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whether you personally do, or not... whether it reads perfectly reasonable to you, or not, the phrase wording is open to interpretation; misleading and divisiveness interpretation. You don't see it, or you choose not to see/acknowledge it.

How would you describe the practices then? If someone did that to someone you cared foe would you be seeking to find common ground in discussing the problems with the practices?

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How would you describe the practices then? If someone did that to someone you cared foe would you be seeking to find common ground in discussing the problems with the practices?

yeesh! ... broadly attaching that barbarism to a cultural level is the issue. What thread have you been engaged in?

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whether you personally do, or not... whether it reads perfectly reasonable to you, or not, the phrase wording is open to interpretation; misleading and divisiveness interpretation. You don't see it, or you choose not to see/acknowledge it.

Well, that just gets us down to:

"Oh no, it isn't."

"Oh yes, it is."

You can choose to see the perfectly reasonable description of barbaric cultural practices as barbaric cultural practices as misleading and divisive if you wish, or you can see it as perfectly reasonable. Obviously you choose not to.

Edited by bcsapper
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With that logic it's never acceptable to associate cultural practices with barbarism, no matter how heinous.

Is heinous OK?

I say we just nominate Trudeau as the Czar of a new Canadian-English dictionary. He'll tell us what terms are and aren't acceptable in political discourse. Naturally, he'll assemble a crack team of "language experts" as technocrats to guide us helpless plebs on the march to perfection.

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You can choose to see the perfectly reasonable description of barbaric cultural practices as barbaric cultural practices as misleading and divisive if you wish, or you can see it as perfectly reasonable. Obviously you choose not to.

which cultures and what communities within those cultures... are you applying your broadbrush attachment to? I asked the same question of Boges; he ignored it. Perhaps you can do better... if you do, how are you, without adding any qualification, distinguishing within those cultures, within those communities in those cultures?

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I say we just nominate Trudeau as the Czar of a new Canadian-English dictionary. He'll tell us what terms are and aren't acceptable in political discourse. Naturally, he'll assemble a crack team of "language experts" as technocrats to guide us helpless plebs on the march to perfection.

make sure you include those within the Canadian Bar Association as a part of the nomination process... it will be an open nomination process, right? :D Of course, you really could give a rats-patooey on this; to you, it's simply a means to your agenda driven end!

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which cultures and what communities within those cultures... are you applying your broadbrush attachment to? I asked the same question of Boges; he ignored it. Perhaps you can do better... if you do, how are you, without adding any qualification, distinguishing within those cultures, within those communities in those cultures?

It's the practice not the culture that's barbaric.

In some cultures child abuse is perfectly acceptable. Are we really going to turn a blind eye to illegal practices because some cultures deem it acceptable?

Edited by Boges
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make sure you include those within the Canadian Bar Association as a part of the nomination process... it will be an open nomination process, right? :D Of course, you really could give a rats-patooey on this; to you, it's simply a means to your agenda driven end!

I am sure Canadians across the country really care what left-wing lawyers have to say about acceptable political dialogue and cultural contrasts. I mean, this must be why so many Canadians have such high opinions of the profession's practitioners.

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which cultures and what communities within those cultures... are you applying your broadbrush attachment to? I asked the same question of Boges; he ignored it. Perhaps you can do better... if you do, how are you, without adding any qualification, distinguishing within those cultures, within those communities in those cultures?

The only broadbrush being applied is to the practices themselves. If you identify with a culture that indulges in those practices, but you are against them personally, why would that be an issue with you? For instance, why would Americans who are not Republicans be upset with the description of Republicans as Americans?

I'm not distinguishing among cultures and communities, they do that themselves. They like the ideas, or they don't.

Edited by bcsapper
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That's not helping

Help what. Islam is stuck in the 10th century and people better take off the blinders . Mohammad comes 1st no matter what. That makes them dangerous.

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All of them. It's the practice not the culture that's barbaric.

like I asked... which thread have you been participating in? In the wording, "barbaric cultural practices"... do you see 2 or 3 words? Try to get together with member 'bcsapper' for your answer! :lol:

I am sure Canadians across the country really care what left-wing lawyers have to say about acceptable political dialogue and cultural contrasts. I mean, this must be why so many Canadians have such high opinions of the profession's practitioners.

was hoping you'd take the bait! The CBA is over a 100 years old and presently represents almost 40 thousand lawyers, judges and academics across Canada... apparently, all left-wingers! Do you look for lefty's under your bed... do you look in your closets?

Edited by waldo
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like I asked... which thread have you been participating in? In the wording, "barbaric cultural practices"... do you see 2 or 3 words? Try to get together with member 'bcsapper' for your answer! :lol:

was hoping you'd take the bait! The CBA is over a 100 years old and presently represents almost 40 thousand lawyers, judges and academics across Canada... apparently, all left-wingers! Do you look for lefty's under your bed... do you look in your closets?

Are you seriously suggesting the CBA isn't a left-wing organization, and that lawyers aren't an overwhelmingly left-wing bunch?

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Are you seriously suggesting the CBA isn't a left-wing organization, and that lawyers aren't an overwhelmingly left-wing bunch?

Do the members of the CBA have a choice, or do they have to join, like a union?

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like I asked... which thread have you been participating in? In the wording, "barbaric cultural practices"... do you see 2 or 3 words? Try to get together with member 'bcsapper' for your answer! :

It is a cultural practice. And it's barbaric. Doesn't mean it's an assessment of the entire culture.

This is really getting tedious. If it wasn't a cultural practice you'd be fine calling it barbaric?

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It is a cultural practice. And it's barbaric. Doesn't mean it's an assessment of the entire culture.

This is really getting tedious. If it wasn't a cultural practice you'd be fine calling it barbaric?

Just curious - how long do you intend to go back and forth with someone who obviously doesn't engage in good faith and is driven to conflate Islamic fundamentalism/radicalism with Islam-at-large while drawing false delineations between culture and religion as they pertain to shaping society?

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Just curious - how long do you intend to go back and forth with someone who obviously doesn't engage in good faith and is driven to conflate Islamic fundamentalism/radicalism with Islam-at-large while drawing false delineations between culture and religion as they pertain to shaping society?

Can be fun sometimes.

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My lawyer friend told me it's voluntary. He's not a member.

So it's not like a union then. I guess they can legitimately be said to represent the views of the members.

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So it's not like a union then. I guess they can legitimately be said to represent the views of the members.

Yeah. Let's not pretend that lawyers don't generally have an affiliation with the left. So it's unsurprising. It's also irrelevant what lawyers think about the language of public/political discourse.

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