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Harper Blocked Visas For Iraqi Kids To Get Organ Transplants

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Well, Stephen got two votes out of me in the past but after I just read this at another forum, I may now have to vote NDP. Btw... this incident combined with with his justification of torture shows me that he has very little ethics and even less compassion for non-Canadian people.

"Military veterans had arranged to donate their organs to the maimed children. Harper privately had admitted that the transplants being done in Canada would cause a PR problem for the Americans. So he suggested that the group "find another country" or hire some doctors to go to Iraq, an impossibility since 4 of 5 of Baghdad's hospitals were totally destroyed by America's "smart bombs" and the other surviving hospital was not equipped for transplants. As a result, two of the five children died awaiting the organs awaiting them in Canada. Here is the story http://whyunclesamhatesbruce.blogspot.com "

Edited by Michael Hardner
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Wow, this has been posted on umpteen different forums but I can't find much to substantiate it. My search skills may be lacking but up to now I'm going for this being nothing but B.S.

According to this there were donations in 2005, Harper has only been PM since 2006

http://www.opnlttr.com/letter/open-letter-canadas-prime-minister-harper-lets-expose-corruption-together the date of 2003 is hand written on that letter

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Do you suppose Conservatives don't lie? Nanos overnight poll has Liberals** leading again. Doubt very much anyone is getting a majority.

More lies , the left is getting desperate. They know another harper majority is coming.

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Sorry PIK the donations you mention are to Canadians. not foreign nationals. As someone already mentioned in another thread this story does in fact check out if you are willing to visit the Ontario Superior Courthouse and Osgoode Hall to check out the archives, or you can do as I did and just call the attorney of record Solicitor Marshal Drukarsh who confirmed it is all true. The documents you see here are in fact scans of actual court exhibits. http://www.worldlawdirect.com/forum/international-law-news/89481-did-pm-stephen-harper-violate-torture-treaty-fake-extradition-whistle-blower.html There are even more such scans in a law society complaint you can find at this following link: http://gilmourlawsocietycomplaint.wordpress.com and you will find letters from Toronto General Hospital and patient reports if you scroll down at http://whyunclesamhatesbruce.blogspot.com Sometimes even people we like and support make some really bad moves, and this appears to be one of those.

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Sorry PIK the donations you mention are to Canadians. not foreign nationals. As someone already mentioned in another thread this story does in fact check out if you are willing to visit the Ontario Superior Courthouse and Osgoode Hall to check out the archives, or you can do as I did and just call the attorney of record Solicitor Marshal Drukarsh who confirmed it is all true. The documents you see here are in fact scans of actual court ....

What donations did PIK mention, and what other thread please?

Your links all seem to point to the same story you've been pushing on umpteen different forums.

He lost his bid to block extradition in 1999


eb. 7 (Bloomberg) -- A Miami man who was charged with fraud in 1999 for sending out stock-touting faxes lost a bid to block his extradition to the U.S. from Canada.

Bruce Gorcyca's challenge to an extradition order issued in 2004 by Canada's Minister of Justice was dismissed today by the Ontario Court of Appeal, the province's highest court. Gorcyca can still appeal to Canada's Supreme Court.

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission claims Gorcyca and his marketing firm, Globus Group Inc., sent fraudulent faxes recommending stocks in a dozen companies from 1997 through 1999. They also issued false press releases and posted a fraudulent stock offering on the Internet, the SEC said in a complaint filed in federal court in Miami. cont.

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Actually, according to the below after 8 years in Canada, this federal judge dismissed his case rather quickly with no trial which speak volumes in my opinion. Do you realize this guy filed a refugee claim that was ignored for 8 years! That makes this case worse than the Khadr or Arar case IMO. Here is the latest link I found. http://www.opnlttr.com/letter/pm-stephen-harper-inhumane-falsely-extradited-torture-victim-whistle-blower-gorcyca I heard on the BBC radio show that Amnesty International is filing a $25 million law suit but I don't remember if was for this guy or the Iraqi kids that did not get their organ transplants. BTW... this court order and sworn affidavits are all visible at http://whyunclesamhatesbruce.blogspot.com

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This is some paranoid conspiracy junk from someone with an axe to grind so I’m wondering why websites are now being bombarded/spammed with skewed blogs, conspiracy theories and paranoid rantings. Somehow I think Anthony Demarco/ Gorcyca has a dog in this election fight although he still lives in China right …

American Aids Alert Association

and this is you…


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If our forum moderator is allowing this topic to remain - then the title should be changed to "Heartless Chretien and Martin". The article clearly states it happened in 2004/2005.

Aside from 20 years of whistle-blowing as a former federal agent, the below web site and BBC Radio interviews in 2004-2005 to help maimed Iraqi kids......


At around the same time, Toronto General Hospital received instructions to stop conducting tissue testing on the first donor (Bruce) who had already had two screenings completed in order to donate bone marrow, 1 kidney, and a liver section.

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While the part about donating an organ may be factual, the rest is suspect and all happened before Harper became PM

Having said that read what was said elsewhere..

#10Re: Who censored my thread on Harper subverting refugee claims?3 days ago
Quote: Originally Posted by LocutusView Post
and doesn't it turn out this spastic crybaby had a duplicate account too. quel dommage.

** Account traced back to Liberal office in Mississauga **


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Note to all users: I am a journalist (stringer) for two different press agencies assigned to research and write an article on "Political Propaganda & The Media. I have been monitoring this forum and 11 others for my project for 97 days and counting. My article will be published on the 15th of this month.

Yesterday I noticed what I consider to be bias and censorship when a certain newspaper article taken from Mississnauga News archives was deleted from the OP. I brought this to the attention of the moderator here, but my comments were immediately "moved" here: http://www.mapleleafweb.com/forums/topic/25057-question-regarding-removed-image/

As a result of removing this image file from the OP https://bruceslawsocietycomplaint.files.wordpress.com/2015/06/img145.jpg many users were quick to call the OP a liar when in fact he was presenting factual information that one of my colleagues is now investigating for yet another story on the matter. Images that are evidence should not be removed from a post IMO and the misunderstanding created in this thread by the removal is exactly the reason why.

I therefore publicly call upon the moderator and admin of this forum to restore this link to the OP as a matter of historical fact. To have an impartial and objective debate on ANY political issue, there is no room for censorship in Canada IMO. Those that like to censor can find a happy home South of the border and probably land a good-paying job with NSA as well.

In my research to date, I have found 39 censorship issues and 4 of them have been at this forum. What is the point of deleting opposing points of view if you are left preaching to the choir gents? I implore all of you to be more tolerant of those who disagree with the majority. Thank you. And to the party who said they traced the OP to " ** Account traced back to Liberal office in Mississauga **" I ask that you please provide proof of your allegation in this thread or I will have no choice but to feature this thread with screen shots in my upcoming article. Thank you all.

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As a result of removing this image file from the OP https://bruceslawsocietycomplaint.files.wordpress.com/2015/06/img145.jpg many users were quick to call the OP a liar when in fact he was presenting factual information that one of my colleagues is now investigating for yet another story on the matter. Images that are evidence should not be removed from a post IMO and the misunderstanding created in this thread by the removal is exactly the reason why.

I therefore publicly call upon the moderator and admin of this forum to restore this link to the OP as a matter of historical fact.

Yes - the link is fine on its own.

Please go to the Support & Questions thread on this moving forward: http://www.mapleleafweb.com/forums/topic/25057-question-regarding-removed-image/#entry1098486

Any questions on the actual topic thread will be removed/moved to that thread.

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For anyone who still may have doubts about this organ transplant for Iraqi kids incident, here are three links from 2005 announcing the program from an Iraqi Medical Journal Forum and the original BBCradio talk show about the program: http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio4/today/listenagain/listenagain_20050331.shtml radio interview and the press release from VODI. Together with the Mississauga New article that was wrongly removed from the OP (IMO) there should be no doubts at this point.

http://hajrnet.net/hajrvb/showthread.php?t=402867589&page=12 (See post #240)




My thanks to friends at the Post Media (Canada.com) for providing me these links

On October 24th, 2006 the families of the children in Iraq were notified by the Canadian consulate that their visa applications were rejected. No explanations as to why was provided. A letter dated November 1st, 2006 to PM Stephen Harper did not receive the courtesy of a reply. Ernie Eves lobbied Harper to reconsider but it was a no go.

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I think what is most shocking about this thread is that it is believable and that speaks for itself, as it is dependent upon prior text and prior notions of what "Harper" is capable of.

The fact I had to google this is saying that this is something that he would do plausibly. Those plausibilities do mean something.

None the less I am sure Stephen Harper's support for the war in Iraq that permanently maimed over 3000 children and killed many others all to "make Iraq a better place to live" in a sectarian Jihadist state ruled by Islamic Fundamentalists and Iranian revolutionaries, is probably a little more perverse than letting a few children die.

Now don't get me wrong I was against Iraq (the war..) but definitely think that Islamic States/ Arabs and Shiites need to get their stuff together and figure out borders that stop the majority minority divide and conquer nonsense that the British set up. You know cause there are more important things to worry about.

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I agree with you nerve. The point is kids should NEVER be punished for what their relatives MAY have done. I mean mean kids of any and every country. They cannot even spell the word "politics".

Gleason Iraq was invaded for having medium range missiles. (and having the chemical weapons materials and munitions)

Maiming is not punishment it is a war crime. Also murder of children is also reprehensible.

Maiming adults and killing them is also a war crime and reprehensible, get your head straight man.

The people of Iraq did not deserve to be punished for anything.

Its like saying people who live in Canada deserve to be punished for having despicable overlords.

Sure some people support them but this is a minority not a majority of people, nor representative of Canadians.

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Gleason Iraq was invaded for having medium range missiles. (and having the chemical weapons materials and munitions)

Maiming is not punishment it is a war crime. Also murder of children is also reprehensible.

Maiming adults and killing them is also a war crime and reprehensible, get your head straight man.

The people of Iraq did not deserve to be punished for anything.

Its like saying people who live in Canada deserve to be punished for having despicable overlords.

Sure some people support them but this is a minority not a majority of people, nor representative of Canadians.

Gleason Iraq was invaded for having medium range missiles. (and having the chemical weapons materials and munitions)

Maiming is not punishment it is a war crime. Also murder of children is also reprehensible.

Maiming adults and killing them is also a war crime and reprehensible, get your head straight man.

The people of Iraq did not deserve to be punished for anything.

Its like saying people who live in Canada deserve to be punished for having despicable overlords.

Sure some people support them but this is a minority not a majority of people, nor representative of Canadians.

To be real clear, there were no weapons of mass destruction found in Iraq, and that entire war was predicated on endless lies as most all university-educated people today agree around the world. I do agree with you however that killing children is a war crime and in Iraq, over 3,000 kids were killed and another 8,000 maimed. I would like to see Bush and Cheney and Rumsfield prosecuted for war crimes but we know that is unlikely at this point.

What is realistic however, is that the kids can be as whole as possible with trnsaplants and cosmetic surgeries. Canadians doctors and hospitals were prepared to donate their services. What Harper did was morally reprehensible. God forbid should his children one day ever need a transplant of some medical tissues or organs and some third party 5,0000 miles away says "No" to the donor. These are not political matters, but medical matters. Harper showed us his selfish side in this shameful ordeal.

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I just noted even more censorship on this thread. The title of the thread was originally "Heartless Harper..." But clearly a pro-Harper mod saw fit to edit out the word "Heartless". This is precisely the type of censorship I am researching for my article and this thread will now become my centerpiece for that article.

Michael, do you care to explain the missing word "Heartless" and why you removed it when you were not the original author? This is Canada my friend, not Nazi Germany.

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Michael, do you care to explain the missing word "Heartless" and why you removed it when you were not the original author? This is Canada my friend, not Nazi Germany.

I edited the title.

There was a spelling mistake in his name.


If you want to interpret that as pro-Harper censorship. Go ahead. There is more than enough record to show that there is no moderator bias.

The "Heartless" tag was clearly meant to be inflammatory and or ambiguous. That is discouraged here in this forum.

By the way, feel free to discuss the "Heartless" tag. Nobody is stopping anybody from discussing that.

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Anthony, both a Google search and google cache will show you there is no spelling error. What are you talking about? Shall I post the screen shot for you?

Heartless Harper Blocked Visas For Iraqi Kids To Get Organ ...

www.mapleleafweb.com › ... › Canadian Politics › Federal Politics
2 days ago - 15 posts - ‎7 authors

Page 1 of 2 - Heartless Harper Blocked Visas For Iraqi Kids To Get Organ Transplants - posted in Federal Politics: Well, Stephen got two votes ...

Here is the cache: http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:ANxInvemmB8J:www.mapleleafweb.com/forums/topic/25055-heartless-harper-blocked-visas-for-iraqi-kids-to-get-organ-transplants/+&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=ca

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For anyone who still may have doubts about this organ transplant for Iraqi kids incident, here are three links from 2005 announcing the program from an Iraqi Medical Journal Forum and the original BBCradio talk show about the program:

OK - so an American soldier tries to start up an Organs for Iraqi Kids program - with offices in cities in the US (Since he's an American, I would think they would be first) the UK and Canada. The Chretien and Martin Liberals refuse to pay any attention at all - and the Harper government apparently refuses Visas for some Iraqi kids. Since you feel this supposed action was so heinous - could you provide some links to show how many kids were accepted in the US and UK under this "program"? Did anything come of it at all - or was it just "aspirational" but poorly thought out and executed? Because hey - if the US and UK were accepting a bunch of these kids and they were successfully receiving organ transplants - and Canada was turning a blind eye....then maybe you're actually on to something with all of them - Chretien, Martin and Harper. Any links to support the success of this program?

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