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Information Commish Taking PMO To Court

Mighty AC

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It seems that Harper's office is in hot water for hiding information, yet again. During the investigations into senators Duffy, Harb, Brazeau and Wallin, which has had Harper tripping over his own lies, requests were made for 28 pages of emails relating to the fab four. However, Harper's office, in usual fashion, simply withheld 27 of the pages.

The federal information commissioner will now ask a federal court to order the documents released.


When discussing Harper's penchant for lying Preston Manning once said "words don't mean much to Stephen." When voters support a party and PM already proven to be a corrupt, lawbreaking, liar, aren't we basically sanctifying their immoral and illegal acts?

"Our lives begin to end the day we stay silent about the things that matter." - Martin Luther King Jr
"Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities" - Voltaire

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Interesting timing, can't be politically motivated at all! Lol.

Interesting timing? Stuff about Duffy has been released non stop for over a year. Given that Harper decided to have a 2.5 month election, did you think Duffy news was just going to stop?

"Ridicule is the only weapon which can be used against unintelligible propositions." --Thomas Jefferson

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It doesn't matter. PM Harper is a good man who actually cares about Canada. Mulcair will destroy it. He will pull us out of all Free trade. Will cut the military by half. Raise taxes to 50% and so on.

First of all, u can't be Canada First...change it to Harperman First. Both, the Libs and the NDP have said taxes would go up for people making over $200,000. like MPs and PMs and what better way to get some of that golden pension money back to taxpayers. U have a problem with that?

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Harper has been cutting government spending for 10 years. Every government worker in Canada in every department is running scared of losing their job.

This is people trying to protect their jobs.

If I was working 2 hours a day for the last 20 years and now all of a sudden I actually have to work 8 hours. I'd be attacking Harper too.

Every federal department has had their funding cut a little for the last 10 year. Especially this last year.

Typical useless lazy worker trying to protect their jobs.

Harper has made a lot of enemies within because he's trying to shrink government. So they are spinning it every way possible to get him run out of office.

It's a normal human reaction to being forced to actually work, and fearing that your job is on the line.

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First of all, u can't be Canada First...change it to Harperman First. Both, the Libs and the NDP have said taxes would go up for people making over $200,000. like MPs and PMs and what better way to get some of that golden pension money back to taxpayers. U have a problem with that?

LOL Do you have any idea what a carbon tax will do. Everything will be taxed. I for one cant afford a NDP or Liberal government and anyone who think these people will do a great job has a HDS problem.

Toronto, like a roach motel in the middle of a pretty living room.

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Harper is such a Goody Two Shoes - he should have just wiped all the hard drives like the McGuinty/Wynne gang. When will he learn?

A goody two shoes that headed the only government to fall for hiding information. In this particular case, Harper and Wright thought they had the Duffy situation under control, unfortunately the message wasn't controlled and investigations took place.

The same goody two shoes was part of a voter suppression campaign that hit over 200 ridings. He also tried to advertise spending and program investments, that were secretly clawed back in an attempt to balance the budget. This includes the withholding of more than a billion budgeted and approved dollars set to treat our veterans. During this campaign Harper himself even included the $1.2B in withheld funds in the total he claims to have spent on our veterans. The man simply does not care if his words are true.

Supporting a PM already proven to be a corrupt, liar simply encourages bad, anti-democratic governments going forward. Canada deserves better than a PM who does not respect the law, democracy, transparency or accountability. Harper has to go.

"Our lives begin to end the day we stay silent about the things that matter." - Martin Luther King Jr
"Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities" - Voltaire

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AC look at the problems the government gets into, not major at all really compared to past governments. People spending to much of their own money, trying to get someone to pay back the taxpayer. HDS at its worst.

Toronto, like a roach motel in the middle of a pretty living room.

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AC look at the problems the government gets into, not major at all really compared to past governments. People spending to much of their own money, trying to get someone to pay back the taxpayer. HDS at its worst.

Let's look at Harper's record: voter suppression campaigns, contempt of parliament, lying to the public about cost of major programs, attacking our vets, degrading environmental protections, wasting and misplacing billions, breaking the law, lying about program investment, muzzling scientists, attacking democracy, killing the census, shutting down world class research projects, multiple recessions, worst job numbers in 70 years, cheating during multiple elections, etc., etc.

Supporting a PM already proven to be a corrupt, liar simply encourages bad, anti-democratic governments going forward. Canada deserves better than a PM who does not respect the law, democracy, transparency or accountability. Harper has to go.

"Our lives begin to end the day we stay silent about the things that matter." - Martin Luther King Jr
"Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities" - Voltaire

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Harper has been cutting government spending for 10 years. Every government worker in Canada in every department is running scared of losing their job.

This is people trying to protect their jobs.

Except this is about every government worker in the most powerful department in the country running scared of one liar losing his job.

A government without public oversight is like a nuclear plant without lead shielding.

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