.....and a few Muslims choose to be terrorists. With the understanding that there are 100 times as many Muslims as Jews, what's your point?

As for cancer - nobody chooses to get it.

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Me too:

"only a microscopic number of Muslims are terrorists - but an overwhelming number of terrorists are Muslims."

Only a small number of Jews are rabbis - but an overwhelming number of rabbis are Jewish.

Only a microscopic number of humans have cancer - but an an overwhelming number of cancer cases are in humans.

Same logic?

I suppose so. There would be millions of examples that were just as relevant, though.

Edit> With regards to SunnyWays comment prior to mine, the introduction of choice does change things.

Edited by bcsapper
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Right now in the world , Islamics are the cause of most terror attacks. I keep hearing Christians do it to, but show me where Christians have killed like this in the last 20-30 yrs. Take a look at Christian populations in the ME in the 20's and then look at it now.

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A person who uses violence or intimidation in the pursuit political aims.

That may be (part of) the official definition, but in common awareness/media reports, it's as PIK said: If they commit a crime and say "Allah", "it's a terror act".

But if they say 'God' told them to do it, they're considered loonies.

Same thing, different language, imo.

Do you really think these two were even capable of being "in pursuit of political aims"?

Nuttall and Korody:

RCMP racked up $900,000 in overtime during undercover anti-terrorism operation

Seems to me that it was the RCMP who encouraged and facilitated "violence or intimidation in the pursuit political aims".

We'll see what the court decides.

If the court decides it was entrapment ... will the RCMP stand trial for committing a terrorist act?


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Right now in the world , Islamics are the cause of most terror attacks. I keep hearing Christians do it to, but show me where Christians have killed like this in the last 20-30 yrs.

Good question PIK:

Dear Media: Stop Using the Term Radicalized Unless You Apply It to White Christian Extremists, Too

Instead, white supremacist and Christian extremist killers are described as lone wolves or deranged or any number of other benign terms.


... more people in this country have been killed since 9/11 from right-wing terrorists than Islamic terrorists ...

(Bold added)



White supremacist/KKK





... need I go on?

One of Us, by Asne Seierstad, on Anders Breiviks Rampage in Norway


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Rather than stop using the term "radicalized", I would prefer it to be used whenever it applies. I don't see how anyone could have a problem using it to describe scum from any religion.

Or political affiliation, for that matter. We have to stop being squeamish about blaming people for their actions, just because of who they might be associated with.

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Good question PIK:

Dear Media: Stop Using the Term Radicalized Unless You Apply It to White Christian Extremists, Too

Instead, white supremacist and Christian extremist killers are described as lone wolves or deranged or any number of other benign terms.


... more people in this country have been killed since 9/11 from right-wing terrorists than Islamic terrorists ...

(Bold added)



White supremacist/KKK





... need I go on?

One of Us, by Asne Seierstad, on Anders Breiviks Rampage in Norway


I have read this in more than one post, I'd like to know what is your thought process behind posting that.....That we are more dangerous to our self, or that Islamic terrorism is not to be feared what is your point exactly.....

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Many more Americans die from right wing Christian terror attacks than those perpetrated by Muslims. So what do we tell those victims? Is the answer to deport all Christian Republicans? If not, why is it acceptable to label all Muslims?

It's important to acknowledge that the vast majority of Muslims are not jihadists. However, it is also important to acknowledge that while religion in general is the mother load of bad ideas, Islam is currently the worst of the lot. Efforts to reform Islam are gaining momentum, but stereotyping all Muslims is just as unhelpful as pretending that Islam or religion has nothing to do with the problem.

Perhaps you can help me understand why you bring this to our attention, is it to some how deflect the spot light on muslim terrorist or extremism, Is it to show us that Christian terror or extremists acts are not as covered up or not as vigously hunted down by law agencies....what is the point.....

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Perhaps you can help me understand why you bring this to our attention, is it to some how deflect the spot light on muslim terrorist or extremism, Is it to show us that Christian terror or extremists acts are not as covered up or not as vigously hunted down by law agencies....what is the point.....

All that said, it doesn't take much imagination to believe that if the US - and other Western countries - were not investing billions upon billions of dollars specifically to thwart Islamic terrorism before it occurs......that we'd have bombs going off all over North America.

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We in the west do have our problems with extremism, extremists individuals, groups, they have spilled blood in our country, and your absolutely right, here in Canada and the US terrorism by anyone of the Islamic faith takes second seat to our own citizens.....The bils we spend on combating terrorism does just that..... it combats terrorism and extremism where ever it exists and what ever it's color, creed, or religion.....Your way of keeping score is a bullshit point....that does not take into account a lot of other issues, such as our security, the efforts of our intelligence agencies, military agencies, home land security, everything that goes into preventing any attack here or the US....

If your intention was to make me feel all warm and fuzzy that Islam is not the most violent religions, and or cultures in the world today then you have failed. Globally Islam is responsible for killing more of it's own than the west could ever dream of, not including of course, the death and destruction they have brought on others.....And some how we in the west have convinced ourselves that Islam is a peaceful religion, that the culture in most Muslim countries also preaches peace and tranquility.....And we are to believe that most Muslims are peaceful , it is only a few extremists that give Islam a bad name.....

And yet the intra net is full, I mean thousands of videos made by so called moderate imams calling for the west to make changes to our laws to accommodate their beliefs including bringing in Shia law....or laws making it a serious offence to publically denounce the Muslim faith, or Mohamed....while these attempts have been turned down it is only a matter of time.....after all it is what we do right accommodate....

We see the problems that Europe is having....but we turn a blind eye because that would never happen in Canada.....again the inter net is full of Canadian Muslims getting violent when confronted about their religion or rights.....

Today one of my jokester friends sent me a very disturbing set of videos from the intra net, the first one was taken in Iran, where a women accused her husband of cheating....and she was taken out and stoned to death by her husband, within minutes a large crowd had gathered to get in on the action.....

after she was confirmed dead, she was left buried in a rock pile like a dog......

The second video came from Afghanistan, a young women in her twenties had said she had found a copy of the Koran in the garbage, she had removed it, and was going to burn it.....she lived next door to a mosque and it was getting on to pray time, someone found the book, accused her of trying to burn it.....within minutes a large crowd appeared hundreds of ordinary people, pulled her from her house and started to beat her, the police showed up, even fired wpns in the air to disperse the crowd, but only managed to hold them off for a few mins, the crowd took her and beat her to death, drug her body into a dry canal, and set her on fire...... a couple of weeks later the court had decided she was innocent and cleared her name.....

This is just 2 examples that I could stomach to watch , there are thousands to pick from, all very explicitly violent , all of them very recent....most of them get pulled down, as it does not fit the content meant for the intra net.....This is Islam up close and personal, this is the cultures of many of the muslim countries......In all the videos I watched there are no moderates, no persons screaming to stop this violence.....it's like watching a shark feeding frenzy.....

everyone is picking up rocks to throw, including the children.....THIS does not happen in the west, we do not carrying on as if this is normal behavior.......When are we going to stop making excuses for Islam, and do something about it...

My question is where are the moderate Muslims, in these videos, and what are there reactions to them.....

Edited by Army Guy
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Wonder if PM Zoolander has taken note of all the recent attacks in Europe. Good leadership entails recognizing and reacting to an ever changing world , this would mean Jr would have to reflect on what he has said and believes , this will never happen. Liberals think with their hearts and not their minds . After the Boston Bombing Trudeau blamed it on our society , saying evidently it wasn't inclusive enough , they must of felt like outsiders . Not once did he show empathy for the victims . Leaders like Trudeau are the very reason why Europe has become so dangerous . We do not need apologists pretending to be leaders , we need leaders to be leaders and get in front of this issue and not apologize for it . Public safety first , don't like it , too bad , leaving is always an option .

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You seem to be aware that cancer is a far more common human affliction than it is for say Naked Mole Rats, even if only a small percentage of the population has cancer at this moment. Do you acknowledge that it is more common for a Muslim to be a terrorist than other religious affiliations, even if only a small percentage of Muslims are terrorists?


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You seem to be aware that cancer is a far more common human affliction than it is for say Naked Mole Rats, even if only a small percentage of the population has cancer at this moment. Do you acknowledge that it is more common for a Muslim to be a terrorist than other religious affiliations, even if only a small percentage of Muslims are terrorists?

You don't understand. Today's Buddhist and Rastafari bombings in Belgium might not have received the same press, but that doesn't mean they didn't happen.

What were you saying about fact resistance?

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I can't understand why you have such difficulty in grasping what defines terrorism and terrorists - especially in today's world......unless you somehow feel the need to be an apologist for their heinous crimes. One of the many dictionary definitions is :

the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, especially for political purposes.

... the state of fear and submission produced by terrorism or terrorization.

... Acts of violence committed by groups that view themselves as victimized by some notable historical wrong.

And yet - you still deny this simple fact: only a microscopic number of Muslims are terrorists - but an overwhelming number of terrorists are Muslims. Put another way - it is not one's religion, politics or beliefs that determine whether they are a terrorist - it is their actions.

It has to be both: Lots of heinous and violent acts are carried out that have nothing to do with politics or religion.

I guess you missed the math: In North America since 9/11, more people have been killed by extreme right wing fanatics than by Islamic terrorists.

Why do we call one group fanatics and the other group terrorists?

Why are Muslims subject to anti-terror laws and KKK are not?


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It has to be both: Lots of heinous and violent acts are carried out that have nothing to do with politics or religion.

I guess you missed the math: In North America since 9/11, more people have been killed by extreme right wing fanatics than by Islamic terrorists.

That's true, but far more people worldwide have been killed by Islamists or Jihadists. It is important not to paint all Muslims with the same brush but it is actually counterproductive to pretend Islam and Muslims don't play a significant role in the world of terror.


Really? Wow.
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You don't understand. Today's Buddhist and Rastafari bombings in Belgium might not have received the same press, but that doesn't mean they didn't happen.

What were you saying about fact resistance?

Speak of the devil and it appears.
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It has to be both: Lots of heinous and violent acts are carried out that have nothing to do with politics or religion.

I guess you missed the math: In North America since 9/11, more people have been killed by extreme right wing fanatics than by Islamic terrorists.

Why do we call one group fanatics and the other group terrorists?

Why are Muslims subject to anti-terror laws and KKK are not?


The KKK should be, if they commit terrorist acts.

I notice that post 9/11 "fact" comes up a lot. (I guess all bets are off if you include 9/11) But even so, does the fact of 9/11 not give a hint as to why that might be? I daresay the focus has been, very understandably, on Islamic terrorism in the USA since 9/11. Hence not a lot has gotten past.

It seems odd to use the US data after a European event.

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Perhaps you can help me understand why you bring this to our attention, is it to some how deflect the spot light on muslim terrorist or extremism, Is it to show us that Christian terror or extremists acts are not as covered up or not as vigously hunted down by law agencies....what is the point.....

The point is in response to the ridiculous, deport Muslims or bomb them into the stone age posts. We are able to distinguish culture, religion and politics when radical, right-wing, Christians commit a terrorist act in the US every 33 days. We don't do the same for Muslims. I get that it is easier to identify with people more like us, but that doesn't make it acceptable. For example, just days before the bombings in Brussels two bombings took place in Turkey. Innocents died, but almost nobody in the West is aware or paid any attention.

I'm not trying to deflect or appologize for terrorist acts. I fully acknowledge that religion plays a very serious role in terrorism and currently Islam is the worst of the lot. However, painting all Muslims with the same brush is as counterproductive as pretending the religion doesn't play a role. On this issue it is important to avoid an Us Vs. Them attitude based on religion or race or place of origin. It should be those who embrace democracy, freedom of speech, freedom of thought, equal human rights and the rule of law versus those who would use hate, violence, discrimination and terror to achieve their ends. In my view, extremism is extremism, so the Islamists and right wing Christian fascists are on the same side. Many who support the Trumps and Cruzes of the world have a lot in common with those who they vowe to bomb.

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