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no - "cultural practices" does not speak to the delineation you presume. That's the point... it's divisive and misleading... and speaks to perpetrated violence as a cultural issue attached to certain communities. It doesn't distinguish your "indulgers" from your "non-indulgers"... there's simply a blanket attachment.

Sure it does. For instance, you either support FGM or you don't. The fact that FGM is prevalent in certain cultures is just that. A fact. There's no reason to hide from that, or the fact that it's barbaric.

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Sure it does. For instance, you either support FGM or you don't. The fact that FGM is prevalent in certain cultures is just that. A fact. There's no reason to hide from that, or the fact that it's barbaric.

Income inequality is barbaric.

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Wahhabi Mosques?

Just to be clear, you're fully supportive of Sharia Law being used to settle disputes between Muslims.

perhaps you should read that National Post link I put up... you know, the one speaking to actually meeting with persons you don't agree with on all levels... reaching across a divide... to champion Canadian values. Why would you be opposed to speaking with individuals that might not share your same views? Is that your interpretation of supporting Sharia Law?

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perhaps you should read that National Post link I put up... you know, the one speaking to actually meeting with persons you don't agree with on all levels... reaching across a divide... to champion Canadian values. Why would you be opposed to speaking with individuals that might not share your same views? Is that your interpretation of supporting Sharia Law?

Would you hold the same views to people who are aggressively homophobic or pro life? Do you want to open a dialogue with them as well.

If JT help a meeting with groups that believe Abortion is a mortal sin would you applaud his tolerance for people who don't believe the same as him? You know the type of people that hold placards of dead fetus's in public places?

I'll hang up and listen.

Oh wait JT rejects people that are pro-life from running in his party doesn't he?

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Don't know, why did JT ban reporters from the visit?

I don't know any more than you... would you be any more accepting to it if there was a media circus... or would you just revert to calling it "pandering"? Let's have your fervent imagination spin off a few conspiratorial nuggets... just what dastardly deeds were being discussed/planned? :lol:

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I don't know any more than you... would you be any more accepting to it if there was a media circus... or would you just revert to calling it "pandering"? Let's have your fervent imagination spin off a few conspiratorial nuggets... just what dastardly deeds were being discussed/planned? :lol:

Perhaps he was avoiding questions like "Hey Justin, what are your thoughts on Sharia Law?"

Wonder if the Liberal media would shout down a person who asked that like that fellow who shouted down the media asking Harper about the Duffy Trial for the 7,000th time.

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Sure it does. For instance, you either support FGM or you don't. The fact that FGM is prevalent in certain cultures is just that. A fact. There's no reason to hide from that, or the fact that it's barbaric.

again, the salient point escapes you! That wording is unnecessarily (perhaps purposely) divisive and misleading. Again, by attaching barbarism to the culture at large, the last thing you achieve is the delineation you presume to speak to.

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Would you hold the same views to people who are aggressively homophobic or pro life? Do you want to open a dialogue with them as well.

If JT help a meeting with groups that believe Abortion is a mortal sin would you applaud his tolerance for people who don't believe the same as him? You know the type of people that hold placards of dead fetus's in public places?

I'll hang up and listen.

Oh wait JT rejects people that are pro-life from running in his party doesn't he?

how many derails are you after here? Apparently you favour isolationism over engagement - go figure!

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how many derails are you after here? Apparently you favour isolationism over engagement - go figure!

I'm advocating for consistency. Has JT every tried to engage Homophobic or Pro Life communities?

He's trying to engage Islamic groups, who hold equally if not more "barbaric" world views, because it can win votes.

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again, the salient point escapes you! That wording is unnecessarily (perhaps purposely) divisive and misleading. Again, by attaching barbarism to the culture at large, the last thing you achieve is the delineation you presume to speak to.

The point doesn't escape me. I just don't see it as an issue. Like I said, I don't care if those who indulge in these practices are insulted. And I don't see why those who don't would be.

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I'm advocating for consistency. Has JT every tried to engage Homophobic or Pro Life communities?

He's trying to engage Islamic groups, who hold equally if not more "barbaric" world views, because it can win votes.

Yes. Also, this cultural relativism and railing against phantoms of "Islamophobia" resonates with the urban leftists that form the backbone of support for the LPC.

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The point doesn't escape me. I just don't see it as an issue. Like I said, I don't care if those who indulge in these practices are insulted. And I don't see why those who don't would be.

Again, there's a deliberate attempt by leftists to conflate Islamic fundamentalism/radicalism with "moderate" Muslims. Once that conflation is made, then they presume to hack away at the straw man of "you're calling all Muslims barbaric!". See how it works?

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Again, there's a deliberate attempt by leftists to conflate Islamic fundamentalism/radicalism with "moderate" Muslims. Once that conflation is made, then they presume to hack away at the straw man of "you're calling all Muslims barbaric!". See how it works?

That is the tactic eh? I've been very clear about what issues about Islam I find problematic, I'd find them equally as problematic from any other group. But the Islamiphobia is always trotted out.

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That is the tactic eh? I've been very clear about what issues about Islam I find problematic, I'd find them equally as problematic from any other group. But the Islamiphobia is always trotted out.

The left is all about dropping relevant context and nuance in order to attack a straw man. And the straw man argument is almost always an implication that those of us on the right are mean-spirited, greedy, bigoted (they coined this nonsense term "Islamophobia"), or even worse - racists. That's pretty much the entire left-wing playbook.

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The point doesn't escape me. I just don't see it as an issue. Like I said, I don't care if those who indulge in these practices are insulted. And I don't see why those who don't would be.

again, as I asked of member Boges (but never got an answer to)... who/what do you interpret as the sides of the divisiveness, of the misleading? Here's a clue...don't take the perspective of the potential immigrant reading that particular phrase wording. In that regard, the phrase wording receives a blanket attachment... a broad cultural attachment of barbarism to select/certain communities.

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again, as I asked of member Boges (but never got an answer to)... who/what do you interpret as the sides of the divisiveness, of the misleading? Here's a clue...don't take the perspective of the potential immigrant reading that particular phrase wording. In that regard, the phrase wording receives a blanket attachment... a broad cultural attachment of barbarism to select/certain communities.

I don't see any divisiveness, any misleading. I see those words as a perfectly reasonable description. No need to pussyfoot around. No respect is due those who indulge in those practices, and no disrespect is intended to those who don't. Why over compicate the issue?

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The left is all about dropping relevant context and nuance in order to attack a straw man.

oh my! You clearly included all relevant context and nuance in your opening post, hey! :lol: No strawmen from you!!!


And the straw man argument is almost always an implication that those of us on the right are mean-spirited, greedy, bigoted (they coined this nonsense term "Islamophobia"), or even worse - racists. That's pretty much the entire left-wing playbook.

pity-party now! You could simply be either honest with your writing... or honest with yourself in what you intend with your writing.


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I don't see any divisiveness, any misleading. I see those words as a perfectly reasonable description. No need to pussyfoot around. No respect is due those who indulge in those practices, and no disrespect is intended to those who don't. Why over compicate the issue?

whether you personally do, or not... whether it reads perfectly reasonable to you, or not, the phrase wording is open to interpretation; misleading and divisiveness interpretation. You don't see it, or you choose not to see/acknowledge it.

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Islam is a barbaric religion.

oh pleeese! That simplistic natter has been played out across a myriad of MLW threads. It leads to nothing more than "my religion is bigger/better than yours"... or "all religions are a croc". Try to advance a discussion once, hey PIK!

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