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To you... apparently... not accepting to the "cultural" emphasis on said practices is an opening, your opening, to introduce trade/diplomatic relations into the discussion.

I think diplomatic relations and discussing the philosophies we as Canadians find barbaric and/or unacceptable are two different things. You may not. Whatevs. Now perhaps Canadians wouldn't do business with the Middle East if energy extraction in Canada wasn't met with resistance at every step of the way. But that's for a different thread.

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Yeah I think that statement is ridiculous. I alluded to the idea of divisiveness in my first post. I don't think sanitizing language does anything to bring people that think that way into the fold. I also think being divisive is the goal, these practices are unCanadian and shouldn't be tolerated.

for clarity: you're stating that statement from the Canadian Bar Association is, to you, ridiculous?

is this you now stating the wording in the immigration guide is purposely divisive... in line with your suggested goal... of needing to be divisive? Tell me, just what are the 2 (or perhaps more) sides of your divisive split?


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Regarding culture and religion. The OP describes several issues. Regarding the barbaric comments and the subjugating of women (by honour killings, forcing women to cover themselves and at all time and female circumcision) we see practices that don't have any basis in the Quran. So I can separate the tenants of Islam and the backwards practices of people from these nations. I'm sure people of other religions do similar things and it's equally barbaric when done by them.

this is your way of admonishing the OP's purposeful and pointed targeting of Islam/Muslims?

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And as I posted the other day, he had a 2 hr meeting at a mosque and reporters were not allowed in and they will not say what was said. So I ask again what was said, what did he promise them IMO some sort of sharia law like McGuinty tried in ONT.

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And as I posted the other day, he had a 2 hr meeting at a mosque and reporters were not allowed in and they will not say what was said. So I ask again what was said, what did he promise them IMO some sort of sharia law like McGuinty tried in ONT.

a mosque visit! Oh my... JT is aiding/abetting the MuslimMenace:lol: Get a grip, PIK!

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5. He joked about attending a Wahhabi mosque.

6. He actually attended a Wahhabi mosque to pander.

7. That mosque was associated with Saudi-funded radicalism, and belonged to an Islamic umbrella group which subsequently lost its charitable status due questionable ties with extremism/terrorism.

Now where I can become critical of Islam and JT's support of parts of it is Wahhabism. The sect of Islam that calls for Sharia Law to be adopted by globally. As a Canadian I see it perfectly acceptable to reject this idea. I'd expect politicians to as well.

outside of you (and the OP) perpetuating the (now defunct) SunNews screech concerning the MuslimMenace™, just how do you perceive support for the Wahhabi sect? If the al-Sunnah al-Nabawiah mosque contains a single congregant afoul of Canada’s anti-terrorism laws, where are the police... where is CSIS... where is the terror-fighting Harper... damnit, where is PIK?

Sun News' cynical attacks on Justin Trudeau have crossed the line into anti-Muslim hysteria

I sent Trudeau to that mosque

Boges... PIK... that wascally Mulcair has been busy stacking up the mosque visits... you guys need to get on that - chop, chop! :lol:


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I totally agree with Trudea on 8. For example, Charles Hebdo's cartoons aren't all that different from the Nazi caricatures of Jews. People's indifference toward Iraqi civilians just because they happen to be living in a Muslim part of the world isn't all that different either from the beginnings of the holocaust. Lots of people who would love to see a real ethnic-cleansing in form of a nuke in the region (don't lie, you know it's true).

But but but, the Muslims deserve it and Jews didn't.

Right, of course....

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So anyone who visits a mosque is now a terrorist sympathizer?

When you do it and ban reporters and will not talk about why what was said or promised, it makes people wonder. It shows not just Justin but the party itself is not ready.

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Why would anyone care if disgusting, barbaric, cultural practices are described as such? No-one is arguing they are not disgusting and barbaric. The idea seems to be to spare people's feelings.

Whose? Those indulging in the practices? Why would we give a hoot?

Those who don't? Why would they give a hoot?

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I totally agree with Trudea on 8. For example, Charles Hebdo's cartoons aren't all that different from the Nazi caricatures of Jews. People's indifference toward Iraqi civilians just because they happen to be living in a Muslim part of the world isn't all that different either from the beginnings of the holocaust.

That's what I thought when I saw the cartoons. Can the ovens be far behind? I was sure glad when those martyrs went in and put a stop to it.

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I totally agree with Trudea on 8. For example, Charles Hebdo's cartoons aren't all that different from the Nazi caricatures of Jews. People's indifference toward Iraqi civilians just because they happen to be living in a Muslim part of the world isn't all that different either from the beginnings of the holocaust. Lots of people who would love to see a real ethnic-cleansing in form of a nuke in the region (don't lie, you know it's true).

But but but, the Muslims deserve it and Jews didn't.

Right, of course....

The jews have been treated poorly for ever ,but yet the muslims get a free ride. Political correctness makes sure of that.

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Why would anyone care if disgusting, barbaric, cultural practices are described as such? No-one is arguing theyare not disgusting and barbaric. The idea seems to be to spare people's feelings.

Whose? Those indulging in the practices? Why would we give a hoot?

Those who don't? Why would they give a hoot?

the 'culture' word attachment doesn't distinguish interpretations of the declared barbarism between, as you say, "those who do... and those who don't".

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Why would anyone care if disgusting, barbaric, cultural practices are described as such? No-one is arguing they are not disgusting and barbaric. The idea seems to be to spare people's feelings.

Whose? Those indulging in the practices? Why would we give a hoot?

Those who don't? Why would they give a hoot?

The objectives are:

1. Falsely conflate radical Islam/Islamism with Islam-at-large in order to frame critics of the former as "Islamophobes" and bigots (leftists in this thread have already done this).

2. To push cultural relativism; that no one culture or society has superior values to another - "How dare you criticize honor killings when the evil capitalist West is expanding its empire through mass violence onto innocent brown people in the Middle East?!" (leftists in this thread have already done this, as well).


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And as I posted the other day, he had a 2 hr meeting at a mosque and reporters were not allowed in and they will not say what was said. So I ask again what was said, what did he promise them IMO some sort of sharia law like McGuinty tried in ONT.


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But "cultural practices" does. You either indulge in them or you don't. There are aspects of my culture that I find abhorrant. I don't care who brings it up.

no - "cultural practices" does not speak to the delineation you presume. That's the point... it's divisive and misleading... and speaks to perpetrated violence as a cultural issue attached to certain communities. It doesn't distinguish your "indulgers" from your "non-indulgers"... there's simply a blanket attachment.

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